高二英语Grammaand Usage课件牛津版选修6

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1、Grammar Grammar and Usageand UsagePast tensesFuture tensesthe simple past tense 一般过去时一般过去时 the simple future tense 一般将来时一般将来时the past continuous tense 过去进过去进行时行时the future in the past 过去将来时过去将来时Past and future tenses:Past tensesFuture tensesthe past perfect tense 过去完成时过去完成时the future continuous tens

2、e 将来进行时将来进行时did +do/ was (were)+ 一般过去时一般过去时shall/will/be (am/is/are) going to +do 一般将来时一般将来时Past tensesFuture tenseswas/were +doing 过去过去进行时进行时would+do 过去将来时过去将来时had+done 过去完成时过去完成时will be doing 将来进行时将来进行时一.一般过去时一般过去时的构成的构成:规则与不规则规则与不规则(一一) 规则变化规则变化 A, 实义动词 1.+ed, e.g. Worked2.-e, +d, e.g. Hoped 3.辅音

3、字母+y , 改y为i+ed, e.g. Studystudied 4.重读闭音节且为辅元辅, 双写+ed, e.g.stopped 5.以l x结尾的双写l +ed e.g, travelled, compelled 6.had (有) B, 系动词, was/wereC. 助动词, did, D, 情态动词could, might , should , would 二, 常用时间状语常用时间状语yesterday,last week, a few days ago, after one clock, at that time, then, in 2001, during those day

4、 , those days, Past tenses:三三.A.运用运用1.状态过去状态过去:表示过去的状态表示过去的状态, 事情事情 e. g. He was ill yesterday2.事件过去事件过去:表示过去某一时间点表示过去某一时间点/段发生的动作段发生的动作/状态状态 e.g. Tom joined the army in 1980.3.习惯过去习惯过去:表示过去的习惯表示过去的习惯. e.g. He used to go fishing every day. She would pay a visit to her grandma.4.表示某种感情色彩表示某种感情色彩. e.g

5、. You asked for it! I told you so!5.从过去某一时间点考虑从过去某一时间点考虑, 已经预先安排好的肯定要发已经预先安排好的肯定要发生的动作生的动作. e.g. He told us that school opened tomorrow.B.时态替代时态替代1。在时间。在时间,条件条件, 方式和让步状语从句中表示将来方式和让步状语从句中表示将来的动作的动作E.g .He would not leave until she came back. I would not go if it rained the next day. The more you stud

6、ied, the more you would obtain. She made up her mind to go there even if it snowed tomorrow 2.代一般现在:这种用法使句子在语气上较为婉转客气, 能这样用的动词有hope, want , wonder, think ,intend , etc. e.g. I wondered if youd look after my mother when I m away. What did you want?(客气) What do you want ?(生硬)3.代过去完成时, (1) hope , think

7、 , expect 在不引起误解的情况下常用一般过去时代过完 e.g. The exam was easier than we expected (2) 由before, after 引起的时间状语从句中e.g. After the guests left, I went on with my work. (3) 如主从句都用过完, 只保留一个, 常保留主句,从句变. e.g. He told me someone had called when I was out. C, 在以下的句型中, 必须用一般过去时.1.It is (high, about) time that sb did sth

8、 e.g. It is time you paid a visit to your grandparents. Its about time you stopped smoking. Its high time you left now.2.would rather +从句从句e.g. She would rather her parents came to see her.3.It is +时间段时间段 since sb did sth e,g. It is five years since he went to Hainan provice.注意:注意: 1)一般过去时所表示的动作或状态都

9、已)一般过去时所表示的动作或状态都已 成为过去,现已不复存在。成为过去,现已不复存在。 如:如:He lived in Shanghai for 20 years but now he lives in Beijing. (现已不在上海了现已不在上海了) He has lived in Shanghai for 2 years. (可能还在上海可能还在上海)2)一般过去时还可用于虚拟语气中的)一般过去时还可用于虚拟语气中的非真实的动作或状态,常用于特定句型非真实的动作或状态,常用于特定句型中表示现在和将来时间。中表示现在和将来时间。 e.g.:Its time you had a holida

