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1、 跨文化交际 潘震一、汉英修辞对比 比喻完全对应的比喻所占的比例不大比喻的翻译困难保留原语形象转换原语形象舍弃原语形象而只传达喻义比喻的翻译原则:必须保证传译喻义,达到交际的根本目的尽量传递原语形象,或者代之以译语读者较能接受的另一个形象作为补偿喻义和形象不能两全时,舍形象,保喻义方鸿渐看唐小姐不笑的时候,脸上还依恋着笑意,像音乐停止后袅袅空中的余音。许多女人会笑得这样甜;但她们的笑容只是面部肌肉软操,仿佛有所教练在喊口令:“一!”忽然满脸堆笑,“二!”忽然笑不知去向,只余个空脸,像电影开映前的布幕。(钱钟书围城) Fang Hung-chien noticed that the trace

2、of a smile lingered on Miss Tangs face when she was not smiling, like the last few notes that float in the air after the music has ceased. Many women can smile just as sweetly, but their smile is only facial muscle calisthenics, as if a drillmaster were barking the order, “One!”and suddenly the whol

3、e face would be wreathed in smiles, then“Two !”and just as suddenly the smile would vanish, leaving a face as blank as the screen in a movie theater before the movie starts. (Kelly, 1979:52)比喻的跨文化思考委婉语委婉语的翻译困难:委婉语的翻译原则:见他生的聪明俊秀,也欲使他识几个字,不过假充养子,聊解膝下荒凉之叹。(曹雪芹红楼梦)And because she was as intelligent as s

4、he was pretty, they decided to give her a good education to make up for their lack of a son and help them forget their loss. (杨宪益、戴乃迭译)排比借助平行铺排的结构增强语势节奏感形式美音律美排比的翻译原则:直译含重复成分的:不含重复成分的:湖边离水几英尺的地方有一座凉亭,周围绿树成荫,树枝交错,在小路上形成了一条拱道,树梢一直俯垂到水面。There was a summerhouse near the shore of the lake, only a few fee

5、t away from the waters edge, surrounded and shaded by trees, whose branches arched over the path and drooped down to the surface of the water.二、颜色词跨文化对比研究颜色是我们认知世界的重要组成部分。基本颜色范畴:红、白、黑、绿、黄、蓝、棕、紫等。颜色是“自然的符号”,颜色词是“人为的符号”。“赤” 首先,“赤”或“红”可表达愤怒的强烈情感,“面红耳赤”、“脸红头胀”、“脸胀通红”、“脸红脖子粗”等,均显示出血液使面部皮肤变色并肿胀的现象,这些原本表示人

6、体生理变化的词汇被直接用来代表人类的情感。倘有不达时务的,捉空摘了一花一蕊,那老便要面红颈赤,大发喉急。下次就打骂他,也不容进去看了。(醒世恒言第四卷灌园叟晚逢仙女)he would make a terrible scene, reddening to the tips of his ears, and would never admit that person again. (杨曙辉,杨韵琴)the old man would flush with anger and never admit him again.(杨宪益,戴乃迭)he became quite ferocious if h

7、e caught one of his visitors breaking his promise. (Chi-Chen Wang)其次,“赤”或“红”范畴可涵盖“害羞”之情:王窥其意,戏之曰:“以娘子才貌,得配若人,庶可无恨。”女晕红上颊,脉脉不作一语。(聊斋志异胭脂)Yanzhi blushed and said nothing.(黄友义).Yen-chih blushed and could not say a word. (Amy Ling)A tinge of red spread over the girls cheeks. She said nothing. (Denis C.

8、&Victor H. Mair)再次,“赤”或“红”可指代“惊恐”、“窘迫”之情:刘妈妈走将进去,便道:“为甚青天白日,把门闭上,在内搂抱啼哭?”二人被问,惊得满面通红,无言可答。(醒世恒言第八卷乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱)Their faces aflame, Jade Boy and Huiniang were at a loss for an answer, which further convinced Mrs. Liu of their guilt.(杨曙辉,杨韵琴)Their faces flushed with alarm, but they had no reply, which onl

9、y confirmed Mrs. Liu in her suspicions. (Patrick Hanan)另外,“红”或“赤”范畴也包含了嫉妒之情,这是中文的独特用法,具有东方情感色彩,在英文短篇小说中未见有此用法:那徐言、徐召虽也挣起些田产,比着颜氏,尚有天渊之隔,终日眼红颈赤。那老儿揣知二人意思,劝颜氏各助百金之物。(醒世恒言第三十五卷徐老仆义愤成家)Knowing how consumed they were with jealousy, the old man advised Yan-shi to give them each a gift of a hundred taels o

10、f silver.(杨曙辉,杨韵琴)They always openly showed their jealousy. ( Susan Arnold Zonana)青”“青”包含“绿”、“蓝”和“黑”三种意象。夏扶,血勇之人,怒而面赤;宋意,脉勇之人,怒而面青;武阳,骨勇之人,怒而面白。光所知荊轲,神勇之人,怒而色不变。(汉魏六朝小说选燕丹子)Xia Fu has courage in his blood: when he is angry his face turns red. Song Yi has courage in his veins: when he is angry his fa

