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1、新编实用汉英翻译教程 第三章 商务信函翻译一、国际商务信函的特点商务文本属于应用文体,实用性强,包括商务信函、文件、合同、契约、产品说明书及单据等。商务信函的交流目的是磋商公务。商务信函的最重要功能是传递信息,涉及贸易的各个环节,主要包括:建立贸易关系(Establishing Business Relations);询价及回复(Enquiries and Replies);报价、推销信、报盘及还盘(Quotations, Sales Letters, Offers & Counter Offers);订单、接受和回绝(Orders, Acceptances & Rejections);售货确

2、认书及购货合同(Sales Confirmation & Purchase Contract);支付(Payment);包装(Packing);装运与保险(Transport & Insurance);申诉索赔和理赔( Complaint, Claim & Settlement)等。琼州学院外国语学院2报盘与报价报盘(offer):offer的交易条件完整,即包括了品名、规格、数量、单价、包装、交货期、付款方式等7项;报价(quotation):通常包括品名、规格和单价3项;有的quotation中包括了数量和交货期,但一般是有库存现货(对于期货,quotation是报不出数量和交货期来的,但

3、是offer中必定包括)。不像上述offer的交易条件那样完整。注意:quotation通常是对一个新客户的第一次询盘(first enquiry)的答复,而offer是买卖双方经过一段时间的交易磋商后,卖方较为正式的发盘。琼州学院外国语学院3询价与询盘询价就是单独询问价格。一般对方会发盘,也就是报价,然后你再还盘 。询盘:比询价专业一点,不光包括价格,还有具体信息,比如说包装,运输,付款方式等。 琼州学院外国语学院4(一)商务信函的语言特点语言简练而准确,表达有力而温和,坚决而不强悍,严谨而不失风趣,通常严格遵守7Cs的写作原则:礼貌(Courtesy)体谅(Consideration)完整

4、(Completeness)清楚(Clarity)简洁(Conciseness)具体(Concreteness)正确(Correctness)。琼州学院外国语学院51、礼貌(Courtesy)礼貌是商务信函的一个重要特点,一封得体且彬彬有礼的函电能为你竖立诚信的形象,客户会认为你是一个具有专业水准的合作者,并且乐意与你合作。 We are sorry that you misunderstood us.We are sorry that we didnt make ourselves clear. Payment by L/C will partially tie up our money.A

5、s you may be aware that payment by L/C will partially tie up our money. We must refuse your offer.We regret that we are unable to accept your offer.琼州学院外国语学院62、体谅(Consideration)“体谅”体现在拟写函电时“你的观点”在先,“我的看法”在后,设身处地为对方着想,把他的要求、希望、兴趣等考虑在内,尽量用肯定的语气,避免用否定的语气,往往能起到事半功倍的效果。We allow a 5% discount for cash pay

6、ment.You earn a 5% discount when you pay cash. We wont be able to send you the brochure this month.We will send you the brochure next month.琼州学院外国语学院73、完整(Completeness)商务函电写作时应注意对方所需的信息、对方提出的问题和要求你是否已经陈述并回答完整。概括地说,可以用5Ws (who, what, when, where, why)和1h (how)来检验你所拟写的函电是否完整,即谁订货、订什么货、何时装运、货要运到的港口、付款方

7、式,如有特殊要求还应解释为什么。 琼州学院外国语学院8Dear Sir:Re: SweatersWith reference to your letter of May 8, we are pleased to accept your offer as per your Quotation Sheet No. 1/01/2005 for the follow:50 doz. cashmere sweater, small, CIF Hamburg US$150. 00 per doz.70 doz. cashmere sweaters, medium CIF Hamburg US$180. 0

8、0 per doz. (FOB & CIF )50 doz. cashmere sweaters, large CIF Hamburg US$200. 00 per doz.Packing: Each Sweater to be packed in a polybag, per dozen in a tin lined carton, with 10 dozen to a wooden case.Payment: 100% by irrevocable letter of credit and drawn at sight.Delivery: May/June.Other terms as p

