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1、交通噪声的测定Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment一 实验目的 三 实验步骤 四 数据处理二 实验仪器 Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher

2、and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment一 实验目的: 1) 掌握声级计的使用方法,学会用普通声级计测 量噪声 2) 熟练计算 等效声级 统计声级 标准偏差Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Cent

3、re for Water Treatment二、 实验仪器 1) 声级计的使用测量条件: 1) 天气条件 无雨 无雪 风速5.5米以下 2) 声级计的操作a 距地面垂直距离大于1.2米 b 传声器离人0.5米以上Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment3)使用方法(原理)(1)校准(2)根据被测声音的大小选择档位,无法估计的选85130档

4、位或自动挡(3)时间记权开关置于F或S(变化大的)(4)读数置于“10s”(5)电源开关置于“开”,读数测量(6)关Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment1) 监测布点四、实验步骤: 距离马路边缘20cm处离开路口距离大于50米Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demo

5、nstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment2) 现场测量记录数据B手持声级计A记录单行车辆种类和数量CSino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment3)读数方法)读数方法 声级计置于慢格,每隔10s

6、读一个瞬时A声级,对每一个测量点,连续读取200个数据。Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment四、数值处理四、数值处理四、数值处理四、数值处理 由于环境噪声是随时间而起伏的无规则噪声,由于环境噪声是随时间而起伏的无规则噪声,因此测量结果一般用统计值或等效声级来表示。因此测量结果一般用统计值或等效声级来表示。1 1累积分布值累积分布值L1

7、0L10、L50L50、L90L90与标准偏差与标准偏差 L10 L10表示表示10%10%的时间超过的噪声级,相当于噪声的的时间超过的噪声级,相当于噪声的平均峰值;平均峰值; L50L50表示表示50%50%的时间超过的噪声级,相当于噪声的的时间超过的噪声级,相当于噪声的平均值;平均值; L90L90表示表示90%90%的时间超过的噪声级,相当于噪声的的时间超过的噪声级,相当于噪声的本底值。本底值。Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre fo

8、r Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment 计算方法:将计算方法:将100个数据按从大到小的顺序个数据按从大到小的顺序排列,第排列,第10个数据即为个数据即为L10,第,第50个数据即个数据即为为L50,第,第90个数据即为个数据即为L90,标准偏差,标准偏差Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Wate

9、r Treatment数据符合正态分布,其累积分布在正态概率坐标上为一直线,即可用近似公式: 并有:Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment3) 结果表达结果表达Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water TreatmentSino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Sino-Dutch Demonstration Researcher and Training Centre for Water TreatmentTraining Centre for Water Treatment



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