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1、 Shipping instruction Shipping advice Bill of lading Clauses of shipment OverviewnImportance Without shipping, transactions cannot be concluded, delivery not effected and circulation of commodities between countries not realized.nMethodsCarriage of goods can take place by sea, rail, air, road, inlan

2、d waterway and parcel post.Sea transport is still the most widely used mode of transportation in international trade, with advantages of easy passage, large capacity and low cost. Parities Involved in the ShipmentnThe consignor/shipper 托运人,发货人 nCarrier 承运人nConsignee 收货人nShipment covers rather a wide

3、 range of work, such as booking shipping space, chartering ships, making customs declaration, etc. Modes of Transport(International Cargo Transportation) Inland Trans. Water Trans. Container(集装箱)Trans. River-sea Combined Sea Trans. Trans. ICT Intl Multimodal Trans. Rail Trans. Land Trans. Air Trans.

4、 Road Trans. Pipe Trans. Postal Trans. Clauses of Shipment nThe buyer and the seller should reach an agreement on time of shipment, port of shipment and port of destination, shipping advice, partial shipment and transshipment, dispatch and demurrage(速遣费和滞期费), etc. and specify them in the sales contr

5、act. nClear stipulation of the shipment clause is an important condition for the smooth execution of the contract.General Process of ShipmentnBefore shipment, the buyer generally send their shipping instructions to the sellers, informing them in writing of the packing and marking, mode of transporta

6、tion, etc. n The seller should send shipping advice to the buyer immediately after the goods are loaded on board the ship, advising them of the shipment.Shipping Advice 装船通知装船通知The shipping advice is a notice to the importer on summary of the shipment. If a transaction is concluded on a CIF or CFR b

7、asis, the exporter should, before or after effecting shipment, notify their dispatch to the importer. Moreover, the importer may know when to receive the goods and arrange with a customs broker for the cargo clearance. Sometimes, copies of the relevant shipping documents are also sent together with

8、the advice to ensure that in case the original is belated, the importer can take delivery with them. Sample Shipping Advice Date: Our Ref. No.: Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to advise that your Order No. _covering _ dated _under L/C No _has been shipped via _, which is estimated to depart from _

9、on _and estimated to arrive at _on _. Enclosed please find following copies of shipping documents: _Commercial Invoice_Packing List_Bill of Lading, Non-Negotiable Copy_Insurance Policy/Certificate_Inspection Certificate (Report)_Certificate of Origin_Customs Invoice_Beneficiarys CertificateThank you

10、 for your patronage. We look forward to the pleasure of receiving your valuable repeat orders.Yours faithfully, A Bill of Lading 货物提单货物提单nA bill of lading is a receipt for goods shipped on board a vessel, signed by a person who contracts to carry them, and stating the conditions in which the goods w

11、ere delivered to the ship. nIt is a document of title to the goods, enabling the shipper or owner of the goods to endorse title to other parties, sell goods in transit, and present to banks with other documents in seeking payment under documentary credits. Cotainers 集装箱集装箱n20 ft container 20尺柜尺柜 Mea

12、surement: 5.69m*2.13m*2.18m Volume: 24-26 cubic meters GW: 17.5 tons n40 ft container 40尺柜尺柜Measurement: 11.8m*2.13m*2.18m Volume: 54 cubic meters GW: 22 tons nFCL: Full Container Load 整箱货nLCL: Less than Container Load 拼箱货(散货) Ways to state the time of shipment in the contract 1. A definite time is

13、given for shipment Shipment at or before the end of March . Shipment on or before May, 15th. Shipment not later than October 31st. Shipment during January. Shipment within sixty days. Shipment during Jan./Feb.Time of Shipment/Delivery2、When the payment is made by L/C, the time of shipment is usually

14、 made in connection with the time of receipt of L/C. The Buyer must open the relative L/C to reach the Sellers before 15 Oct. Shipment within 45 days after receipt of the relative L/C. 3 、Recent shipmentImmediate shipmentPrompt shipmentShipment as soon as possible Time of Shipment/Delivery Specimen

