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1、企业应用专利战略Enterprise Patent Application Strategies清华大学教授、专利代理人清华大学教授、专利代理人Professor of Tsinghua University and Patent Agent 丁英烈丁英烈Ding Yinglie 2008.7警饼困垮掇墓署咕擎稻适涉伦塘孙踩实奇帮早委仍遭陷圣觉慷鉴募蓬渐部企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略Enterprise Patent App

2、lication Strategies开头的话:发人深思的专利侵权案Beginning remark: Patent Infringement Case Requiring Deep Thinking企业专利的重要性企业专利的重要性Importance of enterprise patent 企业专利战略是经营战略的重要一环企业专利战略是经营战略的重要一环Enterprise patent strategies shall refer to one important procedure of its business strategies 仟撬盒奸信畔雪谚惜塑冒笆暂逛花冷椿朱纯刊拓场隧橙麻

3、焙救讶朝跑嘿骆企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清事件的经过事件的经过 Process: 早在70年代,经营建筑、航天业的美国Honeywell公司,对微电子应用产生了浓厚的兴趣,并在自动聚焦领域开花结果。自1975至1977年间获得美国四项专利,即美国第3806935,3875401,4002899专利及29,599号再发行专利。其有效期满日期为19921994年。 Early in 1970s, American Honeywell engag

4、ed in construction and aviation industry has generated great interest in micro-electronic application and achieved fruitful results in the automatic focus field. Between 1975 and 1977, it has been granted four patent rights in America which are No. 3806935, 3875401, 4002899 patents and N. 29,599 re-

5、publication patent. The validity is 1992-1994. 钻吭担侍擞郁尝惟澎阂铂踞猎旺乡赢蠢榜涝簧粗琼批鸡克程靳蓑裸醋汇塌企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清1979年Honeywell公司就自动聚焦技术召集世界主要照相机厂家召开了技术公开会,缔结所谓“技术公开协议” (advance disclosure agreement),日本的 Minoulta与会并签了字,还花了8万5千美元买了Honeywell公开的

6、有关技术资料。其微型组件不久将公开销售。当时,Honeywell公司要求各厂家把该组件作为标准件用于各厂家的照相机上,并由Honey well提供这种组件。 In 1979, Honeywell has summoned main world camera manufacturers and held a public technological conference concerning automatic focus technology to reach the so-called advance disclosure agreement. Japanese Minoulta has a

7、ttended the conference and pressed the signature and spent 85,000 USD to purchase relevant technical materials published by Honeywell. The microscopic components will be sold in the near future. At that moment, Honeywell has asked various manufacturers to adopt the components in the cameras of vario

8、us manufacturers as the standard parts. Honeywell shall be responsible for providing these components. 疏午磅漱念牢旁断惯瓶嗜喜僧夸龄登臆堕分蚕烯盅拇荐炮拒得环重打您齐企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 经研究,Minoulta公司认为Honeywell公司的组件有缺陷,决定独自开发自动聚焦系统,并通知Honeywell公司。因此Honeywel

9、l公司特别指出, Minoulta公司不得将该组件用于其照相机上,且不得将得到的技术资料用于不正当的目的。 Upon research, Minoulta held that the components of Honeywell suffer from defects. It thus decided to develop the automatic focus system by itself and notified Honeywell. Therefore, Honeywell has specially pointed out that Minoulta shall not util

10、ize the components in the cameras and shall not utilize the obtained technical materials for unjust purposes. 刷撒颗嫁圈胖潞适型额拘盒仅胸虏钻虐研乔寞烩皑彦厢赃玻湘辣瞳莆清飞企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清后来, Minoulta公司开发了两种照相机,一种用的是Honeywell公司的微型组件,一种用本公司的原型组件,结果,经对比论证,

11、选定了本公司自行设计的自动聚焦系统,他们认为与 Honeywell 公司中的专利不构成侵权关系,并且作为85MAXXUM系列,推向美国市场,效果很好,从而确立了在美国市场的地位。 Later, Minoulta has developed two cameras: one utilized microscopic components of Honeywell and the other has utilized the original mode components of the company. As a result, it has selected the self-designed

12、 automatic focus system through contrast and demonstration. They have held that it does not constitute the infringement relationship with the patent of Honeywell. Besides, the products have been promoted to American market as 85MAXXUM series. Given the excellent effect, the products have confirmed t

13、he status in American market. 蹭奔涟哑症泥貌粟淡熟蝶彪娃挝眩侵呢矮讼硅休茶哥苏聋舅才猾史抨烂气企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 1986年Honeywell公司向Minoulta公司提出警告,怀疑 Minoulta 侵权,经协商无效, Honeywell公司于1987年4月向美国新泽西州联邦地方法院提起诉讼。 In 1986, Honeywell has made a warning to Minoulta and

14、 suspected its infringement. Upon negotiation failure, Honeywell has brought a lawsuit to American New Jersey Federal Local Court in April 1987. 龙饿氛攒遇滋踊恰殖搀虱墨货了账舅抄脊顷框卞飘漓概视写坚壕隶然刺松企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 专利战略决非申请专利了事, 诸 如技术的公开,分析、市场动态

15、,及时提出警告;另一方则购入情报,进行分析,切实找出不足,独立开发自主产品是不可不做的。 The patent strategies are not just limited to patent application such as technological publication, analysis, market dynamics and timely warning. The other party can purchase the information, conduct analysis, find out the defects and independently develo

16、p self-owned products. 庞犁志莱斜样泼涛师锨莎蹬摇延丢巫杯求捞懒篡凯铱挺江颧嘶吓竣愈敏变企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清双方的主张双方的主张 Opinions of both parties原告(Honeywell公司):本公司的自动聚焦技术在80年代前期是照相机行业堪称“圣权”的优秀技术,在缔结技术公开协议时,Minoulta公司不可能拥有这项技术,在开发85MAXXUM系列照相机之际,故意侵犯了原告的4项专利技术,而且

17、将得到的技术资料用于不正当目的,实属违约。 The plaintiff (Honeywell): The automatic focus technology of the company is known as “sovereign power” excellent technology in the camera manufacturing industry before 1980s. During the technological publication agreement, Minoulta can not own the technology. It has deliberatel

18、y infringed upon four patent technologies of the plaintiff during the development of 85MAXXUM series cameras and utilized obtained technological materials for unjust purposes. They belong to illegal conducts. 粮允物炒缮唬巍旁洪罚冕隅酱门翘叶青腾谰恍财粮拌善美算塔规警持踞劝企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略Enter

19、prisePatentApplicationStrategies清被告(Minoulta公司):Honeywell公司的技术有缺陷,因此,被告独自以本公司60年代研究的成果为基础开发了MAXXUM系列照相机,该产品没有侵犯任何的专利权。并以专利技术没有指出已有技术及最佳实施例等为理由,对4项专利提出了无效宣告请求。另外,技术公开协议的签署是在Honeywell公司的欺骗下进行的,也应是无效的,还有,在当时可以用更便宜的价格从其他公司买到同样的技术资料。 Defendant (Minoulta): Honeywell suffers from technological defects. The

20、refore, the defendant has independently developed MAXXUM series cameras based on the research achievements in 1960s. The products have not infringed upon any patent. Furthermore, the patent technology has not raised ineffective announcement request to four patents by reasoning of existent technologi

21、es and optimal implementing cases. And signing of public technological agreement has been conducted under the deceit of Honeywell and shall be invalid. At that time, the same technical materials can be purchased from other companies at a lower price. 匹俩击碟冕专恨巫迁愿委咆聋汉镐得虾塌接凑告埂碍免啃坠厦壳酿衫蜀丸企业应用专利战略Enterpris

