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1、Book 6 Module 6WarandPeace话题晨背积累写作素材自主排查夯实基础知识边讲边练突破核心考点在高考语境中提升解题技能话题词汇话题词汇话题晨背 积累写作素材1.achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩2.ambitious adj.有雄心壮志的3.background n.背景4.characteristic adj.典型的;独特的5.contribution n.贡献6.outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的7.outstanding adj.优秀的;杰出的8.be gifted at对有天赋9.be enthusiastic about对热心10.make eff

2、orts to do sth.努力做某事经典语篇经典语篇为了纪念特蕾莎修女,某英文报社组织了一次作文比赛,请你根据以下要点,以 “Life of Mother Teresa”为题,写一篇100词左右的介绍特蕾莎修女的文章参赛。1.1910年生于南斯拉夫,20岁时去了印度当老师;1946年离开学校当了一名护士;2.她心地善良,在印度帮助穷人、病人、无家可归的人等;3.建学校和医院,到各地演讲,呼吁人们关心穷人;4.1979年获得诺贝尔和平奖。佳作欣赏佳作欣赏Life of Mother Teresa Mother Teresa is one of the greatest women in th

3、e world. She was born in Yugoslavia in 1910.At the age of 20,she went to India.There she first worked as a teacher. However,in 1946 Mother Teresa left the school and after that,she was trained to bee a nurse. She was so kind that she began helping the poor,the sick and the homeless in India.Besides,

4、Mother Teresa opened many schools and hospitals in poor countries.While she was traveling,she called on people to help those in trouble. In 1979,she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the love and the service she had given to unfortunate people.思维发散思维发散1.将第句改为复合句2.将第句改为含有定语从句的复合句3.将第句改为省略句At the

5、age of 20,she went to India,where she first worked as a teacher.However,in 1946 Mother Teresa left the school,after which she was trained to bee a nurse.答案While traveling,she called on people to help those in trouble.返回自主排查 夯实基础知识A.写作单词写作单词1. (v.)放弃;抛弃,遗弃2. (adv.)最后,最终3. (v.)使受伤4. (v.)俯视,往下看5. (v.)营

6、救,拯救6. (n.)混乱的局面abandon eventuallywoundoverlookrescuemess答案重点单词重点单词7. (adj.)值得做的,有价值的,有用的8. (n.)争论,矛盾,意见不合9. (prep.)不管,不顾10. (n.)行动 (v.)使用,操纵;行事,行使职责11. (n.)幸存者 (v.)幸存,生存12. (v.)持续 (adv.)最后(一点) (adj.)持续的,耐久的worthwhiledisagreementdespiteoperationoperatesurvivorsurvivelastlastlylasting答案13. (v.)占领 (ad

7、j.)已占用的 (n.)占有,职业14. (adj.)(感到)震惊的,惊骇的 (adj.)令人震惊的 (v.)使震惊15. (v.)鼓舞,鼓励 (n.)鼓舞,鼓励 (adj.)令人鼓舞的,振奋人心的 (n.)勇气,胆量occupyoccupiedoccupationshockedshockingshockencourageencouragementencouragingcourage 答案B.阅读单词阅读单词16.condemn (v.) 17.drown (v.)18.memorial (n.)19.sacrifice (n.)20.constitution (n.)21.station (

8、n.)22.surrender (v.)责难;谴责责难;谴责淹死,使溺死淹死,使溺死纪念碑,纪念馆纪念碑,纪念馆牺牲牺牲宪法宪法驻扎地,根据地,基地驻扎地,根据地,基地答案投降投降23.invade (v.)24.nationality (n.)25.strategy (n.)26.personnel (n.)27mander (n.)mand (v.)28.liberation (n.)liberate (v.)入侵,侵略入侵,侵略国籍国籍策略,战略策略,战略全体人员全体人员指挥官指挥官命令,指挥命令,指挥解放解放解放解放答案1. 向宣战2. 取得重大突破(进展)3. 停下来让某人搭车(船等

9、);救起4. 令某人惊讶的是5. 卷入,陷入6. 下车;动身7. 在面前;面对declare war onmake a breakthroughpick upto ones astonishmentbe involved inget off答案重点短语重点短语in the face of1.The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed they even got off the boats.这次登陆行动特别危险,许多士兵甚至还没来得及下船就牺牲了。2.The situation at Omaha Beac

10、h was bad the US army manders thought about abandoning the invasion.奥马哈海滩的形势非常严峻,以至于美军司令官都考虑放弃进攻了。beforesothat答案经典句式经典句式3.The survivors lay on the beach, .死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪、心有余悸。4.We that.我们本不该那么做。exhausted and shockedwerent supposed to do答案 The Second World War,1. lasted until 1945,started when Bri

