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1、Halal certification : Criteria of HASHAS 23000 :1Objective :Participants can understand criteria for halal assurance system (HAS Criteria) 参与者可以理解清真保证体系标准(HAS CriteriaHAS的标准)Criteria标准标准 : “Statements that represent key requirement that a company must meet to keep products halal” 公司出具相关声明:必须保证公公司出具相

2、关声明:必须保证公司从事清真产品生产。司从事清真产品生产。 The Criteria Include 11 Categories :1.Halal policy 清真政策2.Halal Management Team 清真管理团队3.Training and Education培训、教育4.Material 原料5.Product 产品6.Production Facility 生产设备7.Written Procedures for Critical Activities关键点的书面流程图8.The Product Handling for Product that Not Meet Cri

3、teria不合格产品之书面处理程序9.Traceability产品追溯10.Internal Audit 内部审核11.Management review管理评审Halal Policy 清真政策清真政策Halal PolicyTop management must establish a written policy that shows the companys commitment to produce halal products consistently. 高层管理人员必须制定一份书面政策,以表明该公司将致力于清真产品生产。a. Halal policy is a written s

4、tatement of top management commitment to continuously produce halal products consistently.清真政策是高层管理人员的一份书面声明,承诺其生产清真产品。 b. Halal policy can be written separately or combined with the other policy, for example can be combined with the quality, safety or food safety.清真政策可以单独编写或结合其他政策一起编写,例如可以结合质量、安全或食

5、品安全的政策。Halal policy should be socialized and disseminated to all stakeholders (top management, the management team halal, workers, toll manufacturing / production facilities, suppliers). ).清真政策应该通过宣传并传达给所有的相关人员(高层管理人员,清真管理团队、工人、来料加工/生产设施、供应商)a.Socialization must ensure all stakeholders understand th

6、at the company is committed to consistently produce halal products.宣传必须确保所有的相关人员了解公司生产的清真产品b.Socialization of halal policy can be done by way of training, briefings, publishing internal memos, making banners, pocket books publishing, email communications, load up the web company or other ways of soc

7、ialization t hat suit the needs of the company宣传清真政策可以通过培训,简报,出版的内部备忘录,制作横幅,电子邮件通信,或其他的方式的宣传。c.The record of. halal policy socialization must be established and maintained/documented 清真政策的宣传必须建立记录和维护。Halal PolicyHalal Management Team清清真管理团队真管理团队A group of people appointed by top management that has

8、responsibility for planning, implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement in the companys Halal Assurance System.清真管理团队是由最高管理层任命,负责计划、实施、评价和持续改进公司的清真保证体系Team authority团队职权 : Organize, manage and evaluate of HAS 组织、管理和评估HASa.The name of halal management team can be made according to the need

9、s of the company清真管理团队的名称可以根据公司的要求b.Must be supported by written appointment evidence必须以书面文件支持任命. (a decision letter, letter of appointment, letter of appointment setting or other common forms according to the companys common appointment forms决策性的信件,任命书,委任书或者其他公司常用的文件形式) c. Must be permanent employe

10、es of the company.必须是公司的正式员工。Must be supported by Top management 必须得到最高管理层的支持: the resources needed for the planning, 需对材料进行规划implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement of halal assurance system.清真保证体系的执行、评估和改进方面的材料需要规划。Responsibility of the management team should be formulated briefly, e

11、stablished, and socialized to all stakeholders involved.管理团队需将各自的职责进行简要地分工,并告知所有相关人员。a. Determination of responsibility can be written separately or combined / integrated with the responsibility for the other systems.任命书可以书面的形式进行编写,可与其它体系相结合。b. Halal Management Team must understand the requirements

12、of Halal certification (policy, procedure, and criteria) in accordance with their respective responsibilities. 清真管理团队必须理解清真认证的要求(政策、程序和标准)按照各自的职责执行。Should include representatives from all departments/ sections are responsible for planning, implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement of HAS

