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1、英语专业四八级写作阅卷与思考 华东理工大学 颜静兰颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 培养21 世纪英语专业人才,使英语专业教学在新台阶上展开,使学生整体素质提高。大纲在培养目标:“1333”一个基础、三种知识、三种能力、三种素质颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考1. 新版英新版英语专业八八级考考试大大纲(2005年起年起执行)行)试卷的题型、题数、计分、比重和时间列表序号题号各部分名称题型题数计分比重考试时间 (分钟)I(A1)-(A10) 1-10听力理解 A 讲座B 会话

2、C 新闻 主观题客观题客观题 1055 1010 10%10% 25II1130阅读理解客观题202020%30III3140人文知识客观题101010%10IV(B1)(B10)改错主观题101010%15V翻译 A汉译英B英译汉 主观题主观题 11 1010 10%10% 60VI写作写作主主观题1 1202020%20%4545合计40+23100100%185颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考VI.写作写作(Part VI: Writing )1.测试要求:根据所给的作文题目及要求撰写各类体裁的文章,文章长度约400个单词;能做到内容充实、语言通顺、用词恰当、表达得体

3、。2.测试形式:本部分分为主观试题,共一个作文题目。考试时间45分钟. 3.测试目的:按照大纲的要求测试学生的写作能力.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考八级考试年份年份考考试人数人数通通过率率%平均分平均分20022781959.620046940756.7460.5020059335054.1757.74200611709849.9755.062007139663+36501(补考)考) 17616447.3054.562008151776+43785(补考)考)19556145.2856.372009160374+51549(补考)考)21192347.3356.85颜

4、静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考 华理英语系八级考试情况华理英语系八级考试情况年份年份 通过率通过率 平均分平均分2003年 97.44 67.942004年 97.22 70.512005年 97.05 71.182006年 95.75 66.862007年 100 71.122008年 91.38 66.122009年 94.12 69.28颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考全国全国听力10阅读20人文10GAP10改错10英译中10中译英10写作写作20总平均分0569312596355094325475381161577406645104661160

5、84754525281101550607608111858456348151753110255456086. 1111. 185. 904. 614. 586. 115. 6712. 4356. 37095. 6810. 286. 933. 695. 136. 614. 8813. 7056. 856. 5312. 508. 263. 916. 067. 887. 4116. 6869. 28颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考TEM-8 Composition Marking Scheme1.effectively address the writing task2.demo

6、nstrate a well developed logical organizational structure with clearly stated main ideas and sufficient supporting details3.no errors of voc, spelling, punctuation, syntax4.use the language with appropriacy. (collocation)E.g. learn knowledge, touch society5.No difficulty is experienced by the reader

7、 颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Writing ScoreWriting Score12121515Key to SuccessAddress the task correctlyStudy the topic carefully颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考1. Nowadays with the development of economy, the existing cities are growing bigger and new cities are appearing. What do you think is one of the ma

8、jor problems that may result from this process of urbanization? Write an essay of about 400 words on the topic given below:2. One Major Problem in the Process of Urbanization颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考3. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part

9、 you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary. 4. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a los

10、s of marks.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考八级好作文标准:审题准确Thesis statementTopic sentenceDetailed discussion (example, statistics)Conclusion用词恰当到位, 没有重大语法错误,拼写错误。颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考TEM-82000EDUCATIONASALIFELONGPROCESS2001THEIMPACTOFTHEINTERNETON2002THEMOSTIMPORTANTPERSONALQUALITYOFAUNIVERSITYSTUDENT200

11、3YoungPeopleinChinaAre(Not)MoreSelf-centeredandUnsympathetic2004ShouldUniversityStudentsGoinforBusiness?2005Interview2006Ambition2007Financial disparity affects friendship 2008 What I have learned from my years at university2009 Are dialects just as acceptable in public places 颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅

12、卷与思考(2006)通通过率:率:49.97 平均分:平均分:55.06 作文平均分:作文平均分:11.01Writing Task (45mins)20% Joseph Epstein, a famous writer, once said, “We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide (so) that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indiffere

13、nt the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about. Do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay about 400 wo

14、rds entitled: Ambition颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Nowhere is the word ambition so vividly and accurately defined than in Joseph Epsteins comment that “in the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.” A cosmetic definition as it seems,

15、however, Epsteins words can, on the whole, be interpreted and summarized into one sentence: to be ambitious is to strive for our own personal goals set upon our own values regardless of the possible outcome and controversy. In other words, the two indispensable parts of ambition include: firstly, ma

16、king your own unique targets; secondly, persisting in achieving these aims without being distracted by others ridicule and scorn.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考To begin with, visualizing your personal goals instead of drifting among the mass is, undoubtedly, the very prerequisite of the fulfillment of yo

17、ur aims. The reason for this is simple. We ourselves are the best judges of our capabilities and potentials. And the same voice is echoed in that “we decide what is important and what is trivial in life.” Madame Currie could never have achieved so many honors and breakthroughs in science and the dis

18、covery of radium if she took the same path as majority of the women in her time. It was her decision to devote her time and energy to science not household chores that made her stand our so prominently. On the other hand, she might have been just as plain and mundane as other women if she did not ma

19、tch herself with her personal aspirations and goals. Therefore, having your own goals is essential to the realization of ambition.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Then there is the issue of how one should pursue these goals. Again Epstein gave a perfect explanation that “but no matter how indifferent the u

20、niverse may be to our choices and decisions, these decisions and choices are ours to make.” An excellent statement. There are times when we give up our beliefs and aims simply because of a different perspective of someone else and there are definitely days when we feel frustrated and beaten in face

