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1、unit-6-The-Trashman-unit-6-The-Trashman-SectionASectionA162. Have you ever thought of being a trash man or cleaner?Answer the following questions.1. What is your ideal job?16walk up and down a street enter the gardens of houses collect a dustbintake it out to the dustcart and empty itreplace the bin

2、 from exactly where it camenormally suffer from being looked down uponWhat is a trash mans routine work?16 Two trash-men are very exhausted and raged because of their work as trash-man and peoples responses to their greeting. But they still have their own attitudes towards the job. I. UnderstandingT

3、ext StudyUnderstanding16organizationPart I (para. 1-4) introductionPart II (para. 4-11) the two trash mens experience during their greetings with the local peoplePart III (para. 12-13) the writers attitude to the cold responses from the local people161. haul: vt. pull or drag forcibly transport, as

4、with a truck or cart 水手们用力把船拖上岸。水手们用力把船拖上岸。 The sailors hauled the boat up onto the shore.I. Word UsingTranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using162. image: vt. make a copy of the form of sth.; make a picture of 很难设想一个没有法律的社会会是怎么样的。很难设想一个没有法律的社会会是怎么样的。 It is hard to image a society without law.Tr

5、anslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using162. image: a copy of object(s); mental picture of an object I cannot make an image of that old novel in I cannot make an image of that old novel in my mind. my mind. 这本小说在我脑海里的印象已经不深了。KeyTranslation 他的长相酷似他父亲。 He is the very image of his father. He is the

6、very image of his father.Words and ExpressionsWord Using16Practiceimagine imagine 想象想象Imaginable Imaginable 能想象的,可想象到的能想象的,可想象到的Imaginary Imaginary 假象的,虚构的假象的,虚构的Imaginative Imaginative 富有想象力的富有想象力的 All the troubles are _. All the troubles are _. an _ writer an _ writer every _ means every _ means I

7、 I didnt didnt _ _ becoming becoming a a writer writer in in my my childhood. childhood.imaginaryimaginativeimaginableimagine Words and ExpressionsWord Using16 3. dump: vt. drop carelessly; get rid of goods by selling them at a much lower price The truck dumped its load of sand on the driveway. 他们向外

8、国倾销剩余产品。卡车将沙子卸在车道上。 They dump their surplus production on foreign countries.KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using16p1381. 爆炸后五分钟警察就到了车站,记者也到了。The police got to the station five minutes after the explosion, and so did the reporters.16p1385. 每次去我丈夫出生的地方,我们总是一家家地拜访他的亲戚。Whenever we go back to th

9、e place where my husband was born, we always make the rounds of his relatives.16 4. register: vi. to show, make known; to write in a list or record 她脸上露出了惊异之色。Parents have to register the birth of their kid.Her face registered surprise.父母必须为孩子作出生登记。KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using16 5.

10、But most often the response was either nothing at all, or a surprised stare because I had spoken. either or , 或者或者 不是就是Practice Notes to the TextFocus Study 16Shes the kind of person you either love or hate. 你选吧,不是她走就是我走! 她就是那种人,你可能会爱上她,也可能会恨她。Note: 连接两个主语时,遵循“就近原则”。Translation Its your choice! Eith

11、er she leaves or I will.Notes to the TextFocus Study Keys16 6. retreat: vi move back, especially when forced; escape The enemy retreated after heavy losses. 我不会躲避承诺的义务。 敌人在重创之后撤退了。 I will not retreat from my commitments.KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using167. rage: vi. to talk without cont

12、rol of anger 因电脑崩溃,他便对女儿大发雷霆。He raged at his daughter for the breaking down of the computer.KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using167. rage: n. (sudden feeling of) severe anger 他勃然大怒,叫人把狗锁进了一间小屋。He was in such a rage that he had the dog locked in a small room.KeyTranslationWords and Expressio

13、nsWord Using16p1383. 负责新闻调查的官员只给新闻记者提供了一些事实真相。( nothing but)The news reporters were given nothing but bare facts by the officials in charge of the investigation.16 8. folk: n. ones relatives; people 读大学时,我定期写信回家。 Folks around here dont take too kindly to strangers. I wrote regularly to my folks when

14、 studying in the university. 这里的人对陌生人不太友好。KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using168. folk: a. of or having to do with the common people, their beliefs, stories, customs, and the like It is often used as folk medicine to cure snake bites.它常被用作民间药物治疗蛇咬伤。KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord U

15、sing16p1382. 即使你不同意她的观点,她的话也是值得一听的。( even if )Even if you disagree with her, she is worth listening to.16 9. contrary to: completely different from他不听医生的忠告,跑去游泳。Contrary to his doctors advice, he went swimming.KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using16p1386. 与他的希望相反,他女朋友的父母不像他父母那样平易近人。Contrary

16、to his hope, his girlfriends parents are not as approachable as his parents.1610. harm: n. damage; wrong or hurt Harm set, harm get.害人反害己。害人反害己。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using1610. harm: vt. hurt; cause damage to Will this cleaning fluid harm the furniture? 我的狗狗绝不会伤害任何人。我的狗狗绝不会伤害任何人。 这