15、Lettersnurging an early shipmentnamending shipping termsngiving shipping advicendispatching shipping documents Sample Letters include the following subjects: Dear Sirs, With reference to our Order No. 449 of 800 metric tons of peanut oil, which is stipulated for shipment in August, 2009, we wish to

16、remind you that up to now we have not had any definite information from you about delivery time, although the time of shipment has expired. As our buyers are in urgent need of the goods, the long delay has caused us considerable inconvenience and we may be compelled to seek an alternative source of

17、supply. In case you should fail to effect delivery in September, we will have to lodge a claim against you for the loss and reserve the right to cancel the contract. Please make your best efforts to get the goods dispatched with the least possible delay for long-established relationship. We look for

18、ward to receiving your shipping advice by fax within the next week. Yours faithfully,Letter 1 Urging an early shipment Dear Sirs, We acknowledge receipt of your Letter of Credit No. AD3786 for the amount of USD4 000 to cover your Order No.478 for 20 metric tons of wheat. The said L/C calls for shipm

19、ent on or before August 31. As the earliest steamer sailing for your port is the M.V. “Victory” scheduled to leave Xingang on or about September 3, it is, therefore, impossible for us to effect shipment at the time you named. Under the circumstance, we have to ask you to be so kind as to extend the

20、date of shipment to September 10. We realize that the change of delivery date will probably make you inconvenient and we offer our sincere apologies. In view of our cordial commercial relationship, we would be very grateful if you could make a special effort to comply with our request. We are lookin

21、g forward to your kindly reply. Yours faithfully, Letter 2 Amending shipping terms Dear Sirs, Thank you for your inquiry of April 30, asking us to quote shipping containers to any EMP for your goods. We provide containers of two sizes, 10 ft. and 20 ft. They can take loads up to two to four tons res

22、pectively. They can be opened at both ends, thus facilitating loading and unloading. For carrying goods liable to be spoiled by damp or water, they have great advantages of being both watertight and airtight. For frozen or perishable goods, we offer special temperature-controlled containers to ensur

23、e that such goods arrive at their destinations in sound condition. There is also a saving on freight charges, when separate consignments intended for the same port of destination are carried in one container, and an additional saving on insurance because of lower premium charged for container-shippe

24、d goods. We enclose a copy of our tariff and look forward to receiving your instruction. Yours faithfully,Letter3 Dear Sirs, We are in possession of your letter of August 8, concerning the Order No. A4677. We are very sorry for having not given you any news about the delay of shipment till now. Owin

25、g to an unexpected shortage of cotton as raw material in our market, it is impossible for us to ship 3 000 dozen shirts in one lot. We learn your clients urgently need these goods, so we request you to allow us to make a partial shipment for 50% of the total quantity at the end of this month and the

26、 remaining 50% to be shipped in September. If necessary we can bear the extra expenses incurred. Your kindly understanding of our position will be highly appreciated, and we look forward to your favorable reply. Yours faithfully,Letter 4 Amending shipping terms Practice makes perfect arrange advance

27、 advise claim compel dispatch effect expedite forward inform in urgent need of liable lot load postpone reserve transship secure schedule shipment 1 Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given in the box. Change the forms where necessary. Exercises(1) Please note that our customers request t

28、he shipment to be made in five equal _, each every two months.(2) For such a big order, we propose to have the goods _ by sea.(3) Owing to your delay in opening the relative L/C, shipment cannot be made in time as contracted and should be _ to October.(4) The goods ordered are ready. We will _ to sh

29、ip them immediately after receipt of your L/C.(5) Im sorry that we cant _ the time of shipment. (6) To ensure the fastest delivery, you are requested to _ the above order by air freight.(7) As the goods we ordered are fragile articles, we hope that the shipment of them should _ by direct steamer to

30、avoid damage in transit.(8) Please _ that the shipment of the cargo was sent yesterday, airway bill No. YA357.(9) We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your fax of May 15 and we ensure you that well do our utmost to _ shipment to meet your requests.(10) When the goods have been _, you can get th

