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1、Unit-3-InstrumentsUnit-3-InstrumentsIndexPre-reading 3. 1 Text 3. 2 Reading materials 3. 3 Knowledge about translation 3. 4 Exercises 3. 5 课文参考译文课文参考译文 3. 6 阅读材料参考译文阅读材料参考译文Pre-readingRead the following passage, paying attention to the question.1) What can be measured with a multimeter?2 )What is th

2、e function of a oscilloscope?3. 1 Text3.1.1 Multimeters 3.1.2 The oscilloscope3.1.1 Multimeters A multimeter is a general-purpose meter capable of measuring DC and AC voltage, current, resistance, and in some cases, decibels. There are two types of meters: analog, using a standard meter movement wit

3、h a needle (see Fig 3.1(a), and digital, with an electronic numerical display (see Fig 3.1(b). Both types of meters have a positive (+) jack and a common jack () for the test leads, a function switch to select DC voltage, AC voltage, DC current, AC current, or ohms and a range switch for accurate re

4、adings. The meters may also have other jacks to measure extended ranges of voltage (1 to 5 kV) and current (up to 10A) there are some variations to the functions used for specific meters.Besides the function and range switches (sometimes they are in a single switch.) The analog meter may have a pola

5、rity switch to facilitate reversing the test leads. The needle usually has a screw for mechanical adjust to set it to zero and also a zero adjust control to compensate for weakening batteries when measuring resistance. An analog meter can read positive and negative voltage by simply reversing the te

6、st leads or moving the polarity switch. A digital meter usually has an automatic indicator for polarity on its display. Meters must be properly connected to a circuit to ensure a correct reading. A voltmeter is always placed across (in parallel) the circuit or component to be measured. Fig 3.1 Porta

7、ble MultimetersWhen measuring current, the circuit must be opened and the meter inserted in series with the circuit or component to be measured. When measuring the resistance of a component in a circuit, the voltage to the circuit must be removed and the meter placed in parallel with the component.3

8、.1.2 the OscilloscopeThe oscilloscope (Fig 3.2) is basically a graph-displaying device - it draws a graph of an electrical signal. When the signal inputs into the oscilloscope, an electron beam is created, focused, accelerated, and properly deflected to display the voltage waveforms on the face of a

9、 cathode-ray tube (CRT).Fig 3.2 Dual-trace OscilloscopeIn most applications the graph shows how signals change over time: the vertical (Y) axis represents voltage and the horizontal (X) axis represents time. The amplitude of a voltage waveform on an oscilloscope screen can be determined by counting

10、the number of centimeters (cm), vertically, from one peak to the other peak of the waveform (Fig 3.3) and the multiplying it by the setting of the volts/cm control. As an example, if the amplitude was 5cm and the control was set on 1V/cm, the peak-to-peak voltage would be 5V. Fig 3.3 Voltage Peak an

11、d Peak-to-peak VoltageTime can be measured using the horizontal scale of the oscilloscope. Time measurements include measuring the period, pulse width, and frequency. Frequency is the reciprocal of the period, so once you know the period, the frequency is one divided by the period. The frequency of

12、a waveform can be determined by counting the number of centimeters, horizontally, in one cycle of the waveform and the multiplying it by the setting time/cm control. For example, if the waveform is 4cm long and the control is set at 1ms/cm, the period would be 4ms. The frequency can now be found fro

13、m the formula:If the control was gone on 100s/cm, the period would be 400s and the frequency would be 2.5kHz.A dual-trace oscilloscope is advantageous to show the input signal and output signal of one circuit in the same time, to determine any defects, and indicate phase relationshipsThe two traces

14、may be placed over each other (superimposed) to indicate better the phase shift between two signals.3. 2 Reading materials3.2.1 How Does an Oscilloscope Work 3.2.2 Analog and Digital Oscilloscope3.2.3 Wattmeter 3.2.4 Signal generator3.2.1 How Does an Oscilloscope Work To better understand the oscill

15、oscope controls, you need to know a little more about how oscilloscopes display a signal. When you connect an oscilloscope probe to a circuit, the voltage signal travels through the probe to the vertical system of the oscilloscope. Fig 3.4 is a simple block diagram that shows how an analog oscillosc