9、er your quotation.Yours Truly琼州学院外国语学院94、清楚(Clarity)“清楚”就是要保证所拟写的函电意思清楚明了,不会产生误解,为达到此目的,应该注意,避免使用意思模棱两可或难以理解的单词;修饰词的位置;代词的宾语及人称代词和先行词的关系;表达要有逻辑性;函电段落安排的条理性。As to the steamer sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles, we have bimonthly direct services.a. We have two direct sailings every month from Shangh

10、ai to Los Angeles.b. We have a direct sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles every two months.琼州学院外国语学院105、简洁(Conciseness)“简洁”是指在完整、具体和礼貌的前提下把所要陈述的事情表达清楚,避免不必要的重复;避免冗长的话语;避免使用过时的商业行话。I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your kind cooperation.Thank you for your kind cooperation.琼州学院外国语学院

11、116、具体(Concreteness)商务信函的内容必须具体、明确且有说服力,不能使用含糊、概括性或抽象的语言,使用具体的事实、数字和时间有助于达到具体的目的。We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday.We confirm our telex of July 2nd, 2012.琼州学院外国语学院127、正确(Correctness)商务信函是有关贸易实务等内容的商业信件,它关系到贸易双方的权利、义务等问题,因此,“正确”远不止是使用正确语法、单词,还包括精确的数字、恰如其分的表达和专用的商务术语。 It is the lowest

12、price available to you.It is the lowest price we can offer you now. The offer by telegram is open for five days.The offer by telegram is open for five days inclusive of the date of dispatch.琼州学院外国语学院13(二)语篇特征首先格式规范。商务信函通常由三部分组成:第一部分即第一段,此段已形成了一些套语,按惯例提及上次的通信,并简述那封信的内容;第二部分具体答复上次通信中提出的问题,并阐述其理由,这一部分根

13、据不同的业务情况可分成数段;第三部分写信人提出问题或请求。如一封回答对方询盘函电应包括以下内容:对对方询盘表示感谢;所报货物的品名、规格、质量、数量、包装、价格、付款方式、装运日期的描述;报盘的有效期限;对所报价商品的评价;其它相关内容如介绍其它对方可能感兴趣的商品;表达与对方建立业务关系及期待双方早日下单的愿望。琼州学院外国语学院14商务信函有自己固定的行文格式,一般都由七个部分组成:函头(heading)受函人地址(inside address)称呼(salutation)函件正文(body)结束语(closing sentence)函尾套语(complimentary closing)致

14、函人签名(signature)。琼州学院外国语学院15除上述七个部分外,有些商务信函还会根据具体情况在函头下方写上参考编号(reference number),如Your ref:123 HBCDS;在称呼下面写上事由标题(Caption或subject line),一般用来概括函件的内容,如Re:NonPayment of invoice 324/11;在受函人地址和称呼之间写上经办人名称(attention line),如For the attention of Marketing Manager;在签名下方写上附件(enclosure),如Encl3 catalogues;在签名之后写上

15、抄送(carbon copy),如CC:MrGeorge Brown;在抄送下面还可写上附言(postscript),如PSIf you renew your subscription in the next two weeks,we will send you a gift。在现代商务信函中,这些特别内容有时常常会省略。琼州学院外国语学院16(三)语法特征1、句子结构复杂且较长。这些结构复杂的长句在业务信函中不仅能表达复杂的意义,使行文显得严谨,而且使主要信息以词序的形式得到强调,增强了行文的正式程度。Any controversy under this contract or arisin

16、g between the parties or out of or for breach of or in relation to this contract sha11 be determined by arbitration to be held in the City of New York pursuant to the arbitration law of the State of New York and under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. 任何双方或双方以外的或违背或相关的对于此合同的争议,都由基于美

