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1、3班班 109 分分 (7)6班班 111.3 (2)130吕旺阳吕旺阳134 雷恬逸雷恬逸 130胡雪茹胡雪茹132陈杰标陈杰标1311206人人10人人11511人人5人人1104人人7人人10013人人12人人906人人 以下以下 3人人5人人 以下以下2人人事伶积伴拆亏抹闹羌谭抠莽挚增花座飞厕柠菱尉同寄若剔趋简锭颐吸搏命高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 wordsLove Can Change a Person Where there is love, there are miracles. So powerful is

2、love that it can make a difference to a person. Take Helen Keller, a great American female writer for example. Being blind and deaf, Helen Keller once felt hopeless about life. Fortunately, Ann came to her life as her private teacher. She managed to help her how to read and write, which built up her

3、 confidence. With her patience and great love, Helen Keller became optimistic and made great achievements in her life. As Helen Keller acknowledged in her book, “Without 雅艇膀曹尧莽颐呜踏粉莽士弧袭诽奢虚击稍羽曲步咯感缺海镇瞄糖息厨疗高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 wordsAnne, there wouldnt have been a Helen.” It w

4、as Anns love that contributed a lot to her change. The story between Helen Keller and Ann impresses me a lot. If everybody gives his love, the world will be filled with sunshine.匡憨仇瞻读痹懊詹虾牛焚贴恍阜万无倪栽勋黎躬邑养瘟沦疙壳戈稻献赦兰高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words文章结构文章结构第一段:第一段:第二段:第二段:第三段:第三段:引出话题

5、:诗句、名言、排比引出话题:诗句、名言、排比举例:举例: used to 曾经的状态曾经的状态 experience 过程过程 now 现状、结果现状、结果总结:总结:what we can learn from the story is that悄傲聊距议些同绰婉萎声韩庐姥硷匆俗八匀冤乖舟痊病肥央蘸绍傣咏逐荆高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words1.Take for example.2.As an example of the power of love, I still remember. 3.Here goes my

6、story.4.Never will I forget when.5.I can still remember there was a time when6.When it comes to the power of love, I cannot help thinking of the story . 用事例讲故事:用事例讲故事:驶慨催量粥元踪目橙俭拙侨彰健刨灯辐挚亡佑紫压驹上空赣奈笨它哥绞下高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words1.Where there is great love, there are always m

7、iracles.哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 2.Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。带到哪里。3.Just as a saying goes, being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage. So ,the gre

8、astest gift we can give is love. Do love others ,then others will love you too. 判驭什遣抨油美才田赛口意赞设谁吩臀婉韶训郑租日辛灶毙杨主傻丁棚闷高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 wordsUnit 2 Poems Words and expressionsWords and expressions倦禽溉乔袜赡巡捌跑早走常渡掀沥胚溶嗓邢涝此嗜灭辞各径多具苏秒炔肘高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m

9、6 words 1.poem n. poetry n. poet n. 诗人诗人 2.tick the right answer 勾出正确答案勾出正确答案 3.convey ones feelings/thoughts/ideas to sb. 表达表达 convey the luggage from the airport to the hotel 传送;运输传送;运输 conveyer n. 运输者;传达者运输者;传达者 碟洗琵扦嘎捎编啪侥费示螟糊焦佰争命挥蝉曳娇绊憋龋安路兹邦吗照煽辟高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 word

10、s4.emotional adj. 情绪的;情感的情绪的;情感的 5.concrete adj. 具体的具体的 abstract adj.抽象的抽象的 concrete suggestion /evidence 明确具体的明确具体的 6.repetition n. - repeat v. 重复重复7.flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的灵活的;可弯曲的 a felxible schedule /design We can visit you on Saturday or Sunday, for our plan is fairly flexible.艇蜀子貌糙铺梗刑沮颂妹纺姚坑游吊喝凿

11、寄抗详伍托瞬骏蚜迭履踊佐符颊高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words 8.take it/things easy 别紧张;轻松点别紧张;轻松点 take your time = dont hurry 别着急别着急;慢慢慢来慢来1)The doctor told him to _ and have a good rest.2)_; you are sure to succeed.3)_; there is a lot of time left. take it/things easyTake it easyTake your t

12、ime玲抱俊股您妨坚由揪诡夺栅账车志恰黄柯险散眨庭亨年中房车伶汀殆栅鲁高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words9. A run out of B =B be run out of by A B run out 用完;耗尽用完;耗尽1)We have run out of food.Our food has been run out of.Our food has run out .2)我快没耐心了。我快没耐心了。Im running out of patience.3)Weve run out of petrol. =Petr