13、 .应包括所有部门的代表成员/部分负责计划、实施、评价和持续改进。Department / division / section can be at the level of corporate / holding, manufacturing, toll manufacturing or outlet (or restaurants). 部门/处/科可以是控股公司,生产厂家, 来料加工厂家或者工厂直销店(或餐馆).Halal Management Team 清真管理团队清真管理团队Training and Education 培训、教培训、教育育Company must have writt

14、en procedure for the implementation of the training of all personnel involved in critical activities, including for new employees. 针对一些重要的环节,公司必须有书面流程对所有相关人员(包括新员工在内)进行培训。a.Implementation of training procedures may include: goal / target, schedule, participants, methods, trainers, materials, documen

15、tation, evaluation and graduation indicators.培训可包括:目标、计划、参与者、方法、培训员、材料、文档、评估和等级指标。b.The procedure can be made separately or combined with training procedures for the other systems.这个程序可以单独编写或与其他体系相结合进行编写。Training Procedures训练程序训练程序Internal Training 内部培训内部培训Conducted by company with trainers from the

16、 company itself 可由公司内部培训人员进行组织。The trainer must understand the requirements of halal certification培训员必须理解清真证书的相关要求。 (HAS 23 000: policy政策, procedure步骤, and criteria标准). be made separately or combined with other training schedules.培训可单独进行或与其他培训相结合。a.Organized by LPPOM MUI regularly, the schedule can

17、be seen on the website (www.halalmui.org).LPPOM MUI 会定期组织培训,培训信息可以在网站上看到。b. May also be requested by the company in the form of inhouse training. 也可根据公司要求,进行现场培训。Companies should follow the training conducted by LPPOM MUI:公司需要参加LPPOM MUI 举办的培训。(i)For a new company对于新的公司: prior to the audit, 审核前需要接受培

18、训。(ii)For the halal certificate holders who have never attended training from the LPPOM MUI: prior to the extension of halal certificate, 持清真证书但从没参加LPPOM MUI培训的:在证书延期之前需要接受培训。(iii)For the halal certificate holders who have completed the training of LPPOM MUI: at least once in 2 years.持证工厂需要参加由LPPOM举

19、办的培训:至少2年一次Training should be done at least once a year培训至少是一年一次The training implementation should include the evaluation of graduation to ensure the competency. 培训时应作出相应评估,以确保培训的有效性。The indicator of training graduation is reached when each participant understand his/her responsibilities in HAS impl

20、ementation and its continuous improvement. 直到每个参与者理解其在HAS体系中自身的职责并将不断提高完善,才视为本次培训达标The record of training implementation must be established and maintained/documented. 必须保存培训的记录。Material 材料材料Materials may include raw materials, additives, and processing aids. 材料可能包括原料、添加剂和加工助剂。Raw materials and addi

21、tives are materials used to produce products and become a part of the composition of the product (ingredients). Processing aids are materials that are used to assist production but did not become part of the composition of the product. 原料和添加剂用于制造产品,成为该产品的一个组成部分(成分)。加工助剂用以辅助产品生产,不是产品的组成部分。(使用低剂量就能改善加

22、工性能,但是并不显著影响产品物理性能的物质)Water for washing the production facility does not need to put in the material list.用于清洗设备的水不需要列在原辅材料表中。Brush (auxiliary equipment that contact with the material / product ) should be included in the list of ingredients as processing aid and completed with supporting documents.

23、 刷子(因与原材料/产品直接接触)应该作为加工助剂加入原辅料表并附有相关的支持性文件。Water that is used as raw materials or additives must be included/inserted in the list of materials and completed by supporting documents of processing aids in water treatment. 作为原材料或添加剂的水,必须包含在原辅材料表中,支持性文件需要说明水的处理。. These materials have also be included/in

24、serted in the list of ingredients as processing aids and completed with supporting documents. 这些材料也应该作为加工助剂增加到原辅材料表并提交相关的支持文件。Sanitizers or cleaning agent in direct contact with the substance / product should be derived from material that is clean. 接触产品的消毒液或清洁剂的原材料应该是干净的。 The following material may