17、国仲裁组织下的纽约州仲裁法律决定 琼州学院外国语学院172、长句中大量使用复合句、并列句及被动句,且名词化的句子居多。结构复杂的复合句与并列句,一般都是由形容词短语、分词短语、不定式短语、独立主格结构及各类从句附缀在中心句前后,作伴随状语;或是作为插入语把某个意群隔开,这样的英文句子表达精炼、结构紧凑。Should the quality, specifications, quantity or weight be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the order, due to causes other than those

18、 for which the insurance company, shipping company, airlines or post office are liable, we shall, on the strength of survey report issued by the aforesaid Bureau, have the right to reject the goods delivered.如果产品的质量,规格,数量或重量与订单规定不一致,并且保险公司,船空运公司或邮政公司无需对此负责,我们将根据上述公司的调查报告,有权拒收货物。琼州学院外国语学院18首先看这句话的主干。

19、是 should .be found ., we shall have the right to reject the goods. 主干部分是一个条件句,should 倒装,表示 if .is found., we shall have the right to reject the goods delivered. should 引导的是一个条件从句,从句中是一个被动句。be in conformity with.与.一致主干中出现的词难了点,结构很清楚。due to causes other than those for which the insurance company, ship

20、ping company, airlines or post office are liable 是一个插入成分,due to sth. 表原因 other than 除了.以外 those for which后面是一个定语从句,修饰those,意思是那些运输公司需要负责的情况。on the strength of survey report issued by the aforesaid Bureau 是一个插入语,整个是一个介词短语,issued by the aforesaid Bureau是过去分词短语修饰前面的report。琼州学院外国语学院19(四)词汇特征1、作为共核语言部分的基

21、本词汇,大多数由其意义相同的正式词汇所代替。如:inform/advise替代tell,therefore替代so,otherwise替代or,as for/in respect to/regarding/in connection with替代about等;琼州学院外国语学院202、专业术语多。 如支付有关信用证修改和展延中的establishment (开证)、beneficiary (受益人)、amendment (改证)、extend(延期)、validity (有效期),如保险中的insurance (保险)、coverage (险别)、All Risk (一切险)、War Risk

22、 (战争险)、premium (保险费)、underwriter (保险人)等;还有装货单(shipping order)、海运保险(marine insurance policy)、保兑信用证(confirmed letter of credit)、汇票(bill of exchange)、即期汇票(sight bill)、期货交易(futures)、易货制(barter system)、储备金(reserve)、贴现率(discount rate)等;琼州学院外国语学院213、大量使用缩略词汇。 如国际贸易术语中的FOB (free on board离岸价)、CIF (Cost Insur

23、ance and Freight到岸价)、FCL (full container load整箱货)、CIO (cash in order订货时付款)、L/C (letter of credit信用证)、D/P (document against payment付款赎单)、SPEC (specification规格) DOC (document单据)等;琼州学院外国语学院224、一词多义。discount:折扣(外贸);贴现(银行);贴水(外汇)premium:保险费(保险业);增价(国际贸易);升水(外汇)琼州学院外国语学院235、同义词重复。 为了克服许多英语词汇具有一词多义的特点而产生意思

24、不明,确保所用词不被曲解,商务信函对一些关键性的词常常采用同义词连用,以确保内容的准确性。如:terms and conditions (条款)null and void (无效)force and effect (有效)liability and obligation (责任)等。琼州学院外国语学院24二、汉语国际商务信函的英译从事商贸信函翻译,必须具备扎实的双语语言功底和一定的商贸知识,二者缺一不可。商贸知识包括商贸专业理论和业务知识。此外,译者还必须掌握商贸文本汉英翻译的原则和技巧。商务信函的翻译不同于其他类型文本的翻译。在翻译广告、商标、旅游等文本时强调使用对公众有吸引力的语言,而商务

