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1、走向高考走向高考 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索人教版人教版(课标卷地区课标卷地区) 高考总复习高考总复习 语法法专项突破突破 第二部分第二部分专题二代二代词与介与介词第二部分第二部分代词一、代词的分类人称代词主格I,you,he,she,it,we,they作主语或表语He is one of my best friends. 宾格me,you,him,her,it,us,them 作宾语:在省略句中单独使用或在not后,多用宾格I like English. Me too. Have more wine? Not me. 物主代词形容词性my,your,

2、his,her,its,our,their作定语I dont know why your book is on my desk. 名词性mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,theirs作主语、表语或宾语May I use your pen?Yours works better.The life I have is yours.反身代词myself,yourself,himself, herself,itself, ourselves,yourselves,themselves作宾语、表语或同位语Make yourself at home. Im not quite mys

3、elf today. I think I myself can do it.指示代词this,that,those,these,such,some作主语、表语、宾语或定语This is a novel and that is a magazine. In those days they could not go to school. 温馨提示常见的带反身代词的一些固定搭配: by oneself独自地;for oneself亲自;enjoy oneself玩得开心,过得愉快 ;Behave yourself!规矩点!devote oneself to专心于;献身于;apply oneself

4、to专心致志于;adapt oneself to适应于;help oneself to擅自取用 二、不定代词的用法 1something,anything,nothing的区别something(1)一般用于肯定句,表示“某事,某物”;被认为是重要的或值得注意的事。 (2)也可用于疑问句,表示请求、邀请、征询意见等。 anything(1)表示“任何东西,任何事物”,一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句; (2)也可用于肯定句,当“任何事情”讲; (3)anything but 根本不。 nothing表示“没有什么,没有一件东西”,常用于陈述句,表示否定意义。 There is something

5、 in his words.We should have a try. 他说的话不无道理,我们应该试一试。 What do you think of the lecture? Anything but interesting but Ive managed to survive it. 你认为讲座怎么样?一点意思都没有,但是我还是坚持着听完了。2none,nothing,no one/nobody的用法比较nonenone既指人也指物,后面可接of短语,一般用来回答how many,how much和which的提问。 nothingnothing只指事物,后面不能接of短语,用来回答what

6、的提问。 no one/nobodyno one和nobody只指人不指物,其后不接of短语,一般回答who的提问。 How much bread is there? None.I wish you could offer me some. 还有多少面包? 一点没有了。我希望你能给我一些。 What have you been doing today? Oh,nothing special,just hanging around. 今天你都干了什么? 哦,没有什么特别的,只是闲逛。3the other,other,another,others的用法比较the other,otherthe ot

7、her 可单独使用,特指两个人或物中的“另一个”;也可修饰名词表示“另外的”。other不能单独使用,只能修饰名词,表示泛指意义。 another可单独使用,也可修饰名词,泛指三者或三者以上的人或物中的“另一个”,代替或修饰单数可数名词。另外another后可接“基数词/few复数名词”形式,表示“另外的(多少)”。 others单独使用,表示泛指意义,意为“其他的人或事物”,常与some一起出现;特指“其他的全部人或事物”时用the others。 Ill spend half of my holiday practising English and the other half learn

8、ing drawing.我准备把我假日时间的一半用来练习英语,另一半时间学习绘画。 The microblog has become another classroom for me,and the teachers are all big names in academia.微博已成为我的第二课堂,这里的老师们都是学术界的大师级人物。 You are a team star!Working with others is really your cup of tea. 你是队里的明星!与别人一起工作的确是你的所爱。4it,that,one的用法比较it特指前面提到过的同一个人或者物I cant

9、 find my hat,I dont know where I put it. thatthat用来替代前面出现的特指的单数可数名词或特指的不可数名词,相当于the单数/不可数名词The basic design of the car is very similar to that of the earlier model. 这款车的基本设计与之前车型的设计非常相似。 The scenery in the southern mountains is quite different from that of the city in the north. 南部山区的风景与北部城市的风景迥异。 o

