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1、Unit 4Sharing.词汇链条1_ n n目录 2_ n n门诊部;小诊所3_adj.adj.遥远的;偏僻的 _ n n遥控器4_ v vi.&i.&v vt t. .操作;工作;做手术 _n n操作;手术5_ v vi.i.参与;参加 _ n n参与6_n n宇航员;太空人 _n n天文学7_ v vt t. .捐赠 _ n n捐赠 赠送 _n n捐赠者catalogueclinicremoteremotecontrolleroperateoperationparticipateparticipationastronautastronomydonatedonationdonator8_

2、adj.adj.自愿的;志愿的 _ adadv v. .志愿地9_ n n特权;特别优待 _ adj.adj.有特权的,荣幸的10_ n n& &v v. .买;购买 _ n n购买人11_v vt t. .分配;分发 _ n n分配;分发12_ n n两星期 _ adj.&adadj.&adv v. .每两周的 n n双周刊物13_ v vt t. .调整 使适合 _ n n调节voluntaryvoluntarilyprivilegeprivilegedpurchasepurchaserdistributedistributionfortnightfortnightlyadjustadju

3、stment.重点短语1_收到来信2_不久前的一天3_干透;(使浸水的事物)完全变干4_(河流或水井等)干涸5_在困难中;在危机中6be relevant to_7to be honest_8make a fire_9stick out_10come across_hear fromthe other daydry outdry upin need与有关诚实地说生火伸出 偶然遇到或发现1relevant adj.有关的;切题的be relevant to 与有关relevance n相关,相关性;适当have no relevance to sth.与没有相关性运用完成句子(1)他的国籍跟他是

4、不是一个好律师无关。His nationality _ whether he is a goodlawyer.(2)政治家的私生活与他们的公众角色没有相关性。Politicians private lives _ theirpublic roles.isnt relevant to have no relevance to2adjust vi.& vt.调整;(使)适合adjust/adapt (oneself) to sth.使(自己)适合/适应于某事adjustment n.调整;调节运用完成句子(1)我的表快了,我得把它校准。I must _; its fast.(2)他很快就适应了这个

5、国家炎热的天气。He _ very quickly _ thehot weather in the country.adjust my watchadjusted/adapted (himself) to3arrangement n安排;排列arrange vt.整理;安排;计划arrange to do sth.安排去做某事;计划去做某事arrange for sb./sth.to do sth.安排某人/某物去做某事运用完成句子(1)我们已经为会议做了所有的安排。We have made all the _ for the conference.(2)我们已经安排好让汽车九点钟来。We h

6、ave_ the car to come at nine.arrangementsarranged for4donate vt.捐赠donate sth.to sb.捐赠某物给某人donation n捐款,捐赠物运用完成句子许多人去红十字会为地震中的受伤人员献血。Many people _ the Red Cross for thevictims of the earthquake.donated blood to5operate vi.工作;运转;营业;动手术vt.操作;经营operate on sb.(for some disease) 给某人动手术operation n操作;运作;手术p

7、erform/carry out an operation 做手术in operation 在运转之中;生效;开始实行come into operation 生效put/bring sth.into operation 使起作用/生效operator n操作员;技工;管理者;接线员运用完成句子(1)他的公司在几个国家有业务活动。His company _ in several countries.(2)医生给这位病人做了手术,但仍没能救回他的生命。The doctors _ the patient but failed to savehis life.(3)这项新法律何时生效?When doe

8、s the new law _?operatesoperated oncome into operation用所学单词及用法完成下列句子1这类大学课程与当今的问题已不再有关系。This type of university course is no longer _todays problems.2我必须学会适应英国的生活。I must learn to _ the life in England.3在现代社会,受教育不应该被看成是一种特权。Education should not be considered to be _in the modern society.relevant toad

9、just/adapt (myself) toa privilege4我们新居的家具布置花了很长时间。The _ of the furniture in our new housetook us a long time.5没有职业选手参加这场比赛。No professionals _ the contest.6去年他捐赠了一百万美元给这所福利院。Last year he _ one million dollars _ thewelfare house.arrangementparticipated indonated to7医生开始为她父亲做癌症手术。The doctor began to _

10、her dad for hiscancer.8今天我身体不太舒服, 否则这事我就亲自去做了。Im not feeling very well today, _ I woulddo it myself.operate onotherwise1(be) dying to do/for sth.极想;渴望同义短语:be eager for/to do sth.long for/to do sth.be anxious for/to do sth.运用完成句子我很累,渴望好好休息一下。I am very tired and I _ a good rest.am dying/eager for/to h

11、ave2dry out (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透die out 完全灭绝;消失dry up (指河流、井等)干涸运用完成句子(1)在太阳下晾干湿衣服吧。_ the wet clothes in the sun.(2)干旱期间,河流都干涸了。During the drought, the rivers _.Dry outdried up3in need 在困难中;在危急中in trouble 处于困境中in danger 处于危险中in debt 欠债in need of 需要in order 按顺序;整齐in common 共同;共有in fact 事实上;实际上in peace 安静;

12、宁静;和平in public 当众;公开in surprise 吃惊;惊讶in time 及时;来得及运用 完成句子(1)我们应关注弱势群体和有困难的人们。We should pay close attention to the disadvantaged and people_.(2)我将依次回答你这三个问题。I will answer your three questions _.(3)我和简毫无共同之处。I have nothing _ with Jane.(4)在许多国家,当众吐痰属于不雅的行为。In many countries it is considered rude to sp

13、it _.(5)困在岛上的人们很需要饮用水和食物。People trapped on the island are _ drinkingwater and food.in need in orderin commonin publicin great need of用所学短语及用法完成下列句子1患难识知己。A friend _ is a friend indeed.2更糟糕的是,炎热的夏天里这个区域唯一的河流干涸了。Whats worse, the only river in this area _in that extremely hot summer.3奶奶在把一些白菜放在太阳底下晒干。G

14、ranny is _ some cabbages by putting themin the sun.in needdried updrying out4我每两个月就会收到我表哥的来信。I _ my cousin every two months.5这场大火烧毁了多达 20 座建筑物。The great fire burned down _ 20 buildings.6前几天我买了一双皮鞋。I bought a pair of leather shoes _.7我渴望去北京。I _ go to Beijing.hear fromup tothe other dayam dying to原句It

15、 was such a privilege to have spent a day withTombes family.跟汤贝一家度过一天真是荣幸之至。“It is/was a privilege (for sb.) to do sth.”意为“(对某人来说)做某事真是荣幸”。精练根据中文提示,完成下列句子能和你交谈真是我的荣幸。_ talk with you.Its a privilege for me to运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之I have (1)_ ( 很渴望) (2)_( 收到的来信) my elder brother since he attended co

16、llege inSeptember, where he shares the dormitory with other three collegeclassmates and he (3)_ ( 碰 见 ) some of hismiddle school classmates.Soon after he went to college, he(4)_ ( 适应) the life there.To improvehimself, my brother (5)_ ( 参 加 ) all sorts ofbeen dying tohear fromcame acrossadjusted/adap

17、ted himself toparticipated inout-of-class activities and recently he attended a class on the art of(6)_ (插花)He is so kind-hearted a studentthat he (7)_ (捐赠) a lot of his favourite books tothe Hope Project (8)_ ( 前几天) Besides, he is(9)_ (需要) a new computer, but he doesnt haveenough money to buy one and therefore, he plans to get a part-timejob (10)_ (周末)flower arrangementdonatedthe other dayin need ofat weekends



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