16、ope displays a measured signal. Fig 3.4 analog oscilloscope block diagram Depending on how you set the vertical scale (volts/div control), an attenuator reduces the signal voltage or an amplifier increases the signal voltage. Next, the signal travels directly to the vertical deflection plates of the

17、 cathode ray tube (CRT). Voltage applied to these deflection plates causes a glowing dot to move. (An electron beam hitting phosphor inside the CRT creates the glowing dot.) A positive voltage causes the dot to move up while a negative voltage causes the dot to move down. The signal also travels to

18、the trigger system to start or trigger a horizontal sweep. Horizontal sweep is a term referring to the action of the horizontal system causing the glowing dot to move across the screen. Triggering the horizontal system causes the horizontal time base to move the glowing dot across the screen from le

19、ft to right within a specific time interval. Many sweeps in rapid sequence cause the movement of the glowing dot to blend into a solid line. At higher speeds, the dot may sweep across the screen up to 500,000 times each second. Together, the horizontal sweeping action and the vertical deflection act

20、ion traces a graph of the signal on the screen. The trigger is necessary to stabilize a repeating signal. It ensures that the sweep begins at the same point of a repeating signal, resulting in a clear picture as shown in Fig 3.5. Fig 3.5 triggering stabilizes a repeating waveform In conclusion, to u

21、se an analog oscilloscope, you need to adjust three basic settings to accommodate an incoming signal: 1.The attenuation or amplification of the signalUse the volts/div control to adjust the amplitude of the signal before it is applied to the vertical deflection plates. 2.The time base: Use the sec/d

22、iv control to set the amount of time per division represented horizontally across the screen. 3.The trigger level of the oscilloscope: Use the trigger level to stabilize a repeating signal, as well as triggering on a single event. 3.2.2 Analog and Digital OscilloscopeElectronic equipment usually can

23、 be divided into two types: analog and digital. Oscilloscopes also come in analog and digital types. An analog oscilloscope works by directly applying a voltage being measured to an electron beam moving across the oscilloscope screen. The voltage deflects the beam up and down proportionally, tracing

24、 the waveform on the screen. This gives an immediate picture of the waveform. In contrast, a digital oscilloscope samples the waveform and uses an analog-to-digital converter (or ADC) to convert the voltage being measured into digital information. It then uses this digital information to reconstruct

25、 the waveform on the screen.For many applications either an analog or digital oscilloscope will do. However, each type does possess some unique characteristics making it more or less suitable for specific tasks. People often prefer analog oscilloscopes when it is important to display rapidly varying

26、 signals in real time (or as they occur). Digital oscilloscopes allow you to capture and view events that may happen only once. They can process the digital waveform data or send the data to a computer for processing. Also, they can store the digital waveform data for later viewing and printing. 3.2

27、.3 Wattmeter The traditional analog wattmeter is an electrodynamic instrument. The device consists of a pair of fixed coils, known as current coils, and a movable coil known as the potential coil.Fig 3.6 wattmeterThe current coils connected in series with the circuit, while the potential coil is con

28、nected in parallel when measure with a wattmeter. Also, on analog wattmeters, the potential coil carries a needle that moves over a scale to indicate the measurement. A current flowing through the current coil generates an electromagnetic field around the coil. The strength of this field is proporti

29、onal to the line current and in phase with it. The potential coil has, as a general rule, a high-value resistor connected in series with it to reduce the current that flows through it.The result of this arrangement is that on a dc circuit, the deflection of the needle is proportional to both the cur

30、rent and the voltage, thus conforming to the equation P=VI. On an ac circuit the deflection is proportional to the average instantaneous product of voltage and current, thus measuring true power,and possibly (depending on load characteristics) showing a different reading to that obtained by simply m

31、ultiplying the readings showing on a stand-alone voltmeter and a stand-alone ammeter in the same circuit.A modern digital electronic wattmeter/energy meter samples the voltage and current thousands of times a second. The average of the instantaneous voltage multiplied by the current is the true powe

32、r. The true power divided by the apparent volt-amperes (VA) is the power factor. A computer circuit uses the sampled values to calculate RMS voltage, RMS current, VA, power (watts), power factor, and kilowatt-hours. The simple models display that information on LCD. More sophisticated models retain

33、the information over an extended period of time, and can transmit it to field equipment or a central location. 3.2.4 Signal GeneratorA signal generator converts DC to AC or varying DC in the form of sine waves, square waves, triangle waves, or other types of voltage waveforms(Fig 3.7). The signal ge