25、信函、外贸运输文件或商贸法律文件的翻译则讲究表述清晰、明白无误,要求用词尽量浅显,不追求文辞的华美。琼州学院外国语学院251、词义的选择从事汉语商务信函英译的人,最好对商务信函原文中所涉及的相关专业知识有所了解。如果对相关专业知识知之甚少,仅凭一般的社会文化和普通英语知识来应付,即使每个单词都认识,译文也难免外行话连篇。琼州学院外国语学院26合营企业合同的订立、效力、解释、履行及其争议的解决,适用中华人民共和国法律。译文:The conclusion,validity,explanation /interpretation and performance of the contract of

26、a joint venture and settlement of disputes in connection there with shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China 琼州学院外国语学院272、句子的表达商务信函因其内容、范围和形式不同而具有不同的语言风格,英译时需采用不同的方法和技巧。有关建立业务关系或推销产品的商务信函往往具有明显的劝说功能。这种函件需要向客户介绍己方企业的基本业务状况和产品性能,因而带有广告文体的特点,英译时可以在不夸大事实、不故弄玄虚的前提下,选用一些比较活泼的词语,采用一定的

27、修辞手段,使译文产生“亲切、活泼,引发对方兴趣”的效果。比如,在一封推销打字机的信函中,会有下述介绍产品性能的句子。琼州学院外国语学院28 你们一定知道,这种打字机轻便高效、经久耐用而又经济实惠,适合中学生使用。译文:You are well aware that this type of typewriter is good and handy,efficient and durable,economical and practical in use for high school students琼州学院外国语学院29类似的广告词语“品质优良”(excellent in quality)、

28、“品种齐全”(in a complete range of articles)“技艺精湛”(exquisite craftsmanship)“经久耐用”(durable in use)“用料上乘”(superior materials)“设计合理”(professional design)“价格公道”(moderately priced)“包装新颖美观”(fashionable and attractive packages)琼州学院外国语学院30 对所订之货我们要求用保兑的不可撤销的信用证在出示装运单时凭即期汇票付款。请立即告知是否同意我方条款。一俟收到你方肯定答复,我方将按你方信中所述价格

29、确认供货。译文:For goods ordered,we require payment to be made by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight upon presentation of shipping documentsPlease let us know immediately whether you agree to our termsUpon receipt of your reply in the affirmative,we shall confirm supply the goods

30、 at the price in your letter琼州学院外国语学院31装船期限为收到你方第一次付款日起一年之内装船;应允许分批装运。在分批装运情况下,我方当告知装船计划,使你方能对我发出装运要求,以便我方尽可能据以办理。译文:The time of shipment is within one year after our receipt of your first paymentPartial shipments should be allowed, and in this connection,we would keep you posted of our delivery pos

31、ition (shipping schedule) so that you could give us shipping instructions which we may follow as far as possible琼州学院外国语学院32 我们在此确认此批磷酸岩的运货船将由我方去租,运货船到达装货港的前10天我方将用电报通知贵方货船预计到达的日期。滞期费和速遣费应由贵公司直接与船行结算。译文:We confirm that the carrying vessels for the Rock Phosphate will be chartered by us,and we shall a

32、dvise you of the estimated time of arrival by telegram ten days prior to the arrival of the carrying vessels at the port of loadingDemurragedispatch money is to be settled direct between your firm and the shipowners琼州学院外国语学院333、商务套语的使用在长期的商务实践中,商务英语逐渐形成了一些套语,这也是商务英语有别于其他语体的一个明显特点。汉语商务信函英译时,译者应尽量使用商务

33、英语套语,以便使译文语言规范、准确,切不可自己生造一些表达法。琼州学院外国语学院341、商务函电首段首句常见套语 月日来函收悉,不胜感激Thank you for your letter ofMany thanks for your letter ofWe have received your letter ofwith pleasureWe are in receipt of your letter ofWe acknowledge receipt of your letter ofReferring to your letter ofIn reply to your letter of琼州

