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1、我骄傲生在中国英语作文 hello everyone! The theme of my speech today is I am proud, I am Chinese. I am an unknown person on the earth. Whenever I stand under the national flag and watch the bright five-star red flag rising slowly under the sunshine and the breeze, I feel very excited. I want to shout out: I am

2、proud, I am Chinese. I am proud that the great rivers and mountains of the motherland are so beautiful and magnificent! Juyongguan, located in Changping County, is a major benefit of the Great Wall. Beside the brick, Ju Mountain stands towering, with green peaks overlapping, and there is a stream li

3、ne of two Bu kilometers long, commonly known as Guangou. The terrain here is dangerous, with the terrain of one man is my husband, ten thousand men are my husband, and it is a place for all generations of military strategists to contend. Do you know what the name Juyongguan means? How can I not be p

4、roud of it? I am proud of the talents of our motherland. If we lost them at that time, our motherland would not be so brilliant. All the talents of the motherland can sacrifice themselves, and Deng Xiaoping has such a spirit. Deng Xiaoping is the second generation leading core of the Communist Party

5、 of China, a Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, politician, militarist, diplomat, and one of the main leaders of the Peoples Liberation Army and the Peoples Republic of China. He was the chief designer of Chinas socialist reform and modernization drive in Kaifeng and founded Deng Xiaoping Theory. T

6、he reform and opening up and one country, two systems policies he advocated changed China in the late 20th century and also affected the world. Therefore, he was elected the Person of the Year of Time magazine twice in 1978 and 1985. How can I not be proud of it? 大家好!今天我演讲的主题是我自豪,我是中国人。 我是地球上的一位默默无闻

7、的人, 每当我站在国旗下, 看着鲜艳的五星红旗在阳光的照耀下,在微风的吹拂下缓缓上升,这时我的心情是无比激动,我想大声呼喊“我自豪,我是中国人”。 我自豪,祖国的大好河山,是那么秀丽,那么雄伟!居庸关位于昌平县,是长城的一个主要益。砌旁局山耸立,翠嶂重叠,中有长达二卜公里的溪行,俗称关沟。这里地势险要,索有“一夫当夫,万夫莫开”的地势,为历代兵家必争之地。你们知道居庸关这个名字是什么意思吗?是“徒居庸徒”的意思,我怎么能不为之自豪呢? 我自豪,祖国的人才,如果当时失去他们,祖国也就不会那么辉煌。祖国的人才个个都能为牺牲自己,邓小平就具有这样的精神。邓小平是中国共产党第二代领导核心,马克思主义者,无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家、外交家,同时也是中国人民解放军、中华人民共和国的主要领导之一。 他是中国社会主义改革开封和现代化建设的总设计师, 创立了邓小平理论。他所倡导的“改革开放”及“一国两制”政策理念,改变了 20 世纪后期的中国,也影响了世界,因此在 1978 年和 1985 年,曾两次当选时代周刊“年度风云人物”。我怎么能不为之自豪呢?



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