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1、2前言前言 - page 2 - page 25S5S指南的意指南的意义 - page 3- page 35S 5S 流程流程 - page 4 - page 4办公室手公室手册 - page 5- page 51S (1S (整理整理)- page 6)- page 62S (2S (整整顿)- page 15)- page 153S (3S (清洁)- page 21)- page 214S (4S (清扫)- page 27)- page 275S (5S (素素养)- page 35)- page 35实验室手室手册 - page 41- page 411S (1S (整理整理)- p

2、age 42)- page 422S (2S (整整顿)- page 49)- page 493S (3S (清洁) - page 55) - page 554S (4S (清扫)- page 61)- page 615S (5S (素素养)- page 68)- page 68生生产手手册 - page 74- page 741S (1S (整理整理)- page 75)- page 752S (2S (整整顿)- page 82)- page 823S (3S (清洁) - page 88) - page 884S (4S (清扫)- page 94)- page 945S (5S (素素

3、养)- page 100)- page 100附件附件 - page 106- page 1063前言前言Starting“瞬息万变的社会”这个词如今频繁地出现在我们的生活中,但是相对于如此快速的脚步,我们的意识和态度却显得如此缓慢。我们互相告诫,今天的世界不会为我们等待,但是我们所做的一切却恰恰是去被动的等待那些即将改变我们的变化如今,离丰田公司实施TPS已经50多年了。作为一个制造服务业的系统,多少年来, TPS其已经被其他公司不断模仿,并已成为一条企业获得成功的基本定律。甚至连丰田公司自己都不了解为什么其他公司必须跟随着它的步伐。他们似乎也并不为他们的系统感到骄傲,但是他们也在思考是否选

4、择这个系统已经彻底没有悬念了。What is the deal ?他们之所以不会为这个系统感到骄傲是因为这是他们的生活方式,是从他们的文化中自然而然提炼出来的。他们也将其视为极其平常的事情。当然,与其他具有革命性的系统一样,TPS系统也非一日便能完成的。它必须经受试验和错误、失败和反对的考验。但是丰田人并没有停止他们的脚步,最终他们获得了“世界最佳公司”的荣誉。丰田人将TPS和5S系统视为其自然行为和思考方式的产物。他们并没有期望通过5S来获得一些特殊的荣誉,而仅仅认为其实一种必须的工具,就好像早晨起来要刷牙洗脸一样。他们相信他们可以在工作过程中通过执行5S来提高工作过程中的道德水准。对于他们

5、自身,它也是一种基本的行为,其可以提高他们的生活质量。将其作为他们生活的基础,可以使他们的生活有更多的提高。 “退却”或许只发生在一瞬间,但是这一瞬间需要很长的时间去恢复。5S是丰田人的生活方式和生活哲学。漠视这一生活中的基础一课会使你的工作停滞不前。正确的生活方式便意味着你生活价值的提升,随之而来的便是你自身的发展和进步。这才是我们所说的“幸福” 一个所有员工都充满幸福的公司,这是我们在新时代追随BV和它价值观的价值。北中国区精益管理经理 Solomon Zhang4 BV 5S Policy BV international considers 5S to be an essential

6、part of operating our facilities. 5S principle assist facilities in increasing work space safety, improved housekeeping ,enhanced productivity ,and higher employee morale . Therefore we are commit to deploying 5S principles and discipline into our daily work and fully believe it will help us continu

7、e to add value to our customers and support the growth of our business. BV 5S 方方针 BV国际检验集团视5S为我们运营服务的基础。5S为我们增强工作场所安全性,使工作环境整齐有序,提高工作效率,提升员工工作积极性给予强有力的支持。由此,我们致力于在实际运营服务中推行5S各项政策与方针,并坚信5S 活动将持续为我们的客户与事业的成长带来价值。 _ Muse MA Production Control Director CPS North China. 55S指南的意指南的意义The Meaning of 5S Guid

8、ebook5S是我们加速工艺流程的坚实的基础和有力的依靠。在推行5S系统的过程中,通过设置明确的标准和一贯的执行,为我们带来了长足的进步。尤其明确的是,通过目标点分配系统提高了员工的参与性,也提高了公司资源系统的安排.我们编撰5S指导手册的动机是希望在审计中更加透明,也离统一标准更近一步。. 审计系统并不是附加的,详细的说明,它使审计人员有许多不同的审计标准。这可能也会变成另外一种固定思维,发展成一种不正确的现象。基于讨论、获取一致的意见并成文基础上决定的可视化使得 “怎么样?”, “上下 50%是多少?” 和“什么是合适的标准?” 变成了可以回答的问题。have become answera

9、ble questions by visualization that is decided by discussions, agreements, and documentations.这是我们这本5S指南的核心内容。 由于指南对所有5S领域来说更清楚、目标更明确并更易于理解,所以必须建立完善的系统,并将此作为一个共同的追求目标。我们相信,抓住5S真正的概念并加以提高可以帮助BV一步步走的更远,因为这对我们的目标有着更清楚的理解。 The Leader of 5S Sub-Committee The Leader of 5S Sub-Committee65S的的过程程1S整理整理2S整整顿3

10、S清清洁4S清清扫5S素素养养5S!完成完成!7整整 理理方方 法法可视范围内不需要物品的整理 办公室内的整理工作, 包括对可储存的办公家具、设备和文件进行可视化管理,对突出物的整改和对废弃物及时的处置。为了优化办公室的工作环境,需要执行最基本的5S工作,这也代表着整个流程的开始。 For sorting within the office, visualization should be conducted for furniture, equipment, document and trash that can be stored and which stand out and which

11、 can be disposed of immediately and improved upon. To optimize the space of the Office for working, this would involve the most basic 5S, which represents the start of the whole process. 通过使用红标和蓝标,可以帮助我们去除办公室内不需要的物品和准备清扫工具,以保持办公家具的清洁。通过超市化管理,可以将固定设备和耐用消费品的供应控制在一个恰当的时间;通过合理安排文件,可以优化工作环境;通过垃圾的分类收集,可以进

12、行可视化管理。By using the red and blue tags, it is necessary to bravely eliminate the unnecessary objects and to prepare cleaning equipments so that the furniture can be maintained cleanly. By managing a supermarket, supply of fixtures and durables should be supplied at appropriate times and by arranging

13、the documents, the working environment should be optimized and by separating and collecting the trash, management of visualization can be created. 步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 5红标 / 蓝标清理工具超市化的耗品管理Supermarket for Consumables文件的整理废弃物的分类审审 计计9步步骤 1未未进行整理行整理整理的范例整理的范例Some evidence of SortSome evidence of Sort现场的的

14、红标区区域和域和红标系系统Red Tag area and system in place现场现场的的红标和持和持续使用的范例使用的范例Red Tag in place and evidence of continuous use现场的整理系的整理系统可用可用来来在物品在物品转入入区区域域前前对其其进行行检查System in place to review items before introduction into area办公桌上较为凌乱,橱柜内物品放置无序,整个办公室的安排非常马虎。The top of the desk is in a mess, the inside of the

15、cabinet is in an upheaval and the office is arranged in a mindless fashion. 虽然桌子的上层没有分隔线,但是物品仍安排的仅仅有条。虽然橱柜上没有标签,但是里面的物品仍可一目了然。员工在这样的环境中可以轻松地放入和取出所需物品。红标作战应指派专人执行。红标应被放置在醒目处,而且要附上记录表以显示其使用状态。The red tag area is assigned, the red tag is placed where it can be seen well and the usage status chart is at

16、tached. 管理人员应在醒目处提供红标使用记录表。如果现场未提供该表,则表明不存在需贴红标的项目A marked red tag usage chart is available and if none is available than, no item should exist that red tag should be attached to. 使用蓝标时,应同时附上使用记录表。如果现场未提供记录表,那就表明不存在需贴蓝标的项目A blue tag is in use and its usage status chart is attached. If there is no ma

17、rked usage status chart, than no item exist that a blue tag should be attached to. 提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示检查清清除无需物品的系除无需物品的系统效率效率Review the existence and effectiveness of systems for eliminating unneeded items整理整理系系统10红标可用于可用于标示出示出区区域域内内不需要的物品。不需要的物品。红标使用使用记录表可表可显示出示出处理理这些物品的些物品的过程。整程。整个个处理理过程可采用程可采用“Y

18、es”标志追踪志追踪改善情改善情况况。如果。如果这些物品被交些物品被交换、出售、出售、赠予或是捐予或是捐献献,则需要需要将将其其显示在示在记录表表上。在上。在红标区区域域内内的物品只能的物品只能记录在在红标上。上。This is an indication of unnecessary object which has been created in the area and the red tag usage status chart is for the purpose of processing such objects. Processing should follow the “Ye

19、s” sign and if they are exchanged and sold, given as gifts or donated, they should be indicated accordingly. The objects in the red tag area should be recorded only in the red tag. .蓝标用于标示出区域内不再需要或不再使用的物蓝标用于标示出区域内不再需要或不再使用的物品。在重新申请或者该物品没有变为其他用途之品。在重新申请或者该物品没有变为其他用途之前,应贴上蓝牌。此后,再继续完成申请和改变前,应贴上蓝牌。此后,再继

20、续完成申请和改变其用途的程序。其用途的程序。This sign is for objects that are unnecessary for the area or which cannot be used there. Before procuring it or the inability to use before the change of purpose of usage, blue tag should be attached and based on it, application for obtaining and change of usage should be foll

21、owed. 提示提示 红 标 & 蓝 标 ?11任何不安全的任何不安全的办公家具公家具66% 办办公家具公家具 脏脏33-66%33-66% 办办公家具公家具 脏脏33-66% furniture dirty 33% 办办公家具公家具 脏脏 33% 50% 脏脏dirty 50 % 脏脏dirty物品都很物品都很洁净Everything clean因为受损或是沾污而导致固定设施无法使用Fixtures that cannot be used due to damage, or contamination exist.对于私人的物品(化妆品和首饰等)和位于办公桌顶层的书本。For persona

22、l fixtures (cosmetics and accessories) and books, which are on top of the desk. 提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示检查现场固定和移固定和移动设施的情施的情况况,例如百叶窗、,例如百叶窗、电话、电脑等。等。Review condition of fixed and portable equipment in the area; window blinds, telephones, PC etc.设施施任何不适合使用的器材任何不适合使用的器材Any equipment unsuitable for the tas

23、k发现少于5个下列物品是脏的:电脑、打印机、电话、显示器、键盘、鼠标、碎纸机、清洁器、加热器、空调、层合机、A4纸盒、垃圾箱 Less than 5 of computer (notebook), printer, telephone, monitor, keyboard, mouse, document shredder, cleaner, heater, air conditioner, laminator, A4 box, keyboard, trash can are dirty.所有下列物品都很干净电脑、打印机、电话、显示器、键盘、鼠标、碎纸机、清洁器、加热器、空调、层合机、A4纸盒