34、学院外国语学院35We thank you for your letter of 18th February and confirm our cable of todays date, which reads as follows.兹复贵方2月18日来信并确认我方今日发出的电报,电文如下。2月18日来函收悉,不胜感谢,兹复函如下。琼州学院外国语学院362、商务函电结尾句套语In accordance as your request, we send you herewith a statement of your account which we hope you will find corr

35、ect.兹按贵方要求奉上结算报告书一份,请查收。随函附上结算报告书一份,请查收”。 琼州学院外国语学院373、请求套语请求对方做某事的汉语句式为“请将不胜感激”,函电英语常用We would appreciate It would be appreciated请报电脑的上海到岸价,将不胜感谢。 It would be appreciated of you could quote your prices of CIF Shanghai for computer.琼州学院外国语学院384、盼回复We are looking forward with interest to your reply.W

36、e shall be pleased to hear from you at your earliest convenience.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.We await your prompt reply with much interest.We anticipate the pleasure of heating from you.Hoping to hear from you soon.琼州学院外国语学院39 请报来最低CIF伦敦价包括3佣金,并说明可供十二月份装运的数量。译文:Please quote us the lo

37、west price CIF London with a 3 percent commission,and indicate the quantity that you can supply for December shipment。 保险由我方按发票金额110向中国人民保险公司投保一切险及战争险。如遇损失或损坏,你方可向其驻你港的代理提出索赔。译文:Insurance is to be covered by us with the ICC for 110 of the invoice value against. All Risks and War RiskIf any loss or d

38、amage occursYou may file a claim with their agent at your port琼州学院外国语学院40三、翻译实践第一篇:发盘第二篇 要求赔偿琼州学院外国语学院41发盘 一、定义向一个或一个以上特定的人提出订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受时承受的意旨,即构成发盘。一项建议要想成为发盘,必须满足以下3个条件:1) 一项发盘必须表明“发盘人在得到接受时承受约束的意旨”。2)发盘必须向一个或一个以上的“特定的受盘人”发出。,3)发盘内容必须十分确定。二、发盘的有效期 当发盘到达受盘人时即生效。在这一点上,各国法律看法一致,因为发盘是卖方

39、建议的意思表示,受盘人只能决定收到时是否接受。因此,如果一方在真正收到发盘之前期望或通过某种方式获知有人向其发出发盘,并向发盘人发出接受的通知,这种情况下,即使“接受”与发盘凑巧一致,合同也不能成立。这种“接受”实际上是一项发盘,因此,除非另一方确认了这项“接受”,任何合同都不能成立。 琼州学院外国语学院42OfferIDefinition of an offerA proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficie

40、ntly definite and indicates the intention of the offerer to be bound in case of acceptance. A proposal, in order to be an offer, must satisfy the following three conditions:1) It must indicate “the intention of the offerer to be bound incase of acceptance”,2) It must be addressed to one or more “spe

41、cific persons”,3) The contract must be “sufficiently definite”.琼州学院外国语学院432. Validity time of offerAn offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree. On this point, the laws in all states share the same view, for an offer is an indication of sellers proposal, and the offeree can only decide whe

42、ther to accept it or not when he receives it. Therefore, if one party expects or somehow learns that someone is sending him an offer before he really receives it, he sends an acceptance to the offerer. In this case, no contract is formed even if the content of the acceptance coincides with the offer

43、 he receives later. The acceptance is in fact an offer, and therefore, no contract can be formed on this unless the other party c o n f i r m s t h e a c c e p t a n c e .琼州学院外国语学院44撤销发盘撤销发盘是指发盘到达受盘人,即发盘已经生效后,发盘人取消发盘使其无效的行为。一项生效的发盘是否可以撤销的问题引起了不同法系的学者们激烈的争论。大陆法系规定发盘在有效期内或在等待答复时是不可撤销的,而英美法系规定,除非发盘被接受,