25、not be used: 下列材下列材料不得使用料不得使用Pork and its derivatives,猪肉和其衍生品 The wine (alcoholic beverages) and its derivatives that are physically separated酒(含酒精的饮料)及其使用物理分离的衍生物。Blood血液Carrion腐肉Part of the human body.人体的任何部分。Materials should not be generated from the production facility that is also used to make

26、products using pork or its derivatives as one of the ingredients 生产设施不能生产清真产品,同时也生产含有猪肉或其衍生物的产品。Material does not mix with haram or najis materials that can be derived from additives, processing aids, and production facilities.材料不混合不清真或不洁净的材料,这些材料可能来源于添加剂、加工助剂和生产设施。Animal based material must be deri

27、ved from halal animals and slaughtering must be done in accordance with Islamic sharia. 动物性材料必须来源于按照伊斯兰教法屠宰的清真动物。Proven by a halal certificate from MUI or from MUI approved halal certifier body or by direct audit by LPPOM MUI.所使用的材料需持有MUI清真证书,或MUI认可的清真证书,或经MUI审核批准的。Microbial Products微生物产品微生物产品The pr

28、oduct does not cause infection and intoxication in humans.产品不具感染性,或有毒性。Media of growth, additives, and processing aids do not contain ingredients derived from pork or its derivatives.培养基的生长、添加剂、加工助剂不含来自猪肉或其衍生物的成分。Microbial materials that use recombinant microbes, the microbes should not use gene tha

29、t derived from pigs or humans.使用重组微生物、细菌的基因微生物材料,不能来自猪或人类。Microbial products that is obtained without separation from the growth media, the growth media should use materials that are complied with halal. ,生长的培养基无分离获得的微生物产品,生长的培养剂必须是清真材料。Microbial materials those are obtained by separation from the g

30、rowth media, if the growth media ingredients use haram (unlawful) and najis (unclean) as long as not derived from pork and its derivatives, must be purified in its downstream process according to Islamic rule (tathhir syaran).生长的培养基分离得到的微生物材料,如果生长的培养基成分使用不清真(不合法)和不洁净的材料,只要不是来自猪肉及其衍生物,在后期处理过程中必须根据伊斯兰

31、教教法对其进行净化。Alcohol/Ethanol 酒精/乙醇1.Alcohol is not by product of khamr industry (alcoholic beverage industry).酒精/乙醇不是酒精工业的副产品(酒精类饮料生产工业) 。(该生产厂家不生产酒或酒饮料)2.The alcohol usage in the production process of food and beverages products are allowed if the alcohol levels in final product is not detected and al

32、cohol levels in intermediate products (products that are not consumed directly) that is certified is not more than 1%. 在食品和饮料产品的生产过程中允许使用酒精-如果在最终产品未测得酒精或中间产品(该产品不能直接食用)的酒精量不超过1%。Khamr industry (alcoholic beverage) by products or its derivatives in liquid form those are physically separated from kham

33、r cannot be used.酒精工业(酒精饮料)通过将其液态产品或其衍生品通过物理分离,该酒精不能使用。Khamr industry (alcoholic beverage) byproducts or its derivatives those are in solid form like brewer yeast, can be used after washed through a process according to Islamic rule (tathhir syaran). 酒精工业(酒精饮料)其固体形态副产品或其衍生物,如啤酒酵母,可以按照伊斯兰教法(沙利亚)清洗后使用

34、。Alcohol/Ethanol Khamr industry (alcoholic beverage) byproducts or its derivatives can be used if those materials/products have been reacted further to produce new compounds through chemical or biotransformation reactions (using enzymes or microbes). 酒精工业(酒精饮料)对这些材料/产品通过化学或生物转化反应(使用酶或微生物) 产生新的化合物,这些

35、副产品及衍生物可以使用。All materials should be completed with supporting documents that are still valid according to the materials requirements. 所有材料必须根据完成相关的有效的支持文件。Except for the following materials: 除了下列材料:Inorganic chemicals无机化学Fresh vegetable dried新鲜干蔬菜Minerals矿物质Fresh milk, eggs, honey, fish or other mar