31、e B/L signed by the master of the vessel.dispatchedlotsarrangepostponedadvanceforwardbeeffectedbeinformedexpediteloaded(11) The goods under our Sales Confirmation No.KM345 will be shipped per S.S. “Victory”, which _ to sail on September 20.(12) Sometimes, we have to make a _ because there is no suit

32、able loading port in the producing country.(13) Fruits and vegetables are _ to quick deterioration. (14) We shall register a _ for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time.(15) We would like to send you a sample with reference to the last _.(16) If the goods

33、 are not shipped in February, we shall _ to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order.(17) This problem should _ for further consideration.(18) We _ agreement from our manufacturers to meet your requirements. (19) Now it is late in the season and our end-users are _ the goods.(20) We

34、take pleasure in _ you that we have today shipped the goods under your Order No. 566 on board S.S. “Seagull” which sails for your port tomorrow. isscheduledtransshipmentliableclaimshipmentbecompelledbereservedhavesecuredinurgentneedofadvising(1) Please let us know what _ are involved and the time _

35、for delivery. A. procedures, need B. process, needed C. business, taken D. formalities, taken (2) We wish to stress that the shipment must be effected within the prescribed time limit, as a further _ will not be considered by our clients. A. extension B. expansion C. protract D. prolong(3) For all t

36、he remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _would these dates be exceeded by more than ten days. A. in no case B. in any case C. under any circumstance D. by all means (4) The introduction of containers in transport greatly _ carriage of goods. A. facilitate B. speeds C. fa

37、cilitates D. economizes(5) If you can allow us a 5% discount and give priority to shipment, we will regard _ as a personal favor. A. you B. your discount C. priority to shipment D. itBDDAC2. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.(6) We will do our best to _ shipment to meet your

38、 requirement in time. A. comply B. make C. expedite D. arrange (7) For _ commodities as oil, sand and timber, rail is cheaper than road. A. unpacked B. bulk C. unpackage D. large quantities of(8) _ any change in the date of delivery, please let us know in advance. A. There should be B. Should there

39、be C. There would be D. Would there be(9) Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit _ you. A .gets B. comes C. arrives D. reaches(10) Emphasis has to be laid on the point _shipment must be made within the validity of the L/C. A. what B. which C.

40、that D. howCDCBB(11) Our client wishes to have his goods _ by a direct steamer. A. to be shipped B. shipped C. shipping D. being shipped(12) Please make preparations for shipment at an early date _ the goods before Christmas. A. so as to receive B. in order to be able to receive C. with a view to re

41、ceiving D. so that we may receive(13) We regret to hear that several bags of the last _ were broken in transit. A. goods B. shipment C. parcels D. items(14) Please do your utmost to arrange _ by the first available steamer. A. the goods shipped B. the goods to ship C. for the goods to ship D. for th

42、e goods to be shipped(15) We would like to express our satisfaction _receiving the first order and _ prompt shipment of the goods.A. to, confirm B. with, confirming C. at, confirm D. in, confirmingCBDDB Exercises 33. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. Dear Sirs, We are p

43、leased to _ that 100 cases of medicines and chemical reagents under your Order No. AC256 are now ready for _. When _ your order you stressed the important of _ delivery and we are _ to say that by _ a special effort we have been able to improve _ the delivery a few days _ of the time agreed upon. We

44、 now _ your shipping instructions and, on _ of your instructions, we shall send you our shipping _. We are _ your early reply. Yours faithfully, confirm/shipment/placing/prompt/glad/making/on/aheadawait/receipt/advice/anticipatingKEY Exercises 44. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) 我

