The 7 Slide Solution

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1、THE 7 SLIDE SOLUTION PART IITelling your story in seven slides . . . or less!So, how do we create resonance and communicate powerful ideas?Make a Compelling CaseSTORIES!When you design your presentation as a story, people will be more likely to be convinced. You are not “presenting,” you are TELLING

2、 A STORY!PLATFORMA New Platform for Presenting ProposalsSTORYDESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE 7-SLIDE STORY1.Think of each slide as a scene: build on previous, transition to next, leave an impression2.Develop a premise and then prove it3.Conflict is interesting; facts usually are not4.Stories are only sati

3、sfying when conflict is resolvedHow to Develop a Successful Scene1.Plant a Question (beginning)2.Evoke a specific emotion (middle)3.Answer the question (end)4.Move the story forward (transition)The Role of the Seven SlidesSlide 1 EngagementSlide 2 BackstorySlide 3 Build TensionSlide 4 Bring it to a

4、Boil!Slide 5 Offer ChoicesSlide 6 Provide ResolutionSlide 7 Set up the “sequel”Slide 1 EngagementBuilds desire to see what comes nextSlide 2 BackstoryContext; how we got hereSlide 3 Build TensionConsequences & implications for not taking action or moving forwardThe Role of the Seven SlidesSlide 4 Br

5、ing it to a Boil!What do we do?Slide 5 Offer ChoicesA way out!Slide 6 Provide Resolution“Have cake, eat it too!”Slide 7 Set up the “sequel”Go deeper; take actionThe Role of the Seven SlidesLeave Them Happy . . . ENDEARLY!POINTERS1.Use the real estate of each slide: plan your space; dont explain ever

6、ything; make the scene rich; display each slide at least 3 minutes2.Plant a question in their minds: a claim, concept, theory, hypothesis, challenge, proposition, or truth3.No peek-a-boo!4.Consider the following use of slide real estate:PLANT THE QUESTIONCompare or Contrast(the core conflict)EXPLORA

7、TIONEMOTIONALRESONANCECOMMENTARYAnswer the question and move the story forwardProject based learning will increase student performanceTraditionalArtificialApathyShallowForgottenFragmentedSolitaryOld MethodsProject-basedAuthenticEagernessDeepMemorableMemorableCollaborativeIntegrates TechA growing bod

8、y of academic research supports the use of project-based learning in schools“If schoolchildren are given the gift of exploration, society will be the beneficiary.”Make learning fun again for both students and teachers!A Day in the Life of PBL (video)Example SlidesSlide One: Engagement Demonstrate th

9、eCore ProblemOur Challenge: Increase Student PerformanceStudent tests scores fell by 11%If this trend continues, we will not meet AYP next yearSchool choice is out there, folks!To maintain the quality of our school and the trust of our community we must solve this problem! 20052006Example SlidesSlid

10、e One: Engagement State thePremiseProject based learning will increase student performanceTraditionalArtificialApathyShallowForgottenFragmentedSolitaryOld MethodsProject-basedAuthenticEagernessDeepMemorableMemorableCollaborativeIntegrates TechA growing body of academic research supports the use of p

11、roject-based learning in schools“If schoolchildren are given the gift of exploration, society will be the beneficiary.”Make learning fun again for both students and teachers!A Day in the Life of PBL (video)Principles of Slide 11.Engage the audience emotionally and intellectually2.Set the best tone3.

12、Turn browsers into an audience4.Introduce the core conflictExample SlidesSlide TWO: Backstory History orMethodology and Key DataHow We Got Here . . .AYP is threatenedPrinciples of Slide 21.If not needed, dont include the backstory2.Dont tell another story3.Dont get bogged down4.Know your audienceExa

13、mple SlidesSlide Three: Tension “Insistence vs. Resistance”Action to date has had little effect upon performanceEnrichment programsTarget students didnt comeHome room focusSocial issues became focusTeacher inserviceInneffectiveChange in textbooksMinimal increaseTIME IS RUNNING OUT!Example SlidesSlid

14、e Three: Tension “Its worse than you think” or“Drill down”Principles of Slide 31.Return the audience from the backstory to the main story2.Explore the consequences of resolving and not resolving the core conflict3.Present the consequences in order of emotional impact4.Create a sense of urgencyExampl

15、e SlidesSlide Four: Bring It To A Boil “The summary ofconsequences” or“The killer statistic”Example SlidesSlide Four: Bring It To A Boil “No escapeorIs there?”C-Negative publicityDifficulty passing bondsNo new buildingsNo salary gainsRecruiting problemsRetention problems. . . Insanity: doing the sam

16、e thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert EinsteinPrinciples of Slide 41.Raise the tensionbut not too much2.Create more emotional resonance than any other slide3.Suppress the urge to provide resolutionExample SlidesSlide Five: Offer Choices“Fork in the Road” or “Multiple C

17、hoice”Example SlidesSlide Five: Offer Choices“Emotional Appeal”What Kind of School Do We Want to Be?Behind the TimesFailingState-controlledEmbarrassedInnovativeLeaderOutstandingSuccessfulWANTED: Faculty and Staff who are committed to innovative, continuous improvementPrinciples of Slide 51.Bring the

18、 decision to your advantage2.Offer one choicestatus quo or change3.Dont offer resolution4. Appeal to the emotionsExample SlidesSlide Six: Provide Resolution“Mirror the Engagement Slide”Example SlidesSlide Six: Provide Resolution“Happily Ever After” or “Q & A”Project based learning will increase stud

19、ent performanceTraditionalArtificialApathyShallowForgottenFragmentedSolitaryOld MethodsProject-basedAuthenticEagernessDeepMemorableMemorableCollaborativeIntegrates TechA growing body of academic research supports the use of project-based learning in schools“If schoolchildren are given the gift of ex

20、ploration, society will be the beneficiary.”Make learning fun again for both students and teachers!A Day in the Life of PBL (video)Principles of Slide 61.Resolve the core conflict2.Answer questions the story raised3.Focus on “what,” let them ask “how.”4. Show, dont tellExample SlidesSlide Seven: Set

21、 up the Sequel“Put the Lid on the Can of Worms”Decision Support ToolsAction Plan/Time LineMethodologySources andReferencesCosts/Productivity CalculationsLikely Stakeholder ResponsesBest/Worst Case ScenariosForecasts/ProjectionsPrinciples of Slide 71.Let the audience drive the story by choosing topics to explore further2.Influence the way people think about your story by offering answers to questions before they are asked3.Answer each anticipated question with a story (premise, conflict, tension, turning point, resolution)4. If you dont need slide 7, dont use it



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