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1、mainUnit4SocialBehavior2012第一页,共145页。Part A Section A Pre-listening-Background InformationThe Mens Movement The mens movement is a social movement that includes a number of philosophies and organizations that seek to support men, change the male gender role and improve mens rights in regard to marri

2、age and child access and victims of domestic violence. Major movements within the mens movement include mens liberation, Pre-listeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BListening第二页,共145页。masculism, mens health, anti-sexism and mens / fathers rights. Participants vary in term

3、s of religion, politics and sexuality with a number of women also involved. The movement is predominantly Western, although since the early 1990s, mens movements have been growing in non-Western countries.Section A Pre-listening-Background InformationPre-listeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground

4、InformationPart APart BListening第三页,共145页。Section A anti-sexismanti-sexism: a movement against sexism, which means anti-sexists dont accept the beliefs of sexism. The main beliefs and attitudes of sexism are listed as below:1) The belief that one sex is superior to the other.2) The belief that men a

5、nd women are very different and this should be strongly reflected in society, language, right to have sex, and the law.3) Simple hatred of men (misandry) or women (misogyny).第四页,共145页。Section A. New Words and Expressions1take on决定(judng)做;承担countermovement反向运动monolithic整体的unify成为一体,使统一identify确认labe

6、l描述;归类mytho-poetic与神话和诗歌有关的initiate接纳ritual仪式affirm肯定地说,断言masculine男子气的,阳刚气的Pre-listeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BListening第五页,共145页。Section A. New Words and Expressions2feminist男女平等主义者vocal直言的integral构成整体(zhngt)所必需的orientation方向,定位sensitivity敏感(性)mythology神话masculi

7、nity阳刚之气subscribe to同意,赞成weakling软弱的人wimp懦弱的人diverse多种多样的Pre-listeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BListening第六页,共145页。I. Effect of the Womens Movement on the Mens MovementII. Forms the Mens Movement TakesA. B. C. D. III. ConclusionSection A Listen Task 1Listen to the le

8、cture and try to get its main ideas by taking notes. Fill in the blanks according to your notes.Malefeminists_TheMensMovementisverydiverse._Pre-listeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart BListeningMenssupportgroups_Maleactivists_Mytho-poetic_第七页,共145页。Task 2.1Listen to

9、the lecture again and try to answer the following questions.1. What family tasks are men sharing more and more with women?Child care and housework.2. What are the two jobs that used to be done exclusively by women?Teaching and nursingPre-listeningListeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen fo

10、r DetailsPart APart B第八页,共145页。Task 2.23. What problems might a man run into in a workplace where there are a lot of women?Communication and management problems.4. What does the male feminist speak out against?Violence and inequality.5. Why does the second type of mens group appeal to men?Because th

11、ey can give and find support from other men.Pre-listeningListeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart B第九页,共145页。Task 2.36. What are male activists trying to do?They are trying to get back mens power.7. Give a brief description of the mytho-poetic Mens Movement.This group

12、 initiates men using mythology, poetry (hence the name mytho-poetic), and other rituals, such as dancing, to explore and affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving.Pre-listeningListeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart B第十页,共145页。The Me

13、ns Movement: What Does It Mean to Be a Man? As a result of the Womens Movement, more women are working outside the home, and many men are playing a more active role in family life and are taking on some of the tasks involved in child care and housework. In addition to these changes inside the home,

14、men are today entering occupations that used to be considered womens jobs. More men are becoming nurses and teachers of young children. Other men are finding that they have more female colleagues and bosses at work than ever before, and they are having to adapt to womens styles of communication and

15、management, eatenScript1.1第十一页,共145页。which can differ considerably from those of men. At work, as well as at home, many men today in modern North American society have to play very different roles than their fathers did. They are, as a result, joining with other men in a countermovement called the M

16、ens Movement to seek to provide one another with the support they need to cope with the roles expected of men in todays world. Exactly what forms does the Mens Movement take, and what do men in the Mens Movement hope to achieve by being active in the movement? To begin with, the Mens Movement has no