24、、垃圾箱All of computer (notebook), printer, telephone, monitor, keyboard, mouse, document shredder, cleaner, heater, air conditioner, laminator, A4 box, keyboard, trash can are dirty.发现5个或以上下列物品是脏的:电脑、打印机、电话、显示器、键盘、鼠标、碎纸机、清洁器、加热器、空调、层合机、A4纸盒、垃 圾 箱 For cases when 5 or more of computer (notebook), printe

25、r, telephone, monitor, keyboard, mouse, document shredder, cleaner, heater, air conditioner, laminator, A4 box, keyboard, trash can are dirty.24步步骤 3无可无可视化控制化控制No visual control部分落部分落实可可视化管理化管理-最小最小/最大的耗材水最大的耗材水平(在多人的平(在多人的办公室)公室)Some visual controls - min/max consumable levels (in multi user office

26、)指定空指定空间外无物品外无物品No items out of place在在桌桌子上无不必要的文本工作。子上无不必要的文本工作。No unnecessary paperwork on desk or tables无公示板No board有一些储存文件和耗材的橱柜和盒子There are some cabinet and boxes for documents and consumables.进行超市化管理。但是对于“超市”范围外的产 品 , 应 设 定 其 最 大 /最 小 的 量 。 A supermarket is being managed. But for products excl

27、uded from the supermarket, they must reflect the highest/lowest value.在存放物品的区域设置一条边界线,边界外不允许放置物品。所有的种类分界线是黄色的/危险区域是红色的/其他用于储存和转移的区域是白色和蓝色的。A line for the product exists and nothing must go past that line. All category lines are to be yellow/danger area, red/others and for storage and transfer, they

28、should be white and blue. 在桌子上不应有文件或者耐用品Above the desk and tables, they should be no documents or durables.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示任何走任何走进办公室的人公室的人应该能能够了解了解办公室公室内内5S程序。程序。Anybody walking into the office should be able to understand the office 5S routines可可视化控制化控制确定一些确定一些储存地点存地点Some storage locations ide

29、ntified25步步骤 4办公室公室内内有有脏的的PPE Dirty PPE present in office明确明确储存地点存地点Storage locations identified存放地点避免其存放地点避免其它它物品的物品的污染染Storage locations prevent contamination of other items定定义PPE的要求和正确的要求和正确储存方法存方法PPE requirement defined & correctly stored个人防护用品受损,受污或者有臭味For when the safety protective outfits are

30、 damaged and destroyed with smell and dirt.个人防护用品得到干净的储存The safety protective outfits are cleanly stored.个人防护用品储存在一个独立的空间,并有显著的标示The safety protective outfits are stored in a separate place and that location is clearly identified.个人防护用品应该独立于液体和有毒物质存放。(尤其和化学品和清洁设备保持一定的距离)The safety protective outfits

31、 should be kept separately from liquid and toxic materials. (In particular, they should be kept at distant from chemicals and cleaning equipments.)个人防护用品的储存和清洁方法应记录并存放在上锁的柜子内。这些记录应与其介绍的内容相一致。The safety protective outfits method of storage and cleaning should be recorded in the locker and kept in lin

32、e with those instructions. 提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示如果需要存放在其如果需要存放在其它区它区域使用的域使用的个个人防人防护用品,用品,应依据以下要求依据以下要求检查。若要求被定。若要求被定义为“无无”,则记4分分If it is required to store PPE for use in other areas, it should reviewed against the requirements below. If the requirement is defined as none then score 4 pointsPPEPPE(个人防

33、人防护用品)用品)PPEPPE办公室公室内内的的PPE保持保持清清洁 PPE in office generally clean26Step 5无无设备或系或系统来来支持和管控支持和管控清清洁电话、键盘等物品等物品No equipment or system available for cleaning phones, keyboards etc.明确明确责任和适用任和适用标准准Clear responsibilities and standards available时间安排安排Equipment cleaned according to schedule办公室所有人公室所有人员都都为完成完

34、成清清洁时间表的表的任任务尽尽自己的一自己的一份份力力All office members contribute to cleaning schedule清洁电话、键盘和其他带电线的产品的设备应 该 和 其 他 普 通 清 洁 工 具 分 开 放 置 。Equipments for cleaning the telephone and keyboard and other cable products should be kept separately from the general cleaning tools.清洁工具应被放置在一个带锁的清洁柜内(其应被放置在一个角落),且易于移动。Th

35、e cleaning equipments should be kept in the cleaning locker (they should not be kept in a corner) and it should be easy to remove them.在分发清扫工具给保洁员的同时,还应交待清楚其工作内容。对于需要清洁的对象,应设置清洁标准。A cleaning person should be assigned by product and also cabinet and locker with its content should also be designated.

36、For the designated product, the cleaning standard should be set. 每一个需要清洁的对象都应该列在清洁时间表内。清洁确认和通报的最长周期为一个月,其中应记录责任人For each cleaning product, they should be included in the cleaning schedule, and confirmation and notification of cleaning by a maximum period of a month with the responsible person record

37、ed.清洁工作应该落实到每个人,所有内容都必须包含在指定的文件中。Cleaning should be done by everyone, and all should be included in the document prescribed above 提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示检查办公室公室设备的的清清洁情情况况,如果使用承,如果使用承揽商完成商完成该项工作,工作,则最高可最高可记3分分Review office equipment cleaning, if using contractors then a maximum score of 3 is attainable

38、清洁规则Cleaning Cleaning routinesroutines确定和提供确定和提供清清洁工具工具Cleaning equipment identified and availableSolution清扫 3S3S Systemization through Standardization Systemization through Standardization 办公室公室标准化标准化,如同前面所述,主要通,如同前面所述,主要通过执行分行分类,整,整顿和和对清清洁体系的系体系的系统化。化。清清洁系系统应通通过建立一建立一个个标准程序准程序进行行运运作。作。清清扫对于使于使3S工作

39、成工作成为员工的日常工的日常习惯有着重要的意有着重要的意义。The standardization for the office as explained before, should be executed by categorization, simplification and systematic manner with the cleaning system being operated by establishing a standard procedure. It is important that by following this system that it becomes

40、 second nature. 所有家具和固定设施应被放置在其原始位置。同时,检查是否办公室的基础环境(照明,声音,温度,气味)在其恰当的水平。需要特别指出的是,系统应该符合TS-16949格式。另外,依据PPG程序要求来理解和通报系统相关内容也是非常重要的All the furniture and fixture of the office should be placed in their original position and check to see if the basic office environment (light, sound, temperature, smell)

41、 is at their appropriate level. Especially, the system should follow the TS-16949 format and it is important that it is understood and notified following the basic PPG procedure. 步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 5最佳情况图Best Condition photo环境管理Environment ManagingTS-16949政策的公示Display of General Policy3S的公示和管理Displa

42、y and Management of 3S清清 扫28步骤 1无无认可地点的可地点的标示示No indication of acceptable locations50% 物品物品在正确的位置在正确的位置 items in place所有物品都在正确的位置所有物品都在正确的位置Everything in place现场没有线(对于办公桌,应划一条线来分隔出固定设施区域。对于那些没有划线的设施,可以认为它们是不需要的。)No Line. (For desk; a separating line should be drawn for placement of fixtures, for tho

43、se without lines, it would be considered that they are unnecessary items.)对于所有家具和固定设施而言,应通报其最佳状况时的照片,以放入一个公认的标准。在以3个月为单位的时间里,应进行前后的比较。For furniture and fixtures (in relation to lockers and furniture). The best condition photograph should be notified and it should be arranged in an identical standard

44、. Before & After comparison should be made in a 3 month unit.在所有物品中,有50%以上的物品在它们正确的位置上。For the number of the item, 50% of them are at their correct position.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示检查所有所有违反反个个人人办公室公室标准的家具位置和准的家具位置和设备位置位置Review the location of furniture and equipment against the individual office standar

45、d认可的地点可的地点Acceptable Acceptable locationslocations办公室公室规划划/或用照片反或用照片反应出所有出所有设备的的地点和情地点和情况况Office plan and/or photos showing location & condition of all equipment在所有物品中,只有小于50%的物品在它们正确的位置上。 For the number of the item, less than 50% of them are at their correct position.每一件物品均置于正确的位置。Everything is in

46、correct position29步步骤 2区区域域内内吸烟的控制吸烟的控制Smoking control in place尽尽可能可能将将室室内温内温度控制在一度控制在一个个合适的水合适的水平平Possible to control temperature to a comfortable level使用窗使用窗户或者或者风扇扇进行通行通风Ventilation from opening window or fan available噪噪声声水平控制在水平控制在80分分贝以下以下Noise levels below 80 dba通常,人员只能在指定的吸烟区吸烟。这一点在办公室内应该得到强化

47、。Generally, smoking is allowed only in the smoking area and it is not strictly enforced in the office.工作场所内通常采用集中供热的方法。如果这一点无法满足,那么个人使用的加热装置应该通过安全环境团队的登记和许可。Heating is done generally in a centrally-supplied method, and if that is not possible, than individual heaters are used but with the registrati

48、on and permit from the safety environment team.设计规范认为工作场所内较为合适的温度为2628摄氏度。The design allows an appropriate temperature of (2628 degree) internally 工作场所的通风可以通过窗户、排风扇或自身结构来实现。如果上述几点均无法实现,那么就该应该利用门来制定通风计划。Ventilation is done through the window or by the fan and by structure, if that is not possible, pl

49、ans must be established for ventilation by the door.工作场所噪声水平控制在80分贝以下。(地地下下室室的的声声音音在在80分分贝,电话铃声声在在70分分贝。因因此此,来来电铃声声必必须能能够听听得得见)The noise level must be under 80 decibel. (underground sound is at 80 decibel, telephone bell sound is at 70 decibel. So, the telephone sound must be audible)提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提

50、示提示提示检查区区域域内内整体的工作整体的工作环境境Review the general working Review the general working environment in the areaenvironment in the area工作工作环境境Working Working EnvironmentEnvironment只能使用固定只能使用固定设备进行加行加热;例如,不;例如,不允允许使用未使用未经批准的便携式加批准的便携式加热装置装置Heating via fixed equipment only; i.e. no unapproved portable heating3

51、0步步骤 3无提供无提供标准的迹象准的迹象No indication of standards available对人机工程人机工程学学规划划定定义标准准Standards defined for ergonomic layout对设备和家具定和家具定义标准准Standards defined for equipment / furniture对必需的封面和所使用的技能矩必需的封面和所使用的技能矩阵定定义标准准Standards defined for necessary cover and skill matrix available无 法 获 得 公 司 的 标 准 ( TS-6949/I

52、SO 14001-包含文件储存系统 )A company standard is not available (TS-6949/ISO 14001-including file server storage)必需提供内部文件归档和储存的规定。(对于某些文件,可定义为参考文件;对于某些文件,则须定义其保管人以及保存地点。)An internal regulation for filing and document storage must be available. (for some document, in the reference file, for some document, who