10、ne指代前面出现过的那类事物中的“一个”,其复数形式为ones。 Weve been looking for a cheap house but havent found one yet. 我一直在找一个便宜的房子但是还没有找到。 Mr.Zhang gave me a very valuable present,one(a present) that I had never seen.张先生给我一件非常有价值的礼物,一件我从来没有见过的礼物。 The book on the desk is better than the one(the book)under the desk. 桌上的那本书比

11、桌下的那本书好。三、指示代词的用法 1this,these,that,those的用法this与these往往指时间或空间较近的人或物;that与those指时间或空间较远的人或物。 Is there any way of solving these problems? 有什么解决这些问题的方法吗? 2such,so的用法 (1)such指如前所述的这样的人或物。 Such is Cao Mao Sister,a diligent farmer with great passions in music.这就是草帽姐,一个勤劳同时又对音乐有很大的热情的农民。(2)so作指示代词时,代替一个句子或

12、短语所表达的事情,一般用在believe,think,expect,suppose,imagine,guess,hope等后面,如I think so./I dont think so. Is he coming tonight? I think so./I dont think so. 他今晚来吗? 我想是的。/我认为他不来。四、it的用法it作形式主语或形式宾语代指不定式、动词ing形式、名词性从句。 He didnt make it clear when and where the meeting would be held. Its no use complaining without

13、 taking action. 表示“喜欢、恨”等心理方面的动词后面接it,构成固定结构,这类动词有enjoy,prefer,love,like,hate,dislike,appreciate等。A lovely day,isnt it?Yes.I love it when the weather is like this.Why not go out for a walk?when it comes to.当提及到 When it comes to saving energy,big changes start with small steps,like turning off the li

14、ghts.make it成功;确定时间为(后接时间类名词);as it is事实上;照原样;get it明白了;take it for granted that.认为是理所当然的Sarah made it to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning. 介词一、表示空间关系的介词off离开,偏离 at在上 around在周围 on在上 in在里 over在正上方 above在上方 under在下面 below在下方 behind在后面 across横跨 The Well Hotel stands in a quiet p

15、lace off the main road at the far end of the lake. Well饭店坐落于湖尽头的大路附近一个非常安静的地方。 Do you think this shirt is too tight across the shoulders? 你觉得这件衬衫在肩膀这个地方是不是太紧了?二、表示时间的介词at在时(强调时间点) on在时(跟具体的某一天或某一天的上/下午) in在之后,在哪一月/年 since自从 for长达 until直到 during/over在期间 On the morning of my mothers birthday,I usually

16、 help my mother do some housework. 在我母亲生日那天上午,我通常帮我母亲做些家务。三、表示工具、手段、方式、原因、所属关系的介词 with具体的某物;by动词ing/工具;in语言/颜色/原料等;for由于的原因;of在范围内。 Of all the animals Ive ever had,these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word. 在我养过的所有动物中,这两只狗对口头语言最敏感。四、with复合结构 with复合结构常用来作状语,表示伴随、原因等,此外还可以作名词的定语。搭配示例 wi

17、thn./pron.adj.He just sat there with his mouth open.I suddenly saw a man with one of his eyes closed. withn./pron.adv.He fell asleep with the light still on. With her mother away,the girl felt lonely. withn./pron. doingWith so many people watching,she felt at a loss.In parts of Asia you must not sit

18、 with your feet pointing at another person. withn./pron.doneWith the work done,they went for a swim. He stood for an instant with his hand raised. withn./pron.prep. I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. The old man walked with a stick in his hand. withn./pron.to doWit

19、h nothing to do,he slept the whole afternoon. With so much work to do,how can I expect some time of my own? 五、介词的固定短语instead of代替 other than/apart from除之外 because of/thanks to/due to/owing to由于 by accident/chance碰巧 on/above/below average平均而言/在平均水平以上/在平均水平以下 in surprise/detail/brief/time吃惊地/详细地/简言之/及时 on time/purpose按时/故意地 on the contrary正相反,相反地 Brown said he was by no means annoyed;on the contrary,he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood.布朗说他绝不生气,相反他很高兴能让别人清楚地了解他自己。对点训练对点训练(点此链接)(点此链接)



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