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1、http:/http:/七、连接词的分类和运用七、连接词的分类和运用表并列或选择的连接词表并列或选择的连接词and, bothand, as well as, as well, neithernor, or, eitheror, not onlybut also等。例句展示例句展示I dont like fish or chicken.The boy as well as his families is going to make a journey to Hawaii.He not only promised, but performed.Chinese proverbs are rich

2、and they are still widely used in Chinese peoples daily life.http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 他不仅会讲英语,还会讲法语。(not only.but also.) 2. 艾滋病的预防和控制是中国乃至世界的一大挑战。(as well as) 3. It was hard for him/ (learn) English/in a family, in which/neither his father nor his mother/spoke the language.He can speak/not only Englis

3、h/but also French. AIDS prevention and control/is a challenge/to China/as well as the whole world. to learnhttp:/http:/4. 今年暑假,Dr. Smith要和他的妻子女儿们一起去北京。(together with)5. 国产洗衣机已经受到世界的关注,海尔已经成为知名品牌。(win worldwide attention)Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, is going to visit Beijing/this

4、summer. Washing machines/made in China/have won worldwide attention/and / Haier / has become a popular brand. http:/http:/表转折的连接词表转折的连接词but, yet, however, instead, nevertheless, in spite of, while, otherwise等。例句展示例句展示She came in spite of her cold.She was angry; nevertheless, she listened to me.He di

5、dnt lie in bed; instead, he want out and did some sports.She thought I was talking about her daughter, while in fact I was talking about my daughter.I did not know that then, although I learned it later.Im not feeling very well today, otherwise I would do it myself.http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习 1. 尽管他失败了好几次,

6、但他没有灰心。(lose heart) 2. 虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的形状。 3. 我的邻居要我出去散步,但我没一点儿精神。(get the energy)Although/he had failed/several times, he/didnt lose heart.While/I like the color/of the hat, I do not like its shape. My neighbor/asked me to go for a walk, but/I dont think/Ive got the energy. http:/http:/4. 尽管多次被

7、人误会,但是对于那些跟他打招呼的人,他还是很友好的。(in spite of repeated wrongs) 5. 他一定是误了火车,不然已经到这儿了。 6. 昨天晚上,Mr. Crook没有像往常一样按时回来。相反地,他去见了几个朋友,一直待到半夜才回来。(as usual/at usual time, instead) In spite of repeated wrongs/done to him/, he looks friendly/to the people/greeting him. Last night/Mr. Crook didnt come back/at the usua

8、l time. Instead, he met some friends/and stayed out/until midnight. He/must have missed the train, otherwise/hed be here/by now. http:/http:/表因果的连接词表因果的连接词for, so, therefore, as a result (of), because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, on account of (为了)等。例句展示例句展示Good technique in medicine means less

9、pain and fewer deaths, and therefore, it is our duty to master it.I had to be out all yesterday afternoon on account of some urgent business.Owing to bad weather, the plane had to change its course.He was late as a result of the snow.http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. Bill因病不能参加会议。(on account of) 2. 由于我们的共同努力,任

10、务提前完成了。(joint efforts, ahead of schedule) 3. 他不用功学习,结果考试不及格。(as a result) Bill/cannot come to the meeting/on account of illness.Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled/ahead of schedule.He didnt work hard, as a result, he failed his exam.http:/http:/4. Jenny购物的时间太长了,以至于差点误了班机。(as a result

11、 of, do much shopping) 5. 我当时不在镇上,所以我不知道它是怎么发生的。(so) Jenny/nearly missed the flight/as a result of/doing too much shopping. I was out of town/at the time, so/I dont know exactly/how it happened.http:/http:/表时间的连接词表时间的连接词at first, first,second., firstly/to begin with, secondly., then, next, later, me

12、anwhile, in the meantime, in the end, finally, after that, since then, for the first time, at last, eventually, as soon as, the next time, the first time, the moment, shortly after等。例句展示例句展示She was thinking about giving up at first,but later she changed her idea.The next time you come to see me, bri

13、ng your son here.Physicists are studying new ways of reducing damage to the environment. In the meantime, many factories are being modernized to give off less polluting material.http:/http:/I havent seen him since then.Shortly after they completed the task, the committee went to a local inn to celeb

14、rate.The two girl students talked for the first time at the beginning of the termThe first time I saw her, I knew something would happen between us.http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 我喜欢滑雪,同时也知道这非常危险。(in the meantime) 2. 自那以后,他养成了另一个坏习惯。(since then) 3. 他进来后不久,就趴在桌子上哭了。(shortly after) 4. 经过两年的调查,我们对这个疾病有了更深入的认识。

15、(after, have a far better understanding of) I like skiing/and in the meantime, I know/it is very dangerous. Since then, he has developed/another bad habit.Shortly after/he came in, he cried/on his desk. After two years research, we now/have a far better understanding/of the disease. http:/http:/5. 第

16、一次见到她,我就知道我们会成为好朋友。(the first time)6. 我一到家就发现夹克衫落在操场上了。(the moment)7. 听了她的感人故事,每个人都感动得说不出话来。(be touched beyond words, after)8. 技术工人的收入提高了。同时,非技术工人的收入就减少了。(meanwhile, unskilled workers, see sth. fall) I knew/we would be good friends/the first time/I met her.The moment/I got home, I found/I have left

17、my jacket/on the playground. Everybody was touched/beyond words/after/they heard her moving story. The incomes of skilled workers/went up.Meanwhile, unskilled workers/saw their earnings fall. http:/http:/表空间的连接词表空间的连接词on the right, to the left, on one side of, and on the other; at the foot/top/end/o