34、nerator is used to inject a signal into a circuit or piece of equipment for troubleshooting or for calibration. Fig 3.7 function signal generatorSome generators may be used for audio, RF, or higher frequencies, whereas others have overlapping frequency ranges. All generators will have a function swi

35、tch, a frequency range switch, and a fine adjustment control for selecting a specific frequency, an amplitude control for varying the peak-to-peak output voltage, and output terminals. To select a sine wave of, say, 5kHz, the user would set the function switch to the sine wave, set the range switch

36、to 1k, and then adjust the frequency fine adjust control to 5. The amplitude control would then be adjusted to establish the desired peak-to-peak voltage output.3. 3 Knowledge about translation前面提到,在英语的一句话中如果要叙述几个动作时,先选其中主要的动作作为谓语,其余动作改用非谓语动词,否则不符合英语的语法。非谓语动词通常有三种:V-ing , V-ed 和 to V。 V-ing形式的动词在有的语

37、法书中分为动名词与现在分词,但现在的趋势是不加区分。本书中不加区分,只要能准确理解句子中的意思没有必要去辨别它是动名词还是现在分词。V-ing 在句中可以作为表语,主语,宾语,定语,同时保留了动词性,因此可带有宾语和状语。 1) V-ing本身含有主动、进行的意思,表示动作是由所修饰的名词主动发出的。 2) V-ing作定语 3) 作状语 4) 作主语或宾语 5) 作主语或宾语的补足语 6) 与with(without)连用 7) 有些动词后面只可以接V-ing形式的动词 1)V-ing本身含有主动、进行的意思,表示动作是由所修饰的名词主动发出的。The zener diode maintai

38、ns the voltage across its terminals by varying the current that flows through it. 稳压管通过改变改变流过它的电流来维持它两端电压的稳定稳定(varying表示稳压管主动变化,“稳定”为词语增补)。The second step in minimizing costs of production is choosing the cheapest of the technical efficient alternatives. 降低降低生产成本的第二个措施是选用选用最便宜的技术上有效的替代品。A multimeter

39、 is a general-purpose meter capable of measuring DC一个万用表是能测量测量直流的通用仪表。2)V-ing作定语 单个V-ing作定语一般放在名词前面(也可以放在后面), V-ing短语作定语一般放在名词之后。All moving bodies have energy.所有运动的物体都有能量。A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction. 直流电流是指流动方向不变的电流。 A zero adjust control to compensate for weak

40、ening batteries when measuring resistance. 当测量电阻时,零点调节控制(钮)可用于在电池电压不足时进行补偿调节(即保证电阻为0时指针指向零值)。3)作状语 V-ing短语作状语时,往往具有时间、条件、原因、结果、方式、补充说明等含义,它可放在句首、句中或句尾,通常它的逻辑主体就是句中的主语。 Lifting something, you do work. 当你举起某物时,你就在做功(条件状语)。Being negative, electrons move always from negative to positive. 电子是负的,所以总是从负(极)

41、向正(极)运动(V-ing短语作原因状语)。 分词短语作状语时,前面可用when, while, if , unless, though等连词来加强时间、条件等含义。When measuring current, the circuit must be opened and the meter inserted in series with the circuit or component to be measured. 当测量电流时,必须断开电路,以将万用表与待测电路或元器件相串联。4)作主语或宾语 Heating the water changes it into vapor. 把水加热可

42、以使水变为蒸气(V-ing短语作主语)。It may also have a polarity switch to facilitate reversing the test leads. 还有一个极性开关可以用来很方便地交换测试笔的极性。(V- ing短语作facilitate的宾语) 5)作主语或宾语的补足语 We put a hand above an electric fire and feel the hot air rising. 我们把手放在电炉的上方,就会感觉到热空气在上升。6. 与with(without)连用 在科技文章中,with (without) + 名词 + 分词

43、结构常用做补充说明。在这种结构中,with没有词汇的意思,表示一种伴随情况,可根据具体情况进行理解。The density of air varies directly as pressure, with temperature being constant. 在温度不变时,空气密度与压力成正比。7)有些动词后面只可以接V-ing形式的动词 这类动词主要有bar(禁止), delay(推迟), avoid(避免), forbid(禁止), miss(错过,没赶上), save(免得)。 I have to delay answering the letter. 我只能推迟写回信。 有些动词后面