36、ine animals (fresh or frozen).新鲜的牛奶、鸡蛋、蜂蜜、鱼或其他海洋动物(新鲜或冷冻)Definition of Valid Documents : 有效性文件定义Valid halal certificate, halal certificate either with a specific validity period or halal certificates issued per shipment. 清真证书的有效性,通过特定的有效期或特定的货物划分。For materials such as meat, collagen casing or certai

37、n milk derived products, the certification of halal certificates issued abroad are valid per shipment. MUI only issue halal certificates that are valid for 2 years and did not issue the halal certificate per shipment.材料,如肉、胶原肠衣或某些牛奶派生产品,一些国外的清真认证机构是根据货物的数量进行认证。而MUI只颁发有效期为2年的清真证书,而不针对每批货物进行认证。Halal c

38、ertificate can be issued by MUI (National MUI and provincial MUI) or foreign certification body that the certificate can be approved by MUI as supporting documents of materials. List of foreign approved certification bodies can be seen on the web site该证书可以是:由MUI颁发的清真证书(国家级的MUI机构和省级MUI机构)或被MUI认可的外国认证

39、机构证书, 来作为原料的相关支持性文件。相关的外国认证机构可以登陆 MUI官网进行查询(www.halalmui.org).When the period of halal certificate is expired but the material still exists, then the halal certificate is considered still valid as long as the material produced in the validity period of halal certificate.当清真证书已过期,原材料仍然存在, 只要该原料是在清真证书

40、的有效期内生产 ,其清真性仍视为有效。Definition of valid document aside from halal certificate: 清真证书以外的有效文件定义The documents may include specification of materials, flow chart production process of materials, CoA, statement, and MSDS. 该文件可以包括原料规格,原材料生产流程图,COA(产品成分证明),声明信,及MSDS(化学品安全说明书)The documents should be issued by

41、 the materials manufacturer. 该文件须由原材料生产商出具。The documents must explain and describe all information needed for materials approval. 该文件需对原料批准所需信息进行解释及描述。Materials that have the potential / possibility produced in the same facility with the material from pig or it derivatives, must be supported by a st

42、atement of pork free facility from the manufacturer如某一原材料的生产设备有可能生产猪肉或其衍生物的,生产商需提交一份免猪肉设备声明。Companies whose products have been declared halal in the fatwa committee meeting should make a list of ingredients.有产品经fatwa认可为清真产品之工厂需提供一份原料清单。List of ingredients must be made in duplicate and duly stamped,

43、signed by the coordinator of halal management team, the top management of the company and sent to LPPOM MUI to be signed by Director of LPPOM MUI. A set list of ingredients that have been signed will be documented in LPPOM MUI and another one will be returned to the company.该原料清单需一式两份,盖章,由清真管理组 协调员及

44、公司高管签字,再提交至LPPOMMUI总部签字。 签后原料清单一份留LPPOM MUI总部归档,一份返回至该公司。Revised list of materials must be done if there is a change because of changes in the materials that used to produce certified products, manufacturers of materials, or supporting documents of the materials. Revised list of materials does not n

45、eed to be signed by LPPOM MUI once it has any changes, but simply asked for signatures once every six months. In the revised list of materials, new materials should be indicated and supported by attaching the approval document/letter. 如产品原材料、原材料生产商或原料支持性文件有变更,需要提供更新后的原料表。该更新后原料表无需再经LPPOMMUI签字,只需每6月提

46、交一次总部签字。该表中,需标注出新原料,并附加批准信/文件。All facilities used to produce products, either owned by the company itself or leased from other parties. 这里的生产设备是工厂所有或从其它方租赁而来。Include all facilities used in the production process since the preparation of materials, the main process, and until the storage of products.