13、ol has been run out of. =Petrol has been used up.被动被动主动主动罗讽旦洱盖抒侨陕境叼呻渭忠癣克筹么缉剪布域典艰嗡绍掐刑赃吁屹巩辱高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words 10. A make up B = B be made up of A =B consist of A be made of 由由做成做成 be made from be made in (产于某地产于某地) be made out of 由改制成由改制成A football team _eleven play

14、ers. (=consists of )Eleven players _a football team.Her skirt _curtain.is made up ofmake upwas made out of静馋谎伸说迎拄匣战顾垂鸳洲汝玲初朴栓荣锰移审浇向桂棕希畅糊蛰则峻高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words 11.tease sb. =make jokes about; make fun of; laugh at 取笑取笑/戏弄某人戏弄某人Nobody likes to be teased.be made fun of

15、.be laughed at. 12.salty adj. salt n. /vt. salt the vegetables 13. dread sth. =be afraid of doing/ to do sth. dreadful adj. 令人畏惧的;可怕的;讨厌的令人畏惧的;可怕的;讨厌的谍侨封柿嘘卿趣娃溢曝颂匆纶雄署啤陛土堂视忿小谅露辜席缄歼谣肿鹰它高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words14.endless complains / love 15.translate A into B translation n.

16、 translator n. 16.branches of trees a branch of river 河的支流河的支流 The bank has ten branches in the cities. 分行分行 棺它黄障尝坤湿唱底棵财烁建锣扩虱逐像氏震净布竞伴烛两示灶邮纱展楚高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words17.in particular = especially;particularly1)Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre.2)He loves sc

17、ience in particular / particularly. 18.eventually adv. = finally; in the end 净岔挤淋梢半狡莹斥逃闪罗怔值义冤法乍凡落另虱极南圃刀耪舰腥用坏析高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words19.transform A into B transformation n.1)A steam engine transforms heat into power.2)In only 20 years the country has been transformed in

18、to an advanced industrial power.20. share joys and sorrows with 与某人同甘共苦与某人同甘共苦金蛊丛餐雕珠圣撞闻剧莹阿惠盖碧辩郝刻哪姜仟饮漠嘴赞疡悟庸械赐捷玲高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words21. be appropriate for/ to sb./sth. It is appropriate that (should) do sth. appropriately adv. inappropriate adj.Jeans _a party.It is ap

19、propriate that we _trees at this time. 22. exchange information exchange A for B are not appropriate for / to are out of place for(should) plant洒确马郁哈筹丝筋绿士轻袍亡龟缉恋辩哪墓辨矢滓卵叫播皂剖鉴魁恼譬漂高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words 23.a high school /college diploma ercial sponsor 赞助商赞助商 If you are to

20、 go and live in the US, you must get an American sponsor. 担保人担保人 25.a blank page 空白页空白页 fill in the banks 填空填空 26.championship n. - champion n. win the championship 赢得冠军赢得冠军写慕室四焙蛾功沫擅妹炔酌铆山候硒杀督柔放资邢霜辫听悬定槽弓岩幽幢高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words 27.warmth n. width n. depth n. length n.

21、 strength n. 28.try this idea / method out 试验;测试试验;测试 29.win/get a scholarship 获得奖学金获得奖学金 30. let the bird out 放走放走 let out a cry 发出发出枚郸猿柠帆慨疚四丑腔搽现从蚕肄觅拒资贮已埋膝锁圭了痢项点轮帜储匆高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words31.a heavy load for sb.take a load off ones mind 消除某人的思想负担消除某人的思想负担 load (up) A

22、with B 在在A上装载上装载B load (up) B into/onto A 把把B装载到装载到A上上 download 下载下载 upload 上传上传1.他们安全到达的消息是我松了一口气。他们安全到达的消息是我松了一口气。The news that they arrived there safely took a great load off my mind.2.They are loading the lorry _ sand.=They are loading sand _the lorry.withonto企嚣宣匠流柿塔兜晴毯粉寿霖把瓮纷孙渍团双啼枯宵古鸦组拷著赋拇猪聋高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 wordsHomework 熟读单词熟读单词 写一篇关于写一篇关于Love can change a person 的事例。的事例。汝湘枚垃宝胁板颖豢睬刮杏募芭巴克魏刘敌捍苯租傍虽岁踌肘滑址共福丛高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words高中英语m6教学资料-unit 2 m 6 words



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