11、ce turns green. Wu Yang has courage in his bones: when he is angry his face turns white. But I know a man named Jing Ke who has superhuman courage. When he is angry he does not change color at all. (杨宪益,戴乃迭)Hsia Fu is a man whose daring is in his blood; when aroused his face turns red. Sung Yis bold

12、ness is in his veins; when angered his face turns blue. Wu Yangs courage lies in his bones; when stirred his countenance grows pale. I know of one Ching Ko, a man of divine valor. When he is provoked, his visage remains unchanged, and he has wide learning and a strong memory. (Peter Rushton) 那员外眼中不见

13、如花似玉体态,只见房中蟠着一条吊桶来粗大白蛇,两眼一似灯盏,放出金光来。惊得半死,回身便走,一绊一跤。众养娘扶起看时,面青口白。(警世通言第二十八卷白娘子永镇雷锋塔)they saw that his face was green and his lips were white. (杨曙辉,杨韵琴)they saw that his face was pale and his lips had lost all colors. (Diana Yu)一拿到时,已是胆战心惊,如今听说把潘寿儿杀人的事,坐在他身上,就是青天里打下一个霹雳,吓得半个字也说不出。(醒世恒言第十六卷陆五汉硬留合色鞋)And

14、 now, the accusation that he was the murderer struck him like a thunder bolt from a clear sky. (杨曙辉,杨韵琴)he felt as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt-he was scared speechless. (Diana Yu)“白”寿儿被太守句句道着心事,不觉面上一回红,一回白,口内如吃子一般,半个字也说不清洁。(醒世恒言第十六卷陆五汉硬留合色鞋)The prefects words touched a raw nerve. Shouers

15、face blushed and paled by turns and the words failed on her lips as she stammered and stuttered. (杨曙辉,杨韵琴)As each accusation hit home, Shouer first flushed, then blanched, and finally began to stammer, unable to get a word out properly. (Diana Yu)又想一回道:“我闻得做老鸨的,专要钱钞。就是个乞儿,有了银子,他也就肯接了,何况我做生意的,青青白白之人?

16、若有了银子,怕他不接!只是哪里来这几两银子?”(醒世恒言第三卷卖油郎独占花魁)“.Theyll even accept a beggar if he can pay. I am a man with an honest business.” (杨曙辉,杨韵琴)“.They would admit even a beggar if he could pay, so why not a respectable tradesman.”(杨宪益,戴乃迭)“.Moreover, Im in a respectable trade, so why shouldnt she receive me if I

17、have the money.” (Lorraine S. Y. Lieu)“.so surely shed see a businessman like me with a spotless reputation.” (Patrick Hanan) “我是清清白白的人家,决不要这样败坏门风的好东西。快还了我昔年聘礼,另自去对亲,不要误我孩儿的大事。”(醒世恒言第八卷乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱)“We are a family of stainless reputation. We dont want one who would only bring disgrace to us.”(杨曙辉,杨韵琴)“

18、We are good, honest folk in my family, and we certainly dont want such a disreputable creature as that.” (Patrick Hanan)女笑曰:“君虑亦过。妾不过离魂之倩女,偶为情动耳。此事宜要慎秘,恐是非之口捏造黑白,君不能生翼,妾不能乘风,则祸离更惨于好别矣。”(聊斋志异葛巾)“But our affair must be secret. There are those who would make our love difficult.”(黄友义)“The main thing is

19、for our affair to remain a carefully guarded secret, or judgmental tongues will color things to suit themselves.”(Denis C. &Victor H. Mair) 又对李甲道:“妾风尘数年,私有所积,本为终身之计。自遇郎君,山盟海誓,白首不渝。(警世通言第三十二卷杜十娘怒沉百宝箱)“After we met, you and I took many a vow of lifelong love and fidelity.” (杨曙辉,杨韵琴) “But after I met y

20、ou, we swore to love each other all our lives.” (杨宪益,戴乃迭)“Since we met weve sworn a love everlasting.” (Richard M. W. Ho)“Then, when I met you, we swore together an oath of fidelity, vowing never to change unto our lives end.” (E. Butts Howell) 颜色范畴的加入使语言不再是枯燥乏味的符号。它是语言的调味品,借助此类词汇,人们可以更好地表达喜怒哀惧,使言谈增色,并彰显其民族心理文化特色。模糊语言跨文化对比研究模糊语言的美学价值。模糊,是美学意义的模糊。汉语的模糊性作为文学作品的多层次结构,为读者进行再创造提供了审美空间。英、汉两种语言的模糊性在表现形式和美感功能方面均存在显著差异。以精确译精确、以精确译模糊、以模糊译精确和以模糊译模糊。例:“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”。例:一去二三里,烟村四五家,楼台六七座,八九十枝花。例:他大约未必姓赵,即使真姓赵,有赵太爷在这里,也不该如此胡说的。例:枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。语言层面的跨文化思考



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