10、y. I wish you lived closer to us. If only he didt drive so fast! If I had a chance , I would have a go. -Can I smoke here? -Id rather you didnt. 一般过去时一般过去时, 一般现在时和现在完成一般现在时和现在完成时的差异的比较时的差异的比较1. Who is the woman in the picture?(不知已去世,故用is) She was his mother (用was 表示已去世)2.That is all I had to say, Th

11、at is all I have to say.3.Jane did a lot of work this morning.(话是下午/晚上讲) Jane has done a lot of work this morning.(仍是上午/中午以前讲的)4.Did you see the film”Othello”?(已不在放映) Have you seen the film”Othello”?(仍在放映中)Practices:1.He _(see) Mr Wang yesterday.2.I dont believe youve already finished reading the bo

12、okI _(lend)to you this morning.3.He said he would buy some presents for me if he _(go)there.4.-Have you finished your composition already? -Yes,I_(finish)it in twenty minutes过去进行时过去进行时一, 构成构成:be (was /were) +v-ing二, 常用时间状语常用时间状语: this morning, the whole morning, all day, from nine to ten, at that ti

13、me, at five yesterday, then , at this time last night三, A.运用运用1.表示过去某一时刻或某阶段正在进行的动作e.g. He was playing table tennis at five yesterday afternoon The students were still singing when the teacher stepped in Note:如上下文清楚, 时间状语也可省略e.g. Oh, I was talking to myself. 2.不与时间状语连用却与渐变动词连用可以表示逐渐的变化或发展,与部分动词, 如,f

14、orget, die ,finish, understand ,come etc, 表示”快要.” e.g. The wind was rising. Ok, I was finishing my homework.3.表示在过去一段时间内持续进行的动作e.g. They were discussing the problem the whole morning yesterday. I was hoping you could send me a book.4.与forever, continually, always, constantly,all the time等连用, 表达某种感情色

15、彩e,g, She was always changing her mind She was forever grumbling.5.表示婉转的语气, 只限于want, hope , wonder 等动词, 用以提出请求e.g. I was wondering if you could help me.6.表示过去没实现的愿望或打算e.g. I was seeing her tomorrow. He was watching the play yesterday, but he was too busy.7.表示对比e.g. He was sitting idle, she was makin

16、g preparations. While the children were playing in the shade, their parents were working in the scorching sun.B替代替代1。代过去将来时。表示按计划安排过去将要发生的动作e.g.They were leaving for Beijing a few days later.He told her he was leaving soon.2.用在时间或条件状语从句中代过去将来正在进行的动作e,g. She told me to wake her up if she was sleeping

17、C,比较比较1,过去进行时与一般过去时的比较1.1过去进行时可以表示过去反复发生的动作,而一般过去时只表示一次的动作e.g. She was waving her hand. She waved her hand.1.2, leave,arrive start , die等过去进行时表示”快要完成, 即将.”,而一般过去时表示”已经完成” e.g. The train was stopping The train stopped1.3过去进行时表示正在进行的动作,而一般过去时表示已完成的动作e.g. They were talking about it , I didnt want to di

18、sturb them. They talked about it and made a dicision.过去进行时与频率副词连用略带感情色彩,而一般过去时则表示客观的陈述.e.g. Hes always leaving his clothes on the floor! He left his clothes on the floor.Practices:1.He _(read) a novel when I came in.2.The wind _(blow) and it_(rain) cats and dogs.3.He said he_(visit)me this evening.4

19、.They_frequently_(quarrel).5.During the period of recent terrorist activies ,people_(warn) not to touch any unattend bag.过去完成时过去完成时一,构成构成:had +过去分词(规则与不规则)二, 常用时间状语常用时间状语by then, by that time, by the end of last year, by the time yesterday, by the time he went yesterday, before 2000,until+过去时间, by+过