47、整套设备包括从原料准备,主要生产过程,到产品存储整个流程所使用到的所有设备。Production Facility生产生产设备设备Production FacilityAll production facilities names and addresses should be mentioned in the application form. These production facilities also covered into the scope of halal assurance system implementation.所有产品设备名称及场地在申请表中有提及。这些生产设备需涵

48、盖在HAS执行范围内。In terms of restaurants, the production facilities cover all outlets, kitchen, and storage of materials/products. For catering, production facilities include all kitchens that used to produce all products, including contracted kitchen that used only for a certain period and storage of mat

49、erials / products.如饭店,生产设备涵盖所有窗口,厨房间,及原材料、产品存放处。食堂:生产设备包括生产产品的所有厨房,包括特定时期内用于存放原料及产品的小型厨房。If the production line and supporting equipments, which had ever been used to produce products containing pork or its derivatives, are going to be used to produce halal products, it must be cleansed (7)seven tim

50、es with water, and one of them with soil or other materials that has ability to remove the taste, aroma, and color of the contaminant.如该生产线及其设备,之前生产过含猪肉及其衍生物制品将用于清真生产,该生产线及其设备必须用水清洗7遍,外加1次用土或其他有祛味、祛色能力的材质进行清洗Production line and supporting equipments must not be used alternately to produce halal prod

51、ucts and products containing pork or its derivatives.生产线及使用设备一定不能同时生产含猪肉及其衍生物的产品。The storage of materials and products in warehouse or temporary warehouse must ensure that there is no cross-contamination with the haram or najis materials/products.仓库/周转库房内,原料及产品存储必须防止与非清真原料/产品交叉污染。The production line

52、 and supporting equipments must be cleansed in such a way, hence it is ensured that no cross-contamination occur.生产线及相关设备清洗需符合标准,以防产生交叉污染。The place or facilities for washing of production equipment must not be used together nor alternately with the equipments that have been contacted with materials

53、containing pork or its derivatives.生产设备清洗场地或设备一定不能与生产猪肉及其衍生物设备共用。In the case a part of the products that produce are halal certified and using sharing facility to produce certified and un-certified products, then the materials used for un-certified products that are not certified must not be derived

54、 from pork or its derivatives.如认证产品某生产阶段,与生产认证产品及为申请产品共用设备,未申请的产品原料不能是猪肉及其衍生物。Sampling of materials and products must ensure that there is no cross-contamination with the haram or najis materials/products原料及产品抽样需确保不与非清真原料/产品进行交叉污染Product产品产品Products include end products and intermediate products (in

55、termediates)产品,包括:成品及中间产品(中间体)For retail products, if a brand applied then all its variants should be applied 对于零售产品,如申请某一品牌,其所有不同形式产品都需要申请。In terms of restaurants, halal kitchen and catering, the product mean all the menus that are sold including consignment menu.针对于饭店,清真厨房及食堂,其产品包括所有在售菜单,含寄售菜单。Bra

56、nd or name of the products must not use a name which tends to haram things nor practices that is inappropriate with Islamic law.产品品牌或名称决不能使用非清真名称,或其使用不合伊斯兰律法规定。Launching a new variant of retail product (the brand name already certified) must ensure the products are also already certified before laun

57、ching. 推出新产品(该产品品牌已经认证)必须确保推新前该产品已经认证。Written Procedure for Critical Activities关键点书面流程关键点书面流程The procedure name must be adjusted to the company needed. 可根据公司需要对该程序进行命名。The scope of critical activities may include new material selection/vendor approval, material purchasing, product formulation, incom

58、ing materials checking, production, cleaning of production facilities, material and product storage. 关键点范围包括新增原料的选择/新供应商批准,原料采购,产品配方,原料进库检查,产品生产,生产设备清洗,原料及产品存储。Company must have written procedures regarding the implementation of critical activities.针对关键点实施,公司必须具备书面流程。New material selection procedure

59、 shall ensure that every material that will be used for certified products have been approved LPPOM MUI 新增原材料选择程序需确保用于清真生产的每种材料经LPPOM MUI批准。The evidence of new material selection must established and maintained. 记录新增原材料选择依据,并备案。New Material Selection选购新物料选购新物料Process to choose a new material and its