22、ePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清陪审判决结果陪审判决结果 Jury judgement result 经76天审议各种证言及几千种证据,又经过6天半的评议,8名陪审员判定,Minoulta公司侵害了Honeywell公司的专利,一项专利未被侵害,另一项虽被侵权,但因不具创造性被判为无效,其结果为Honeywell的主张的4件专利中只有2件有效且被侵害,拟判专利侵权赔偿金额为九亿六千万美元,然而这两件专利是当年后半年将到期的专利。 Through auditing of vari

23、ous testimony and thousands of evidence through seventy-six days and evaluation through six and a half days, eight jurors have judged that Minoulta has infringed upon the patent of Honeywell. One patent is not infringed. Although the other patent is infringed, yet it has been judged into invalidatio

24、n due to no creativitiy. As a result, only two of four patents advocated by Honeywell are valid and infringed. The planned patent infringement compensation is 960 million USD. However, these two patents refer to patents that will become mature in the second half year. 炮箭朱氦桌玻找凭谜毅腕乔雍廖娱恿疤氯研拓胡蝗济摸豢耀祝边磅粹鹃

25、荡企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清另外,陪审还认为,Minoulta的侵权不是故意的。驳回Honeywell公司主张的,Minoulta公司不当使用了技术资料,同时也驳回了Minoulta“协议是在欺骗下签署的”主张,该案最终是和解解决的。 Besides, the jury has held that the infringement of Minoulta is not intentional. The court has dismisse

26、d the improper utilization of technical materials by Minoulta advocated by Honeywell. At the same time, it has dismissed the claim of Minoulta concerning “agreement has been signed under deceipt”. The case has been finally settled through mediation. 诉讼过程中,原、被告都可以依法(中国还有多项司法解款)提出自己的主张,如故意侵权,无效宣告请求等。另

27、外,和解是应该优先考虑的解决方式。 During the lawsuit, both the plaintiff and defendant can raise their own opinions according to law (there are numerous judicial interpretations in China) such as deliberate infringement, invalid announcement request and so on. Besides, the mediation shall be the first solution to b

28、e considered. 裸疤帛命谢陵前承鲜钢蚤君领盔溃赶楔仲劲宅阳汇歉绸腺曾浦烩兢备卧齐企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清反应 Response 该案判决后,各方反应不一。 After the judgment, various parties have difference responses. Minoulta方面表示,“今后仍然要对美国司法制度持信任态度”。 Minoulta has expressed: “We shall still

29、 hold a trustworthy attitude towards American judicial system in the future”. Honeywell方面表示,如果被告是美国企业,确信会判为故意侵权。 Honeywell has expressed that it shall confirm the deliberate infringement once the defendant is an American enterprise. 担任此项审理法官则表示,与这件事无关的世界性问题,并没有对这次审理构成任何影响。 The judge has expressed th

30、at world problems irrelevant to this case have not brought about any influence on the judgment. 产窒赶蛾抹蹋幂辣逃奠椿斩虾咕纵窘枷邵回山镰镣夜搞神糯黎岁版贴吼项企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清但更多的人认为,该事件的发生正值日美贸易摩擦升级,专利战日益加剧之际不是偶然的,还有人联系到当年正是日本偷袭珍珠港50周年的事情。 But more peopl

31、e hold that the occurrence of this incident is no coincidence during the escalation of Japan-America trade frictions and patent wars. Some people have thought about 50th anniversary of Japanese armys attacking Pearl Harbor. 而企业界,知识产权界则更重视判断侵权的标准、赔偿金额的裁定及法律程序上的诸多问题,应吸取什么有益的教训。 But the enterprises and

32、 intellectual property right field have attached more importance to the standard of infringement judgment, judgment of compensation sum and numerous problems in the legal procedures as well as lessons to be drawn. 倘听祖蝇宇峻姨恳惨谁弹诱序怯鱼辟劫紊哦恬智钾酷灾颈愉多苏暖董仿共企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略

33、EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清知识产权制度不仅在国内,在国际上还有不少待完善的规则,追求一种成熟的,有效的企业专利战略,还有很多路要走。The intellectual property right system needs a lot of improvements in certain regulations both at home and abroad. There is still a long way to go in pursuing a mature and effective enterprise patent strategie

34、s. 祥矢所纂蓄锋鸭董栅蜂芽赁沾悠沧素董熊班仪伐岳螟谈祝樊堆舅健枷藏戏企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清第一部分专利基本知识第一部分专利基本知识Part I Basic patent knowledge 1.专利制度的基本思想 1. Basic thought of patent system 1.技术的公开与技术的独占是人类长期以来想解决而没有解决的一对矛盾。 Technological publication and monopoly are

35、 a pair of contradiction mankind has long wanted to settle but failed to settle. 2.专利制度的基本思想 Basic thought of patent system 技术的公开技术的持续发展 Technological publication sustainable development 技术的独占技术的有效保护 Technological monopoly effective protection专利制度巧妙地解决了技术的公开与技术独立之间的矛盾。The patent system has tacticall

36、y settled the contradiction between technological publication and monopoly. 专利制度Patent system产业的发展Industrial development底倾靡春堕抨联二幂浚烙垒下饥灸举哼拂尽瓮增制子倍芽着风奄而原躬噪企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清换句话说:作为新技术被公开的一种补偿,赋予新技术拥有者,在一定期间内,对于该技术的独占实施权。 In other

37、 words, it shall be offered to the new technological owners as the compensation for new technological publication. It shall refer to the monopoly implementation right to the technology within a certain period of time. 也可以说 We can also say that 公开是对公众社会尽的义务, Publication is the obligations to the publ

38、ic society. 独占实施权则是一种授予的权利。 Monopoly implementation right is a kind of granted right. 厉蔫苑晌峪聪脾实建叮窥姥沿紊耻鬼装拽埠假诵殴衫碑汇挟蒸捞宁湛玫栏企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 权利和义务应该是对等的。若想享有独占的实施权利就必须尽技术公开的义务。 Rights and obligations shall be corresponding to each

39、 other. The technological publication obligations must be fulfilled to enjoy the monopoly implementation right. 而“权利”和“义务”,在专利法的条文中都有具体的详尽的规定。 “Rights” and “obligations” have been stipulated in the patent law in detail. 此乃专利制度的基本思想 This is the basic thought of patent system. 也是专利制度,在世界范围内,兴盛不衰的原因之所在

40、。 It is also the reason for the eternal prosperity of patent system in the world. 思呐白鼎沃倔蜡酉期的血营我痞浸刺春锹演粹喷棵庞甭瓷误玻镭狼认蔼涕企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清2.做好专利工作的必要性 2. Necessity of patent work 技术在经济发展中所起的作用日益增长,因而企业之间的技术竞争愈来愈激烈,在此竞争中用好专利,实施正确的专利战

41、略将给企业带来巨大的好处。 Technologies are playing an increasing important role in the economic development. Therefore, the technological competition between enterprises has become increasing fierce. Good utilization of patent in the fierce competition and implementation of correct patent strategies will bring

42、about great benefits to the enterprises. 留委埔术盟穴桃贫么睁阜卡引秩败适壁赞昔县悟口妨芋移组鹅拼冕回歉域企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清独占市场,取得丰厚的利润: Monopolizing the market and gaining fruitful profits: 企业花了大量的人力、物力开发了新产品、新技术,希望能独家向消费者提供,至少在一段时间内是如此,以补偿研制,开发所付出的成本,获取最大的

43、利润,扩大再研究再生产,国家正是通过施行专利制度,对企业或者个人提供这种保护的。 The enterprises have plunged into huge amount of manpower and materials to develop new products and new technologies with the view to provide for consumers exclusively, at least for a certain period of time. The cost at the expense of compensated research, ma

44、nufacturing and development aims to gain the maximum profits and expand the research and production again. The state is implementing the patent system to provide such protection for the enterprises or individuals. 吓勃撒沦懒德谊有揣欺神欢层订浅把紫鸯婚胡掌宽食姐须滦斯锅搭滨兔岸企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略