53、 is keeping them and where they are being kept.)文件的放置必须合理,使工作人员必须能够快速地获取所需材料,且文件必须摆放有序。如果文件有索引,那么可计4分。Arrangement must be made so that the worker must have rapid access to the material and the document must be in order. If they are indexed than 4 points are given. 对于固定设施和所购买的家具,必须通过采购部门,符合他们的标准For f

54、ixtures and purchased furniture, it must be bought through the purchasing department in their standardized specifications. 提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示办公室公室内内所使用的所使用的标准是否明确?准是否明确?Is it clear what standards should be used within the office?所使用的所使用的标准准Acceptable Acceptable standardsstandards对文件文件归档档定定义标准准Standard

55、s defined for filing31步骤 4没没有任何政策有任何政策展示展示No policies displayed within building展示道德展示道德规范范热线Ethics hotline access displayed in building展示展示质量政策量政策 Quality policy displayed in building展示公司的愿景展示公司的愿景 Blueprint vision displayed in building现场没有EHS程序。The EHS procedures are not notified.办公室内展示着公司EHS程序,所有员

56、工都了解张贴的地点。The EHS procedures are notified within the office and all staff are aware of its location.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示这些政策些政策应展示在公司展示在公司内内或者其或者其它它所有所有团队成成员都都会会使用的地方。使用的地方。These may be displayed either in the building or at some other location used by the entire team相相关政策政策的提供的提供展示展示EHS政策政策 EHS policy

57、displayed in building办公室内展示着公司道德规范热线电话,所有员工都了解张贴的地点The Ethic hotline is notified within the office and all staff are aware of its location.办公室内展示着公司质量政策,所有员工都了解张贴的地点The Quality Policy is notified within the office and all staff are aware of its location.32步步骤 5无无3S月度月度记分牌分牌No review of monthly 3S sc

58、ore职责分工明确分工明确Clearly assigned roles & responsibilities月度月度审计中缺失的中缺失的30天改善反天改善反馈30 day action reflects issues in monthly audit计划划完成情完成情况况的展示的展示Demonstrated achievement of plans现场没有展示季度3S记分牌(整理/整顿/清洁)The points for the 3S (categorization/simplification/systemization cleaning) for 3 months are not noti

59、fied.每月“TDL(工作计划表)”已经准备好了,且所有员工均包含在内。The TDL monthly have been prepared and all the staff are included. 上一次月度审计报告中所提出的“改善建议”应在TDL中反馈出来。The auditing report for the previous months improvement recommendations have been reflected on the TDL. TDL中应显示改善计划的完成率。如果在所规定的时间内无法完成目标,则须在下面注明原因和修订后的目标完成时间。The ach

60、ievement rate is shown in the To Do List, and if the goal is not met within the allocated date, the grounds should be noted in the reason line and the amended goal date should be recorded.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示检查整理,整整理,整顿和和清清洁维护系系统Review the system for maintaining Sorting, Simplifying & Systematic cle

61、aning前面的前面的3 3步步The The First 3 StepsFirst 3 Steps展示月度展示月度3S记分牌分牌Monthly 3S score displayed 现场展示季度3S记分牌(整理/整顿/清洁) The points for the 3S (categorization/simplification/systemization cleaning) for 3 months are notified.通通 过 持持 续 改改 善善 进 行行 维 持持 Sustainability Sustainability resulting resulting in in c

62、ontinuous improvementcontinuous improvement为了了维持持办公室公室5S工作,必工作,必须认识到广泛到广泛参与参与的重要性,的重要性,这一点可以通一点可以通过借助借助标明持明持续改善愿望的改善愿望的标记去去实现。事。事实上,上,单纯监控改善的情控改善的情况并没况并没有多大的意有多大的意义For sustainability of the 5S in the office, it is important to recognize it through comprehensive participation with signs of continuous

63、 will for improvement. Monitoring the improvement really does not have any meanings. 5S的重要性在于其对个人目的的识别,做到这一点对你的生活中是很重要的。重视5S审计结果以及对于整改方案的思考同样非常重要。The importance of 5S is the recognition of individual purpose and it is critical that it be implemented partially in your life. It is also of consequence

64、to worry about the result of 5S auditing and thoughts concerning the next issue for improvement.步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 55S 公告板5S Goal in P&LPKPI(关键绩效指数)的公示和更新KPI Display and Update5S for Absence5S审计的管理Management of 5S Audit素素 养养 方方 法法审审 计计34步步骤 1部部门内没内没有有5S意意识No awareness of 5S in department将将5S定期定期检查的的

65、结果作果作为团队会会议的一的一部分部分Regular 5S review as part of team meeting信息板上信息板上审计分分数数的更新和最近的更新和最近30天的天的计划划。Communication board updated with audit score and current 30 day plan 整整个个团队通通过30天天计划划积极极地地为5S做做贡献献Whole team contributing positively to 5S through the 30 day plan 团队成员不知道5S(当被问及该问题)The team members themse

66、lves do not know about the 5S (when asked)在该办公室内,没有关于5S的信息( TDL/执行前、执行后/审计要点)In the office, there is no information about the 5S (TDL/Before & After/Auditing Point).所有团队成员应在会议之前已经收到上一月度审计报告,且他们将其保存在一个文件夹内。For the audit report of the previous month, all team members have received a memorandum and the

67、y are keeping a file in that regard.在5S公告板上应贴有上一次月度审计的分数和本月TDL的完成情况。In the 5S bulletin board, the previous month audit points and this months TDL update (achievement rate) are being posted.所有团队成员应实时被通知TDL的相关信息以及其在其中所负责的工作内容。All team members are being kept informed about the TDL and its role along wi

68、th the achievement rate. (when asked)所有成所有成员对该项目有初步的目有初步的认识,了解其重要性,了解其重要性并并抱着抱着积极极的的态度度All staff aware of program and the importance and are positive about 5S5S 5S 积极性性5S 5S EnthusiasmEnthusiasm现场现场5S信息板信息板 5S communication board in place提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示35步骤 2无无明明显的的5S沟沟通方法通方法No 5S communication

69、 visible团队成成员清清楚了解所扮演的角色和楚了解所扮演的角色和职责Roles and responsibilities clearly communicated5S包含在包含在员工的工的PLP(计划划和和学学习项目)目)目目标 5S included in PLP goalsPLP目目标成果的展示成果的展示 Demonstrated achievement of PLP goals对于过去的月度审计结果,所有的团队成员都没有收到他们的信函。For the past month audit result, all team members are not receiving their

70、memorandum.在团队内部,成员都持有5S指导手册。Within the team, a 5S guide book is being kept.团队成员了解TDL以及自己在各个阶段中所负有的职责。All team members are being kept informed about the TDL and its role along with the achievement rate. (when asked)员工应将5S列入个人PLP目标。For individual result purpose (P&LP), the 5S purpose must be included

71、.员工必须在每学期个人PLP目标结束时,展示其5S的成果。(仅在每年1月和7月反应成果。除此之外,在每月的评估中,列出3-4点较为满意的地方)For individual result purpose (P&LP), by semester, the 5S result (over 50% achievement) should be shown.(Reflected in Jan. and July only, besides that, for monthly evaluation, 3 points, for satisfactory 4 points)是否有明确的是否有明确的5S5S管

72、理承管理承诺?Is there clear management Is there clear management commitment to 5S?commitment to 5S?管理承管理承诺Management Management CommitmentCommitment公司公司内内有有5S政策政策 5S policy available in the building提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示36步步骤 3未确定指未确定指标No metrics identified所有确定的指所有确定的指标都已更新都已更新并并公示公示 All identified metrics

73、displayed and up to date公示指公示指标以及行以及行动计划划Metrics displayed and evidence of action plan分析、确定指分析、确定指标,改善行,改善行动的依据以及的依据以及持持续改善方案改善方案Metrics displayed, analyzed & evidence of corrective action and Continuous Improvement PlansKPI举例:销售绩效/技术-产品开发& FCR/生产-生产力/管理-费用降低和工艺改进) Example of KPI : Sales-Performance

74、/Technology-Product Development & FCR / Production-Productivity/Management-Cost Reduction & Process Improvement)每一项指标都有基本的测量标准 Basic measurement standard for each 对每一项指标都有基本的测量,并根据月度目 标 更 新 完 成 率 Basic measurement for each, for monthly purpose, the achievement rate is updated.是否指是否指标来来定定义团队的的绩效和展示持效

75、和展示持续改善的情改善的情况况?Are metrics available to demonstrate team performance and show continuous improvement?KPIsKPIs确定一些指确定一些指标Some metrics identified确定KPI之后,应制定一个达成目标的行动计划。The KPI is indicated, an action plan for achieving the purpose is shown.团队的KPI需进行通报和分析,使用P&LP 改善测量方法,进行持续改善 The KPI of the team is no

76、tified, and analyzed using P&LP with plans for amendment measures and continuous improvement included. 提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示37步骤 4不能不能理解理解5S的的证据据No evidence of understanding 5Ss工作台在无人的情工作台在无人的情况况下仍然是安全的下仍然是安全的Workstations secure when unattended钥匙的安全匙的安全Keys secured贵重物品的安全重物品的安全Valuables secured团队成员不理

77、解5STeam Members do not understand 5S已在办公室范围内通报了质量方法,且所有人员已经对该内容有了初步的了解。The quality method is notified in the office and all team members are aware of the content.当办公室内无人时(电话中,出差,吃饭或下班),办公室内的私人空间(抽屉、私人橱柜、储藏室)应被上锁When absent (on call, on business trip, during lunch, after hours) the personal office sp

78、ace (desk drawer, personal cabinet, closet) is locked.对于需要上锁的地方,应该使用一把钥匙。For the place where it should be locked, it should be done with a key.当办公室无人时,办公桌上不应留有贵重的物品和文件。(但是对于特别授权的文件可以例外)When absent, no precious goods and document are kept on the desk (But, for exception of authorization documents and

79、 returning authorization documents.)检查检查个个人人5S承承诺Review the individual commitment to 5S自律自律Self Self disciplinediscipline理解理解质量政策的量政策的证据据Evidence of understanding the Quality Policy提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示38步步骤 5未公布未公布5S审计审计得分得分Audit Score not displayed如上,如上,并并增加三增加三个个月度的移月度的移动平均平均数数As above and increas

80、ing 3 monthly moving average如上,如上,并并增加最后三增加最后三个个月逐月月逐月变化的情化的情况况As above and increasing month by month over last 3 months如上,如上,记录最近记录最近3个月中超过目标的值个月中超过目标的值As above and score over target last 3 months未在图表中显示近三个月5S审计的得分The auditing points for 5S for 3 months are not shown in the graph. 每月进行审计,并在蜘蛛图中显示出各