60、 approval to be used. 新物料选取,及其使用需经批准。Includes the existing material with new manufacturers and materials that previously do not listed in the ingredient list that has approved by LPPOM MUI.包括:已有经LPPOM MUI批准原辅料表中需要新增供应商及新增原料。Product Formulation产品配方产品配方Standard formula is formula of products which bec

61、ome a reference for production department. 标准配方表是供生产部作参考。Standard formula may be hard copy, soft copy, or other forms in accordance with the prevailing system in the company. 配方表可以是符合公司现行体系的复印件,电子档,或者其它形式文件。Ratification of the standard formula can be done by signed of the authorized party, load up t

62、he in the operating system, or other means according to the prevailing system in the company根据公司现行体系,标准配方批准需经上级签字,更新到操作系统或者其它形式当中Ensure that all materials used in formulation is approved by LPPOM MUI确保配方中所有使用到的原材料经LPPOM MUI 批准Purchasing Procedure采购程序采购程序Purchase/procurement of materials can use the

63、list of materials or its derivatives as reference to do purchasing.原料采购可以参照原料清单及相关附加信息进行采购。The purchasing proof should be established and maintained. 采购记录需作好相关记录和存档。Procedure must ensure that every purchased material that will be used for certified products is approved by LPPOM MUI.该程序需确保每种供清真生产的原料获

64、LPPOM MUI 批准。The form of incoming raw materials inspection can be made separately or combined with other forms such as forms for quality inspection.原料入库核对表格可以与质量检测等其它表格分开或结合。The proof of incoming raw material inspection should be established and maintained. 原料入库检查需要作好相关记录及存档 Checking of Incoming Mat

65、erial入库材料检查入库材料检查Procedure must ensure the suitability of information written in the supporting document of those materials with information appeared on the label (the name of material, producer, country of origin, and halal logo)确保该程序与原材料的书面支持性信息一致,并要体现在产品标签上(材料名称,生产商,原产地,及清真标示)Production Procedure

66、生产流程生产流程The materials that are used in the production process are have been approved by LPPOM MUI 生产过程中使用的原材料需经LPPOM MUI认可Production is done in a production facility that meets the criteria of the facility. 生产设备需符合标准The proof of production should be established and maintained. 生产记录进行相应记载及存档The formu

67、la (if any) that use must be the same with standard formula.如有配方,该配方必须与标准一致。Cleaning 清洗Cleaning of production facilities equipment must ensure can dismiss najis. Cleaning is preferred to use water, and if cleaning by water is not possible, then it can use non-water materials such as dextrin, maltode

68、xtrin, brushed or exhaled air.生产设备清洗必须确保去除不洁净物。清洗过程最好使用水,如果无法使用水,就使用无水清洗材料,如糊精,麦芽糊精,空气压力、抽吸。Materials that used for cleaning/ washing may not be derived form haram/najis material. 清洗剂/清洗材料本身清真。The proof of cleaning or washing activities should be established and maintained. 必须存档设备清洗记录,及相关证据。Procedur

69、es of Material And Product Storage原原料、产品存储程序料、产品存储程序Transportation of material and products, should ensure no contamination occur from haram and najis material.原材料及产品在运输过程中,需确保无非清真交叉污染Including storage in temporary or in between warehouse should ensure no contamination of materials/products by haram

70、/najis material.包括临时存放或堆放在仓库中的原料及产品,需确保和非清真原材料无交叉污染。Traceability产品追溯产品追溯Company must have a written procedure to ensure the traceability of certified product. 公司须有书面程序确保认证产品可追溯In term of the company already have procedures of traceability for quality management system and food safety purposes, then

71、the procedures is considered sufficient as long as can prove the certified products produced by using materials that approved by LPPOM (list of approved materials) and produced in the production facility that meet with the criteria of production facility. 如公司已有一套质量管理体系追溯程序,该程序只需证明产品使用原料经LPPOM批准(在通过的