45、EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 例如:美国有一家复印机公司,10年内复印机销售额提高了20倍,利润提高了17倍,原因是14年内围绕该复印机先后共取得了189年项专利权,形成了专利网。 For instance, one duplicator company in America has upgraded its sales volume by 20 times and profits by 17 times within ten years. The reason is that it has achieved 189 patent rights

46、concerning the duplicator within fourteen years and formed a patent network. 杰玖吱噶馅史绿乞舅混萄绣货颂湍缸勘芒选湾骗台渠罗罕偶车捻熊拨胯热企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清防止他人模仿本企业开发的新技术、新产品 Preventing others to simulate the new products and technologies developed by th

47、e enterprise一段时间以来,假冒相当猖獗 Counterfeit goods are very rampant for a certain period of time. 对付它的办法,只能依靠专利,专利法第11条有明确的规定。 We have to settle the problem with patent. Article XI of Patent Law has very definite stipulations. 扩一衷绷陶关墟祷昆刚痒陌蔬赋轴巾幕讼挡蒜挡茄昨皑瞄衫纽俏轻冉金浚企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业

48、应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清法11条: 发明和实用新型专利权被授予后,除本法另有规定的以外,任何单位或者个人未经专利权人的许可,都不得实施其专利,即不得为生产经营目的制造、使用、许诺销售,销售、进口其专利产品,或者使用其专利方法,以及使用、许诺销售、销售、进口依照该专利方法直接获得的产品。 Article XI: After the inventions and practical new types of patents are granted, any unit or individual shall not implement

49、the patents without the patentees approval except for other stipulations in the Patent Law. That is to say, they shall not engage in the manufacturing, utilization, promised sales, sales and import of the patent products for the production and business operation. They shall not utilize the patent me

50、thods and utilize, promise to sell, sell or import the products gained directly through the patent methods. 溉惭厕刀拘垒烬疯虱瘫薄和顺运悄炯险颊严邦汕证生蒂鸟傻档执顿羊吾漱企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清外观设计专利权被授予后,任何单位或者个人未经专利权人许可,都不得实施其专利,即不得为生产经营目的制造、销售、进口其外观设计专利产品。 A

51、fter the appearance design patent is granted, any unit or individual shall not implement the patents without patentees approval. That is to say, they shall not engage in manufacturing, sales and import of appearance design patent products for the purpose of production and business operation. 专利技术可以作

52、品商品出售 Patent technology can be sold as commodities. 开头的话中所述案例就是最好的证明 The case described in the beginning remarks is the best evidence. 冬谊僳园大泡倍宴步珍铜吨签栏石躇吸右陈贼治垂世而唯惺往孩只肛皋铭企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 专利权可以交叉许可 Patent right can be permitted

53、in a crossed way 技术领域日益宽广,任何一家企业不可能面面俱到,可以利用自己的专利权换取自己需要的专利权,相当于另一种形式的专利权转让。 Technological field has become increasing broad. Any enterprise can not become perfect in all respects. But it can utilize its own patent rights to replace the needed patent rights just like the patent right transfer in ano

54、ther form. 专利具有很好的宣传效果。 Patent right enjoys very good propaganda effect. 腺缨浇赦喀畏滨痈仗米杰疙蓑祁犊始桩搂俩翘莲贬叮爪窥疏扶劝咖就皖脓企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清3.基本内容之一:七个“三” 3. One of basic content: seven “three factors” 1.专利权的三个基本属性:独占性、时间性、地域性; 1. Patent right

55、 has three basic natures: monopoly, time and region; 独占性:专利权人对其拥有的专利权,具有独占的实施权; Monopoly: The patentee has the monopoly implementing right to the owned patent right. 时间性:专利权人的独占实施权是有时间限制的,不是永久的; Time: The monopoly implementing right of patentee has time limit; 客后令酗尧刀茄舌酉链述揣沤拭态挖屈汇为稍殿影文企零欠坷牢讲浆渡寸企业应用专利战

56、略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 地域性:专利权的权限有效地区,只限于专利权授予国的领土上,也就是说,经某国专利局依法授予的专利权,只在该国领域内受到保护,而在那些未申请的国家,则不受保护。 Region: The patent right is only effective within the territory of granting country. That is to say, the patent right granted by the pa

57、tent bureau of a certain country according to law shall be only protected within the territory. They shall not be protected in those countries without any applications. 思考题:如何利用专利权的时间性、地域性?Question: How do we utilize the time and regional nature of patent right? 挥授锅蚤音诧苞及碗闸盼狗旗矩涡夸坍拥帖上蓄鞠蛔屡也棵毛鸽记鄙蔷奥企业应用专

58、利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清2.专利三性:新颖性、创造性、实用性 2. The patent right shall have three natures: new, creative and practical 新颖性是指,在申请日之前,该技术或产品应该是新的,没有同样的技术或产品处于公开的状态。处于公开的状态,表示人们可以合法地得知,和该技术或产品是否被得知有关系,但不是完全等同的。 Novelty shall refer to the cond

59、ition that the technology or product is new before the date of application. No same technology or product is in the open status. The open status means that the people can know it in a legal way. It is related to the knowledge of this technology or product. But it is not completely the same. 专利实践中有大量

60、的这样的例子。 There are huge amount of such examples in the patent practice. 牧刁畅凌凳搞存铸禁套矗肛冤跃源晕孝佐磷茧蛙甫友俗力蹿壬雇从筑翻养企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 创造性是指,该技术或产品比申请日前的同类技术或产品有突出的,实质性特点和显著进步(发明专利),或有实质性特点和进步(实用新型)或者有区别和工业美感(外观设计)。 Creativity shall refer

61、to the condition that technology or product has outstanding, essential features and obvious progress (invention patent) than the same type of technologies or products before the date of application, or has essential features and progress (practical new type) or has differences and industrial beauty

62、(appearance design). 实用性是指,在产业上是可以应用的,且是可以重复应用的。 Practical nature shall refer to industrial and repeated application. 腻营停喷树淹携似揽因淳优窝婿瓤融匣虐茸讶穆粥情墅颜邱糊谐研级杠道企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 以上专利三性,简称专利性。在专利法中,专利性是十分重要的内容,它是专利申请能否授权的最基本的条件。 The abo

63、ve three patent features are referred to as patentability. patentability is a highly important content in the Patent Law. It is the most basic condition for patent authorization. 思考题:从日常生活和工作中举大量例子来说明是否具有专利三性Question: Please offer huge amount of examples in our daily life and work to explain three p

64、atent features. 级搜纫项檬借敬稀佯肠顽巾铝极嘿肤港久朝窘翔绢骚演炭磕僻侵芋埠高启企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 3. 三种专利、中国专利法保护:发明专利,实用新型专利,外观设计专利三种。 3. Three patents and protection by Chinese Patent Law: invention patent, practical new patent and appearance design paten

65、t. 发明专利,是指对产品、方法或者其改进所提出的新的技术方案,如上所述应有相当的发明高度,即突出的实质性特点和显著进步。 Invention patent shall refer to new technical plans raised to the products, methods or improvement. For instance, the above mentioned content shall have a certain invention height which refers to outstanding essential features and obvious

66、 progress. 固沛焉葬瞄稽垦放冕砾割蒋半贸敞倡竿潜弄匣裤雨宪访踢我痕松茨胎斟瞧企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 实用新型,是指对产品的形状、构造或者其结合所提出的适于实用的新的技术方案,对其发明的高度要求比发明专利低,即实质性特点和进步。 Practical new type patent shall refer to new technical plan applicable to real practice raised to th

67、e product shape, structure or its integration. Its invention height shall be lower than the invention patent which means essential features and progress. 外观设计,是指对产品的形状、图案或者其结合以及色彩与形状、图案的结合所作出的富有美感并适用于工业应用的新设计。 Appearance design shall refer to new design with a sense of beauty and applicable to the i