81、部分的 得 分 。 Audits are done monthly with relevant points shown on the spider map.是否公布是否公布5S持持续改善的改善的结果?果?Is there a demonstrated 5S continuous improvement提高提高审计得分得分实施定期的施定期的审计并并公布得分公布得分Routine audit carried out and score displayed 提示提示提示提示39整整 理理可视范围内不需要物品的整理 Visualization of unnecessary objects by So

82、rting. 实验室内的整理工作, 包括对可储存的办公家具、设备和文件进行可视化管理,对突出物的整改和对废弃物及时的处置。为了优化实验室的工作环境,需要执行最基本的5S工作,这也代表着整个流程的开始。 For sorting within the Lab, visualization should be conducted for furniture, equipment, document and trash that can be stored and which stand out and which can be disposed of immediately and improved

83、 upon. To optimize the space of the Lab for working, this would involve the most basic 5S, which represents the start of the whole process. 方方 法法审审 计计通过使用红标和蓝标,可以帮助我们去除办公室内不需要的物品和准备清扫工具,以保持办公家具的清洁。通过超市化管理,可以将固定设备和耐用消费品的供应控制在一个恰当的时间;通过合理安排文件,可以优化工作环境;通过垃圾的分类收集,可以进行可视化管理。By using the red and blue tags

84、, it is necessary to bravely eliminate the unnecessary objects and to prepare cleaning equipments so that the furniture can be maintained cleanly. By managing a supermarket, supply of fixtures and durables should be supplied at appropriate times and by arranging the documents, the working environmen

85、t should be optimized and by separating and collecting the trash, management of visualization can be created. 步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 5红标 / 蓝标清理工具超市化的耗品管理Supermarket for Consumables文件的整理废弃物的分类41未未进行整理行整理桌上较为凌乱,橱柜内物品放置无序,整个实验室的安排非常马虎。The top of the desk is in a mess, the inside of the cabinet is in an uph

86、eaval and the office is arranged in a mindless fashion. 整理的范例整理的范例Some evidence of SortSome evidence of Sort现场的的红标区区域和域和红标系系统Red Tag area and system in place现场现场的的红标和持和持续使用的范例使用的范例Red Tag in place and evidence of continuous use现场的整理系的整理系统可用可用来来在物品在物品转入入区区域域前前对其其进行行检查System in place to review items b

87、efore introduction into area虽然桌子的上层没有分隔线,但是物品仍安排的仅仅有条。虽然橱柜上没有标签,但是里面的物品仍可一目了然。员工在这样的环境中可以轻松地放入和取出所需物品。红标作战应指派专人执行。红标应被放置在醒目处,而且要附上记录表以显示其使用状态。The red tag area is assigned, the red tag is placed where it can be seen well and the usage status chart is attached. 管理人员应在醒目处提供红标使用记录表。如果现场未提供该表,则表明不存在需贴红标的

88、项目A marked red tag usage chart is available and if none is available than, no item should exist that red tag should be attached to. 使用蓝标时,应同时附上使用记录表。如果现场未提供记录表,那就表明不存在需贴蓝标的项目A blue tag is in use and its usage status chart is attached. If there is no marked usage status chart, than no item exist that

89、 a blue tag should be attached to. 提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示步步骤 1检查清清除无需物品的系除无需物品的系统效率效率Review the existence and effectiveness of systems for eliminating unneeded items整理整理系系统42红标可用于可用于标示出示出区区域域内内不需要的物品。不需要的物品。红标使用使用记录表可表可显示出示出处理理这些物品的些物品的过程。整程。整个个处理理过程可采用程可采用“Yes”标志追踪志追踪改善情改善情况况。如果。如果这些物品被交些物品被交换、出售、出售、

90、赠予或是捐予或是捐献献,则需要需要将将其其显示在示在记录表表上。在上。在红标区区域域内内的物品只能的物品只能记录在在红标上。上。This is an indication of unnecessary object which has been created in the area and the red tag usage status chart is for the purpose of processing such objects. Processing should follow the “Yes” sign and if they are exchanged and sold,

91、 given as gifts or donated, they should be indicated accordingly. The objects in the red tag area should be recorded only in the red tag. .蓝标用于标示出区域内不再需要或不再使用的物蓝标用于标示出区域内不再需要或不再使用的物品。在重新申请或者该物品没有变为其他用途之品。在重新申请或者该物品没有变为其他用途之前,应贴上蓝牌。此后,再继续完成申请和改变前,应贴上蓝牌。此后,再继续完成申请和改变其用途的程序。其用途的程序。 This sign is for obj

92、ects that are unnecessary for the area or which cannot be used there. Before procuring it or the inability to use before the change of purpose of usage, blue tag should be attached and based on it, application for obtaining and change of usage should be followed. 提示提示 红 标 & 蓝 标 ?43未未检查设备No evidence

93、of equipment review对设备进行定期的行定期的检查,但是,但是没没有有标准准的系的系统Equipment reviewed periodically but no formal system in place现在有在有标准的准的检查系系统,但是,但是执行起行起来来没没有有规律律Formal review system in place but used erratically每月每月对现场的系的系统和和设备进行正式的行正式的检查Formal review system in place and equipment reviewed monthly利用使用完利用使用完毕签名方法系

94、名方法系统地地检查设备Equipment reviewed systematically with signed-off action plan实验室内,无机械设备,喷雾设备,烘箱,天平和其他设备的平面布置图,且现场存在不需要的物品。In the laboratory, no layout of machines, dispersers, sprayer, oven, scale and other equipments exist and unnecessary items in the area are present.平面布置图中所标示的设备与现场实际情况不符。The equipment

95、 marked in the layout is different from the actual.对于没有一个设备,应公示其停机时间,并建立设备相关的清洗,清洁计划和运行状态。(如果设备受损,还需制定维修计划)For individual equipment, the down-time is being notified and plans for establishing the relevant equipments washing, cleaning and operation status (if damaged, plan for repair) has been made.步

96、步骤 2设备包括所有机械,包括所有机械,研研磨和磨和喷雾设备,烘箱,天平等。,烘箱,天平等。设备的使用的使用应经过核准以确保核准以确保区区域域内内所有的所有的设备都是必需的。都是必需的。Machinery, mills, spray equipment, ovens, balances etc. Usage of equipment is reviewed to ensure that items in the area are needed.设备EquipmentEquipmentTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip每 月 检 查 实 验 仪 器 “历 史 记 录 卡

97、 。 ”The experiment equipment history card is being reviewed monthly.平面布置图中所标示的设备与现场实际情况相符。The equipment marked in the layout is same the actual.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示44步步骤 3工具无工具无规则地地摆放放Tools and instruments positioned without visible order部分有部分有组织地地摆放放Some evidence of organisation工具被工具被摆放在指定的位置,但是放在指

98、定的位置,但是该位置位置没没有按照工具使用功能的要求有按照工具使用功能的要求设置置Tools and instruments in specified positions, but not in functional way大多大多数数工具按其功能被放置在特定位置工具按其功能被放置在特定位置Most tools and instruments in functional and specified positions所有工具所有工具按其功能被放置在特定位置按其功能被放置在特定位置All tools and instruments in functional and specified posi

99、tions将工具存放在带锁的柜子内,但是缺少标签。Lockers exist for tools and experiment equipment but no labeling have been done.公布“物品状态管理表”Management item status chart has been notified. 依据“物品状态管理表”,70%的物品已按照 其 功 能 进 行 摆 放 。 Based on the management item status chart 70% of the entire items have been arranged by functions.

100、TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip工具包括工具包括实验台上的工具(刮台上的工具(刮铲,杯子等),杯子等),测试和和测量的量的设备Workbench tools (spatulas, cups etc.) and testing and measurement equipment工具工具Tools and Tools and InstrumentsInstruments依据“物品状态管理表”,100%的物品已按照其功能进行摆放。 Based on the management item status chart 100% of the entire items have been

101、arranged by functions.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示45步步骤 4PPE被放置在被放置在带锁的的柜柜子里。子里。PPE须与与其他物品分其他物品分开开存放存放P.P.E. segregated from all other materialsPPE独独立存放立存放+容易容易获取取P.P.E. segregated + easily accessiblePPEPPE独独立存放立存放+ +容易容易获取和醒目的地点取和醒目的地点P.P.E. Segregated + accessible and visiblePPE独独立存放在干立存放在干净的指定地点(正确的指定地点(

102、正确地使用)地使用)P.P.E. Segregated and stored in clearly defined locations (correctly used)PPE被存放在储藏室内,冷柜旁或者餐具旁。(可能存在污染的风险)Personal protective outfits are either stored in the closet or stored near the refrigerator or the tableware. (Danger of contamination due to personal protective outfit)PPE应存放在一个独立的空间内

103、。如果使用橱柜,应独立存放,避免其他物品的污染Personal protective outfits should be kept in separate place, and when using the cabinet, to prevent contamination to other items, they should be stored in individual (relevant lockers)所执行的第一条是为了使用起来较为方便(应将PPE存放在一臂的距离之内)Clause no. 1 is being executed so usage should be easy. (

104、should be kept within arms reach)所执行的第二条是要求PPE的存放地点应使任何地方都容易获取。clause 2 is being executed and the location of the storage should be accessible anywhere.第三条必须执行,PPE只能存放在储存地点。clause 3 must be executed and it should kept only in the storage place.TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip检查PPE的管理的管理Review manageme

105、nt of Personal Protective EquipmentPPEPPE(个人防人防护用品)用品)提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示46步步骤 5材料材料摆放无需放无需No evidence of order现场有不需要的物品有不需要的物品Unnecessary items in area区区域域内内仅有目前流程所需原料,有目前流程所需原料,废弃物弃物得到及得到及时的的清清理理Only those materials required for current process in area, waste is sorted对所有所需物品已定所有所需物品已定义最小、最大最小、最大

106、库存存水平,但水平,但没没有有执行。行。Min/max inventory levels for all necessary items defined but not followed对所有所需物品已定义和执行最小、最大库对所有所需物品已定义和执行最小、最大库存水平。存水平。 Min/max inventory levels for all necessary items defined and followed主要原料分散摆放,相同产品存放在多个地点。The main material of the durable is scattered about and the same produ

107、ct are stored in many places.现场存在实验室禁止带入的物品(手机,打火机,高跟鞋等)Articles that are prohibited from the laboratory (mobile phone, lighter, high heel) cannot be brought in.现场只提供物品状态管理表内已登记的原料。如果它们需丢弃在指定的垃圾箱内,那么就要 进 行 分 类 收 集 。 Only the materials registered in the management item status chart are available and

108、if they are in the designated trash bins, separation collection is taking place.对主要原料进行超市化管理。现场有耐用品,但 并 没 有 按 照 上 述 要 求 进 行 管 理 。 A “supermarket system” for main material and durables exists but it is not being followed.对所有物品以进行超市化管理,但对于其他物品,则需反应出最高、最低值。A supermarket is being managed. But for produc