72、原料表中) ,生产设备符合相关生产标准。The proof procedure implementation should be established and maintained. 程序执行需提供相关证据,并作好相应记录。If the company implements materials coding, hence the company must ensure: (i) materials with the same code must have same halal status (ii) traceable information of materials in every cr

73、itical activity. 公司物料如需编码,必须确定:1.有相同编号的物料必须持相同清真证书 2. 在所有重要环节物料信息能够被追溯Written Procedure to Handle Products that Not Meet Halal Criteria不合格产品处理之书面处理程不合格产品处理之书面处理程序序Products that are not complying with criteria must not be sold to the consumers who require halal products.产品不符标准的禁止出售给清真产品消费者。Products t

74、hat are not complying with criteria and already sold must be withdrawn.产品不符标准,如已售出的,需召回。Record for handling the non-corformance products must be established and maintained 对不合格品的处理需要记录并存档。Company must have a written procedure to handle the products which were already made from materials and/or produ

75、ced in facilities that are not complying with criteria.针对如何处理由不合格原材料制成的产品或生产设备中不达标的产品,公司须编写一套书面流程。Internal Audit内部审核内部审核An audit conducted by the management team to assess the implementation of halal assurance system in companies with halal certification requirements从管理团队中推选一名审核员,根据清真认证要求进行清真保证体系的执行

76、Delivery report of six monthly report after conducted internal audit and management review. 内审及管理评审执行后,需递交每六月一次的(内审)报告Companies must have written procedures of the internal audit of Halal Assurance System implementation. 公司必须编写HAS执行体系的内审报告The scope of internal audit is the implementation of all aspe

77、cts of halal assurance system and evidence of implementation. 内审范围包括HAS体系及相关执行证据的各个方面Scheduled at least six months or more as it may required. 计划每六个月一次,如有需要可相应增加。Should be conducted by an independent party to the party being audited. Independent parties can be derived from the department / division

78、/ section that is different from the audited party or parties specifically designated to conduct an internal audit.需由其它独立部门进行审核。该独立部门可以是部门/处/科,需不同于被接受审核方。Can be performed separately or combined with internal audit for other systems. 可与其它体系分开或结合执行。The questionnaire / check list that is used for inter

79、nal audit may be made separately or combined with a questionnaire / check list for the other systems. 内审报告中的调查/核对表可与其它体系的调查/核对表分开或结合执行Internal AuditThe result of internal audit is delivered to the parties who are responsible for audited activities. 内审记录必须下发给相关内审负责人员If in the internal audit found wea

80、knesses / discrepancies in the companys implementation of HAS with halal certification requirements (policies, procedures and criteria), then corrective action must be done.在内审过程中,如发现公司HAS执行与证书认证要求不符(政策,程序及标准),需要进行纠正。Internal AuditA necessary corrective action and its time limit must be determined a

81、nd must be ensured that it can solve the non conformance findings during internal audit and avoid repeated occurance in the future. 必要的纠正措施,有特定期限,确保在审核过程中能解决不符点,避免就范。The resume of internal audit must be submitted to LPPOM MUI once after internal audit conducted. 审核后,内审报告必须递交给LPPOM MUI。The record of

82、audit internal implementation must be established and maintained.须对内审报告执行作好记录并存档。Internal AuditManagement Review管理评审管理评审Assessment done by management to assess the effectiveness of Halal Assurance System implementation and formulate continuous improvement.该评审由管理层实施执行,利于有效开展HAS体系的执行并得到不断改善Management

83、ReviewThe company must have a written procedure of management review. 公司必须编写管理评审。Scheduled at least once a year or more as it may require. 计划每年一次,如有需要可相应增加。Materials of Management Review can be derived from the result of internal and external audit.管理评审材料可根据内审及外审结果进行填写。The implementation of management review can be done separately or combined with management review for other system. 管理评审执行可独立于其它体系或与之相结合进行。The record of management review must be established and maintained. 必须记录管理评审并作好相应存档。Terima Terima KasihKasih



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