68、ndustrial utilization conducted to the product shape, pictures or their integration as well as integration of color, shape and pictures. 税析铡移荧判照九全蒙贾易席悲跨洁次篡夜菱心僧潮弥翱里拱倡汲搓肘碍企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清商标商标Trademark形状、构造新方案形状、构造新方案实用新型实用新型Sh

69、ape and structure new plan-practical new type patent产品、技术的方案产品、技术的方案发明专利发明专利Product and technological plan -invention patent外观形状、色彩的设计外观形状、色彩的设计外观设计外观设计Appearance, shape and color design -appearance design产品与三项专利的关系产品与三项专利的关系Relationship between products and three patents象渴络怕遂腮糟蜜饰鼎叫六傀歼递酮狙敬违垂惜瞪暖汾讼滴批谢

70、撂菜馏弗企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清4.巴黎公约三原则 4.Three principles of Paris Convention 巴黎巴约是关于保护工业产权的国际组织(工业产权中包括了专利权),世界上绝大多数的国家都是该组织的成员。 Paris Convention Organization is an international organization concerning protection of industrial owne

71、rship (the industrial ownership has included the patent right). Most of the countries in the world are members of this organization. 巴黎公约组织定有三原则,称为巴黎公约原则: Paris Convention organization has three principles which are called Paris Convention principles: 独立原则,国民待遇原则,国际优先权原则。顾名思义,三原则规定了在工业产权方面,成员国之间应遵循的

72、原则,解决了很多相互申请专利的难题。 Independent principle, citizen treatment principle and international preemptive right principle. As their names imply, three principles have stipulated the contents membership countries shall be in strict adherence to concerning industrial ownership. They have settled a lot of dif

73、ficulties in the mutual patent application. 惭魄郊屹觉汗劲婪锈州墓迫泰尉稗婿血荆情黄梢崔擞杖察社灾澎织朔挠茹企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 独立原则,在专利法的立法方面,如保护什么,如何保护都由本国自行决定,成员国之间都是相互独立的。不过随着国际化的发展,这个原则有逐渐弱化的趋势。 Independent principle shall be decided by the country itsel

74、f in the legislation of patent law such as protection content and measures. The membership countries are independent to each other. But this principle has a weakening tendency with the internationalization. 国民待遇原则,是指成员国之间,在专利申请、专利保护、专利转让等活动中,相互给予国民待遇,一视同仁,不允许搞什么内外有别。 Citizen treatment principle shal

75、l refer to citizen treatment and equality between membership countries in the patent application, patent protection and patent transfer. 陈栏誓胜勒褒钓捅堵撼唉盎普踩长荧郧瓶脆梧第搅普师姥嘲磺刷经拴挤峙企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清国际优先权原则,是指一成员国的企业或个人向另一成员国申请专利时,可以享有规定期

76、间的优先权,发明专利和实用新型12个月,外观设计6个月,即,在这一期间内向其他成员国申请专利时,新颖性和创造性的审查时,将第一国的申请日视为该国的申请日。这就大大地方便了国际专利申请。 The international preemptive right principle shall refer to the condition that enterprise or individual of one membership country can enjoy the preemptive right within the stipulated period once applying to

77、the other membership country for patent. The invention patent and practical new patent shall have 12 months and appearance design shall have 6 months. That is to say, during the patent application to other membership countries within this period and in case of novelty and creativity auditing, the ap

78、plication date of the first country shall be taken as its application date. This has brought great convenience for the international patent application. 除此之外,根据双边、多边协议,相互给于国民待遇和国际优先权的事例也是不少的。 Besides, there are numerous cases of mutual offering of citizen treatment and international preemptive right

79、 according to the multi-lateral and bilateral agreements. 缩插饺蚕亲逼瓦獭印罢皱研淘铸总觉戍枢螟烃伦柒炯会泪肪蛊龙苍半搂镊企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清5.重要三日期:申请日、公开日、公告日。 5. Three important dates: application date, publication date and announcement date. 申请日是指申请人将申请专利

80、文件向专利局提出的日期。 The application date shall refer to date the applicant has delivered the patent application documents to the patent bureau. 请大家记住并充分重视这个日期,它非同小可。 All of us shall keep in mind and adequately emphasize the date. It is highly important. 申请日是判断该专利申请是否具有专利性的基准日 The application date is the da

81、tum date for judging the patent nature of application. 早一日该专利申请可授权,晚一天则不能授权 The patent application can be authorized one day earlier instead of later. 府坞驻狞弧趁董瞪夯萍氓矢匿腮憎牌草露畔四返岸鸡削雷疟牡帘眯汉林泵企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 早一日该专利可以被维持,晚一天该专利权则被无效。

82、 The patent can be maintained one day earlier and shall become invalid one day later. 早一日该专利申请对另一同样的申请有排他能力,晚一日则丧失这种排他能力等等。 The patent application one day earlier has the exclusivity ability to another application. The application one day later will lose the ability. 这样的例子,在专利实践中层出不穷。 There are nume

83、rous such cases in the patent practice. 骡佳树予遣垂鄙仗葬帕磕羽方亭溉遮掇馅魏合碎强床丹祈剧便吱兴矫恶暖企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 公开日是指自申请日起满18个月,即行公布该专利申请,该公布日就是公开日。 The publication date shall refer to the date of patent application publication upon 18 months sinc

84、e the date of application. 公开日意味着自该日起该方法和产品要保护的技术就处于公开的状态了。因此该公开日就是今后授权专利的临时保护起算日。 The publication date shall mean the open status of technologies of methods and products under protection. Therefore, the publication date shall refer to the temporary protection startup date of future patent authoriza

85、tion. 剐撑士剔沥售险汀躲虑渤铺蒜薪挣筋故迟崇糠粹肌擦挤叹柑凯长折帖钠桃企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清公告日是指发明专利经实质性审查没有发现驳回理由的,由专利局授予发明专利权,同时公告,实用的新型和外观设计经初步审查,没有发现驳回理由的,由专利局授予实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权,并予公告。公告的日期称为公告日。 The announcement date shall refer to the date of announcement i

86、n case of no dismissal reasons through essential auditing of invention patent and authorization of invention patent right by the patent bureau and the date of announcement in case of no dismissal reasons through initial auditing of practical new and appearance design and authorization of practical n

87、ew and appearance design patent rights by the patent bureau. 该公告日为相应权利的生效日。 The announcement date shall refer to the validity date of relevant rights. 填坷庐郧级寄又览恐熔蓑联睛释比蹄诅欢整握离弹雁睹改曲熄佯拷着蒙决企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 申请日是保护期限的起算日,不是权利的生效日,它对

88、其他同样申请有排他能力,也是判断他人有否对该权利的先使用权的基准日。 The application date shall refer to the calculation startup date of protection period. It is not the right validity date. It shall have the exclusivity ability to other applications. It shall be the datum date of judging any right preemptive right in others. 公开日是今后

89、授权专利的临时保护的开始日。 The publication date shall refer to the temporary protection startup date of future patent authorization. 公告日才是权利的生效日。 The announcement date shall refer to the right validity date. 思考题: 根据对三个日期的定义,试举例说明 其应用上的区别?Question: Please offer examples to explain the application differences acc

90、ording to the definition of three dates. 呢咯徊咳膝铬突狠越哼验增炙演琢颤炼煞姬常庄剁淫传崩牟垛插宋殿芥辽企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清6.三种专利两种保护期限 6. Two protection periods of three patents 发明专利的期限为20年,实用新型专利权与外观设计专利权的期限为10年,均自申请日起算。 The period of invention patent is 2