44、它随时可以被撤回。公约在这两个法系之间做出了某种调和,它同意发盘在接受通知发出前原则上是可撤销的,但规定在下列两个条件下,发盘不可撤销:1)发盘写明其是不可撤销的,无论其是否规定一个固定接受的时间还是规定另外一个时间。2)如果受盘人有理由相信该发盘是不可撤销的,并已本着对该发盘的信赖行事。 琼州学院外国语学院45Revocation of offerTo revoke an offer means that when the offer has reached the offeree, and it has become effective, the offerer acts to revok

45、e the offer thus to kill its effectiveness. The issue of whether an effective offer may be revoked arouses hot debates among scholars from different law systems. The civil law system provides that an offer is irrevocable within the validity time, or during the time in expectation of a reply, while t

46、he common law system provides that an offer may be revoked at any time unless it is accepted. The Convention makes some mediation between the two legal systems of the world which agrees in principle that an offer is revocable before the note of acceptance is dispatched but provides that on the follo

47、wing two occasions, an offer is irrevocable.1) It indicates, whether by starting a fixed time or otherwise, that it is irrevocable.2) If it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer.琼州学院外国语学院46第二篇 要求赔偿1、在卖方不发货的情况下,买方可以

48、宣布合同无效,在适当的时间,以合适的方式,可以要求赔偿。有两点值得注意:首先,依据公约和许多国家的法律,受损方必须采取措施避免更多的损失,如果他不这样做,从而造成更大损失,他就没有要求这部分本应避免的损失得到赔偿的权力。其次,当买方要求赔偿时,他不必证明卖方的行为是否有错。如果有卖方未按合同履行责任,从而对其造成损害的证据,买方就可以使用要求赔偿的权力。 琼州学院外国语学院471. In case of nondelivery, the buyer may declare the contract avoided. In a reasonable manner and within a rea

49、sonable time, the buyer may claim damages. Two points are worthy of special attention: first, according to the Convention and laws of many states, the buyer must take reasonable measures to prevent further loss. If he does not do so, which causes further losses, he is not entitled to claim damages f

50、or the further loss which could have been prevented; secondly, when the buyer claims damages, he does not have to prove whether the conduct of the seller contains any fault. If he can show evidences that the seller does not perform the obligations under the contract, which cause damages to him, the

51、buyer may exercise the right to claim damages. 琼州学院外国语学院482、买方有两项主要责任,一是付款,二是受领货物。如其没有履行这些责任,卖方可以要求损害赔偿。当卖方诉诸这种救济手段时,要求赔偿的金额应与因买方违约而遭受的包括利润在内的损失额相等,但不能超过买方在订立合同时预料到或理应预料到的可能损失。确切地说,如果卖方以适当的方式再次卖出了货物,他可以得到的赔偿金额等于合同价格与再次销售得到的价格之间的差额,再加上因买方违约造成的其它损失的补偿额。如果卖方宣布合同无效后未能再次销售这批货物,他可以得到的金额等于合同价格与目前交货地的现行价格之差

52、,再减去其它违约损失。如买方延迟付款,卖方可要求其支付利息损失。琼州学院外国语学院492. The buyer has two major obligations: one is to pay the price and the other is to take delivery of the goods. If the buyer fails to perform these obligations, the seller may claim damages. When the seller resorts to such remedy, the damages he claims is e

53、qual to the loss (including interests) caused by the breach of the buyer, and the damages may not exceed the loss which the buyer foresaw or ought to have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract. To be exact, if the seller resold the goods in a reasonable manner, he may get the sum of

54、 money equal to the difference between the contract price and what he can obtain from the reselling transaction minus the compensation for other losses as the consequences of the buyers breach. If the seller does not resell the goods after he declares the contract avoided, he may get the sum equal to the difference between the contract price and the current price at the delivery place minus other damages caused by the breach. If the buyer delays the payment of the price, the seller may requi re the buyer to pay the l oss of i nterest.琼州学院外国语学院50



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