11、tain declared war 2. Germany after Germany invaded Poland.The most important battle of the war in Europe was Operation Overlord.whichon答案课文语法填空课文语法填空 Troops from the United States,Britain and Canada took part in the DDay landings.More than 5,000 ships crossed the English Channel,3. (carry) 130,000 t

12、roops to the French coast.The Operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers 4. (kill) before they even got off the boats.5. many drowned in the deep water before help arrived. American soldiers attempted 6. (land) at the most dangerous place,7. (know) as Omaha Beach.The situation at Omaha Beac

13、h was so bad that the US army manders thought about 8. (abandon) the invasion.Eventually,the soldiers made 9. breakthrough and the DDay landings were 10. (success).carryingwere killedAndto landknownaabandoningsuccessful答案返回边讲边练 突破核心考点 abandon v.放弃(stop doing);遗弃,抛弃(leave);沉湎于;n.放任;放纵(an uncontrolled

14、 way of behaving)1.1.(1)abandon oneself to.纵情;沉溺于abandon doing.放弃做(2)with abandon放纵地;尽情地(3)abandoned adj.被抛弃的;废弃的应试指导应试指导(1)后跟动名词;后跟动名词;(2)过去分词作定语的考查过去分词作定语的考查(1)The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food.当局中止了分发食物的尝试。(2)We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case w

15、e seem weak or out of control.我们不敢放纵自己的情感,以免显得太过软弱或缺乏自制。多维训练(1)单句语法填空From Jamess face,I could see he was terrified of (abandon) by us.Finally,we ended up in an (abandon) village.My doctor advised me to abandon (smoke).being abandonedabandonedsmoking答案(2)同义句改写He abandoned himself to the Internet game

16、s and didnt pass the exam.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)(用 过 去分词短语作状语改写)Abandoning himself to the Internet games,he didnt pass the exam.Abandoned to the Internet games,he didnt pass the exam.答案occupy v.占领;使用,占用;使忙于;忙着2.2.(1)be occupied (房间、座位、床位等)被占用;被占有be occupied (in) doing sth.忙于做某事be occupied with sth.从事/忙于某事oc

17、cupy oneself with sth./in doing sth.忙于(做)某事(2)occupation n.工作;职业;占据(1)Land is,in most instances,purchased by those who occupy it.在大多数情况下,土地都是由其使用者购得。(2)Having retired from business,he now occupies himself with the welfare of the disabled.从公司退休之后,他现在忙于残疾人的福利。多维训练(1)单句语法填空I suppose I was looking for a

18、n (occupy) which was going to be an adventure.I had forgotten about it because I had been so occupied other things.Teaching and doing homework keep her (occupy) every day.Mary was occupied redecorating her house and had no time to attend the party.occupationwithoccupiedin答案(2)一句多译前几天他忙于翻译一本英语小说。 (be

19、 occupied with)(occupy oneself with)(3)单句改错With himself occupying in his work all day,he has no time to spare for his children.He was occupied with a translation of an English novel the other day.He occupied himself with a translation of an English novel the otherday.occupyingoccupied答案rescue v.& n.

20、营救;拯救3.3.(1)rescue sb./sth.from sth.从中营救go/e to ones rescue去/来救某人(2)rescuer n.拯救者,救援者(1)She was rescued from a burning building.她从着火的楼房里被救了出来。(2)We were about to close down the business,but the bank went/came to our rescue with a huge loan.我们几乎要停业,但银行借给了一大笔钱救了我们。词义辨析词义辨析rescue,save(1)rescue意为“营救,救援”

21、,指从危险中迅速有效地援救、抢救,一般指人,也指抢救东西不致毁坏。(2)save意为“拯救,救出”,是普通用语,指使受害者或物摆脱危险,使其保存或生存下来。词义辨析(1)用rescue,save的正确形式填空We are informed that more firefighters will be sent there to the victims.Actually,it was a young policeman that his daughters life.多维训练rescuesaved答案(2)单句语法填空 (rescue) the drowning boy to the bank,

22、he left without being noticed.He promised to e our rescue.You rescued me an embarrassing situation.“I had to jump in the water to get her,” the (rescue) said.Having rescuedto答案fromrescuerencourage v.鼓励;激励;促进4.4.(1)用encourage的正确形式填空 by the advances in technology,many farmers have set up wind farms on

23、 their land.It was that he recognized the dangers the pany faced.I also had friends who gave me a great deal of .多维训练Encouragedencouragingencouragement答案(2)同义句改写He was encouraged by a friend to do business online and he has made a fortune.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Encouraged by a friend to do business online,he