17、 unified, monolithic philosophy. teaScript1.2第十二页,共145页。Script1.3Although there are a number of unifying themes, there are also some interesting differences among the basic groups associated with the Mens Movement. Several writers who write about the Mens Movement have identified four basic groups o

18、f men active in the movement. The first group is labeled the male feminists, and these men work for womens rights and equality between the sexes. Some of the men in this first group are vocal about blaming other men for much of the violence against women and for the inequality that exists between me

19、n and women in relationships and the job market. Note第十三页,共145页。Script1.4Not all members of the Mens Movement, however, consider this first group of men to be an integral part of the Mens Movement. To be sure, the other three groups focus more on mens issues than do the so-called male feminists. The

20、 second orientation in the Mens Movement attracts men who join mens support groups to meet regularly and give and receive psychological support in dealing with problems created by the new roles they have to play at home and at work. These men are attempting to learn to better express their feelings

21、and emotions, and to show sensitivity without being ashamed. 第十四页,共145页。A third group in the Mens Movement consists of men who want to get back the power they feel they have lost because of the advances made by women as a result of the Womens Movement and feminist causes. They are male activists. Fi

22、nally, there is an approach to the movement called the mytho-poetic Mens Movement. The men involved in this aspect of the Mens Movement believe that men should be initiated into manhood as men were initiated when people still lived in small tribes and bands in more ancient cultures. This group initi

23、ates men using mythology, poetry (hence the name mytho-poetic), and other rituals, such as dancing, to explore andScript1.5第十五页,共145页。Script1.6and affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving. Men who subscribe to this viewpoint worry that too much contact with women a

24、nd too little contact with other men has turned men into weaklings or wimps. So, the Mens Movement is very diverse. A man who wants to join the movement has many options of just how he will explore the question, “What does it mean to be a man in todays world?”第十六页,共145页。The Mens Movement: What Does

25、It Mean to Be a Man? As a result of the Womens Movement, more women are working outside the home, and many men are playing a more active role in family life and are taking on some of the tasks involved in child care and housework. In addition to these changes inside the home, men are today entering

26、occupations that used to be considered womens jobs. More men are becoming nurses and teachers of young children. Other men are finding that they have more female colleagues and bosses at work than ever before, and they are having to adapt to womens styles of communication and management, eatenScript

27、2.1第十七页,共145页。which can differ considerably from those of men. At work, as well as at home, many men today in modern North American society have to play very different roles than their fathers did. They are, as a result, joining with other men in a countermovement called the Mens Movement to seek to

28、 provide one another with the support they need to cope with the roles expected of men in todays world. Exactly what forms does the Mens Movement take, and what do men in the Mens Movement hope to achieve by being active in the movement? To begin with, the Mens Movement has no unified, monolithic ph

29、ilosophy. teaScript2.2第十八页,共145页。Script2.3Although there are a number of unifying themes, there are also some interesting differences among the basic groups associated with the Mens Movement. Several writers who write about the Mens Movement have identified four basic groups of men active in the mov

30、ement. The first group is labeled the male feminists, and these men work for womens rights and equality between the sexes. Some of the men in this first group are vocal about blaming other men for much of the violence against women and for the inequality that exists between men and women in relation

31、ships and the job market. Note第十九页,共145页。Script2.4Not all members of the Mens Movement, however, consider this first group of men to be an integral part of the Mens Movement. To be sure, the other three groups focus more on mens issues than do the so-called male feminists. The second orientation in

32、the Mens Movement attracts men who join mens support groups to meet regularly and give and receive psychological support in dealing with problems created by the new roles they have to play at home and at work. These men are attempting to learn to better express their feelings and emotions, and to sh

33、ow sensitivity without being ashamed. 第二十页,共145页。A third group in the Mens Movement consists of men who want to get back the power they feel they have lost because of the advances made by women as a result of the Womens Movement and feminist causes. They are male activists. Finally, there is an appr

34、oach to the movement called the mytho-poetic Mens Movement. The men involved in this aspect of the Mens Movement believe that men should be initiated into manhood as men were initiated when people still lived in small tribes and bands in more ancient cultures. This group initiates men using mytholog