44、习惯接V-ing形式的动词,用主动形式表示被动意义,这类动词主要有bear(忍受),deserve(该,值得),require(需要),stand(忍受),want(要)等。The machine wants repairing. 这台机器需要修了。3. 4 Exercises1. Put the following Phrases into English 2. Put the following Phrases into Chinese 3. Translation 4. Translation(2)1. Put the following Phrases into English 1)

45、通用仪表2) 数字仪表3) 交换测试笔4) 机械调节5) 测量电阻1) general-purpose meter2) analog meter3) reverse the test leads4) mechanical adjust5) measure resistance单击鼠标显示答案6) 正向电压7) 测量电流8) 电压幅度9) 双踪示波器10) 信号发生器6) positive voltage7) measure current8) voltage amplitude9) dual-trace oscilloscope10) signal generator单击鼠标显示答案2. Pu

46、t the following Phrases into Chinese 1)analog multimeter2)extended range3)specific meters4) include the function and range switches5) present an electronic picture1) 模拟万用表2) 扩展范围3) 特殊仪表4) 具有功能及范围选择旋钮5) 呈现一幅电子图像单击鼠标显示答案6) display the voltage waveform7) appear on the screen8) phase relationship9) as a

47、n example10) in series with the circuit6) 显示电压波形7) 在屏幕上出现8) 相位关系9) 例如,作为一个例子10) 串联接入电路单击鼠标显示答案3. Translation 1) A multimeter is a general-purpose meter capable of measuring DC and AC voltage, current, resistance, and in some cases, decibels.2) An analog meter can read positive and negative voltage b

48、y simply reversing the test leads or moving the polarity switch.1) 万用表是一种通用仪表,能用来测量直流和交流电路的电压、电流,电阻,有的还能测量分贝(放大倍数)。2) 一个模拟万用表可以测量正电压和负电压,只要简单地对调一下两个测试笔或拨一下极性开关。单击鼠标显示答案3) When measuring current, the circuit must be opened and the meter inserted in series with the circuit or component to be measured.

49、4) The frequency of a waveform can be determined by counting the number of centimeters, horizontally, in one cycle of the waveform and the multiplying it by the setting time/cm control.3) 当测量电流时,电路必须断开,插入万用表表笔使之与被测电路或元件相串联。4) 一个波形的频率可以通过在水平方向数出波形一个周期的厘米值来确定,将这厘米值乘上时间/厘米控制钮的设定值就得到它的一个周期所需的时间。单击鼠标显示答案

50、5) Depending on how you set the vertical scale (volts/div control), an attenuator reduces the signal voltage or an amplifier increases the signal voltage.6) Lissajous patterns can be used to show the phase relationship of two signals of the same frequency and to determine an unknown frequency from a

51、 known frequency.5) 一旦设定了垂直单位(电压/单位格),就确定了是用衰减器还是用放大器把输入信号转换成适当幅度的电压信号。6) 利萨如图形可用来显示两个同频率信号之间的相位关系和根据一个已知频率的信号求出一个未知频率的信号。单击鼠标显示答案7) There are two types of meters: analog, using a standard meter movement with a needle, and digital, with an electronic numerical display.8) If both signals are the same

52、 frequency, a circle will appear on the face of the oscilloscope.7) 有两种万用表:用指针在标准刻度上的移动来指示测量值的模拟万用表和用电子数字显示器显示测量值的数字万用表。8) 如果两个信号是同频率的,在示波器上就出现一个圆。单击鼠标显示答案9) In most applications the graph shows how signals change over time: the vertical (Y) axis represents voltage and the horizontal (X) axis repres

53、ents time.10) All signal generators will have a frequency range switch, a fine adjustment control for selecting a specific frequency, an amplitude control for varying the peak-to peak output voltage, and output terminals.9) 通常,图像显示(电压)信号如何随时间变化:其垂直轴Y表示电压,水平轴X表示时间。10) 所有的信号发生器都有一个频率范围开关,一个精调控制用来选择一个特