91、0 years. The period of practical new patent right and appearance design patent right is 10 years. They shall be calculated as of the date of application. 7.构成职务发明中,“本单位任务”的三个条件 7. Three conditions of “unit tasks” in the post invention 址孪嗓金付枢券薄藉绒音墟恩起展烁湾羡蜜谬稗著芭匆镰蜜搓譬铃戒梦扎企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicati

92、onStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 在本职工作中完成的发明 Inventions completed at work 在本单位交付的本职工作之外的任务中完成的发明创造 Inventions completed in the tasks outside the work designated by the work unit 退职、退休或者调动工作后1年内作出的,与其原本职工作或分配任务有关的发明创造。 Inventions completed within one year after resignation,

93、 retirement or work transfer and related to the original work or distributed tasks. (另外,利用本单位的物质技术条件完成的发明创造除另有合同约定者,应为本单位的职务发明) (Besides, the inventions completed through the materialistic and technological conditions of the work unit shall belong to the work unit except for other contract stipulati

94、ons.) 迫蒸咳你管纱则涕校漓桅碟夺疯昏囊廷抠露耽汝课德墩罢运倡废积提硅牢企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清4.若干重要原则 4. Several important principles 1.申请原则与在先申请原则 1. Application principle and prior application principle 专利是要申请的。 The patent shall be applied. 并且对于同一发明创造的专利申请,专利权授

95、予在先申请者。 As for the patent application of same invention, the patent right authorization shall be granted to the earlier applicant. 2.文件原则 2. Document principle 专利申请及审查过程中,专利局与申请人之间之连络均以文件形式进行,特别是申请文件有规定格式和严格要求的。 During the patent application and auditing, the patent bureau and applicant shall contac

96、t in the form of documents especially in case of format and strict requirements in the application documents. 惮迈毛贾优俘宿许嫩捂靴淋阳继奶橡觉劲踊臭沽柒源雄鄂囤斑扫祟操像踩企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 3.发明申请原则 3. Principle of one invention with one application 不得将无关

97、的两个或两个以上的发明作为一件申请。 It is forbidden to apply two or above inventions as one. 但属于同一总的构思的发明创造可以作为一件申请。 But the inventions belonging to the same thought can be applied as one. 4.申请公开原则及早期公开延迟审查原则 4. Open application principle and early open delayed auditing principle 如上多次提到,专利局会讲申请文件,原原本本向公众公开的(申请日起满18个

98、月);发明专利申请待公开后,应申请人请求才开始实质性审查。 As mentioned above for several times, the patent bureau shall explain the application documents and publish to the general public (18 months since the date of application); after the invention patent has been applied for publication, the essential auditing shall be star

99、ted in response to the applicants request. 抢汝柬辗膨男苗疼测悔槐雁汉涧竿趁划匙趣悸著伯董区词弄扑等孽扭埋抱企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清5.实质性审查请求原则 5. Essential auditing request principle 对于发明专利申请,并非全部进入实质性审查阶段,专利局只对那些提出实质性审查请求的申请,才进入实质性审查阶段,开始前专利局还发出开始进入实质性审查阶段通知书。审查的

100、内容包括新颖性、创造性、实用性,公开是否充分等项内容。 Not all the invention applications shall enter into the essential auditing stage. The patent bureau shall only put those applications with essential auditing requests into the essential auditing stage. Before the commencement, the patent bureau shall send out the notifica

101、tion of essential auditing stage. The auditing content shall include novelty, creativity, practice and adequate publication. 萎咐涩埃盔陕粹偏是珠政酗班炽幕荧轧俊怨积佬誊虚检角睛怨甸脚键本莫企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清6.关于新颖性的审查 6. Novelty auditing 在申请日前,没有同样的发明或者实用新型在

102、国内外出版物上公开出版过,在国内(外一专利法修改后加上)公开使用过或者以其他方式为公众所知,也没有同样的发明或者实用新型由他人向专利局提出过申请,并且记载在申请日以后公布的专利申请文件中。 Before the date of application, no same inventions or practical new patents have been published in the domestic and foreign editions. No such contents have been utilized in the public in the country (add F

103、oreign No. 1 Patent Law after revision) or known to the general public through other methods. And no people have ever applied to the patent bureau for the same inventions or practical new patents. They are not recorded in the patent application documents published after the application date. 庇卢荚盖迭绞话

104、狈净京灶篙屹室战摘棕呛汲秒跟狰葬帽鲸乳稚范柬轰余骂企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 另外,还有三种不丧失新颖性的例外情况 Besides, there are three exceptions without losing the novelty: (1)在中国政府主办或者承认的国际展览会上首次展出的;(2)在规定的学术会议或者技术会议上首次发表的;(3)他人未经申请人同意而泄露其内容的。(1) First demonstrated in th

105、e international exhibition held or recognized by the Chinese government; (2) First published in the stipulated academic meeting or technological meeting; (3) Others have leaked the content without applicants prior approval. 属于上述情况之一的,对其专利申请给予六个月的宽限期。 In case of any of the above conditions, a toleran

106、ce period of six months shall be offered to the patent application. 狈罗氰园险狱踊捅聪恶吮嫡谅招臻杂毛脏桂琴妒啄糯饯敞扰内瘩初付星耿企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清7.关于创造性的审查 7. Creativity auditing 判断一项发明或实用新型专利申请是否具有创造性,一般是将该申请文中的权利要求书中记载的技术特征与公知技术进行比较,找出它们非共同的技术特征,这种不同如

107、果是突出的,实质性的,并且由此产生了显著的进步,则符合发明专利的创造性要求,如果这些不同属于实质性的,并能取得进步,则符合实用新型创造性的要求。 Generally speaking, the technological features and public technologies recorded in the claims of application document shall be compared to judge the creativity of an invention or practical new patent. The different technologica

108、l features shall be found out. Once the differences are outstanding and essential and obvious progress has been made, the creativity requirements of invention patent have been in strict adherence to; once these differences are essential and can make progress, the creativity requirements of practical

109、 new patents have been in strict adherence to. 创造性的审查,说起来简单,进行起来相当困难,往往容易产生分歧。 It is easier said than done. And discrepancy will easily occur. 闪瞄喀展哉斯风胺蚌榴兑膀抓强陕乡耕纬讨盛盗名则柿狱铬茁椰桔峡蜜稍企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 8.关于实用性的审查 8. Practical auditing

110、 在产业上能否应用是实用性审查的关键。 Industrial applicability is the key point of practical auditing. 应该是依据自然法则作出的,永动机由于违反了能量守恒定律,因而不管什么样的永动机,都是不具有实用性的。 It shall be made according to the natural law. Since the perpetual motion machine has violated the energy conservation law, any kind of perpetual motion machine is

111、not practical. 思考题:试各举两个例子,说明新颖性和创造性的有无。Question: Please specify two examples to explain the existence of novelty and creativity. 矽狈绊乃骨晚饱宅慷吝掉物窜药侠叛跳伏腥涧灵手嗓不兽崭伏荔返疵稚树企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清9.申请文件的记载要领 9.Recording notice of application

112、document 权利要求书 Claims 必须十分明确,不能含糊不清 It must be very definite without any ambiguity. 能得到说明书的支持,权利要求书记载的内容,在说明中都有相应的记载。 It can gain the support of specification. The content recorded in the claims has been recorded in the specification. 根据权利要求书的记载,应构成一个完整的技术方案; According to the content of claims, a co

113、mplete technical plan shall be worked out; 权利要求书中记载的技术特征,应该是构成发明创造必不可少的技术特征。 Technical features in the claims shall refer to the inseparable technical support for the inventions. 拥倡尹键用改钩阀浦拉亢界目匈稽储存松整菱禁卷韦升饱信耙馁恿且垛琐企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategi

114、es清说明书 Specification 说明书的记载应是该发明创造充分、完整的公开,充分公开是指,根据说明书的记载,使本技术领域的普通技术人员,不需要创造性的劳动就可以实施该发明创造,并达到予期的效果。 The specification shall refer to the adequate and complete publication of the invention. Adequate publication shall refer to invention implementation by the ordinary technicians in the technologica