35、y, poetry (hence the name mytho-poetic), and other rituals, such as dancing, to explore andScript2.5第二十一页,共145页。Script2.6and affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving. Men who subscribe to this viewpoint worry that too much contact with women and too little contact

36、with other men has turned men into weaklings or wimps. So, the Mens Movement is very diverse. A man who wants to join the movement has many options of just how he will explore the question, “What does it mean to be a man in todays world?”第二十二页,共145页。Section B Background InformationStay-at-home Dad T

37、raditionally speaking, men are considered bread-earner of the family and women the family caregiver who do household chores such as child-rearing, aged-nursing, cooking and cleaning. However, as the anti-sexism movement goes, more and more stay-at-home dads emerge who become the main caregiver and h

38、omemaker of the household. Pre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart B第二十三页,共145页。L-B-P.2 There are both pros and cons for the role of stay-at-home dads. One of the disadvantages is that men may feel losing their usefulness when women take over what used to be t

39、heir turf. Many families with stay-at-home dads face marital problems as wives outshine their spouses and hurt their pride. However, there are indeed numerous families which keep the rapport between the husbands and wives, and fully enjoy the advantages of stay-at-home dads. First of all, father and

40、 the child could develop a stronger bond. Secondly, the stay-at-home dad arrangement allows the mother to work without having to use a daycare or a nanny. Free fromPre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart B第二十四页,共145页。L-B-P.3the stress of childcare, working mot

41、hers are able to actively pursue their career. Lastly, stay-at-home dads tend to have a fresh view of family and life, who would put more stress on relationship, affection over financial gains.Pre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BNo, you cant go and have a

42、 drink with your friends:Your one and only duty is to protect us from predators!第二十五页,共145页。L-B-P. New Words and Expressions1Im done doing .我已完成subject使遭受sole唯一的overwhelming无法抗拒的,压倒一切(y do y qi)的a handful令人头痛的事lay off使下岗laundromat自助洗衣店a real trip头都晕了Pre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBac

43、kground InformationPart APart B第二十六页,共145页。L-B-P. New Words and Expressions2underestimate低估stressed紧张的,有压力(yl)的nonexistent没有的,不存在的rock the boat捣乱hassle困难entitle使有资格paycheck薪水put the bread on the table养家糊口Pre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart B第二十七页,共145页。Tas

44、k 1.1Husbands and Wives: A Caller from NorthbridgeIn this conversation, you will hear a husband very seriously trying to figure out who does what, why.Pre-listeningListeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart B第二十八页,共145页。Task 1.2You are going to hear the conversation bet

45、ween Jerry Williams, Shirley Sloan Fader, and the husband who calls in. Choose the word or phrase in each set of brackets that gives the correct information according to the conversation. The man who has called the radio program ( , is working full-time, doesnt want to work). These days, his wife is

46、 (looking for work, , working part-time), and when she comes home she ( , washes the clothes, is too tired to talk to him).Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for Detailshasbeen laid offworkingfull-timehelps with the housework第二十九页,共145页。Task 1.3 The man is no

47、w surprised to learn that when he was working full-time, his wife (was quite lazy, watched TV a lot, ). For example, she (slept a lot, , watched game shows). He now understands that for many years, he ( , didnt like what she did, wanted to work at home). Shirley Sloan Fader says that she thinks it i

48、s a good idea for wives ( , to stay at home, to have part-time jobs) because families need (a nonworking mother, , a nonworking father). Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for Detailshad a lot of work to do at hometook the children to many places in thecarund

49、erestimated what she didto work outside the hometwo incomes第三十页,共145页。Task 1.4Fader thinks that if both the husband and wife are working outside the home, their marriage will be ( , weaker, no different).Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for Detailsstronger第

50、三十一页,共145页。Task 2.1Listen to the conversation again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. These days, the man is working full-time in a business office.2. The man and his wife have four children.3. Their youngest child is in her teens.4. The man is younger than his wife.5.