109、ts excluded from the supermarket, they must reflect the highest/lowest value. TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip原料原料,中,中间产物物/锡灌,面板,杯子,手套灌,面板,杯子,手套/金金属属废弃物,弃物,废弃弃涂料,涂料,废溶溶剂等。最低等。最低库存水平和存水平和补充系充系统数数量水平量水平Raw materials, intermediates / tins, panels, cups, gloves / metal waste, paint waste, solvents etc. -

110、minimum inventory level and replenishment system amount levels原料、耗材及原料、耗材及废弃弃物物Materials, Materials, ConsumablesConsumablesand wasteand waste提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示 方方 法法通通过整整顿使得整理和使得整理和清除成除成为一一项经常性的工作常性的工作Arranging and clearing become a common event Arranging and clearing become a common event through

111、 simplification. through simplification. 实验室的整顿主要是指通过优化实验室的环境和物品放置规划等手段,使得工作人员能够在短时间内轻实验室的整顿主要是指通过优化实验室的环境和物品放置规划等手段,使得工作人员能够在短时间内轻松地找到自己所需的物品。松地找到自己所需的物品。 Simplification of the Lab means that for the people working, a rapid and convenient way to obtain what he needs for operation without inconvenie

112、nce should be done by optimization of the Lab environment and the layout. 实验设备的存放区域应该有清晰的分类,且所有物品使用后都必须贴上标签。将物品放置在其初始位置是很重要的。现场应在所有人员均能看到的地方设置逃生图,以便紧急情况发生时,所有人员能够顺利撤离。 The storage place of Lab equipment should be categorized clearly, and everything should be labeled and after use. It is important th

113、at they be placed in its original position. In case of emergency, an evacuation map should be in place where all can see for possible contingency.工作流程图Work Flow Drawing标签Labeling超市化管理Supermarket安全和合适的地点Safe and proper location分隔线Separation of Line整整 顿审审 计计步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 548步步骤 1现场无工作流程或者平面布置改无工作

114、流程或者平面布置改进No evidence of work flow or layout improvements所有工作人所有工作人员应已已经完成完成5S培培训,有能,有能力力简化其工作流程化其工作流程All associates have been trained in 5S toolbox to simplify the work flow建立工作建立工作现状状流程流程图;识别无效部分无效部分Current state work flow & process maps established; inefficiency identified提供未提供未来来工作的愿景;工作的愿景;识别可改

115、善的可改善的区区域域Future state vision available; improvement areas identified使用持使用持续改善工具改善工具将将工作流程向前推工作流程向前推进的示例。的示例。Evidence of use of continuous improvement tools to move from current to future state 无工作流程改善计划。No Improvement plan for work flow理解怎样绘制工作流程图。Understand how to draw work flow将工作流程和当前状态列入工作流程改善计

116、划。Work Flow and Current state mapping is in improvement plan for work flow应执行第二条,并公布工作流程改善计划。Clause no. 2 is being executed, and displayed improvement plan for work flowTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip实验室室内内的操作的操作应按照最按照最经济的原的原则进行布置。行布置。储藏室藏室应与与工作工作区区域分域分开开,且其容量必,且其容量必须足足够大。大。Work operations are locate

117、d in the most economic way in the laboratory space; storage room is clearly separated from the working area and adequate工作流程工作流程Work FlowWork Flow应执行第二条,并公布改善计划Clause no. 2 is being executed, and displayed action plan提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示49步步骤 2现场无整无整顿(所有(所有东西都堆在同一地点西都堆在同一地点/现场直接直接清清洁和和备用)用)No eviden

118、ce of Simplify (a place for everything; in place clean / ready for use)储存存区区域已存放工作所需的物品,但是域已存放工作所需的物品,但是缺少缺少标签Necessary items for tasks identified with storage areas, but not labeled在在贴有有标签的的储存存区区域存放工作所需的域存放工作所需的物品物品Necessary items for tasks identified and available in labeled storage areas物品的物品的数数量

119、已量已经减减少少Number of items have been reduced所有物品均能在所有物品均能在1分分钟内内被找到被找到Any item can be retrieved within 1 minute能在一分钟内找到工具和PPE。Can find tools, instruments and PPE within 1 minutes工具和实验设备存放在上锁的柜子内,但是未作标签。Lockers exist for tools and experiment equipment but no labeling have been done.采用超市管理系统Supermarket s

120、ystem existed现场可以容易地看到工具,测试设备和状态表,工作人员可以在1分钟内找到所需物品。The tools, testing equipments and status chart can be seen readily so anyone can find the items in 1 minute. 工具包括实验台上的工具(刮铲,杯子等),测试和测量的设备。确定工具包括实验台上的工具(刮铲,杯子等),测试和测量的设备。确定和提供和提供PPEPPE,储存区域做好标签以便于操作和归还。,储存区域做好标签以便于操作和归还。Workbench tools (spatulas, cu

121、ps etc.) and testing equipment, P.P.E. items identified and available in storage areas clearly labeled for ease of operation & return工具,工具,PPEPPE(个人防人防护用用品)品)Tools & Tools & InstrumentsInstruments, , P.P.E.P.P.E.TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip工具和实验设备存放在上锁的柜子内,并作好标签。 Lockers exist for tools and experi

122、ment equipment and labeling have been done.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示50步步骤 3部部门内内无原料和耗材的所有人无原料和耗材的所有人标签No ownership of materials & consumables in dept指定原料和耗材存放指定原料和耗材存放区区域,域,并并贴好好标签Storage areas for materials & consumables specified & labeled所有原料和耗材存放在指定的区域所有原料和耗材存放在指定的区域All materials & consumables in spe

123、cified storage areas所有原料和耗材存放在指定的区域;现场有所有原料和耗材存放在指定的区域;现场有最低存量水平和补给系统最低存量水平和补给系统All materials & consumables in specified storage areas; with minimum inventory level and replenishment system虽然现场已经执行超市化管理,但是未指定运行主管。Although the supermarket is being operated, the operation supervisor has not been desig

124、nated.现场已经执行超市化管理,也指定了运行主管。 T he supermarket is being operated and the operation supervisor has been designated. 检查区区域域内内原料及耗材的所有原料及耗材的所有权和和补给系系统Review area for ownership of raw materials, consumables and for a replenishment system (ex. kanban, min/max).原料及耗材原料及耗材Materials & Materials & ConsumablesC

125、onsumables部部门内内有原料和耗材所有人有原料和耗材所有人标签Ownership of materials & consumables in departmentTipTipTipTipTipTip执行超市化管理,所有物品库存应低于TP + Reorder 水平。The supermarket is being operated and all stocks quantity is below TP + Reorder level.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示51步步骤 4现场存在拖线板接多个用电设备,插座、插现场存在拖线板接多个用电设备,插座、插头及电线破损的情况头及电线

126、破损的情况Presence of multi-way adaptors or damaged outlets, plugs/sockets, cords设备设备/ /插座之间的电线距离应最近可能短插座之间的电线距离应最近可能短Equipment / sockets located to give short cable runs工作场所须有足够的照明且能正常工作工作场所须有足够的照明且能正常工作Lighting adequate for working environment and in working order便携式设备存放地点的确定。便携式设备存放地点的确定。 Locations id

127、entified for portable equipment & stored correctly电缆线一般应单独敷设,如果需要两条电缆线敷设在一起,应使用带子,条状板等将其绑在一起。 Cables must be arranged in one strip and when they are arranged together, they must be attached together using attaching strip, tape or molding.设备至插座之间电线的距离应该尽可能短,如果它们都设置在地面上,应加装线条。 From electrical products

128、 to the socket, the cable must use the shortest distance possible, and when they are placed in the floor, they must be attached with moldings.如果工作场所照明不够,则必须增加照明设备。若无法满足,则需另外使用立式照明设备代替。 When the lighting is insufficient, additional lighting must be obtained and when that is not possible, additional l

129、ighting (stands) must be acquired and used.存放便携式电动产品(电热器,电扇)的地点应能够防潮。(对于无法满足该要求的存放地点,应使用干燥剂For hand-carry electrical item (thermo-heater, fan, and other continuous using electrical product and others) the storage places are appropriately and clearly categorized. 现场电气设备的位置是否正确合理现场电气设备的位置是否正确合理? ? Is

130、the electrical equipment correctly located and suitable for the area?电气设备ElectricalElectrical整理电缆线,不要随便缠绕。整理电缆线,不要随便缠绕。 Cables neatly coiled and not tangledTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示52步步骤 5现场无分无分类线No lines in place现场有分有分类线标明危明危险区区域域Lines in place clearly indicating hazardous areas现

131、场有分有分类线标明危明危险区区域,工作域,工作区区域域和和废弃物弃物区区域域Lines for hazardous and defined working/waste areas (where appropriate)现场所有的分所有的分类线均符合全球和地均符合全球和地区区实验室相室相关关标准准All area lines in place to Global or Regional standard, where required for laboratories (to be defined)无分类线现场有分界线划分实验设备和设施(黄线)For the experiment equipme

132、nt and facility, category line exist (yellow line) 实验室内有分界线标明喷漆橱,分散剂区域和其他危险区域(红线)A category line for spray booth, disperser area and danger area exist. (red line)现场是否有分是否有分类线标明危明危险、工作、工作区区域和流程域和流程Are lines in place indicating hazards, work areas and flow?分分类线Dividing Dividing lineslines现场有部分分有部分分类线S

133、ome lines in placeTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip操作区域的分类线(黄线),垃圾的丢弃和分类收集区域(红线)Category line for operation space (yellow line) and trash, and disposal separation and collection region (red line) exists respectively 提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示通过清洁来保持干净的环境Maintaining of clean environment by Systematic cleaning. 实验室的清洁工作

134、主要是要求所有的家具和固定设施必须保持干净,同时通过管理手段,来规划系统性的操作。实验室的清洁工作主要是要求所有的家具和固定设施必须保持干净,同时通过管理手段,来规划系统性的操作。无论是每天使用的耐用品还是私人物品,都必须保持干净。无论是每天使用的耐用品还是私人物品,都必须保持干净。 For systematic cleaning of the Lab, all furniture and fixtures must always be maintained cleanly and a management method must be planned for systematic opera

135、tion. From everyday durables to personal protection gears, they must all be maintained in a clean manner. 当你跨进实验室的那一刻,干净的办公室所传递出的氛围是非常重要的,尤其是由分类和简化所带来的视觉上的干净。对于所需的清洁工具,必须得到妥善的安排,并养成每天都要进行清洁的习惯。 As soon as you enter the Lab, it is important that an atmosphere conducive to a clean Lab must be presente

136、d. Especially, visually clean status is an important point characterized by categorization and simplification. For the necessary cleaning tools, they should be arranged well and the everyday cleaning should be carried out in a systematic manner. 清洁实验室内部Cleaning Lab inside清洁工具和设备Cleaning of Tool, Ins