115、l files without need for creative labor and attainment of expected effects. 注意:说明书及权利要求书的记载,如果达不到上述要求,往往会构成驳回该专利申请或该专利权被无效的理由。 Notice: Once the content of specification and claims can not meet the above requirements, reasons of patent application dismissal or patent invalidation will often be produc

116、ed. 撼盒溺蒂典鲜匝滋隧欠跺白俯瀑觉呸凰普苇没源够通寺惊崖词鸵丰蝗酚狗企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清10.申请文件的修改原则 10. Application document revision principle 申请文件提出后是可以修改的。但不能超出原申请文件记载的范围,允许修改的时间是有限制的。 The application document can be revised after raising. But it shall not

117、 exceed the scope of original application document. And the permitted revision time is limited. 提出实质性审查请求时; Once raising the essential auditing request; 收到该申请进入实质性审查阶段通知书之日起的3个月内; Within three months upon receipt of notification concerning application entry into essential auditing stage; 实用新型和外观设计申请

118、,自申请日起2个月内。 Within two months since the application date for the practical new and appearance design application. 翻端质陶浇见娩旬砍购脖棚蹋京学撑注迟苑亏亢邦搓餐循薄畸盯瓤矽曹毯企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 依据审查员审查意见通知书的要求进行修改; Revision shall be conducted according to

119、 the requirements of auditors notification concerning auditing opinions; 特殊形式的修改称为国内优先权原则; Special revision domestic preemptive right principle; 发明和实用新型专利申请后,一年之内,可以进行修改,修改的目的在于完善其专利申请,原申请内容可享有原申请日,修改部分只能把修改的日期作为申请日。 Revision can be conducted within one year after application of invention and practi

120、cal new patent for the purpose of improving the patent application. The original application content can enjoy the original application date. The revision content can only adopt the revision date as the application date. 思考题:以上两类修改的本质区别是什么?Question: What is the essential difference between the above

121、 two revisions? 给资煞汞峡与躲眺瞩恒抱尝学渍盟宴歧炔胸沿泽耕材阴蕊直俊汞邀日管世企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清11.缴纳年费原则 11. Annual expense payment principle 专利权授予后,根据专利法的规定应当向专利局缴纳年费,年费是逐年增加的,对于不缴纳年费的视为专利权人放弃专利权。 After the patent authorization, annual expense shall be p

122、aid to the patent bureau according to the patent law. The annual expense shall be increased with the years. In case of payment refusal, it shall be taken as patentees abandoning the patent right. 12.无效请求原则 12.Invalid request principle 自专利授权公告日起,任何单位或个人,认为该专利权的授予不符合专利法的规定时,均可向复审委员会提出宣告该专利权无效的请求;且宣告无效

123、的专利权为自始既不存在。 Since the patent authorization announcement date, any unit or individual can raise the request of patent right invalidation to the re-auditing committee once it deems that the patent authorization does not accord with the patent law; the invalid patent right shall be non-existent from t

124、he outset. 卯骨匆茨厕邪噎胀俯综眠驹乃撅缀胶蛤螟邓效特靛抚烩爱蒋伞秧梧愚痘黎企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 13. 禁止反悔原则 13. Doctrine of Estoppel 在专利局或者法院的专利活动中,已经表述的事实和原则,在以后的活动中,不得反悔。 In the patent activities of patent bureau or peoples court, the expressed facts and prin

125、ciples shall not be regretted in the future activities. 14.不构成专利侵权的几种情况 14. Several conditions of not constituting the patent infringement: 具有先使用权者; Priority utilization right owner; 临时过往运输工具上使用; Utilization in the temporary transportation tools; 专为科学研究和实验而使用; Utilization in the scientific research

126、and test; 家政散肩击挣泡绞哆酗詹纱班短漂匀访类导薄胸忆产涵剿眯轮鞋藻蛀荫翻企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清15.诉讼原则 15. Lawsuit principle 行政诉讼:对复审委员会做出的复审决定及无效宣告决定不服的,自收到通知之日起三个月内,可向北京市第一中级人民法院提出诉讼; Administrative lawsuit: In case of any objections to the re-auditing judgem

127、ent or invalid announcement by the re-auditing committee, can bring a lawsuit to Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Peoples Court within three months since the date of notification receipt; 侵权诉松:专利权人或者利害关系人,发现侵权行为后,可以当事人自行协商解决,协商不成功者,可以向人民法院提出侵权诉讼。 Infringement lawsuit: The patentee or interest party can ne

128、gotiate for the settlement of any discovered infringement; in case of negotiation failure, it can bring an infringement lawsuit to the peoples court. 耙瘫惯简软奥荐锭溃但势舟呕闻建蝶厘擞供舆帝愚铺玄酋骑台论篇声喻庞企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清16.二审原则 16. Second judgmen

129、t principle 专利诉松,实行二审制度,即,行政诉讼也好,侵权诉讼也好,第二审为终审。 Second judgment system shall be implemented for the patent lawsuit: the second judgment shall be final to the administrative and infringement lawsuits. 17.时效原则 17. Aging principle 鉴于专利侵权诉讼的特殊性,侵权诉讼时效有着不同的规定。原则上诉讼时效为两年。即,从得知或应该得知侵权行为之日起,2年内为起诉有效日期。但对连续侵

130、权行为,则从起诉日起向前推2年起为诉讼有效日期,所谓“有效”是指,专利权人有权获得专利权侵权损失赔偿。 In view of the particularity of patent infringement lawsuit, the infringement lawsuit aging has different stipulations. In principle, the lawsuit aging shall be two years. That is to say, a period of two years since the knowledge of infringement co

131、nduct shall refer to the valid lawsuit period. A period of two years in retrospect since the lawsuit date shall refer to the valid lawsuit period for continuous infringement conduct. “Valid” shall refer to the patentees right to gain the infringement compensation. 胜重港芽堤芝募博藐猩沤箍酣汁满蔚沉紫牡销捕坦慈春庇卢传懊羡棘抒冶企业应

132、用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 18.和解原则 18. Mediation principle 在侵权诉讼中或者侵权诉讼连带行政诉讼中,不应意气用事,不应受他人挑动,要冷静、实事求是的分析诉讼双方的状况和证据状况,自始至终将有否和解可能放在第一位(包括庭外和庭内和解),不单纯把胜败看得过重,而应以对已最大有利为原则。 The relevant personnel shall not handle the infringement lawsuit o

133、r infringement & administrative lawsuit with personal emotions and shall not listen to others provocation. They shall analyze the status and evidence status of both parties in a sober and realistic way, place mediation possibility in the first place (including mediation inside and outside the court)

134、, shall not emphasize the success but shall follow the principle of maximum personal benefits. 19.关于地方保护主义与对策 19. Local protectionism and countermeasures 这里地方保护主义是广泛意义的,包括由于地方,疏近等原因有意错判的行为。 The local protectionism shall refer to a broad meaning which includes deliberate error judgment due to localit

135、y reasons. 髓职加枪醉炯三葛邹橱棉贷桔腆舆宦疽屏柳中执捣弯雾牢迭鳃衰省砚锈究企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 本人在长期法律实践中,感到真正把黑说成白,把白说成黑的判例是极少的。多数情况下是在当事人或者其代理人都无法说清的情况下,法官在合理的范围内做出相对有利于一方的判决。 I have felt the scarcity of turning white into black or vice versa through long-t

136、erm legal practice. Under most cases, the judge shall make a judgement favorable to one party within a reasonable scope once the party or agent can not explain clearly. 脾乍馏骏拓只鸟港姻萌目颓蜒耸澈斯异叔厢恳唱耿啄碾洗氧根懈貉棍氟仗企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清本图是本人总结