21、of scathing scorn from the world. Yet Epstein shows us a higher path on which we are encouraged to stick to our ways and endure in spite of all possible criticism and indifference. And history has proved so many times that persistence regardless of hardship and ridicule wins us victory. Thus it is s

22、afe to say that persistence and a firm belief of self is an integral part of ambition.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Of course, Joseph Epsteins quotation is definitely richer in content and intended messages than what I have illustrated and developed above, however, the essence of his saying, that ambiti

23、on is of our own choosing and that we ought to hold fast to it make its way through close scrutiny and prevail. 颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考四级满分作文 New concepts always penetrate our daily lives without being noticed. When most of us are accustomed to spending the spare time reading, more and more colle

24、ge students begin to take part-time job either inside or outside the campus. It is my constant belief that its pros outweigh its cons; by that I mean, it has far more potential advantages than disadvantages that can be minimized. Firstly, a part-time job provide a student with a chance to practice w

25、hat he has learned from books, especially in the fields such as economics, engineering and teaching. Practice makes perfect. Secondly, it can help the students to be economically independent of their parents, although sometimes just partially. On the one hand, parents may have a lighter burden of th

26、e college tuitions and miscellaneous expenses of their sons or daughters than they used to have. On the other hand, we students will realize that money comes not as easily as we think, thus develop good habits of not wasting it. And finally, if we can balance the time spent on both the study and the

27、 work, it wont become the cause of failure in academic study. Whats more, a part time job may make our campus life more exciting. In view of the proceeding paragraph, I would like to recommend that every student take a part-time job, if possible.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Writing ScoreWriting Score12

28、121515ArgumentativeArgumentativeExpositoryExpository颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考1. Descriptive writing 2. Narrative writing3. Expository writing (The most frequent writing): explains something by providing facts and examples. 4. Argumentative writing (The most complex writing): attempts to convince th

29、e reader to accept the ideas, to change his/her opinion, to take action颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考 Nine Basic patterns of development by expositionNine Basic patterns of development by expositionFacts ProcessClassification Comparison-contrastCause -effect AnalysisIllustration DefiningAnalogy颜静兰四八级写作阅

30、卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Analogy is a method of organizing and developing ideas by comparison. In an analogy, a writer explains or clarifies a subject (usually unfamiliar) by likening it to a familiar but strikingly different subject. Writers use analogy to make the new, different, complex, or difficult mor

31、e understandable for the reader. Analogy explains, clarifies, illustrates, and simplifies; it does not prove anything. 颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考The analogy will hold that the parallel you are drawing is accurate. A computer without screen is like a car without an engine. This analogy fails because

32、a floppy disk does not drive the computer.The steps for writing the analogy are identical to those of comparison and contrast.Example:颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考The atmosphere of Earth and the windowThe atmosphere of Earth acts like the window in serving two very important functions. (1) It lets ligh

33、t in and it permits us to look out. (2) It also serves as a shield to keep out dangerous or uncomfortable things. (about the window)A normal glazed window lets us keep our houses warm by keeping out cold air, and it prevents rain, dirt, and unwelcome insects and animals from coming in. (about the at

34、mosphere) As we have already seen, Earths atmospheric window also helps to keep our planet at a comfortable temperature by holding back radiated heat and protecting us from dangerous levels of ultraviolet light. 颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考A writer usually announce the analogy and then develop it.e.g.

35、When we talk about a students success in university, we may easily associate it with farming, because it follows the same pattern as that of farming, which has the process of sowing the seeds, nurturing growth and harvesting the rewards. I quite agree with this analogy and my own personal experience

36、 as a university student provides a sound verification.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考A good Introductory Paragraph颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考An Introductory Paragraphs PurposeIt introduces the topic of the essay.It gives a general background of the topic.It indicates the overall “plan” of the essay.It sh

37、ould arouse the readers interest in the topic.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考An introductory paragraph consists ofGeneralstatementThesisstatement颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Topic:How to solve traffic problem?颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考General StatementOne of the most serious problems that most big cities ar

38、e confronted with is traffic congestion. This problem is caused by thousands of cars coming into the cities from the suburban areas as well as from different parts of the country for business. This mammoth problem must be resolved before it gets worseIt gives a general background of the topic.颜静兰四八级

39、写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Thesis StatementThe heavy traffic problem can be solved by building rapid transit systems from the suburbs to the cities, by improving pubic transportation systems within the cities, and by forming car pools. It indicates the overall “plan” of the essay.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考

40、A Good Concluding Paragraph颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考The concluding paragraph consists of1.a summary of the main points or 2. a restatement of the thesis in different words and 3.your final comment/suggestion on the subject.颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考the body part1 your argumentative topic sentence2.

41、 supportive sentence (the reasons for a view being valid). 3. detailed support. evidence: examples, statistics4. a brief summary颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考IntroductionGeneral Statement Background, controversial debateThesis statement Your attitude + main ideas颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Development1.To

42、pic sentence2.Supportive sentence3. Example, statistics4. Concluding sentence颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考ConclusionSummary Suggestion /Comment颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考Organizational PlanIntroduction General Statement Thesis statementDevelopment Topic sentence (Supportive sentence ) Example, statistic

43、s Concluding sentence Topic sentence 2 Topic sentence 3 Conclusion Summary suggestion /comment example颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考八级好作文标准:审题准确Thesis statementTopic sentenceDetailed discussion (example, statistics)Conclusion用词恰当到位, 没有重大语法错误,拼写错误。颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考写作教学法特点:反朴归真,狠抓根本;多方出击, 夯实基础.新世纪英语专业人才:基础扎实,视野开阔独立性强,学会学习颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考谢谢!颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考颜静兰四八级写作阅卷与思考



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