137、truments清洁计划Cleaning Plan可视化控制Visual Control系统地清洁Systematic Cleaning清清 洁 方方 法法审审 计计步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 554步步骤 1现场总体上很体上很脏Areas generally dirty液体液体喷溅被控制且迅速地被被控制且迅速地被清清理掉。理掉。Spills are contained and cleaned promptly所有物品和工作区域都很干净,且清洁工作所有物品和工作区域都很干净,且清洁工作由清洁时间表来控制。由清洁时间表来控制。 All areas are clean and clean

138、ing schedule (rota) in place to control识别识别物品一直物品一直较脏的根本原因,的根本原因,并并进行改行改进Root causes of spills and continual dirt identified & fixed如果地面和墙面是脏的,那么根据6面标准(4面,天花板和地面),两面以上可以认为是被污染的If the floor or the walls, have dirt on it or is contaminated, than taking the standard of 6 sides (four sides, ceiling and

139、floor), more than 2 sides can be considered to be contaminated. 无液体喷溅和滴落的痕迹No stains exist for falling down or spilling. 清洁时间表应该安排每一项清洁工作。对于最大周期为一个月的,也应进行清洁,并指定团队主管,进行通报。For each cleaning item, the cleaning schedule should be arranged and for a maximum of monthly unit, cleaning should be done and wi

140、th the authorization of the team leader, it should be notified.TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip检查实验室室内内部部结构构总体情体情况况和和清清洁状况状况Review general condition and cleanliness of internal structure of the lab地面,地面,墙面和操作面和操作台台Floor, Walls an Floor, Walls an WorkbenchesWorkbenches现场部分部分较脏Areas are dirty in parts如果

141、地面和墙面是脏的,那么根据6面标准(4面,天花板和地面),四面以上可以认为是被污染的If the floor or the walls, have dirt on it or is contaminated, than taking the standard of 6 sides (four sides, ceiling and floor), more than 4 sides can be considered to be contaminated.为了防止污染“存放设施,运输工具的环境目的表/评价表(包括环境影响评价),” 为了避免污染重现,必须在草拟计划后,定期进行检查(地面,墙面,天

142、花板,窗户) For contamination prevention, “storage facility, transport facilitys environment list chart/evaluation chart (within environment influence evaluation) or list for contamination recurrence prevention measure”, a list has been drawn out and checked regularly. (floor, wall, ceiling, window) )提示提

143、示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示55步步骤 2机械和工作机械和工作区区域很域很脏,现场有破有破损和不和不安全的安全的设备。Machines & area very dirty, any damaged, unsafe equipment所有物品和工作所有物品和工作区区域域总体体较为干干净All items & area are generally clean所有物品和工作区域都很干净,且清洁工作所有物品和工作区域都很干净,且清洁工作由清洁时间表来控制。由清洁时间表来控制。All items and area are clean and cleaning schedule (rota) in

144、place to control识别识别物品一直物品一直较脏的根本原因,的根本原因,并并进行改行改进Root causes of spills and continual dirt identified & fixed对于现场的机器和设备,需制定一份清洁周期表。For machine and equipment item, a cleaning period chart has been drawn out.根据清洁周期表,所有物品按照清洁周期完成清洁工作。 For cleaning period chart, all items are clean, and they are cleaned

145、 according to the cleaning period.机械,机械,搅拌机,拌机,喷雾设备,烘箱和天平保持干,烘箱和天平保持干净,且,且检查破破损。Machinery, mills, spray equipment, ovens, balances are kept clean and checked for damage机械和机械和设备Machines & Machines & EquipmentEquipment定定义和提供和提供清清洁的的标准准Standards for cleaning defined and available受到油和其他物质的污染,现场的机械和设备非常脏

146、,且一些设备不安全。For oil and other contamination, the machine and equipment are extremely dirty and some equipments are not safe. 根据清洁周期表,部分物品完成清洁工作。For cleaning period chart, among the product, the relevant items are partially cleaned.TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip为了防止污染“存放设施,运输工具的环境目的表/评价表(包括环境影响评价),” 为了

147、避免污染重现,必须在草拟计划后,定期进行检查(地面,墙面,天花板,窗户) For contamination prevention, “storage facility, transport facilitys environment list chart/evaluation chart (within environment influence evaluation) or list for contamination recurrence prevention measure”, a list has been drawn out and checked regularly. (floo

148、r, wall, ceiling, window) TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示56步步骤 3未定未定义接受的接受的标准准No acceptable standards defined3项项物品超出物品超出标准准 items out of standard一一项或或两两项物品超出物品超出标准准Odd one or two items out of standard所有物品都已所有物品都已清清洁并并归还到到标签指定位指定位置置All items cleaned and returned to appropriately la

149、beled positions工具和测试设备和个人防护用品的管理标准(例如:根据物品种类,清洁周期表来制定物品状态管理表)Management standard for tool and testing equipment, and personal protective outfit.Ex.: By item, cleaning period chart for “management item status chart”大于3项物品未符合工具和测试设备和个人防护用品的管理标准。 (例如:未物品状态管理表进行定期的清洁) For management standard tool, testi

150、ng equipment and personal protective outfit item, all 3 items are not being executed.Ex.: For “management item status chart”, the relevant items are not being cleaned periodically.所有工具,所有工具,设施和施和PPE均完成均完成清清洁,并并做好了使用的准做好了使用的准备All tools, instruments and PPE are cleaned and ready for use工具,工具,设施和施和PPEP

151、PE(个人防人防护用用品)品)Tools, Tools, Instruments & PPEInstruments & PPE定定义和提供接受的和提供接受的标准准An acceptable standard has been defined and is available2项物品未符合工具和测试设备和个人防护用品的管理标准。 (例如:2项物品未物品状态管理表进行定期的清洁) For management standard tool, testing equipment and personal protective outfit, 2 items are not being executed

152、.Ex.: For “management item status chart” the relevant items cleaning period is not being executed (2 items)所有物品均符合工具和测试设备和个人防护用品的管理标准。所有物品都已清洁并存放在指定的地点。 For management standard tool, testing equipment and personal protective outfit item, all are being cleaned as planned and stored in the designated

153、placesTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip现场有工具和测试设备和个人防护用品的管理标准Management standard for tool and testing equipment, and personal protective are here提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示57步步骤 4无可无可视化控制化控制No visual control使用使用标签进行一些可行一些可视化控制化控制Some visual controls with labeling所有物品所有物品标示示清清楚可楚可视化要求,化要求,清清洁要要求和使用求和使用状状态All i

154、tems labeled with requirements visible, clean and in use 通通过可可视化控制,化控制,将将工工艺和流程和流程贴于醒于醒目位置目位置Process and flow is obvious through good visual control现场没有张贴如下信息:工作流程图,物品状态管理表,清洁周期,其他公告。For work flow drawing, management item status chart, cleaning period chart or any other bulletins, none of them are n

155、ot being posted.根据物品状态管理表的要求,已经有50%以上的物品贴好标示,并存放在指定的柜子或分界线内。For management item status chart, more than 50% of the item have been labeled and are clearly in their designated locker or within their category line. 根据物品状态管理表的要求,所有物品均应完成标示和定期清洁表,并将上述两表张贴在设备上。For management item status chart, all items a

156、re labeled and among management item status chart, cleaning periodic chart, 2 of them are posted.根据物品状态管理表的要求,所有物品均应完成标示和定期清洁表,并将上述两表张贴在设备上。 For management item status chart, all items are labeled and among management item status chart, cleaning periodic chart, all of them are posted.执行第三条,且所有超市内的物品

157、实施该规定。Clause 3 is being executed and all items are being implemented at the supermarket.任何走进实验室的人应该能够了解工艺和流程任何走进实验室的人应该能够了解工艺和流程- -最低库存水平,补给流最低库存水平,补给流程和使用日期的。程和使用日期的。 Anyone walking in the area should be able to understand the process & the flow - minimum inventory level replenishing and usage date

158、s etc. visible可可视化控制化控制Visual ControlVisual Control一些物品已一些物品已经完成完成标示,示,并并使用干使用干净的的储物箱物箱Some items are labeled, storage containers are in use and cleanTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示58步步骤 5无无实施施清清洁的迹象的迹象No evidence cleaning carried out实施定期的施定期的清清洁Routine cleaning carried out 所有物品是干

159、所有物品是干净的,的,现场有明确的有明确的清清洁责任表和任表和签名表名表All items are clean, cleaning responsibility (rota.) in place and signed off识别识别物品一直物品一直较脏的根本原因,的根本原因,并并进行行改改进Root causes of continual dirt identified & fixed储物间,电脑间,休息室未张贴定期清洁表,现场较脏。For the locker room, PC room, resting lounge, the cleaning period chart is not po

160、sted and is dirty.按照定期清洁表的要求进行清洁Cleaning is done following the cleaning period chart. 明确定明确定义所有所有清清洁的的责任,任,员工工将将其其视为日常日常工作的一部分。工作的一部分。All cleaning responsibilities are clearly defined, and people clean as part of their normal duties其他普通工作其他普通工作场所的所的清洁- -实验室,室,柜子,子,电脑,通,通讯区域域Cleaning Cleaning of othe

161、r common workareas - of other common workareas - Lab, lockers, Lab, lockers, PCs,communication areaPCs,communication area有一些有一些清清洁的迹象的迹象Some evidence cleaning carried out为了防止污染“存放设施,运输工具的环境目的表/评价表(包括环境影响评价)”,为了避免污染重现,必须在草拟计划后,定期进行检查(地面,墙面,天花板,窗户)For contamination prevention, “storage facility, trans

162、port facilitys environment purpose chart/evaluation chart (within environment influencing evaluation) or for contamination recurrence prevention measure, reviewing task are done periodically after drawing up of the list. (floor, walls, ceiling, windows)TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip储物间,电脑间,休息室未张贴定期清

163、洁表,但现场较干净。 For the locker room, PC room, resting lounge, the cleaning period chart is not posted but is clean储物间,电脑间,休息室张贴定期清洁表,且现场较干净。 For the locker room, PC room, resting lounge, the cleaning period chart is posted and is clean提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示清扫 3S Systemization through Standardization 3S Sys

164、temization through Standardization 实验室的清扫工作,如同前面所述,主要通过执行分类,整顿和对清洁体系的系统化。清洁系统应通过建立一实验室的清扫工作,如同前面所述,主要通过执行分类,整顿和对清洁体系的系统化。清洁系统应通过建立一个标准程序进行运作。清扫对于使个标准程序进行运作。清扫对于使3S3S工作成为员工的日常习惯有着重要的意义。工作成为员工的日常习惯有着重要的意义。 The standardization for the Lab as explained before, should be executed by categorization, simpl