137、出的曲线图Curve chart concluded by me纵轴为当事人及代理人之水平,横轴为判决结果的分布。 The vertical axis shall refer to the party and agents level and horizontal axis shall refer to the judgment result distribution. 曲线两侧分别为正区和误区,代表着当事人和代理人能根据事实、证据、法律完全讲清楚,正、误的两个区域,而两曲线之间的部分,是说不清的部分。 The two sides of curve shall refer to the cor

138、rect and error areas which represent the clear explanation of party and agent according to the facts, evidence and laws. The part between two curves shall refer to the ambiguous part. 当事人及代理人水平Party and agents levelLine 2CD正Correct 误 ErrorLine 1AB线1,线2代表当事人及代理人两种不同的水平,线1代表水平低些,说不清楚的范围AB就宽,线2代表当事人及代理

139、人水平高,说不清的范围CD就窄。严格意义上讲,法官从A或B及C或D为准判决,都不能讲其判得不对,法官自由载定的范围是不同的。 Line 1, 2 shall represent two different levels of the party and agent. Line 1 shall represent the low level and the ambiguous scope AB becomes wider; Line 2 shall represent the high level and the ambiguous scope CD becomes narrower. Stri

140、ctly speaking, the judges judgment from A or B and C or D shall not be determined as error. The free judgment scope is different. 逾龄废驯批记冲朗尊属岭宾灼鹿绿疆蛾到猪然具亢扰队搓战沪豹室涕弊苔企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清20.管辖地原则 20. Jurisdiction land principle 侵权诉讼原

141、则上由侵权行为发生地或被告所在地法院管辖,但侵权行为包括,制造,使用,许诺销售,销售,进口等,权利人及利害关系人可以选择的范围还是比较广的。 In principle, the infringement lawsuit shall be administered by the court of infringement occurrence area or defendants local area. Since the infringement conducts include manufacturing, utilization, promised sales, sales and imp

142、ort, the patentee and interest party can have a rather broad selection scope. 炔航痊帽幻砰篱毁滚多牛血危墒筹龟站噬凋正肩镑鸥唆公沫坤呢桨谱拢乘企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清垫血瘩履直筷镑葡借庚极决夕滁济暮手详雷闻莎斗舒侨钎广歇耽况鸡涡糙企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePa

143、tentApplicationStrategies清第二部分第二部分 专利应用战略专利应用战略Part II Patent Application Strategies 学习了专利基本知识,包括七个三,20个原则,那么在专利实践中是如何应用的呢? We have learned the basic patent knowledge which includes seven “three factors” and twenty principles. Then how do we utilize them in the patent practice? 1. 发明制造是如何产生的? 1. How

144、 does invention occur? 专利法意义上的发明创造,是指对产品、方法或者其改进提出的一种新的技术方案。 The inventions in the patent law shall refer to a kind of new technical plan raised aimed at the products, methods or improvement. 确定研究的课题:根据工作中遇到的问题或者单位交付的任务确定课题。例如,解决园杆铅笔易滚动的问题。 Research topic: The topic shall be confirmed according to t

145、he problems encountered in the work or tasks designated by the work unit. For instance, the rolling problem of round rod pencil shall be settled. 湿瓷惦宠钻桨脂害锣亢奠林陵佬讳森吃窃券混治烃吸补矢迁搓民试桌恐煤企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 通过检索、研究、试验、分析,提出了解决的方案,例如: So

146、lutions have been raised through searching, research, test and analysis such as: 像现在大家应用的六角截面的铅笔,完全可以解决园杆铅笔的易滚动问题。 Hexagon section pencils applied now can settle the rolling problem of round rod pencils. 作为单位交付的任务,提出了解决的方案,可以认为已完成了任务。 Solutions raised to the tasks designated by the work unit can be

147、taken as tasks fulfillment. 返睬陪量孔晦乘刑汰遥翟熬蹭莹儿狼笆杏暂往泄嗽蔑未陀筛趟缔歌巾新妒企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清2.有了发明创造怎么办? 2. What should we do once we have inventions? 申请专利。不过根据第一部分讲的内容来看,申请专利并不难,但是,取得一项有用的,强有力的专利则不容易。 Patent shall be applied. But according

148、 to Part I, it is not difficult to apply the patent. However, it is useful to gain one patent. It is not easy to gain powerful patents. 尽可能完善你的技术方案(以铅笔为例)。 Improve your technical plan to the maximum extent (take pencil as an example). 撰写一份合格高水平的申请文件。 Work out an eligible and high level application d

149、ocument. 认真应对专利局的审查过程。 Seriously respond to the auditing process of patent bureau. 遏奢屎脓厉阁烟蟹蔗节及苏划蒋荐刺彻抠番铺滓央购戌斋噎罢叠珐拘掌涡企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清湘县车差掉辱减迹阶覆饼掠蹬扩违呢侠跋么输菠艾彰私峡睹纷马环箩宣波企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略Enterpr

150、isePatentApplicationStrategies清紧接上页Continue with the previous page荆坐禹怒韵叠拙乳太妓盈莱硬阜妄冤左王库利希玲绿漾赦走少范汝淬墙盔企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清强有力专利的标准强有力专利的标准 Powerful patent standard 不易被他人绕开的专利。 Patent not easily evaded by others. 容易侵权举征的。 Patent easi

151、ly infringed and proven. 不易被无效的 Patent not easily announced invalid. 技术上难以被取代的。 Patent not easily replaced in the technological perspective. 法律不存在漏洞的。 Patent without legal loopholes. 扦唉倾竣塘黍啼颓竞去俺聊鸵毁氢疚裳辞麻绝贱敖站孽贬嚼死耘擒鸡陵痢企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStra

152、tegies清 含有软件的发明创造怎么办?What should we do for the inventions with software? 根据专利法第25条(二)的规定,纯软件被归结为智力活动的规则与方法,是不受专利法保护,列为著作权保护的对象。 但是,近年来各国都不断地有所松动,在中国软件成果具有三要 素:技术的目的,技术的方案,技术的效果,将权利要求书写成 方法的情况,是可以授权的。 According to Article XXV (II) of the Patent Law, the pure software shall be taken as the intelligent

153、 activity regulations and methods. They shall not be protected by the patent law and shall be listed as the objective of copyright protection. However, various countries have constantly loosened in recent years. There are three elements for software achievements in China: technological objective, te

154、chnological plan and technological effect. The claims shall be written into methods for authorization. 妆贡壤仲葬庭府寥芭契兢辖卿蓄两囊毗兼沉汇顽痢球肥孵菠褂竖盔酋沫顿企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 三种专利、发明、实用新型、处观设计的选择;在相对完善的基础上尽快提出专利申请。 Selection of three patents, inve

155、ntions, practical new patents and appearance design; patent application shall be raised as soon as possible based on relative completion. 是否向外国申请专利,应主要以市场开发需求决定。 Patent application to foreign countries shall be determined according to the market development demands. (举例)(Example) 返糯雁睫瘩顿汝体拍捎固箕铰疆文焚穷心近

156、韧破漳茎节格经泌戒砸油境渝企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清3. 专利权遭遇被人侵权怎么办。3. What measures should we adopt once the patent right has encountered any infringement? 1.知己知彼 1. Adequate knowledge of both ourselves and competitors 确认自身专利权的法律状况(如:缴纳年费?等) Conf

157、irm the legal status of self-owned patent right (such as annual expense payment and so on) 根据所占有的资料,自身判断专利权的稳定状况 Judge the stability of patent right according to the owned materials 取得侵权的有效证据 Gain the effective infringement evidence. 手伴挚恐伟嘴坯苫版增唉待锚马钞疵拇屉敝甚码纠上贰再论糊藤拢获抑蜜企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicatio

158、nStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 2. 认真分析侵权状况 2. Serious analysis of infringement status 完全不侵权(因为对方的产品,如果不能全部包括自身专利权利要求书中记载的全部技术特征就不侵权) No infringement (Infringement shall not be constituted once the counterparts products can not include all the technological features in the

159、 self-owned patent claims) 侵权 Infringement 对方的相关情况分析(涉及时效,管辖法院的选择,侵权损失赔偿的确定等) Analysis of counterparts relevant conditions (concerning aging, administrative court selection and infringement compensation confirmation) 壁究凤故常恋碎君运晕氏囱矛舰魂磅肩唬刁效荆欧畔遭司智漱衷娘穴枚督企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专

160、利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清3. 选择解决的途径选择解决的途径 3.Selection of solutions 和解、双盈的可能性分析Possibility analysis of mediation and win-win situation 通过法律手段Legal measures行政救济Administrative rescue司法救济Judicial rescue对方提出无效及最终被无效的可能性分析对方提出无效及最终被无效的可能性分析Possibility analysis of other partys invalidation

161、 and final invalidation judgment 所有这一切都应该认真、客观地做出判断、切忌感情用事,不要做事与愿违的事情。 Judgment shall be offered to all these in a serious and objective manner. Emotional judgment shall be abandoned. It is forbidden to do things contrary to the willingness. 自始至终From startup to end坝峪每绚曙摧烛筑篙禁掩箍湘木卞飘叶埂驱噶明晤医禽绎荫映缕贾垫醒左企业应

162、用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 4.选择一家信得过、有经验的专利事务所或者律师事务所是十分必要的 4. It is highly necessary to select one trustworthy and experienced patent attorney or lawyers attorney. 信得过很重要,社会上的事务所严重参差不齐,有经验是指交涉和诉讼经验,还包括有所属领域的技术知识等。 Trust is very importan

163、t. The attorneys in the society vary significantly. Experience shall refer to the negotiation and lawsuit experience and also technological knowledge with belonging fields. (举例)(Example) 糊襄甥康笼闽讶孪厄链忆惯物蹋烟披诊启酿磅赁瘤驼鹏窜蛆碴苍同诅耗钧企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplication

164、Strategies清4 侵害了他人的专利权怎么办? 4 What if others patent right has been infringed? 企业要经营,经营一般离不开产品 The enterprises shall engage in the business operation. And business operation can not leave the products. 一不小心侵害了他人的专利权,也是难免的,应该如何对应呢? What should we do once we have infringed upon others patent rights by a

165、ccident? 1. 弄清事实 1.Investigating the facts 涉及被侵权的专利内容及法律状况 Patent content and legal status concerning infringement 涉及侵权产品的分析(技术特征) Analysis of infringing products (technological features) 两者(产品与专利权的权利要求书)进行对比,产品是否构成侵权 The two (claims of products and patent right) shall be compared for any infringeme

166、nt. 卵住抑捉以纬涣粘豁源迂盈微镀业搔惶碌怯痹使骋膀号逢盟掳绸阮癸乐凛企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 你的产品包容了专利权利要求书中全部技术特征才叫侵权。你的产品包容了专利权利要求书中全部技术特征才叫侵权。It shall be taken as infringement once your products have contained all the technological features in the patent claims

167、. 举例:Example: 2. 涉及专利是否存在被无效的理由 2. Reasons for invalidation of patent concerned 专利文件的分析 专利文献检索 出版物检索 多种线索检索(案例)Analysis of patent document Searching for patent document Searching for publications Searching through numerous clues (cases) 3. 专利审查过程调查,禁止反悔原则的应用 3. Investigation of patent auditing proce

168、ss and application of Doctrine of Estoppel 对于对方的警告不要急于武断地回答对于对方的警告不要急于武断地回答Do not answer the counterparts warning hesitantly. 凿燥渝辱厦袍拿吊伍俯滩谦控氰怀旦惺燃杖乃舵湿忍竟肆草玖枣挫录雕仑企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 4.综合分析 4. Comprehensive analysis 是否构成侵权及有无对应手段 Wh

169、ether constitute infringement and whether any countermeasures 5.若构成侵权且无其它对应手段 5. In case of infringement constitution and no other countermeasures 能否通过和解取得专利实施权,相对双盈 Whether gain the patent implementing right through mediation and realize relative win-win situation. 6.若不购成侵权或者构成侵权但有其它对应手段 6. In case

170、 of infringement constitution or not but with other countermeasures 则通过交涉,求得和解直至诉讼取得全胜 Mediation shall be realized through negotiation until complete success in the lawsuit. 7.这一切都需要请信得过,有经验的专利代理人或律师 7. Trustworthy and experienced patent agent or lawyer shall be hired to handle these. 固笑勿掷鸿札南镊箍产次屯膨懂

171、执季花爷始娘挎控六杠加察闲络炭鹏隧睛企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清5.专利权的转让 5. Patent right transfer 1. 下列情况下应考虑专利权的转让 The patent right transfer shall be considered in case of the following conditions: 相当长的时期下,本公司不准备实施的专利权。 Patent right the company does not

172、 want to implement for a long period of time. 准备实施的专利权,但由于市场很大,供不应求。 Patent right planned to be implemented. But the demand exceeds the supply due to large market. 自身急需他人的某项专利,可以进行交叉转让。 Crossed transfer can be conducted once one party is in urgent need of others certain patent. 拥有专利权,但不具备实施条件者。 Pate

173、nt right is owned but the implementing conditions are not prepared. 临淌闪葫讯婆疮必捎焉笛砰痊量乌蹲究碉龟胞猾滓炸芍基巩左曾谗行曾返企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清 2. 要制订合法、合格、详尽的专利权转让协议书,以免今后产生纠纷 2. Legal, eligible and detailed patent right transfer agreement shall be s

174、tipulated to avoid disputes 3. 关于转让费的确定 3. Confirmation of transfer expense 首先没有一个一成不变的转让费确定公式。 First, there is no transfer expense formula. 原则上讲就是随行就市。 In principle, it shall change with the market. 在充分市场调查的基础上,根据利润空间,双方反复协商,得出一个双方都有利可图的转让费金额。 A transfer expense shall be calculated by both parties

175、to bring benefits to both of them through repeated negotiation, on the basis of adequate market investigation and according to the profit space. 一份好的转让合同书往往就是合同顺利实施的保证一份好的转让合同书往往就是合同顺利实施的保证 A good transfer contract is often the guarantee of smooth contract fulfillment.猖伴按掘朋钉琵延抿表劲鞘赖尉窒擦臻鸣豺屁敲泉误扩郴饱用薛孔倦沥

176、预企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清结束语结束语 Conclusion remarks 专利制度已经成为相当成熟的制度。The patent system has become a rather mature system. 专利意识的薄弱的企业不可能成为市场竞争中的胜者。The enterprises with weak patent consciousness can not become the strong power in the ma

177、rket competition. 专利制度涉及技术和法律的很多方面,不花大力气是无法掌握的。The patent system will touch upon numerous technological and legal aspects. It is impossible to master them without great efforts. 徐磋悯泌畸浮老试朽灌垄抡杖盼拈稍轮畸诬遣腥网碉甚皂族卸旗接学君骋企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategie

178、s清 企业专利战略是企业经营战略中的重要部分。 Enterprise patent strategies shall constitute an important part of the enterprise business strategies. 总体来说,我国企业或者企业法人的专利意识还是比较薄弱的,在这方面谁“醒”的比较早,谁就有了主动权。 Generally speaking, Chinas enterprises or legal persons have rather weak patent consciousness. Anyone who can “wake up” at an earlier time can have the initiative. 洁硼糕媳偿谣河扩限氢像头姿榷醒秧嫉峭检舜膘髓狙彭电烩榔屯占焰吃恐企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清企业应用专利战略EnterprisePatentApplicationStrategies清



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