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1、书书 面面 表表 达达 指指 导导English Composition视频1视频2How do you usually go to school?Step 1 Lead in1.Whatcanyouseefromthevideo?视频一视频二2.Whatareadvantagesanddisadvantagesofdrivingchildrentoschoolandbackhome?A debate: Should parents drive their children to school and back home. trafficjamburdendependence.Cons:Pro

2、s:timesavingcomfortablesafe书面表达:书面表达:目前,家长开车接送孩子上下学已成为一个普遍现象。人们对此做法褒贬不一。下面是就这个现象所做问卷调查结果。请根据下面图表提示,描述被访者的看法并发表你的观点。Step2: Writing一:列题纲一:列题纲Para4:Myopinion我的观点Para1:Acommonphenomenon普遍的现象Para3:Theopponentsideas反对者的观点Para2:Thesupportersideas支持者的观点二:确定时态二:确定时态调查时间虽然已过去,但结论描述应当用一般现在时而非过去时。三:扩点成句三:扩点成句1.

3、 省时省时 2.舒适舒适 3.安全安全 4.增加交流增加交流Morevaluabletimecanbesavedforstudents.Itcanoffermorechancesforparentstocommunicatewiththeirchildren.Itisreasonablejustforthesakeofchildrenssafety.Childrencanrestorhavemealscomfortablyintheirowncars.三:扩点成句三:扩点成句5.增加家长负担增加家长负担 6.交通拥堵交通拥堵 7.依赖性强依赖性强 Itwillundoubtedlyaddtot


5、es.五五:赞成与反对的表达法赞成与反对的表达法1.Someareinfavorof/agreewith/for/supporttheideathat2.Some think/believe/consider that 赞成赞成反对反对1.Someareagainst/opposedto/oppose/disagreewiththeideathat2.Some argue/think/believe/consider that 六:结束语六:结束语In my opinion/ As far as Im concerned/ /Personally/ As for me/As to me七:连七

6、:连 接接 词词第一层次(首先)第二层次(第二点)第三层次(第三点)第四层次(最后)FirstSecondThirdLastFirstlySecondlyThirdlyLastlyIn the first placeIn the second placeIn the third placeIn the last placeFirst of all NextBesidesFinally To begin withThen In additionLast of all For one thingFor anotherIn addition to thatThe other此外还有 above al

7、l,at first,to start with,another,at last,in the end,eventually等。八:其它常用表达法八:其它常用表达法According to the chart / the survey .As is known in the chartThe chart/the survey shows that As can be seen from the chart/the survey/the figures图表表明图表表明八:其它常用表达法八:其它常用表达法50%ofthepeople50%ofthem50%50%的人怎么表达的人怎么表达九:范文欣赏

8、九:范文欣赏结构构精解精解参考范文参考范文学学习要点要点第第一一段:段:引引出出了了问问题题 Nowadays its a common phenomenon that parents drive their children to school and back home, which causes a heated discussion. A survey has just been conducted about it and the findings are as follows.1.语语言表达言表达A运用了运用了which 引引导导的非限定的非限定语语从句。从句。B. 用句子用句子作

9、承上启作承上启下下结构结构精解精解参考范文参考范文学习学习要点要点支持支持者的者的观点观点论文论文常见常见开头开头引引出观出观点点Opinions are divided into two . Some of people are in favor of the idea that parents should drive their children to school and back home. First of all , 50% believe that more valuable time can be saved for students. In addition, Anothe

10、r 30% think children can rest or have meals comfortably in their own cars. Thirdly, About 15% consider it is reasonable just for the sake of childrens safety. Last but not least, The rest of them think it can offer more chances for parents to communicate with their children.运运用被用被动动词词组组高级高级词汇词汇 结构构精

11、解精解参考范文参考范文学学习要点要点反反对者者观点点 However, there are still many people who hold different opinions. 50% of them argue that driving kids to school and back home results in more traffic jams, especially around schools in rush hours. Whats worse, 30% think that it will undoubtedly add to the parents burdens i

12、n many aspects like time 、energy and expenses. Last of all, 15% worry that in the long term children may be more dependent on their parents, which does no good to them. 启承启承上启下上启下运运用高级用高级词汇词汇结构精解构精解参考范文参考范文学学习要点要点发表个表个人人见解解 As far as I am concerned, whether parents should drive their kids to school

13、and back home depends on the age of the children and the distance between school and home. 运用运用主主语从句从句Step3:Step3:写作注意要点写作注意要点1.写好字2.开好头3.分好段(多为三段或四段)4.造好句(多套用句型,多用短语)5.不漏要点6.字数(千万不要少)7.写完要检查,有错用一条直线划掉8.卷面要保持整洁Homework: 1) Enjoy a good writing on your sheet. 2) Finish off the English paper of Liaoli

14、ng Province.An Example of Good Writing An Example of Good Writing (好文章赏析)(好文章赏析) A letter with American stamps cameA letter with American stamps came to the to the house and it announced the arrival of my uncle. I house and it announced the arrival of my uncle. I didndidn t know I had an uncle. t kn

15、ow I had an uncle. When Father and Uncle were youngWhen Father and Uncle were young, , they were they were always together and were one anotheralways together and were one another s best friend. s best friend. When it came time to get marriedWhen it came time to get married, , Uncle refused. He Uncl

16、e refused. He had the ambition of leaving China and going to had the ambition of leaving China and going to America. Father disagreed with this and one night, America. Father disagreed with this and one night, Uncle was gone. Everyone asked where he went and Uncle was gone. Everyone asked where he w

17、ent and six years later, the answer came in a letter. He had six years later, the answer came in a letter. He had become an American. My father was very angry. He become an American. My father was very angry. He believed Uncle betrayed(believed Uncle betrayed(背叛背叛) the ancient tradition of ) the anc

18、ient tradition of staying home and taking care of the old.staying home and taking care of the old. AltogetherAltogether it had been 25 years it had been 25 years since Uncle left. since Uncle left. Although it has been so Although it has been so longlong, , the amount of anger Father had only the am

19、ount of anger Father had only grew. grew. Among the familyAmong the family, , only Father only Father refused to see him. Father said aloud refused to see him. Father said aloud “OnlyOnly Animals leave their family! Animals leave their family!” According to the letterAccording to the letter, , Uncle

20、 was Uncle was already in China and he also brought his already in China and he also brought his family and children along with him. I was family and children along with him. I was worried Father would not see him. worried Father would not see him. When I When I was walking along the street with Mot

21、herwas walking along the street with Mother, , I asked her what would happen if Father I asked her what would happen if Father did not see Uncle. She answered, did not see Uncle. She answered, “DonDont t worry about that. Your father tries to worry about that. Your father tries to hide it but he is the most anxious of us hide it but he is the most anxious of us all to see your uncle. all to see your uncle.



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