165、ification and systematic manner with the cleaning system being operated by establishing a standard procedure. It is important that by following this system that it becomes second nature. 所有家具和固定设施应被放置在其原始位置。同时,检查是否办公室的基础环境(照明,声音,温度,气味)在其恰当的水平。需要特别指出的是,系统应该符合TS-16949格式。另外,依据PPG程序要求来理解和通报系统相关内容也是非常重要的

166、All the furniture and fixture of the Lab should be placed in their original position and check to see if the basic Lab environment (light, sound, temperature, smell) is at their appropriate level. Especially, the system should follow the TS-16949 format and it is important that it is understood and

167、notified following the basic PPG procedure. 优化储存Optimization of Storage废弃物处置的管理Management for Disposal物品状态管理表Management Item Status Chart矩阵和教育计划Metrics & Education Plan3S的公示和管理Display and Management of 3S清清 扫 方方 法法审审 计计步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 560步步骤 1未明确定未明确定义储存存区区域域Storage areas not clearly defined储储存存区

168、区域域75%75%无序无序/ /过剩剩 50% storage areas disorderly / overflowing储储存存区区域域75%75%无序无序/ /过剩剩 25% storage areas disorderly / overflowing储储存存区区域不存在域不存在无序无序/ /过剩情剩情况况 No storage areas disorderly / overflowing上锁的柜子未做标示(橱柜,操作台,个人防护用品盒,装置台)For the locker (cabinet, operation table, personal safety protective box

169、, installation table) they are not labeled. TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip如果物品如果物品储存混存混乱乱,应立即立即进行改行改进。(空的。(空的垃垃圾桶)圾桶)Immediate action is taken if storage becomes disorderly (empty rubbish bins)物品物品储存混存混乱Disorderly Disorderly StorageStorage储储存存区区域域3项项物品超出物品超出标准准 items out of standard一一项或或两两项物品超出物品超出标准准Odd

170、one or two items out of standard大于3项物品未符合工具和测试设备和个人防护用品的管理标准。 For management standard tool, testing equipment and personal protective outfit item, all 3 items are not being executed.定定义和提供接受的和提供接受的标准准An acceptable standard has been defined and is available现场有工具和测试设备和个人防护用品的管理标准Management standard fo

171、r tool and testing equipment, and personal protective are here提示提示提示提示提示提示2项物品未符合工具和测试设备和个人防护用品的管理标准。 For management standard tool, testing equipment and personal protective outfit, 2 items are not being executed.90工作工作区域其他域其他区域的域的清洁Cleaning of other Cleaning of other areas in Work areasareas in Wor

172、k areas步步骤 5明确定明确定义所有所有清清洁的的责任,任,员工工将将其其视为日常日常工作的一部分。工作的一部分。All cleaning responsibilities are clearly defined, and people clean as part of their normal duties无无实施施清清洁的迹象的迹象No evidence cleaning carried out实施定期的施定期的清清洁Routine cleaning carried out 所有物品是干所有物品是干净的,的,现场有明确的有明确的清清洁责任表和任表和签名表名表All items are

173、 clean, cleaning responsibility (rota.) in place and signed off识别识别物品一直物品一直较脏的根本原因,的根本原因,并并进行行改改进Root causes of continual dirt identified & fixed储物间,电脑间,休息室未张贴定期清洁表,现场较脏。For the locker room, PC room, resting lounge, the cleaning period chart is not posted and is dirty.按照定期清洁表的要求进行清洁Cleaning is done

174、following the cleaning period chart. 有一些有一些清清洁的迹象的迹象Some evidence cleaning carried out为了防止污染“存放设施,运输工具的环境目的表/评价表(包括环境影响评价)”,为了避免污染重现,必须在草拟计划后,定期进行检查(地面,墙面,天花板,窗户)For contamination prevention, “storage facility, transport facilitys environment purpose chart/evaluation chart (within environment influe

175、ncing evaluation) or for contamination recurrence prevention measure, reviewing task are done periodically after drawing up of the list. (floor, walls, ceiling, windows)TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip储物间,电脑间,休息室未张贴定期清洁表,但现场较干净。 For the locker room, PC room, resting lounge, the cleaning period chart i

176、s not posted but is clean储物间,电脑间,休息室张贴定期清洁表,且现场较干净。 For the locker room, PC room, resting lounge, the cleaning period chart is posted and is clean提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示清扫 3S Systemization through Standardization 3S Systemization through Standardization 生产车间的清扫工作,如同前面所述,主要通过执行分类,整顿和对清洁体系的系统化。清洁系统应通过建立生

177、产车间的清扫工作,如同前面所述,主要通过执行分类,整顿和对清洁体系的系统化。清洁系统应通过建立一个标准程序进行运作。清扫对于使一个标准程序进行运作。清扫对于使3S3S工作成为员工的日常习惯有着重要的意义。工作成为员工的日常习惯有着重要的意义。 The standardization for the workcell as explained before, should be executed by categorization, simplification and systematic manner with the cleaning system being operated by es

178、tablishing a standard procedure. It is important that by following this system that it becomes second nature. 所有家具和固定设施应被放置在其原始位置。同时,检查是否办公室的基础环境(照明,声音,温度,气味)在其恰当的水平。需要特别指出的是,系统应该符合TS-16949格式。另外,依据PPG程序要求来理解和通报系统相关内容也是非常重要的All the furniture and fixture of the workcell should be placed in their origi

179、nal position and check to see if the basic workcell environment (light, sound, temperature, smell) is at their appropriate level. Especially, the system should follow the TS-16949 format and it is important that it is understood and notified following the basic PPG procedure. 优化储存Optimization of Sto

180、rage矩阵和教育计划Metrics & Education Plan废弃物分离Separation of Wastes管理项目现状表Management item status chart3S的公示和管理Display and Management of 3S清清 扫 方方 法法审审 计计步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 592步步骤 1如果物品如果物品储存混存混乱乱,应立即立即进行改行改进。(空的。(空的垃垃圾桶)圾桶)Immediate action is taken if storage becomes disorderly (empty rubbish bins)物品物品储存混存

181、混乱Disorderly Disorderly StorageStorage未明确定未明确定义储存存区区域域Storage areas not clearly defined储储存存区区域域75%75%无序无序/ /过剩剩 50% storage areas disorderly / overflowing储储存存区区域域75%75%无序无序/ /过剩剩 25% storage areas disorderly / overflowing储储存存区区域不存在域不存在无序无序/ /过剩情剩情况况 No storage areas disorderly / overflowing上锁的柜子未做标示

182、(橱柜,操作台,个人防护用品盒,装置台)For the locker (cabinet, operation table, personal safety protective box, installation table) they are not labeled. TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip储储存存区区域域75%无序无序/过剩剩 storage areas disorderly / overflowing在上锁的柜子中(橱柜,操作台,个人防护用品盒,装置台) ,有3处杂乱或超过容量。For clause 1 locker (cabinet, work table,

183、personal safety protective box, installation table), in 3 places, they are messy or exceeding capacity.在上锁的柜子中(橱柜,操作台,个人防护用品盒,装置台) ,有2处杂乱或超过容量。 For clause 2 locker (cabinet, work table, personal safety protective box, installation table), in 2 places, they are messy or exceeding capacity.在上锁的柜子中(橱柜,

184、操作台,个人防护用品盒,装置台) ,有1处杂乱或超过容量。 For clause 3 locker (cabinet, work table, personal safety protective box, installation table), in 1 places, they are messy or exceeding capacity.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示93步步骤 2现场未公示技能矩未公示技能矩阵和和轮班表班表No visual display of skills matrix or rotations (rotas)公示目前公示目前轮班(班(值班)表班)表C

185、urrent job rotations (rotas) on display公示所有公示所有团队成成员的照片的照片Photographs of all team members displayed公示目前培公示目前培训项目目Current training program displayed无技能矩阵和教育计划No technical matrix and education plan现在有技能矩阵和教育计划A technical matrix and education planning chart exist.对于大于两班的情况,应张贴轮班信息表。对于一班的情况,则是下一班的信息。For

186、 more than 2 shifts, information concerning rotations are posted. For 1 shift, it goes on to the next stage. 张贴组织架构表,内容包括团队所有成员的照片和姓名。For all team members, they are posted in the organizational chart with their photos and name. 团队成员根据技能矩阵和教育计划表完成相应的培训。Education is done following the technical matrix

187、 and education planning chart. TipTipTipTipTip指出指出劳动力的技能的力的技能的现状状和适和适应性性Indication of skill status and flexibility of workforce培培训和适和适应性性Training and Training and FlexibilityFlexibility公示目前技能矩公示目前技能矩阵Current skill matrix on display提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示94步步骤 3现场有专门的废弃物隔离区域来处理废弃物现场有专门的废弃物隔离区域来处理废弃物Dedi

188、cated waste segregation area - system in place to manage waste removal现场有有废弃物量最小化管理弃物量最小化管理计划划Waste minimization plan in place实施废弃物量最小化管理计划的证据实施废弃物量最小化管理计划的证据Evidence of progress towards waste minimization plan现场有专门的地点供垃圾分类收集,并张贴有“分类收集标准” A space for designating the trash separation collection exist

189、s and the “separation collection standard” is posted.强调废弃物的放置,避免垃圾的积聚,现场肮脏,液体喷溅,加强废弃强调废弃物的放置,避免垃圾的积聚,现场肮脏,液体喷溅,加强废弃物量最小化管理。物量最小化管理。Emphasis placed on avoiding the accumulation of rubbish, dirt and spills and enhancing waste minimization避免避免产生生废弃弃物物Avoidance Avoidance of Wasteof Waste实施第三条,现场放置有双面收集盒

190、,用于收集双面打印纸,同时设置墨盒和电池收集盒,用于独立收集和处置相应的废弃物。 For clause 3, it is being executed, and a box for two-sided paper exist with the use of two-sided paper being made routine and for the printer cartilages and batteries, they are stored separately and disposed of.制定和记录废弃物丢弃的情况。The disposal discharging date rep

191、ort is drawn out and recorded.无无废弃物管理弃物管理No evidence of waste management现场无垃圾收集区域No trash collection area exist.虽然有垃圾收集区域,但是没有进行分类Although a collection area exist, they are not separated. 有一些有一些废弃物管理的迹象,但是很少弃物管理的迹象,但是很少Some evidence of waste management but infrequentTipTipTipTipTip提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示

192、提示95步步骤 4现场无任何物品不在指定的地点无任何物品不在指定的地点There is no impression that anything is out of place (视觉清清扫Visual Sweeping) 物品不在指定物品不在指定地点地点Out of Place大于大于50%50%的物品在不正确的位置的物品在不正确的位置Impression that more than 50% of items out of place少于少于25%的物品在不正确的位置的物品在不正确的位置Impression that less than 25% of items out of place所有

