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1、年龄外貌格职业能力爱好与特长理想生平Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望人物名词人物名词girl女孩女孩 boy男孩男孩 man(men)男人男人 woman (women) 妇女妇女 lady (ladies)女士女士 baby (babies) 婴儿婴儿 child (kid) 小孩小孩 children (kids)孩子们孩子们 adult 成年人成年人alien 外星人外星人描写人的词语:1 外貌与体质的词语:外貌与体质的词语:clean清洁的 dirty脏的 w

2、eak脆弱的 strong 强壮的 old老的 young年轻的 brave 勇敢的 thin瘦的 fat胖的 good-looking好看的 pretty 漂亮的beautiful 美丽的 handsome英俊的 ugly丑陋的 pale 苍白的 healthy健康的slim苗条的 描写人的词语:2 描写人物性格的词语:描写人物性格的词语:boring令人讨厌的 cute/lovely可爱的 kind和蔼的 nice好的 hardworking努力工作的 funny 有趣的 friendly友好的 interesting 有兴趣的 patient有耐心的 honest诚实的 naughty

3、调皮的描写人的词语:3描写人物情感的词语:描写人物情感的词语:bored令人讨厌的 happy开心的 sad伤心的 angry生气的 worried 担心的 afraid害怕的 surprised惊奇的 excited 兴奋的提问人的句型:1 问年龄:问年龄:2 问外貌3 问工作:4 问爱好:How old is he? He is 12 years old.What does he look like? He looks like his father.What is he like?- He is strong.What does he do? He is a doctor.What is

4、 his hobby? He likes playing football.What does he like? He likes swimming.提问人的句型:5 问理想:6 别人的评价:What does he want to be when he grows up?He wants to be a lawyer when he grows up. What do you think of Dr Sun Yatsen? He was a great leader. He loved the people and the people loved him.关于描写人物的语法1 比较级,最高

5、级(er, est)(1)特征: (2)人物对比运用: 比较级:比较级:than (2个事物的比较个事物的比较) 最高级:最高级:in, the, of (3个或个或3个以上的比较)个以上的比较) Bob is younger than Fred but taller than Fred. Xiaoming is the shortest boy in his class.关于描写人物的语法 用来描写一个人的能力,注意其后用动词原形动词原形Kate can sing very well.My father can play football well.2 情态动词can的使用:关于描写人物的语

6、法He was a student, but now he is a dentist.He wanted to be a doctor before, but now he is a writer. He was a footballer when he was young. 3 过去时: ed 或不规则变化不规则变化, 用法:比较一个人以前与现在以前与现在的变化WhoWhenWhereWhatWhyPeoplePeople关于人物的写作Please help me ask some questions? 写作范例 My favorite people is Dr Sun YatSen. He

7、 was born in Guangdong, Zhongshan. He was the father of modern China. He was a great leader. He tried to change China and free the people. He loved the people and the people loved him.新中国领导人物 Mao Zedong was the first president of the new China.Zhou Enlai was the first premier of the new China.Deng X

8、iaoping made an important speech in Guangdong in 1979.中国现任领导人物Hu Jingtao is the president of China now.Wen Jiabao is the premier of China now.Xian Xinhai was a great musician in China. 中国老一辈伟大人物Lu Xun was a great writer in China.Xu Beihong was a great painter in China.国外著名历史人物Thomas Edison was a famous American inventor. Marie Curie was a famous Polish scientist.Charlie Chaplin was a famous British film star.



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