20、去时间三, A, 运用运用1.表示在过去某个动作或某个具体时间之前已经发生,完成的动作或情况. e.g. They had got everything ready before I came. By the end of last week she had written two papers.When I got to the station , the train had left.2.过去完成时常用在有hardly/scarcely/barely.when, no sooner than.的句子中.表示”刚刚.就, 不等就.” e.g. She had hardly /scarcely

21、 gone to bed when the bell rang. No sooner had they left the building than a bomb exploded.3.Intend , mean , hope, want, plan, suppose, expect, think 等动词的过去完成时可以用来表示一个本来打算做而没做的事, 也可表示过去没曾实现的设想.意图或希望,含有某种惋惜e.g. I had intended to call on you yesterday,but someone came to see me just when I was about t

22、o leave. We had meant to tell her the news but found that she wast in.C ,f. I should like to visit the island.(我想去参观那个岛,现在的愿望,将来想去) I should like to have visited the island.(我要是参观过那个岛多好,现在的遗撼) I should have liked to have visited the island.(我本想参观那个岛的. 过去的愿望)4.对后来动作的影响e.g. She felt better after she h

23、ad taken a few days rest.Notes:1.句中有before,by 构成的过去时间状语, 主句用过去完成时. e.g. They had got to the airport before 3 p.m.2.Before 引导从句表示过去时间时,主句中可以用一般过去时或过去完成时e,g. Before he came, he had discussed /discussed with the manager.3.句中有when 引导的表过去的时间状语从句, 主句用过去完成时. e.g. When the teacher arrived , they had finishe

24、d their homework already.4.历史事实通常用一般过去时表示. e.g. They learned that President Lincoln led the American Civil War.5.hope, expect,think, want 等词的过去完成时常用于比较结构中. e.g.He did it better than we had thought. The TV play wasnt as interesting as we had wanted it to be.6.It was the first/second.time that clause

25、同过去完成时连用. e.g. It was the third time (that) he had dined out with her.7.描绘一种景象.背景(同过去进行时连用) e.g. The day had dawned. A thin mist was hanging over the field.Cocks were crowing here and dogs were barking there.Soon the sun would rise.8.时间状语可由上下文表示e.g. He died last summer. They had got no chance to see

26、 each other even once for twenty years.9.在含有时间状语从句中的复合句中, 若两个动作紧接着发生, 常不用过去完成时,尤其是由before, after 引导的复合句中. e.g. I turned off all the lights before I left the classroom.Practices:1.By the end of last year we _(build) five new houses.2.Before he_(sleep),he had worked for 12 hours.3.They _(want) to help

27、 but couldnt get there in time.4.If only you _(work) with great care!5.John was given the same suitcase his father _(take ) with that to school.一般将来时一, 构成:shall /will +动词原形(shall 用于第一人称, will 可用于各种人称)二, 常用时间状语: tomorrow,next week,in an hour,in the following /coming years, tomorrow morning, from now

28、on, in the future, in 2020三,A,运用1.表示将要发生的动作或状态. e.g. He will graduate from Anhui University.2.表示将来反复发生的动作或习惯性的动作.一种倾向或固有的特性. e.g. The students will have five English classes per week this term. Spring will come again. Bird will build nests Without air, a living thing will die. Note:1.will 表将来时不可用于条件

29、或时间状语从句中,否则是表意愿而非表将来. e.g.If you will see him, please tell him about it. 2.will+动词原形表示说话时才作出的决定,而be going to 和be doing 表将来时,是事先考虑或安好的B, 表示将来时的其他结构或时态及其用法.1.Be going to +动词原形1.1这种结构表示决定.打算要做什么事,或有迹象表明即将发生.可能会出现什么情况 e.g. I am going to buy a new computer this winter. Look at the cloud ! Its going to ra

30、in1.2.be going to 有时表示”肯定.预测, 注定会”e.g. He failed in the exam:he knew he was going to when he looked at the test paper.1.3.be going to 通常不与静态动词连用e.g. I am not going to believe him1.4.be going to 与will 的比较:1.4.1.will 表示说话人认为.相信, 希望或假定在发生的事,不含任何具体时间,可以指遥远的将来.而be going to 指有迹象表明某事即将发生或肯定会发生,通常表示很快就要发生的事