51、 They are fortunate that the washer and dryer never break.Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsF( )F( )T( )T( )F( )第三十二页,共145页。Task 2.2Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for Details6. The man now really apprec

52、iates all the work his wife did in the home.7. We learn something about the sex life of the man and his wife.8. Shirley thinks a husband should work and a wife should stay at home.9. Now this mans wife is receiving a paycheck, and he isnt.T( )T( )F( )T( )第三十三页,共145页。L-B-L.1 Script1J: And now some fi

53、nal calls for Shirley Sloan Fader and “Wait a minute. You cant have it all,” she says to working women. Hello.M: Hi, Jerry.J: Yes, sir.M: Jerry, Im calling from Northbridge, and Shirley, hi, how are you?S: Hi.M: This is just one of those days where all day Ive been getting what I need. I turn on the

54、 radio after Im done doing my housework, and I got what I needed inHusbands and Wives: A Caller from Northbridge第三十四页,共145页。M: the last ten minutes Ive listened. I will never, ever subject my wife to what shes been doing since weve been married for the last eight years.During the last year of our ma

55、rriage, I was the sole worker. She was home due to, you know, unemployment. Two weeks after she started a job, I was laid off. And I just cant believe it she would come home and do this and then “Honey, honey let me do it. Let me do it.” And now Im sitting in a little office that I had to create in

56、my basement with I just cant believe all the things that she accomplished even when she was just home. Its completely overwhelming.L-B-L.1 Script2第三十五页,共145页。L-B-L.1 Script3J: How old are you?M: Im thirty-four. Shes thirty-six.J:Children?M: Two teenage girls.J: Right.M: Lucky us. And its a handful.

57、And then, of course, after youre laid off and everything goes from bad to worse the washing machine breaks. The dryers fine, so I only have to waste an hour going to the laundromat to wash and then come back and dry, and you know its just one thing after another. And I tell her about how my day went

58、 after she comes home, 第三十六页,共145页。M: and she says, “Honey, remember when the washer broke before, when you were working?” And its a real trip, and I really underestimated I dont know if underestimated is the word I really took for granted all the things that were done around here and J: Are you wor

59、king yourself now?M: No, this is just it. Two weeks after she got a job, I was laid off, and now Im home, and I dont know how she got it all done when she was working. She was working and doing the housework and the laundry and doing this and taking the kids here and taking the kids there, and it ju

60、st never ever ends.L-B-L.1 Script4第三十七页,共145页。L-B-L.1 Script5S: Right. And thats why they are so stressed. And thats why so many people have answeredJerrys questions saying their sex life is nonexistent or we wont ask you.M: Well, it is right now.S: Because most men have no idea of how much there is

61、 to do, and the women up to now have been afraid they dont want to rock the boat. They think its going to be a hassle, but they havent felt entitled, and the more they understand that their job is doing for their man, they will feel more entitled.For example, a man who is laid off, as you are, has第三

62、十八页,共145页。L-B-L.1 Script6S: the time when theres another paycheck coming in he has the time to look for an appropriate job. When a man is the sole support and he has to put the bread on the table this week, he has to take any kind of job he could possibly get, and so her paycheck saves him from that

63、 nicer things. When men come home now and tell their wives about their day, the woman is out there in the world, too. She really can understand. They are more teammates. The marriage has more support going when they are both supporting the family and both taking care of it.第三十九页,共145页。L-B-L.2 Script

64、1J: And now some final calls for Shirley Sloan Fader and “Wait a minute. You cant have it all,” she says to working women. Hello.M: Hi, Jerry.J: Yes, sir.M: Jerry, Im calling from Northbridge, and Shirley, hi, how are you?S: Hi.M: This is just one of those days where all day Ive been getting what I

65、need. I turn on the radio after Im done doing my housework, and I got what I needed inHusbands and Wives: A Caller from Northbridge第四十页,共145页。M: the last ten minutes Ive listened. I will never, ever subject my wife to what shes been doing since weve been married for the last eight years.During the l

66、ast year of our marriage, I was the sole worker. She was home due to, you know, unemployment. Two weeks after she started a job, I was laid off. And I just cant believe it she would come home and do this and then “Honey, honey let me do it. Let me do it.” And now Im sitting in a little office that I

67、 had to create in my basement with I just cant believe all the things that she accomplished even when she was just home. Its completely overwhelming.L-B-L.2 Script2第四十一页,共145页。L-B-L.2 Script3J:How old are you?M: Im thirty-four. Shes thirty-six.J: Children?M: Two teenage girls.J:Right.M: Lucky us. An

