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1、人教版九年级英语人教版九年级英语Unit2IthinkthatmooncakesaUnit2IthinkthatmooncakesaremoredeliciousSectionB2aremoredeliciousSectionB2a2ereadingMEIYAN2ereadingMEIYANWhat do you know about Christmas? Discuss in groups and create a mind map.2an.圣诞节What do you know about Christmas?ChristmasStoriesActivitiesSymbolsDateIts

2、 on December 25.Santa ClausChristmas treegiftspresents2asing Christmas songs, make Christmas trees, family gathering, get a lot of giftsThere are many famous books and stories about Christmas and Santa Claus. What does the passage talk about?It talks about the spirit of Christmas by telling us a sto

3、ry.ThespiritofChristmasFast-reading : match the main ideaScrooges changesThree spirits visit ScroogeThe true meaning of ChristmasThe introductionof A ChristmasCarolRead the passage about Christmas and answer the questions.1. What are the common things that people think of for Christmas?2bPeopleusual

4、lythinkaboutgifts,ChristmastreesandSantaClaus.阅读策略1. 在问题中选取关键词;在问题中选取关键词;2. 通过关键词在文中定位,通过关键词在文中定位,找到答案;找到答案;careful-reading2. Who wrote A Christmas Carol? CharlesDickenswroteAChristmasCarol.阅读策略1. 英语书名实词首字母必须大写英语书名实词首字母必须大写, 虚词不必。虚词不必。 书名用斜体。书名用斜体。 2. 找到书名,在文中快速定位找答案。找到书名,在文中快速定位找答案。Do you know some

5、thing about Charles Dickens?Charles Dickens (1812-1870), a famous British novelist. He is a key representative (主要代表主要代表) of 19th century British literary realism (批判现实主义文学批判现实主义文学). He created many novels (n. 小说小说), such asThe Pickwick Papers (匹克威克外传匹克威克外传), Oliver Twist (雾都孤儿雾都孤儿), Hard Times (艰难艰

6、难时世时世), A Tale of Two Cities (双城记双城记), Great Expectations (远大前程远大前程), A Christmas Carol (圣诞颂歌).3. What is the true meaning or spirit of Christmas?ThetruespiritofChristmasistreatingeveryonewithkindnessandwarmthandspreadingloveandjoyeverywherewego.()1.Scroogeisunfriendlytoothers.()2.JacobMarleyusedtow

7、orktogetherwithScrooge.()3.JacobMarleyandScroogearedifferentincharacter.()4.JacobMarleywantstohelpScrooge.()5.Scroogetreatseveryonewithkindnessandwarmthatlast.TTFTTThree spirits visit ScroogeWhat did the spirits do?His happier days as a child.How others are spending Christmas this year.He is dead, b

8、ut nobody cares.Read the passage again and complete the chart.the Ghost of Christmas Past? the Ghost of Christmas Present?the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?What does Scrooge see when hes withhishappierdaysasachildhowothersarespendingChristmasthatyear.nobodycareswhenhedies2cn.现在;礼物adj.现在的1.细节问答题:无须阅

9、读整篇文章即可找到线索,直接查看相关段落即可。2.回答问题时要注意人称和数的变化;Scrooges changesused tonow01020304be strict/ unhappybe selfish and meanbe unfriendlyonly care about moneyHehappilycelebratesChristmaswithhisrelatives.Hegives giftstopeopleinneed.Hetreatseveryonewithkindness and warmth.HespreadsloveandjoyeverywherehegoesMany w

10、ould agree that when we think of Christmas, we probaly think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of

11、 this. A Chistmas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens. It is about an old man named Scrooge who never laughs or smiles. He is mean and only thinks about himself. He doesnt treat others nicely. He just cares about whether he can make more money and he hates Christmas. One Chistma

12、s Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit him.That night, three ghos

13、ts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. Then the second spirit , the Ghost of Christmas Present, takes him to see how others are spending Christmas this year. Everyone is happy, even poor people. The las

14、t one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, takes him to the future.Scrooge sees that he is dead, but nobody cares. He is so scared that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is only the next morning-Christmas Day!He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person. He happily celebrat

15、es Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. And that is the true spirit of Christmas!Answer the questions. Some answers need to be inferred.2d1.WhydoesScroogehateChristmas?BecauseS





20、把他带回到童年remindsb.ofsth.wakeupdecidetodosth.promisetodosth.和他的亲戚们一起庆祝圣诞节givegiftstopeopleinneed_treateveryonewithkindnessandwarmth_传播爱和快乐把礼物给需要的人对待每一个人都充满善意和温暖spreadloveandjoyIn groups of four, make a conversation between the three ghosts and Scrooge about Christmas.Scrooge: Why do you visit me?Ghost

21、A: Because .Scrooge: .Ghost B: .Ghost C: Scrooge: 2e Groupwork and Role-playRetell the storyThe story in A Christmas Carol(a novel by Charles Dickens)Jacob Marley_CharactersScroogeIn the past1_2_3_Three ghosts Ghost of Past_Ghost of Present_Ghost of Future_At present1_2_3_4_the spirit of Christmassharing and giving Treat others nicely and learn to share what you have!What have we learned this class?Spread love and joy everywhere we go!1.Recite the new words.2.Repeat the passage.结束结束



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