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1、lesson67-The-weekendlesson67-The-weekendgreengrocer gri:ngrus n.蔬蔬菜菜水水果果零零售商售商2 absent bsnt, bsent a.缺席的缺席的3 Monday mndi n. 星期一星期一4 Tuesday tju:zdi:, tu:z- n. 星星期二期二5 Wednesday wenzdi n. 星期三星期三6 Thursday :zdi 星期四星期四7 keep ki:p v.(身身体体健健康康)处于于(状状况况)8 spend spend v. 度度过9 weekend wi:kend, wi:kend n.周末周

2、末10 Friday fraidi n. 星星期期五五11 Saturday stdi n. 星期六星期六12 Sunday sndi n. 星星期期日日13 country kntri n. 乡村村14 lucky lki a. 幸幸运运的的1 church t:t n. 教教堂堂2 dairy deri n. 乳乳品品店店3 baker beik n. 面包面包师傅傅4 grocer grus n. 食品食品杂货商商一一. New words and expressions:二二. Lead in:三三. Questions1.What are the Johnsons going to

3、do at the weekend?2.How is Jimmy today?3.Was he absent last week?四四.Explain the text1.Were you at the butchers1.在在英英文文中中表表示示某某商商店店时,常常把把shop一一词省省略略。如如at the butchers ,后后面面省省略略了了shop,at my mothers, 省省略略了了house.at the grocers the greengrocers the bakers the butchers the hairdressers2.Was he absent fro

4、m school last week?be absent from 不在,缺席不在,缺席be absent from school 缺缺课be absent from work 旷工工be present at 出席出席3.How are you all keeping?keep +宾语+宾语补足足语 是是某某人人某某物物保保持在某种状持在某种状态。keep sb./sth.+形容形容词keep sb./sth.+介介词短短语keep sb. doing sth.让某人做某事某人做某事keep on doing sth. 接着做某事接着做某事keep doing sth. 一直做某事一直做某事

5、4.Were going to spend three days in the country.spend+n./pron. 度度过eg:I want to spend my holiday in the country this weekend.主主+spend+钱/时间+on+sth.Women always spend a lot of monkey on clothes.主主+spend+钱/时间+(in)doing+sth.I spent 2 hours explaining the plan at the meeting.It takes sb. some time to do s

6、th.It takes me 2 hours to finish my homework every day.主(人)主(人)+pay+钱+for sth.I paid ten yuan for the book.物物+cost+人人+钱The markers cost me ten yuan.in the country. 5.Were going to stay at my mothers for the weekend.for the weekend:指指的的时间段段,这几几天。天。 at the weekend:强调的是的是时间点。点。一般过去时一般过去时: 表表示示过过去去某某个个时

7、时间间发发生生,而而现现在在已已经经结结束束的的动动作作。本课学习本课学习主系表主系表结构的句型。结构的句型。1.1.肯定句结构:主语肯定句结构:主语+was/were+was/were+其它其它2. 2. 一般疑问句:一般疑问句:_was/werewas/were_提前,其余不变。提前,其余不变。 肯定回答:肯定回答:YesYes,主语,主语+was/were. +was/were. 否定回答:否定回答:NoNo, 主语主语+wasnt/werent.+wasnt/werent.3.3.否定句在否定句在_ _was/werewas/were_后加后加_not_not_,_,其余不变。其余不变

8、。I _ ( be ) at school yesterday. But my parents _ ( be ) at home.1.This girl _ (be ) ten years old.3.My grandma _ ( be ) young before. But she_ ( be ) old now.4. The children _ ( be ) at the library last Sunday. Now they_ ( be ) in the park.5. Mrs. Smith _ ( be ) at the cinema just now. Two hours ag

9、o she _ ( be ) at home.I was at home yesterday?(一一般般疑疑问句句,做做肯肯定和否定回答)定和否定回答)1.She was very short last year.(否定句)(否定句)2.The boys were at school last Monday.(提(提问)1.I was at the office yesterday.(提(提问)基数基数词变序数序数词的口的口诀基变序,有规律,基变序,有规律,一二三,特殊例,一二三,特殊例,末尾字母末尾字母t, d, d.八去八去t,九去,九去e,ve要用要用f替,替,ty结尾结尾y变变i,th之前还要加之前还要加e。若要碰到几十几,若要碰到几十几,只变个位就可以。只变个位就可以。one-first /1sttwo-second /2ndThree-third /3rdeight-eighth /8thnine-ninth /9thfive-fifth /5th twelve-twelfth/12thtwenty-twentieth /20thtwenyty-one-twenty-first /21st结束结束



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