31、. e.g.He will get better. He is going to get better.1.4.2.be going to will 均可表示意图,但事先考虑过的意图用be going to :不是事先考虑的意图就用will. e.g. -Why have you torn the paper into pieces? -I am going to rewrite it. A:It is really a big stone. B: I will help you to move it1.4.3.be going to 可以用在条件状语从句中表将来, 而will 不能. e.g

32、. If you are going to attend the meeting , youd better leave now.(不用will)2.现在进行时:表示双方约好的将要发生的动作,动词可以是短暂的也可以是延续的. e.g.Im meeting Jack at the station at four tomorrow afternoon.3.be to do 表示计划好, 安排好要发生的事或命令做什么,其后通常要加上未来的时间状语. 3.1.表示预先安排好将要发生的事e.g.The highway is to be opened in May. 3.2.表示说话人的意志, 意图, 职

33、责, 义务,命令e.g. You are to return the book before Friday. 3.3.表示注定要发生的事. e.g.His plan is to be a failure. 3.4.如果不是人,人世所能安排的动作, 就不能用be to do 表示将来. e.g. I am to be faint I am going to be faint但在让步状语从句或虚拟条件从句中则可以. e,g.If the moon were to come out , they could set off tonight.4.Be about to:表示即将发生的动作,其后不可加未

34、来的时间状语. e.g.The talk is about to begin The talk is about to begin soon5.一般现在时:通常是按照时间表将要发生的事, 且谓语动词是短暂性动词如come,go,begin,leave,sail, arrive, return,start,stop,end,open, e.g.The term begins on 18th February. When does the show begin?6.On the point /verge/eve/brink of:表示即将发生的事e.g.He is on the point of

35、making a round-the-world tour.Notes:1.Will 可以表示拒绝做某事,用于物时, 拟人化e.g. The door wont shut.2.Will 重读表批评或不满的意味. e.g. The boy will leave his toys about.3.Will I ,will we, 有时可以用来回答对方的询问,表示”当然可以, 那还用问”之意. e.g.-You will try again,wont you?-will I ?4.Shall 用于单纯将来, 而will 用于意愿将来 e.g. I shall sail for the island.

36、 I will sail for the island.5.Shall 和will 常可缩写为ll,但当它们位于句首,句尾或在one , someone , none, people 等 后时, 不可,表强调时也不可. e.g, People will live better in the future. You will regret it some day. 6.在从句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时的用法:在从句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时的用法:在以在以after,when,while, as,before,once,as soon as, if, unless 等引导的状语从句中多用此用

37、法等引导的状语从句中多用此用法 e.g.Ill call you back as soon as he comes过去将来时过去将来时一一,构成构成:would /should +动词原形(would 用于各种人称, should 只用于第一人称)二, 1.运用运用1.1.表示从过去某时看来将要发生的动作或状态.常用于宾语从句中. e.g. He said that he would wait for us at the bus stop.1.2.表示过去的某种习惯行为,只用would. e.g. Whenever we had trouble, he would come to help u

38、s.2.表示过去将来的几种结构:2.1.was /were going to:表示计划好, 安排好将要发生的事, 或有迹象表明将要发生的事. e.g. She was not going to do anything that evening. There was going to be a thunderstorm.2.2. be about to :不加将来的时间状语, 表”正要, 即将” e.g. He was about to say something more, and then checked himself.2.3.be to do, 表示过去计划,安排将要做某事,如计划的事没

39、实现, 要用不定式的完成式. e.g.She said she was to take up the position. She said she was to have taken up the position.2.4.过去进行时:短暂性的动词可以用过去进行时来表示过去将来e.g.A lot of people were coming to watch the fireworks We were told that the plane was taking off in ten minutes.2.5.was/were on the point of doing :表示过去看来”正要时”

40、e.g.She was on the point of leaving when we came in.2.6.was/were due to do :表示在过去看来”定于某时做某事” e.g. He was due to graduate in the next half of the year. They were due to sign a treaty in May.将来进行时一.构成:shall /will be +现在分词二.常用时间状语this time tomorrow, tomorrow,this time next week, etc.三,1.运用1.1.表示在将来某一时刻