18、f., in the middle/center of., above, under, beside等例句展示例句展示Facing the school gate, it is located on the left of the school classroom building, and on its east lies the playground.On one side of the window was a mirror, and on the other a painting.You can see their factory at the foot of the mountain

19、.His house stands beside a river. http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 我们学校的体育馆正对着游泳池,位于饭堂的东面,实验楼的南面。(facing, be located on the left of) 2. 我们教学楼的一边是操场,另一边是植物园。(on one side of., and on the other., botanical garden) 3. 穿过这个森林,你可以在山脚下找到它。(at the foot of) 4. 一个伟大的人总是把别人的利益放在自己的利益之上。(put others interests above ones o

20、wn)Facing the swimming pool, our school gym/is located/on the east of the school canteen, and on its north/lies the lab building.On one side of the teaching building/is the playground, and on the other/a botanical garden. Go through the forest, and at the foot of the mountain/you will find it. A gre

21、at person/is always putting others interests/above his own. http:/http:/表解释说明的连接词表解释说明的连接词like, that is (to say), in other words, such as, for example/instance, namely, actually, to tell you the truth, according to this, and so on等。例句展示例句展示He, for example, is a good student.Some of the European lang

22、uages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish.In other words, experts want shortcuts to everything.To tell you the truth, I didnt mean to do so. http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 例如,球类运动已经在世界各地传播开了。(for example) 2. 说实话,我们有义务赡养老人。(to tell you the truth, have obligation to do.) 3. 换言之,我们要比山区的孩子幸运得多。

23、(in other words) 4. 你自己要有伟大的梦想,比如说成为一个有钱人,一位名人或者一个实现了自我的人。(like, fulfilled)Ball games, for example, have spread/around the world. To tell you the truth, we have obligation/to take good care of the old. In other words, we are much luckier/than the children/living in the mountain areas. You need to ha

24、ve big dreams/for yourself, like/being somebody rich, famous or fulfilled. http:/http:/表递进的连接词表递进的连接词whats more/worse/better, worse still, to make things worse, besides, in addition (to), moreover furthermore, above all, not only. but also.等。例句展示例句展示He is lazy; what is (far) worse, he shows no inter

25、est in his study at all.He is strong, brave, and above all, honest. (above all更重要的是)比较:The benefit of our country is above all. 祖国的利益高于一切。 In addition to all of the above, she won a Pulitzer Prize in 1980.除上述外,她还在1980年获得普利策奖。In addition, under some special conditions, you are not allowed to smoke.ht

26、tp:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1.天黑了,更糟糕的是又开始下雨了。(what is far worse)2. 更糟糕的是,回家的路上,他把手表给丢了。(to make things worse) 3. 小孩首先应学会餐桌礼仪。(above all,observe good manners at table) 4. 另外,他们还吃大量的水果。(in addition) It was dark. Whats far worse, it began to rain. To make things worse, he lost his watch/on the way home! Childre

27、n should learn, above all, how to observe good manners/at table. In addition, they eat/a great deal of fruit. http:/http:/5. Dr. Jones强调,除了改变饮食之外,还必须加强锻炼。(emphasize, in addition to) 6. 她希望爸爸能像妈妈一样容易满足。而且,每年的这个时候去买东西总是没那么好。(besides, as easy to please as, a pleasant experience) 7. 他建议我们不要过度用眼,还要多做一些户外

28、活动。另外,还要注意拿笔的方式。(whats more, overuse, pay attention to)Dr. Jones/emphasizes exercise/in addition to a change in diet. She wished that/dad was as easy to please/as her mother. Besides, shopping/at this time of the year/was not a pleasant experience. He suggested that/we should not overuse our eyes/an

29、d do more outdoor exercises. Whats more, we need to pay attention to/the way/we use the pen. http:/http:/表总结的连接词表总结的连接词in short, in brief, in a word, in general, as you know, as far as I know, as far as I am concerned, on the whole, to sum up, to put it simply等。例句展示例句展示In a word, then, we should imp

30、rove our service.To sum up, teachers are both the organizers and promoters of teaching activities.As you know, Nanjing is well known for its historic sites and beautiful scenery. http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1.总之,让我们笑对每一天,明天又是新的一天。 2. 总而言之,他坚强的意志和精神值得我们崇拜和效仿。(to sum up, worth ones worship and imitation) 3. 据

31、我所知,许多家长已被说服不在家里抽烟。In a word, lets greet every day/with a smile. Tomorrow is another day. To sum up, his strong will and spirit/are worth our worship and imitation. As far as I know, a number of parents/have been persuaded/not to smoke/at home. http:/http:/语篇填空语篇填空 Jane _1_(walk) round the departmen

32、t store. She remembered how difficult _2_ was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. She wished that he was as easy _3_ (please) as her mother, who was always delighted with perfume. _4_, shopping at this time of the year was not a pleasant experience: people stepped on your feet or

33、_5_ (push) you with their elbows (肘部), hurrying ahead to get to a bargain. Jane paused in front of a counter where some attractive ties were on display. “They are real silk,” the assistant tried to attract her. “Worth double the price.” _6_ Jane knew from past experience that her choice of ties hard

34、ly ever pleased her father. Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered. She found some good quality pipes on sale. She did not hesitate for long: _7_ her father smoked a pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a present which was bound to please him. _8_ Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already at table _9_ (have) supper. Her mother was excited. “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane _10_ (inform). 1.was walking 2.it 3.to please 4.Besides 5.pushed 6.But 7.Although 8.When 9.having 10.was informed



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