17、种清洁剂会损害家具吗这种清洁剂会损害家具吗? ? My dog will harm no one at all.TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using16 11. In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. Whats on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演上演什么? Whats he up to? 他忙忙什么呢?e.g.e.g.Notes to th

18、e TextActive Expressions 161. There wasnt time for lengthy talks but enough to exchange greetings that go with civilized ways.2. a society which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is in for trouble.3. But I dont go around boasting about it either.4. Neither its pipe nor its theo

19、ries will hold water.5. and call for respect for both our economists and our trash-men.Find out the active expressions:Notes to the TextActive Expressions 16 go with match or suit sth. look down on/upon have a poor opinion of sb. being below ones social level boast about/of speak too proudly of hold

20、 water turn out to be reliable, be sound call for demand sth. or sb. Notes to the TextActive Expressions Practice 161.棕色皮鞋与黑衣服不相配。2.他们都是些看不起人的势利眼(snob)。3.她爱在同学们面前吹嘘自己有钱。4.你的看法很荒唐,根本站不住脚。5.你的购房计划需要很多钱。Notes to the TextActive Expressions TranslationKeys161.Brown shoes dont go with a black suit.2.They

21、are snobs who look down upon common people.3.She enjoys boasting of her wealth to her classmates.4.Your view is absurd and doesnt hold water.5.Your plan to buy the house will call for a lot of money.More practice Notes to the TextActive Expressions 161.哈妮的蓝色连衣裙与她那双水汪汪的大眼睛很相配。2.现代中国有钱人越来越多了,你会看不起穷人吗?

22、3.别自吹自擂了,我们都听说了。4.对于钱的来源,他的解释没一个能成立。5.要想考得好,就得多用功。More Practice Notes to the TextActive Expressions Keys161.Honeys blue dress goes well with her big dancing eyes. 2.Weve more and more rich people in China nowadays. Will you look down upon the poor?3.Dont boast about yourself. We all heard about it.4

23、.None of his explanation of where the money came from holds water. 5.Success in examination calls for much hard work.Notes to the TextActive Expressions 16P 1384. 这个房子装修得很好,但窗帘的颜色与整体风格不太相配。The room was well decorated, but the color of the curtain did not go well with the overall style. 16 12. be in

24、for: unable to escape; sure to get or haveThe weather report says we are in for a storm.天气预报说将有风暴。KeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord UsingPractice 16Fill in the blanks with the following wordsand phrases.A mini-testWords and Expressions be in for contrary to dump haul register rage retreat trem

25、ble folk161. If you want to get into that tunnel, you first have to _ away all the rocks.2. The leaves _ on the tree in cold wind.3. There are special places where you can _ things you dont want.4. He acted _ reason.5. In a fit of a _, Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu wrongly.6. We _ some difficulties in our

26、 negotiation with the competitors. Words and Expressionshaultrembledumpcontrary torage are in for 167. The tanker is _ in Rotterdam.8. Is it OK if I call my _ ?9. He saw the girl and _, too shy to speak to her.10. How many students have _ for English class?11. Young _ these days dont know the meanin

27、g of Chinese traditional festivals.12. The armys _ was orderly.Words and Expressionsregisteredfolksretreatedregisteredfolk retreat1612. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water, neither nor 既不 也不Practice Its used when the two linked are mentioned and both are notpossible.Note:Notes to the

28、TextFocus Study 16这套设备既不精确也不安全。她全无表情,既不笑也不哭。 The equipment is neither accurate nor safe.Note: 连接两个主语时,遵循“就近原则”。Translation She was expressionless, neither laughing nor crying.Notes to the TextFocus Study Practice 161. Either you or I _ going there tomorrow. 2. Neither he nor you _ going to buy the b

29、ook. 3. _ either you or I going to Beijing next week? 4. Neither mum nor sisters _ at home last night. 5. Either you or she _ good at drawing. 6. Neither I nor he _ to school by bike.A mini-testamareArewereisgoesNotes to the TextFocus Study 16RestatementA society which praises its philosophersand lo

30、oks down on its plumbers is in for trouble. We should call for respect for bothour economists and our trash-men. (Para.14) Text StudyStructure Analysis16I. Old to Newa. unable to hear b. completely different fromc. painful from a woundd. without a stope. first, earliestf. honestg. unable to escape d

31、eaf contrary to sore continuous original frank be in forWords and ExpressionsOld to New16boast aboutwickedretreatregister spontaneously yell response h. speak too proudly ofi. seriousj. escapek. record; showl. happening in a natural waym. shout outn. reply, an action done in answerWords and Expressi

32、onsOld to New16o. go to p. match, suitq. feel embarrassedr. shake uncontrollablys. easy to talk tot. visit a number of people or places head to go with be ashamed of tremble approachable make the roundsWords and ExpressionsOld to New16II. Chinese to English想象不到其中的乐趣直视某人肯定会倒霉有礼貌地互相问好这理论将行不通。 lcannot image there will be joy in itllook sb. in the eyelbe in for troublelexchange greetings that go with civilized wayslThe theory will not hold water.Words and ExpressionsC to E结束结束



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