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1、 Unit 8How can I get to the nearest bank? (the fourth period) Shixin RoadShixin RoadYucai RoadGongren RoadJinhui roadJincheng roadShanyin roadsupermarkethospitallibraryschoolSubway stationsupermarketcinemahotelpost officebankbook storebankparkschoolJianshe roadHow can I get to the nearest bank? Coul

2、d you tell me the way to?uGo along/across the road .uTurn left at the crossroad.uTurn right at the 1st traffic lightsuTake the 2nd turn on the rightIs it by the roadside? uYes, it is just besideHow long will it take me to get there?uAbout minutes to get there.Asking the way &showing the wayGrammar f

3、ocusGo straight.Sit down, please.Dont go there by bike.Take the second turn on your right.Please get to the airport at 5 oclock.Walk along the street and turn left at the third traffic lights.英语祈使句英语祈使句(Imperative Sentence)定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。 祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,

4、所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词都为一般现在时,句末则使用句号来表示结束。例:Be quiet, please.(Please be quiet.) (请安静。) 表示命令blow out closevBlow out the candles.vClose the door.表示請求stand up come inv Stand up, please.v Please stand up.v Please come in.v Come in, please.祈使句的否定在句首加即可。come inDonDont tv Dont come in.v Please dont come in.v Dont

5、 come in, please.Grammar祈使句Example: 肯定祈使句 否定祈使句1.Sit down.2.Come in.3.Eat at home.4.Listen to music outside.5. Do your homework at school.Dont sit down.Dont come in .Dont eat at home.Dont listen to music outside.Dont do your homework at school.祈使句的否定cut the cakeclose the doorvDont cut the cake.vDont

6、 cut the cake, please.vPlease dont cut the cake.v Dont close the door.v Dont close the door, please.v Please dont close the door.List the rules of the Fraster family.FAMILY RULES1.Dont talk loudly.2._ _3._ _4._ _5._ _6._ _Dont watch TV late at nightTurn off the lights when you leave the room.Dont wa

7、ste water.Dont sleep too late.Dont eat and read at the same time.Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words. 1.Who (arrive) late for class this morning.2.We cannot (listen)to music in class.3. (not eat)in class.4.What (be)the rules here?5.Tom, (listen) to me carefully.Activity 17Read

8、and choose. 读以下句子,从括号中选出恰当的词填空。读以下句子,从括号中选出恰当的词填空。1) Walk along and turn left. Your seat is number _ (five, fifth) in the _ (three, third) row.2) The _ (one, first) building is the bookstore. Its just _ (beside, besides) the bank.3) _ (Go, To go) along the road and you will find the hotel _ (on, at)

9、 your right.4) Please go to the airport _ (with, by) subway. _ (Not take, Dont take) the taxi.5) This is my _ (two, second) time to Japan.fivethirdfirstbesideGoonbyDont takesecondActivity 18Look and talk. 看图,仿照例子与同伴进行问路和指路的对话。看图,仿照例子与同伴进行问路和指路的对话。 How can I get to the Great Wall? Walk along the road

10、 and .egVocabulary practice12Activity 19Activity 20Activity 19Look and match. 看图,将路标与其释义搭配。看图,将路标与其释义搭配。1)2)3)4)5)No Parking!Turn Right!U-Turn!No Entry!Turn Left!Activity 20Look and complete. 看图,根据提示将行车路线填写完整。看图,根据提示将行车路线填写完整。Activity 20If you want to go to the National Park, first, _. Turn right _.

11、 _ the road. Then _. _ and _. Its just _.drive alonggo straightdrive across the first turningturn right at the first turningon your leftturn left at the first crossroadsat the first turning along the roaddrive across the first turningat the first turning along the roadDrive alongturn left at the fir

12、st crossroadsGo straightturn right at the first turningon your rightIntroduce places near your school to new schoolmates.Some new students in your school do not know the way around. Work with your group members and give them directions to the places near your school.1) Brainstorm with your group mem

13、bers the places near your school you have to go to for some services and write them down on the lines. Places near your school you often go to: _ _ _2) Draw a map of these places. Remember to add some necessary signs to give a better direction. Youd better make your school as the starting point.Unit

14、 task3) Work with your group members to write clear directions for the places. Go to the post office. Its in / on Turn at the school gate, and go _ _4) One group comes to the front. Other groups come to ask for directions.5) Other students decide whether the direction is clear.The best group is _The

15、y introduced the following places: _ _ _Unit taskListen and repeat. 听录音跟读,并注意以下发音。听录音跟读,并注意以下发音。/C/k/g/The moon is up, the sun is down.Cock is sleeping. Lets go to bed.Head on the pillow, body in the quilt.Have a nice sleep.The sun is up, the moon is down.Cock is calling.Wake up, get up./e/A/Q/C:/Pr

16、onunciation practice -I learned:( ) across ( ) along ( ) bank ( ) crossroads( ) direction ( ) first ( ) left ( ) right( ) road ( ) second ( ) past ( ) basic( ) street ( ) turn ( ) light ( ) traffic( ) surroundings ( ) offer ( ) near ( ) experienceI can:( ) ask for directions.( ) give directions.( )

17、use imperatives.Self-checkbank /bANk/ n. 银行traffic lights 交通信号灯,红绿灯second /5sekEnd/ adj. 第二的turn /tE:n/ v. 转弯,转 n. 转弯处crossroads /5krCsrEJdz/ n. 十字路口across /E5krCs/ prep. 穿过along /E5lCN/ prep. 顺着,沿着roadside /5rEJdsaId/ n. 路边Words & expressionsairport /5ZEpC:t / n. 机场subway /5sQbweI/ n. 地铁probably /5

18、prRbEblI/ n. 可能地museum /mju:5zIEm/ n. 博物馆surroundings /sE5raJndINz/ n. 周围的事物;环境opposite /5CpEzIt/ prep. 对面past /pB:st/ prep. 过;晚于direction /dI5rekFEn/ n. 方向post office 邮局Words & expressionsGiving Directions People in different places give directions in different ways. In Japan, people use landmarks

19、(地标) in their directions instead of street names. In the UnitedStates,people may use distances and time to give directions. People in Greece will lead you to the place in person since most tourists have difficulty in understanding the Greek language. Well, the most effective way to ask for and give directions is through body language. This will help you everywhere.Life and culture



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