54、定的频率,一个幅度控制用来改变输出电压的峰-峰值(幅值)和一些输出端口。单击鼠标显示答案4. TranslationThis book belongs in the technical library of anyone involved in the field of electronics. It provides the basic theory, components, devices, circuits, and systems of electronics. 这本书应归类于电子技术类书籍,书中讲述了电子技术的基本理论,元件,器件,电路及电子系统单击鼠标显示答案Not only do

55、es this book provide quick and accessible information, but it contains many practical suggestions together with basic testing and troubleshooting(发 现 并 修 理 故 障 ) procedures.这本书不仅通俗易懂,而且还有许多电路基本测试和检修的切实可行的方法。 单击鼠标显示答案3. 5 课文参考译文3.5.1 万用表3.5.2 示波器3.5.1 万用表万用表是一种通用仪表,能用来测量直流和交流电压、电流、电阻,有的还能测量分贝(放大倍数)。有

56、两种万用表:一种是用指针在标准刻度上的移动来指示测量值的模拟万用表(见图3.1(a)),另一种是用电子数字显示器显示测量值的数字万用表(见图3.1(b))。 这两种万用表都有一个正极(+)插孔和一个公共端()插孔用来插入测试笔,一个功能选择开关用来选择(测量对象):直流电压、交流电压、直流电流、交流电流或欧姆(电阻),一个范围选择开关用来(选择范围以做)精确测量。 万用表也可能还有其他插孔用来测量高电压(15kV)和大电流(高达10A),对一些特殊的万用表来说还有一些其他功能的变化。 除了功能选择开关和范围选择开关(有时它们合成一个开关),模拟万用表可能还有一个极性开关,可以很方便交换测试笔的

57、极性。通常有一个螺丝可调节指针,(在无电流时)使指针指在零处,当测量电阻时另有一个零点调节控制(钮)用来在电池电压不足时进行补偿调节(即保证电阻为0时指针指向零值)。 一个模拟万用表可以测量正电压和负电压,只要简单地对调一下两个测试笔或拨一下极性开关,一个数字万用表通常会自动在显示器上指示出极性。为了保证读数正确,万用表必须与电路正确连接。一个电压表(万用表测量电压时)应与被测电路或元件并联。当测量电流时,电路必须断开,插入万用表表笔使万用表与被测电路或元件相串联。 当测量电路中局部电路(或元件)的(等效)电阻时,必须除去电路中的电源,万用表与这局部电路(或元件)并联。 3.5.2 示波器示波


59、道了周期,频率就是用1除以周期。一个波形的频率可以通过在水平方向数出波形一个周期的厘米值来确定,将这厘米值乘上时间/厘米控制钮的设定值就得到它的一个周期所需的时间。例如,如果一个波形长4cm,控制钮设在1ms/cm,则周期是4ms,则频率可以用下面的公式求出: 如果控制钮设在100s/cm,则周期是400s,频率为2.5kHz。一个双踪示波器具有同时显示输入信号和输出信号的优点,可以显示输出信号是否有失真和表示输入/输出信号的相位关系。两路信号的波形可以重叠在一起,较好地显示出输入信号与输出信号相位的差别。 3. 6 阅读材料参考译文阅读材料参考译文 3.6.1 示波器是如何工作的 3.6.2

60、 模拟示波器和数字示波器3.6.3 利萨如图形3.6.4 信号发生器3.6.1 示波器是如何工作的 为了更好地掌握示波器的操作方法,你需要知道示波器是如何显示信号(图像)的。当把示波器的探头与一个电路相连接时,电压信号通过探头送到示波器的垂直系统,图3.4是一个简单的框图,说明一个模拟示波器是如何显示一个测量信号的。 一旦设定了垂直单位(电压/单位格),就确定了是用衰减器还是用放大器(把输入信号转换成适当幅度的电压信号)。接着,信号直接传到阴极射线管的垂直偏离板上,施加到这些偏离板的电压导致发光点的移动(一个电子束撞击阴极射线管内部磷(荧光物质)上产生光点),一个正电压使光点向上移动,而一个负