193、物品均在适所有物品均在适当当位置。位置。Impression that everything is in place可可视化管理的化管理的证据据Evidence of visual management 物品状态管理表中大于50%的物品不在正确的位置。 More than 50% of Management item status chart are not in correct location物品状态管理表中少于50%的物品不在正确的位置。 Less than 50% of Management item status chart are not in correct location物品

194、状态管理表中少于25%的物品不在正确的位置。Less than 25% of Management item status chart are not in correct location所有物品均在正确的地点。All items are in correct location少于少于50%50%的物品在不正确的位置的物品在不正确的位置Impression that less than 50% of items out of place在现场醒目处张贴物品状态管理表,以便所有 人 能 够 执 行 。 The “management item status chart” is posted w

195、here it can be seen easily so that anyone can implement it.TipTipTipTipTip提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示96步步骤 5无无3S月度月度记分牌分牌No review of monthly 3S score职责分工明确分工明确Clearly assigned roles & responsibilities月度月度审计中缺失的中缺失的30天改善反天改善反馈30 day action reflects issues in monthly audit计划划完成情完成情况况的展示的展示Demonstrated achie

196、vement of plans现场没有展示季度3S记分牌(整理/整顿/清洁)The points for the 3S (categorization/simplification/systemization cleaning) for 3 months are not notified.每月“TDL(工作计划表)”已经准备好了,且所有员工均包含在内。The TDL monthly have been prepared and all the staff are included. 上一次月度审计报告中所提出的“改善建议”应在TDL中反馈出来。The auditing report for t

197、he previous months improvement recommendations have been reflected on the TDL. TDL中应显示改善计划的完成率。如果在所规定的时间内无法完成目标,则须在下面注明原因和修订后的目标完成时间。The achievement rate is shown in the To Do List, and if the goal is not met within the allocated date, the grounds should be noted in the reason line and the amended g

198、oal date should be recorded.提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示检查整理,整整理,整顿和和清清洁维护系系统Review the system for maintaining Sorting, Simplifying & Systematic cleaning前面的前面的3 3步步The The First 3 StepsFirst 3 Steps展示月度展示月度3S记分牌分牌Monthly 3S score displayed 现场展示季度3S记分牌(整理/整顿/清洁) The points for the 3S (categorization/simplifi

199、cation/systemization cleaning) for 3 months are notified.通通 过 持持 续 改改 善善 进 行行 维 持持 Sustainability Sustainability resulting resulting in in continuous improvementcontinuous improvement为了维持办公室为了维持办公室5S5S工作,必须认识到广泛参与的重要性,这一点可以通过借助标明持续改善愿望的标记去实工作,必须认识到广泛参与的重要性,这一点可以通过借助标明持续改善愿望的标记去实现。事实上,单纯监控改善的情况并没有多大的

200、意义现。事实上,单纯监控改善的情况并没有多大的意义For sustainability of the 5S in the office, it is For sustainability of the 5S in the office, it is important to recognize it through comprehensive participation with signs of continuous will for important to recognize it through comprehensive participation with signs of con

201、tinuous will for improvement.improvement. Monitoring the improvement really does not have any meanings. Monitoring the improvement really does not have any meanings. 5S的重要性在于其对个人目的的识别,做到一点对你的生活中是很重要的。担心5S审计结果以及对于整改方案的思考同样非常重要。 The importance of 5S is the recognition of individual purpose and it is c

202、ritical that it be implemented partially in your life. It is also of consequence to worry about the result of 5S auditing and thoughts concerning the next issue for improvement.维护保养计划Maintain planning素素 养养步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 55S 公告板 5S Board标准工作流程Standard work flowKPI(关键绩效指数)的公示和更新KPI Display and Upd

203、ate5S审计的管理Management of 5S Audit 方方 法法审审 计计98步步骤 1部部门内没内没有有5S意意识No awareness of 5S in department将将5S定期定期检查的的结果作果作为团队会会议的一的一部分部分Regular 5S review as part of team meeting信息板上信息板上审计分分数数的更新和最近的更新和最近30天的天的计划划。Communication board updated with audit score and current 30 day plan 整整个个团队通通过30天天计划划积极极地地为5S做做贡

204、献献Whole team contributing positively to 5S through the 30 day plan 团队成员不知道5S(当被问及该问题)The team members themselves do not know about the 5S (when asked)在该办公室内,没有关于5S的信息( TDL/执行前、执行后/审计要点)In the office, there is no information about the 5S (TDL/Before & After/Auditing Point).所有团队成员应在会议之前已经收到上一月度审计报告,且他

205、们将其保存在一个文件夹内。For the audit report of the previous month, all team members have received a memorandum and they are keeping a file in that regard.在5S公告板上应贴有上一次月度审计的分数和本月TDL的完成情况。In the 5S bulletin board, the previous month audit points and this months TDL update (achievement rate) are being posted.所有团

206、队成员应实时被通知TDL的相关信息以及其在其中所负责的工作内容。All team members are being kept informed about the TDL and its role along with the achievement rate. (when asked)所有成所有成员对该项目有初步的目有初步的认识,了解其重要性,了解其重要性并并抱着抱着积极极的的态度度All staff aware of program and the importance and are positive about 5S5S 5S 积极性性5S 5S EnthusiasmEnthusia

207、sm现场现场5S信息板信息板 5S communication board in place提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示99无法无法轻松松获得部得部门的的标准操作程序准操作程序Department standard procedures not easily accessible部部门内内所有的所有的标准操作程序根据需要准操作程序根据需要进行更新行更新All Department Standard Procedures updated as required部门内所有的标准操作程序得到落实部门内所有的标准操作程序得到落实All Department Standard Procedu

208、res followed现场可以看可以看见标准操作程序准操作程序/原料原料风险评估估/安全安全处理信息理信息Dept Standard Procedures/Material risk assessment/Safe Handling information visible无法轻松找到标准操作程序The standard operation procedure cannot be found easily.所有操作都遵循标准操作程序。The operation is being done following the standard operation procedure.已已张贴部分部分标准

209、操作程序准操作程序Some department standard procedures displayed在各种实验中,只能找到部分标准操作程序。Among the various experiments, only several standard operation procedures can be found.现场可以看见标准操作程序的改善标志。Improvement signs for the standard operation procedure can been seen. (in the process of upgrading)现场已经将标准操作程序/SHIS标签/MSD

210、S/安全操作程序张贴在醒目位置。For the standard operation procedure/SHIS label/MSDS/safety operation procedure, it has been posted or arranged in a place easily found. TipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示步步骤 2操作程序和工作操作程序和工作说明明Procedures and Work Procedures and Work InstructionsInstructions确确认和遵守所有操作程

211、序和工作和遵守所有操作程序和工作说明明All procedures and work instructions are acknowledged and followed100步步骤 3是否指标来定义团队的绩效和展示持续改善的情况?使用是否指标来定义团队的绩效和展示持续改善的情况?使用P&LPP&LP来获得来获得结果结果 KPIs to demonstrate team performance and show continuous improvementKPIKPI未确定技未确定技术工作或工作或5S的指的指标No metrics identified for Technical work o

212、r 5S使用使用P&LPP&LP来获得结果来获得结果 P&LP used to achieve results公示指标以及行动计划范例公示指标以及行动计划范例Metrics displayed and evidence of action plan分析、确定指标,改善行动的依据以及持续分析、确定指标,改善行动的依据以及持续改善方案改善方案Metrics displayed, analyzed & evidence of corrective action and Continuous Improvement PlansKPI举例:销售绩效/技术-产品开发& FCR/生产-生产力/管理-费用降低

213、和工艺改进) Example of KPI: Sales-Performance/Technology-Product Development & FCR/Production-Productivity/Management-Cost Reduction & Process Improvement) 更新个人P&LP。 Individual P&LP is being updated. 确定KPI之后,应制定一个达成目标的行动计划。 The KPI is indicated, an action plan for achieving the purpose is shown.团队的KPI需进行

214、通报和分析,使用P&LP 改善 测量方法,进行持续改善 The KPI of the team is notified, and analyzed using P&LP with plans for amendment measures and continuous improvement included. 确定技术工作或确定技术工作或5S5S的指标的指标5S and Technical metrics identifiedTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTipTip每一项指标都有基本的测量标准Basic measurement standard for each 提示提示提

215、示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示101步步骤 4未公布保未公布保养养计划划No evidence of Planned Maintenance displayed公布公布预防性保防性保养养计划划Preventive Maintenance Plan displayed预防性保防性保养养计划划显示出示出个个项目的目的频率及率及完成情完成情况况Preventive Maintenance Plan showing frequency & completion displayed有充足的有充足的证据表明据表明预防性保防性保养养的完成情的完成情况况,历史史记录和持和持续改善的改善的检查情情况况。Evid

216、ence of adequate PMs carried out, history, and review leading to continuous improvement现场的设施没有“保养计划表”For facilities, a “maintenance plan chart” does not exists.大体上执行了清洁工作,但是没有遵照“保养计划表”的安排。General cleaning is being executed but not following the “maintenance plan chart”现场张贴“保养计划表”The “maintenance pla

217、n chart” is posted 现场张贴“保养计划表”并指出执行的规定(团队主管授权)The “maintenance plan chart” is posted and regulation for execution (team leader authorization) is indicated.在最近的一年,保养计划表连同年度改善实施情况一起被保存。For the last 1 year, the “maintenance plan chart” is being stored with the annual improvement plan implementation bei

218、ng able to be reviewed.提示提示TipTipTipTip已已经定定义区区域域内内设备的的维护保保养养计划并划并得到工程保得到工程保养养人人员同意同意Area maintenance plans have been defined and agreed with engineering maintenance计划保保养Planned Planned MaintenanceMaintenance生生产团队执行定期的行定期的预防性保防性保养养(例如(例如滤网清网清洁)Routine Preventive Maintenance (eg Strainer cleaning) ca

219、rried out by Production Team提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示提示102步骤 5未公布未公布5S5S审计审计得分得分5S Audit Score not displayedTipTip是否公布是否公布5S5S持持续改善的改善的结果?果? Is there a Is there a demonstrated 5S continuous improvementdemonstrated 5S continuous improvement提高审计得分提高审计得分Improving Improving Audit ScoreAudit Score实施定期的审计并公布得分实施

220、定期的审计并公布得分Routine audit carried out and score displayed 未在图表中显示近三个月5S审计的得分The auditing points for 5S for 3 months are not shown in the graph. 每月进行审计,并在蜘蛛图中显示出各部分的得分。 Audits are done monthly with relevant points shown on the spider map.如上,如上,并并增加三增加三个个月度的移月度的移动平均平均数数As above and increasing 3 monthly moving average如上,如上,并并增加最后三增加最后三个个月逐月月逐月变化的情化的情况况As above and increasing month by month over last 3 months如上,如上,最近最近3个月的得分均高于目标值。个月的得分均高于目标值。As above and score over target last 3 months提示提示提示提示103团队名名称2012年年9月月



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