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1、一般一般过去去时 2021/6/3011.概念:(1)过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态; (2)过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为; 2021/6/3022.2.时间状语( (表示表示过去的去的关键词) ):1. yesterday 昨天2. yesterday morning 昨天早上3. yesterday afternoon 昨天下午4. yesterday evening 昨天晚上5. the day before yesterday 前天6. in 1989 在1989年7. just now 刚才8. at the age of 5 在5岁9. one day 一天10.once upo

2、n a time 曾经 2021/6/3032.2.时间状语( (表示表示过去的去的关键词) ):11. last night 昨晚12. last week 上周13. last month 上个月14. last year 去年15. last Sunday 上个星期天16. last weekend 上个周末17. last winter 去年冬天18. ago 以前19. long ago 很久以前 2021/6/3043.3.基本基本结构 be动词的过去式 am - wasis - wasare - were行为动词 的过去式 例如: do - did 做 say - said 说

3、feel-felt 感觉2021/6/3054.否定形式否定形式was + not=wasnt 不是were + not=werent 不是在行为动词前加didnt,同时还原行为动词。 例如: didnt feel didnt tell2021/6/3065.肯定句肯定句 :主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式(1) I went there by bus. (2) You went there by bus.(3) He went there by bus. (4) She went there by bus. (5) We went there by bus. (6) They went the

4、re by bus. 注: go-went 去(过去式)2021/6/3076.否定句:主语+ didnt+动词原形 (1) I didnt go there by bus.(2) You didnt go there by bus.(3) He didnt go there by bus.(4) She didnt go there by bus.(5) We didnt go there by bus.(6) They didnt go there by bus.They didnt go there by bus.2021/6/3087.一般疑问句:第一种: was或were放于句首;

5、was +主语主语 +其它其它 were +主语主语 +其它其它2021/6/309疑问句疑问句: was +主语主语 +其它其它 were +主语主语 +其它其它(1) Were you there? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt. (2) Was he there? Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt. (3) Was she there? Yes, she was. / No, she wasnt. (4) Were we there? Yes, you were. / No, you werent.(5) Were they there? Ye

6、s, they were. / No, they werent. 2021/6/30107.一般疑问句:第二种: 用助动词do的过去式did提问,同时还原行为动词。 (前面的助动词did已经用了过去式,后面的动词就不用再变成过去式了,而是用动词原形)。 Did+主语主语+动词原形动词原形2021/6/3011疑问句疑问句: Did+主语主语+动词原形动词原形(1) Did I go there by bus? Yes, you did. / No, you didnt.(2) Did you go there by bus? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. (3) Did

7、 he go there by bus? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. (4) Did she go there by bus? Yes, she did. / No, she didnt.(5) Did we go there by bus? Yes, we did. / No, we didnt. (6) Did they go there by bus? Yes, they did. / No, they didnt.2021/6/3012(1)What did(助动词,没意义) you do(做) yesterday? 你昨天做了什么?(2)How long

8、 did (助动词,没意义) you stay(待)there? 你在那里待了多久?(3)Did (助动词,没意义) you sleep(睡觉) well last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗? (4)The baby cried(哭的过去式) all night. 宝宝哭了一夜。 例句:2021/6/30138.there be 句型(单数)(1)肯定句: There was an apple on the table last night. 否定句: There wasnt an apple on the table last night. 疑问句: Was there an apple

9、 on the table last night? 回答: Yes, there was./ No, there wasnt.2021/6/30148.there be 句型(复数)(2)肯定句: There were some apples on the table last night. 否定句; There werent any apples on the table last night. 疑问句: Were there any apples on the table last night? 回答; Yes, there were./ No, there werent. 注意: some 用于肯定句 any用于否定句和疑问句2021/6/3015一般过去时口诀1.一般过去时并不难,表示过去动作、状态记心间。2.动词要用过去式,时间状语句末站。3.否定句很简单,didnt 站在动词原形前,其它部分不要变。4.一般疑问句也好变,did放在句子前,主语、动词原形、其它部分依次站。5.特殊疑问句也简单,疑问词加一般疑问句记心间。6.最后一条请注意,动词过去式要牢记。 2021/6/3016 结束语结束语若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!



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