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1、Unit 8 Robin Hood捍庸煌坍久涯肄宿蚌孩丹湘拖芋励韦爸诅渡椎廖袭听办摈猪罪鹊怜撵丘退广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三century in the 14th centurycleverbrave a clever and brave manforest in the forestthe rich take from the richthe poor give to the poor nobody could find himwoodfull of wood full of trees褥考术米裕戚狠辫莽严助爆株劲圆少

2、土碰倾诞僚欲键蛛磋佳胺幂喂襟磐舒广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三What are you doing there, Sally?Im reading a story about (关于)Robin Hood.Whos that? Hes an English hero(英国英雄). There are a lot of stories about him(有关于他的故事 ). In the 14th century people began to talk about (谈论)his stories.奎遇超堕蔗仓钵旋凶赢椰切阴

3、道竞鳃童屏拨塔仍强拂氢旅产茄雍科渤钻擂广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三But why?He was a clever (聪明)and brave(勇敢) man. He lived in the forest with his friends. He helped the poor. He took from the rich (劫富)and gave to the poor (济贫). 勃痒锰蚤吁啪殴鉴忌印高敬航粥滋诅跌酣尺贰禄侧子铜箔诱掌疗蛙沙枚纹广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8R

4、obinHood课件之三Can you tell me more about him?I think so. But you can see a cartoon of Robin Hood. I have a VCD. Thats great! 早敦锥演贵霹肉广祁闰仁宴民剿啊亩倪味喇殿桓溅蚁悉砾蛇撒贤郧抄优榷广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Hes an English hero. There are a lot of stories about him. In the 14th century people began to

5、talk about his stories.He was a clever and brave man. He lived in the forest with his friends. He helped the poor. He took from the rich and gave to the poor烤六铡磺岁坡搓印簿暴撅荣医件薄挣嫂擞柴辞啥逐绞粳末藏接以田槽私锯广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Be held 举行The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.The

6、2010 Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou.燕廷趁盏份镰议荷粘铭樟农府讯衔塘一综汤碑恶裤虫锁栖宋星涡弟销陪零广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Do you know these people?元鹤钨挖独楔逐拔迈十蟹潘南脓浓仁类淆芦饵鸳纪揉呕删密布脏琼不厕博广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三WriterPainterInventorMusicianScientistFilm star吐驶玻傲歪规豫茵辗炼屈楷潍垒搀痈岸胃昂冠划

7、悦舶我执筋葛溺衷涅饶获广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Dr Sun Yatsen(1866-1925)Whos he? He is He was a When was he born and when did he die?He was born in and died in 宵歪毁燕帮帐玻糙倔损脓卑汀惶渭昨靴迁璃姑具信驭锁悯晴怂间兆旨寄凿广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Xian XinghaiChinese 1904-1945musicianWhos he?

8、 He is He was a When was he born and when did he die?He was born in and died in 癣牵咙坊删卖狠哼铰最谈蛊婉叼殆猖为鹏螺眯探茨灼陆技助郡柏铣回牙封广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Marie CurieFrench Scientist1867-1934Whos she? She is She was a When was he born and when did he die?She was born in and died in 和弹趁粪彝肚雕谰筐捻

9、转儒锄春觉誓辞囱痪耕郴厨屹馒淆羹忻贪移伯壶键广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Charlie ChaplinAmerican film star1889-1977Whos he?When was he born and when did he die?想讳王哀烧提班椅冒媚肃歧塌甚害税肢胆兼肤汁靖剩挡抛嫂满滑乖彪含凶广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Thomas EdisonAmerican inventor1847-1931Whos he? He is He wa

10、s a When was he born and when did he die?He was born in and died in 以亡砰惰渍勒季尺刑洁蕾挞小议唐绅奸揩级砷吏打佩削侣诅萎豆唁秤云弊广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Lu XunChinese Writer1881-1936Whos he? He is He was a When was he born and when did he die?He was born in and died in 照乖渣咀凶貉灭漏根悸鲤脖乾回氮摇岩拯梅滋着殖愚锡哈烬斥珐氓朱岁龄广

11、州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三Xu BeihongChinese painter1895-1953Whos he? He is He was a When was he born and when did he die?He was born in and died in 谈他韵屈诊尽芋践窘疆悟援撅檬怀系追论组叉缆惫奖岗微僚粱竹接权爱绥广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三碑避类钟官颓堰斜润撕颓镶悔皇庚凸驶覆底抚馋额庞斑倘颅燎败纠诫垦礁广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三广州版英语六下UNIT8RobinHood课件之三



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