45、建议你方订单我建议你方订单09268项下的货物用集装箱船只装运,避项下的货物用集装箱船只装运,避免装卸过程中可能造成的损坏。免装卸过程中可能造成的损坏。(2) 我方已订妥我方已订妥“东风轮东风轮”的舱位,预计的舱位,预计3月月10日左右开航。日左右开航。 (3) 你方延误了我方第你方延误了我方第678号订单的装船,导致我方与客户卷入号订单的装船,导致我方与客户卷入很大的纠纷。因此,我们要求你方告诉我们货物能装船的确很大的纠纷。因此,我们要求你方告诉我们货物能装船的确切时间。切时间。(4) 为了能使该货及时到达我方,以便在销售季节开始时赶上市为了能使该货及时到达我方,以便在销售季节开始时赶上市场

46、的大量需求,请尽快装运。场的大量需求,请尽快装运。(5) 我方抱歉不能按贵方要求在我方抱歉不能按贵方要求在4月初出运,因为驶往你港的直月初出运,因为驶往你港的直达轮每月只有达轮每月只有20日前后停靠我港。日前后停靠我港。(6) 我们很高兴通知你们第我们很高兴通知你们第116号售货确认书项下的这批货物已号售货确认书项下的这批货物已由海鸥号轮船运出,它于由海鸥号轮船运出,它于2009年年10月月1日驶往汉堡。日驶往汉堡。(7) 按合同规定,我方已在货物装船后立即航寄你方一套装船单按合同规定,我方已在货物装船后立即航寄你方一套装船单据的副本。据的副本。(8) 我们相信你方会尽力在规定的期限装运,并希

47、望货物完好无我们相信你方会尽力在规定的期限装运,并希望货物完好无损到达目的地。损到达目的地。5. Translate the following Chinese letter into English. 敬启者: 上个月我方已通知贵公司,由于缺乏原材料,我们不得不暂时停止生产437号合同项下的机床。我们很高兴地告知你们,随着本月原材料的到来,我们已恢复生产。 我们在尽全力赶交货期。我们增加了加班的时间,甚至雇了临时工。但是由于积压的订货太多,我们非常抱歉不能将你们的整批货赶上最后期限。我们写信给你们,看看是否可以按照合同本月底先交200台,剩下的100台5月初再交,比合同规定的时间只晚一个星期

48、。 对给你们造成的不便我们深表歉意。请告知你们是否可以接受这一安排。 希望早日收到你们的回复,感谢你们的合作。 谨上Answers to Exercise 4n(1) I suggest that the goods under your Order No. 09268 be sent by container vessel to avoid possible damage in loading and discharge. n(2) We have booked the shipping space on S.S.“East Wind”, which is scheduled to sail

49、 on or about 10th March. n(3) Your delay in the shipment of our Order No.678 has made us get into a great deal of trouble with our customers. So you are requested to let us know definitely when the goods can be shipped.Answers to Exercise 4n(4) We shall appreciate it very much if you effect shipment

50、 as soon as possible, thus enabling the goods to arrive here in time to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.n(5) We regret our failure to comply with your request for shipping goods in early April, because the direct steamer sailing for your port calls at our port only around the 20th

51、every month.Answers to Exercise 4n(6) We take pleasure in notifying you that the goods under S/C No.116 have been dispatched by M.V. “SEAGULL” sailing on October 1st, 2009 for Hamburg.n(7) As stipulated in the contract, we have airmailed to you a set of duplicate shipping documents upon the effectua

52、tion of shipment.n(8) We trust you will endeavor to ship the goods within the stipulated time and hope the consignment will arrive at the destination in perfect condition. Reference Answer to Exercise 5 Dear Sirs, We informed you last month that we were compelled to suspend the production of machine

53、 tools under Sales Contract No.437, because of the shortage of material. We are glad to say that we have resumed the production with the arrival of new material this month. We are now doing whatever we can to meet the time of delivery. We have increased overtime and even hired temporary workers. How

54、ever, because of a heavy backlog of orders, we are very sorry we will not be able to make the deadline for your whole order. We are writing to see if we could deliver 200 units later this month as contracted and the remaining 100 in early May, just one week later than the time stipulated in the contract. We are very sorry about the inconvenience. Please let us know if you can accept this arrangement. We hope to hear from you soon and thank you for your cooperation. Yours faithfully,



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