61、电压使光点向下移动。同时信号也输入到触发系统去启动或触发一个“水平扫描”,水平扫描是一个专业词汇,是指水平系统的作用导致光点沿着屏幕(水平)移动,水平系统的触发导致水平扫描发生器驱动光点在一个指定的时间间隔内从屏幕的左边移到右边。 快速有序多次扫描导致这些光点的移动混合成一条实线。对高速扫描的示波器,每秒中扫过屏幕的光点可能高达50万次。 水平扫描和垂直偏离的作用合在一起就在屏幕上形成了信号的图像轨迹。为了稳定一个重复(周期性)的信号,触发是必要的,它保证在重复(周期性)信号的同(相位)点开始扫描,从而产生一个清晰的图像,如图3.5所示。总之,在使用一个模拟示波器时,需要根据输入信号调节(下列

62、)3个基本的设置(钮)使示波器显示适当的图像。1信号的衰减或放大用电压/单位格控制旋钮调整输入信号(到垂直偏离板之前的)幅度。 2时间基准用秒/单位格设置旋钮设置屏幕上水平线每单位格所表示的时间。3示波器触发控制旋钮用触发对准(钮)来稳定一个重复(周期)信号或触发一个单(无周期)信号。 3.6.2 模拟示波器和数字示波器模拟示波器和数字示波器电子设备通常都可以分成两类:模拟的和数字的。示波器也有模拟的和数字的。模拟示波器工作时是直接用待测电压去控制电子束在示波器屏幕上的运动,电压使电子束向上或向下偏离,偏离幅度与电压值成正比,在屏幕上显示波形。这种方法是给出波形的瞬时图像。作为对比,数字示波器

63、却是对电压波形采样,并用一个模/数转换器把待测电压转换成数字信号,然后用这个数字信号在屏幕上重新“构画”出波形。 在很多应用中,模拟示波器和数字示波器都可以测量显示,但是,每种(示波器)处理过程中有一些独特的特点,根据具体的测量对象,有的示波器可能更合适些。当需要显示快速变化的“实时信号”时人们喜欢用模拟示波器。 数字示波器可以捕获图像并且一次测量后以后可以多次重复显示。数字示波器可以处理数字化的波形数据或把这些波形数据送到计算机中去处理。数字示波器还可以储存数字化的波形数据,(供)以后(再次)显示和打印。 3.6.3 瓦特表瓦特表 传统的模拟瓦特表是一种电动仪表。它由一个固定线圈称为电流线圈

64、和一个可转动的线圈称为电势(电压)线圈组成。用瓦特表测量时,电流线圈与(待测)电路串联,而电压线圈与(待测)电路并联。模拟瓦特表的电压线圈还带一个指针,其可转动用来在面板上指示测量值。流过电流线圈的电流在线圈周围产生个电磁场,这个电磁场的强度与导线中的电流大小和相位成正比。通常,电压线圈与一个高阻值的电阻串联以减小流过电压线圈中的电流。 这样设置的结果是在测量直流电路时,指针的偏转正比于电流和电压,符合P=VI,在测量交流电路时指针的偏转则正比于电压和电流瞬时乘积的平均值,即测出有功功率。有时(取决于负载的性质)这个读数是不同于用电压表和电流表对同一电路进行测量的测量值之乘积(视在功率)。 现

65、在的数字电子瓦特表在一秒内对电压和电流进行数千次的采样,瞬时电压和电流积的平均值就是有功功率。有功功率除以视在功率(VA)就是功率因数。计算机电路根据所采样的值求出电压的有效值,电流的有效值,有功功率,功率因数和千瓦-小时(度)。 简单的瓦特表直接在LCD上显示这些值。功能更强的瓦特表能保存一定时间段的信息并能把这些信息传给其他的设备或中心(控制设备)。3.6.4 信号发生器信号发生器信号发生器是把直流电转换成交流电或变化的直流电的仪器(图3.7),即把直流电转换成正弦波、方波、三角波或其他波形的电压信号。信号发生器是用来给电路或设备输入一个信号,以便对电路或设备进行维修或校正用的。 有些信号发生器可以用来专门产生音频、射频或高频信号,而另一些则可以产生多种频率范围的信号。所有的信号发生器有函数(波形选择)旋钮,有频率范围选择旋钮、频率细调旋钮,用来选择一个特定的频率,有一个幅度控制旋钮用来改变输出电压的峰-峰值(或幅值),还有一些输出端口。 如果要选一个5kHz的正弦波,可把波形选择旋钮调在正弦波上,把频率范围选择旋钮放在1k上,然后调节频率细调旋钮到5,再通过调节输出幅度控制旋钮便可得到想要的峰-峰值电压的输出信号。结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!134



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