24、 has made a fortune.答案despite prep.即使;尽管;不管,不顾5.5.多维训练(1)单句语法填空It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life his great wealth.Despite (want) to see him again,she refused to reply to his letters.(2)单句改错She was good at physics despite she found it boring.despitewantingdespitethough答案 Never in t

25、he field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.在人类战争史上,从来也没有一次像这样,以如此少的兵力,取得这么大的胜利。6.6.否定词置于句首,要用部分倒装语序,即把谓语动词的一部分(助动词、情态动词或be动词)提到主语之前。这类否定词或含有否定意义的短语主要有:no,not,never,little,hardly,seldom,scarcely,barely, not until, neither.nor., not only.but also., no sooner.than.,hardly.when.,in

26、 no sense,in no way,in no case,by no means,on no account/consideration,at no time,under no circumstances等。句型公式:句型公式:never引起的倒装句引起的倒装句(1)Never have I met him recently.我最近没遇到他。(2)Not until I failed in the exam did I realize how much time I had wasted.直到我考试不及格我才意识到自己已浪费了很多时间。(3)It is nine oclock,but Mi

27、ke hasnt e to his office!It is too unusual.Seldom is he late for work.已经9点钟了,但Mike还没有来办公室!这太不寻常了。他很少上班迟到。多维训练把下列句子改为倒装句(1)She doesnt frequently go downtown.(2)I knew little that she had already left.(3)The lost car was nowhere to be found.(4)Churchill was not only a statesman,but also a writer.Not f

28、requently does she go downtown.Little did I know that she had already left.Nowhere was the lost car to be found.答案Not only was Churchill a statesman,but also a writer.返回在高考语境中提升解题技能语境填词1.But the textile boom (持续) only several decades.(2015湖北)2.You can imagine how fully (繁忙) I became,raising four boy

29、s under the age of 8!(2011天津)3.People find all sorts of excuses for (抛弃) an animal.(2010北京)lastedoccupiedabandoning答案4.Armantrout was (震惊的) to learn she had won the Pulitzer but many of her colleagues were not.(2010山东)5.It takes (勇气) to be honest when people all around you are getting away with chea

30、ting on tests,lying to their parents,and stealing at work.(2009四川)shockedcourage答案单句语法填空1.Astonishingly,the Tremont Hotel stayed open during the entire (operate), and many of its guests didnt even notice anything was happening.(2015湖南)2.It is really worthwhile (study) the animals in Corbett.(2014重庆)

31、3.At the moment the building is empty,but (eventual) there will be a fivestar hotel.(2014湖北)operationto study/studyingeventually答案4.When World War began,Irene went to help her mother,who was using Xray facilities(设备) to help save the lives of (wound) soldiers.(2011陕西)5.The old broomstick was put asi

32、de as she hobbled off towards the haystack(干草堆) followed by Sooty,a black cat she had rescued a fox trap some time back.(2009江西)6.After circling around the earth for three days,Shenzhou Spaceship received the mand from the ground that it (land) as scheduled the next day.(2009湖北)woundedfrom(should) l

33、and答案短语填空break up,make a breakthrough,get in,be involved in,e up with,in spite of1.The designer says he the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia.(2013山东)2. the experiments,the idea of an animal pass seemed pretty extraordinary.(2010江苏)came up withIn spite of答案break up,make a break

34、through,get in,be involved in,e up with,in spite of3.He in puter engineering.(2010山东)4.Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul .So am I.They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.(2009江苏)5.He is said the incident.6. the children .It began to rain.made a breakthroughhave broken upto be invol

35、ved inGet答案in完成句子1.He spoke even people in the next room could hear him.他说话声音大得连隔壁房间的人都能听到。2.Three weeks went by .三周的时间过去了,她才意识到自己的错误。3.He just turned away,.他失望而又伤心地走开了。4.I thought we today.我以为我们今天会领到薪水呢。so loudly thatbefore she realized her mistakesdisappointed and heartbroken答案were supposed to be

36、paid1.尽管我的英语不好,我不放弃它。2.面对困难,我从没失去勇气。3.在英语老师的鼓励下,我相信我会取得进步。4.现在我整天忙于英语学习,我对自己充满信心。5.我相信我的努力最终会有回报。提示黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用as引导的让步状语从句,现在分词短语作状语,过去分词短语作状语,that引导的宾语从句等。写作素材(关于关于坚持坚持)微写作连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文) Poor as my English is,I dont abandon it.Facing difficulty,I never lose courage.Encouraged by my English teacher,I believe that Ill make a breakthrough.Now Im occupied with English study every day and Im confident of myself.I believe my effort will pay off eventually.答案返回



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