41、正在进行的动作.常有将来的时间状语. e.g. He will be flying to Hangzhou this time tomorrow. She ll be watching TV at eight tomorrow evening.1.2.表示将来某段时间正在进行的动作.常有将来的时间状语. e.g. Are you going to be studying this time next week?I shall be working this time next year.1.3.代一般将来时, 表示一种已经决定或肯定动作或情况,抑或表示某动作将在继续而未完成. e.g. Ill

42、 be seeing her tomorrow. Tomorrow is my day on duty, so I shant be coming home. The plane will soon be arriving. 1.4.表示将来某一动作迟于所安排的另一次动作We are studying Unit 2,and later well be studying Unit 31.5.询问别人的计划.打算,比用一般将来时更显礼貌.E.g. Will you be having supper us this evening? Will you be using your bike tomor

43、row? If not, can I borrow it?2.时态替代2.1.代般将来时表示已经决定或肯定会发生的动作 e.g. The minister will be giving a talk on current affairs.2.2.代一般将来时表示更礼貌. e.g.When will we be meeting again?3.注意事项3.1.时间和条件状语从句中一般不用将来进行时. e.g. If you are (不说will be) standing at the corner of the street when I pass, I shall give you a li

44、ft. I will call you when he comes back3.2.如句中有now , 而又有will时, 这时的will 应是情态动词, 不表示将来而表示现在, 意为”大慨, 想必”之意e.g. It is only eleven oclock, She wont be having lunch now.四,比较4.1.一般将来时与将来进行时一般将来时既可表示将来, 也可以表示”意图, 意志”,而将来进行时则表示纯粹的将来, 指说话者一种无意图的动作.e.g. I will do my best(意愿或将来) I will be doing my best.(纯粹的将来)To

45、m wont cut the grass.(有意图) Tom wont be cutting the grass(无意图, 只是陈述一个事实)4.2.一般将来时表示的较近的将来,而将来进行时既可以表近的将来也可表较远的将来. I will go there to buy sth.(近) I will be finishing it soon.(近) Perhaps nobody will be smoking in forty years.(远)将来完成时一, 构成:shall/will have +过去分词二, 常用时间状语: by next week, by the end of this

46、 year, for an hour, etc.三, 运用3.1.表示将来某一时间之前已完成的动作,且往往对将来某一时间产生影响, 它常与表示将来的时间状语连用.e.g. I shall have finished it by next Friday. She will have written it tomorrow at noon.4.2.表示一个持续到将来某时或某动作发生之前的动作. e.g. By next Monday, she will have studied here for three years. They will have played half an hour whe

47、n you arrive.4.3.表示对现在或将来可能已经完成动作的推测. e.g. It is seven.He will have got up.(他可能已经起床了) He is a somebody now, he will have forgotten his old friends. Practices:1.Peter, you play so well.But I _(not know) you played the piano2.-Ive got to go now. -Must you? I _(think) you could stay for dinner with us.

48、3.The food here is nice enough. -My friend_(introduce)me a right place.4.Did you watch the basketball yesterday? -Yes, I did.You know , my brother_(play) in the match.5.At this time tomorrow we_(fly) over the Atlantic.6.The news came as no surprise to me, I _(know) for some time that the factory was

49、 going to shut down.7.-Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on. -Where am I ? -You_(say) you didnt like your fathers job.8.I arrived late, I _(expect) the road to be so icy.9.When he_(open) the door, he found his keys were nowhere.Keys:1.didnt know 2.thought3.introduced 4.was playing5.will be fl

50、ying6.had known7.were saying8.hadnt expected9.was about to openAnswers to Exercise A:Para 1:falls-fell; Para 2: loves-loved; has-had had; is- was; has-had; had去掉去掉 Para 3: has-had ;is-was; was-am Para 4 was -isExercise B:1. would have 2. will enjoy 3. was thinking 4. had finished 5. had begun 6. was



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