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1、M3U3projectlanguagepoM3U3projectlanguagepointsints1, When asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influence.(P58)当被问及来自遥远希腊的塑像怎么会出现在中国时,研当被问及来自遥远希腊的塑像怎么会出现在中国时,研究人员解释说,这无疑是亚历山大大帝的影响所致。究人员解释说,这无

2、疑是亚历山大大帝的影响所致。no doubt 无疑,确实无疑,确实【拓展】【拓展】1)There is no/little doubt that.(几乎)可以确定(几乎)可以确定;(几乎)毫无疑问;(几乎)毫无疑问2)There is doubt whether.是否是否还存在着疑问还存在着疑问【提醒】【提醒】当当doubt与与否定词否定词如如little,no,not等一起使用时,后面的等一起使用时,后面的从句由从句由that引导,否则由引导,否则由whether/if引导。引导。【拓展】【拓展】1)I doubt whether/if. 我怀疑我怀疑/不敢肯定不敢肯定2)in doubt

3、不确定;拿不准不确定;拿不准3)without/beyond doubt 毫无疑问;的确毫无疑问;的确【exercises】1) shell call us when she gets there.她到达那儿时必定会给我们打电话。她到达那儿时必定会给我们打电话。2)The future of the public library is .公共图书馆的前途难以预料。公共图书馆的前途难以预料。3)I dont hes a brilliant scientist, but can he teach ?我不怀疑他是个出色的科学家,但他会教书吗?我不怀疑他是个出色的科学家,但他会教书吗?No doubt

4、in doubtdoubt that2, Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went. 然后,他将注意力转向东方,一路进军到印度,所到之然后,他将注意力转向东方,一路进军到印度,所到之处战无不胜。处战无不胜。march n.&vi 行军,进军行军,进军1)on the march to 向向进军进军2)march to 向向进军,行军进军,行军3)March n. 三月三月【拓展】【拓展】【助记【助记】In March, the soldiers

5、 of the Red Army marched to a small town.三月份,红军向一个小镇进军。三月份,红军向一个小镇进军。一月一月 January Jan. 二月二月 February Feb. 三月三月 March Mar. 四月四月 April Apr. 五月五月 May May 六月六月 June Jun. 七月七月 July Jul. 八月八月 August Aug. 九月九月 September Sep. 十月十月 October Oct. 十一月十一月 November Nov. 十二月十二月 December Dec.中文中文 英文英文 简写简写【exercise

6、s】1)The army was now to Shanghai.部队当时正向上海进军。部队当时正向上海进军。2)We shall meet again before long to【 】 new triumphs.不久我们就会重聚一起,向新的胜利进军。不久我们就会重聚一起,向新的胜利进军。3) is the third month of the year.三月是一年之中的第三个月。三月是一年之中的第三个月。on the marchmarch toMarch3, Yet, in 323 BC, he came down with a fever and died. (P58)然而,公元前然而,

7、公元前323年,亚历山大大帝患了发热病年,亚历山大大帝患了发热病儿驾崩。儿驾崩。come down with 患患病病【拓展】【拓展】come along with 和和一起一起come up with 提出,想出;赶上提出,想出;赶上come about 发生发生come across 遇见遇见come after 跟随跟随come along 随同随同【exercises】1)She (患了感冒患了感冒)and had to stay at home.2)Would you like to (和我一起和我一起来来) me tomorrow ?3)I (想出想出) a good idea t

8、o that question.4)The doctor a cure for the disease.A. came over to B. came out from C. came on D. came up withcame down with a flucome along withcame up with【解析】选【解析】选D。come over to 过来;过来;come out from 从从中出来;中出来;come on 快点,加油(表催促);快点,加油(表催促);come up with 提出(建议,想法等)。句意:医生提提出(建议,想法等)。句意:医生提出一个治好这种疾病的

9、疗法。出一个治好这种疾病的疗法。4, In many cases, his questions made his students aware of their own errors. (P59)在许多情况下,他的问题让他的学生意识到他们在许多情况下,他的问题让他的学生意识到他们自己的错误。自己的错误。aware adj. 意识到的,知道的意识到的,知道的【归纳】【归纳】aware多作形容词,意为多作形容词,意为“知道的;察觉的知道的;察觉的”,常接,常接of + 名词、代词、动词名词、代词、动词-ing形式;接从句时可以省略介词形式;接从句时可以省略介词of。【拓展】【拓展】awarenes

10、s n. 意识,认识;明白,知道意识,认识;明白,知道be aware of sth 知道某事,了解某事知道某事,了解某事be aware that 意识到意识到【exercises】1)She having done wrong.她没有意识到做错了事。她没有意识到做错了事。2)Most people water is a precious resource that must be preserved.很多人还没有意识到氺是我们必须保护的宝贵资源。很多人还没有意识到氺是我们必须保护的宝贵资源。3)We need to these problems.我们必须使人们更加认识到这些问题。我们必须使

11、人们更加认识到这些问题。was not aware ofare not yet aware thatmake people more aware of5, Finally he was put to death by being forced to drink poison. (P59)最后,他被逼迫以服毒的方式处死。最后,他被逼迫以服毒的方式处死。poison n. 毒药,毒害;毒药,毒害;v. 毒害,中毒毒害,中毒【拓展】【拓展】poisonous adj. 有毒的有毒的poisoned adj. 中毒的中毒的【助记【助记】poisonpoisonouspoisonedBye Bye 结束结束



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