68、d its a handful. And then, of course, after youre laid off and everything goes from bad to worse the washing machine breaks. The dryers fine, so I only have to waste an hour going to the laundromat to wash and then come back and dry, and you know its just one thing after another. And I tell her abou

69、t how my day went after she comes home, 第四十二页,共145页。M: and she says, “Honey, remember when the washer broke before, when you were working?” And its a real trip, and I really underestimated I dont know if underestimated is the word I really took for granted all the things that were done around here a

70、nd J: Are you working yourself now?M: No, this is just it. Two weeks after she got a job, I was laid off, and now Im home, and I dont know how she got it all done when she was working. She was working and doing the housework and the laundry and doing this and taking the kids here and taking the kids

71、 there, and it just never ever ends.L-B-L.2 Script4第四十三页,共145页。L-B-L.2 Script5S:Right. And thats why they are so stressed. And thats why so many people have answeredJerrys questions saying their sex life is nonexistent or we wont ask you.M: Well, it is right now.S: Because most men have no idea of h

72、ow much there is to do, and the women up to now have been afraid they dont want to rock the boat. They think its going to be a hassle, but they havent felt entitled, and the more they understand that their job is doing for their man, they will feel more entitled.For example, a man who is laid off, a

73、s you are, has第四十四页,共145页。L-B-L.2 Script6S: the time when theres another paycheck coming in he has the time to look for an appropriate job. When a man is the sole support and he has to put the bread on the table this week, he has to take any kind of job he could possibly get, and so her paycheck sav

74、es him from that nicer things. When men come home now and tell their wives about their day, the woman is out there in the world, too. She really can understand. They are more teammates. The marriage has more support going when they are both supporting the family and both taking care of it.第四十五页,共145

75、页。Part B- Pair Work1Form pairs and answer the following questions. After a brief discussion, some students will be invited to present their ideas in front of the class. Think about the relationship between husbands and wives as you consider the following married couple. The wife, Mary, does not work

76、 outside the home. Mary and her husband, Peter, have two children, a four-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl. Make a list of all the things that Mary must do during the week so that the home can run smoothly and efficiently.Pair Work第四十六页,共145页。Part B- Pair Work2Pair Work Peter leaves the house e

77、ach morning for work at 7:30 a.m. and he returns from work at about 6:00 p.m. Do you think that he should help Mary with any of the housework? Explain your answer. Make a list of all the things that you think Peter could do if he and Mary decided that he should help to make the home run smoothly and

78、 efficiently. Now think about this: Peter loses his job. Mary then finds a good job outside the home. Describe one of Peters typical days after he has become a househusband. What, if anything, do you think he is going to learn?第四十七页,共145页。Part B- Pair Work3Pair Work In general, do you think that it

79、is a good thing for both a husband and wife to work outside the home? Why or why not? Would your answer be the same if the couple had one or more children under the age of five?1. A list of all the things that Mary must do during the week.2. Do you think that Peter should help Mary with any of the h

80、ousework? Explain your answer. 第四十八页,共145页。3. Make a list of all the things that you think Peter could do.4. Describe one of Peters typical days after he has become a househusband. What, if anything, do you think he is going to learn?5. In general, do you think that it is a good thing for both a hus

81、band and a wife to work outside the home? Why or why not? Would your answer be the same if the couple had one or more children under the age of five?Part B- Pair Work4Pair Work第四十九页,共145页。Part B- Pair Work R11. Making meals for the family.Taking care of the kids.Doing the washing.Doing the cleaning.

82、Pair Work第五十页,共145页。Part B- Pair Work R22. Peter should lend a hand to the housework. As a member of the family, undoubtedly he should share some of the housework.Pair Work第五十一页,共145页。Part B- Pair Work R33. Doing some shopping on his way home.Taking care of the kids.Pair Work第五十二页,共145页。Part B- Pair

83、 Work R44. He will be at a loss for all the trivial things from receiving the parcel to preparing the kids to school. Being a full-time househusband requires patience. He has to learn to be patient and to deal with things calmly.Pair Work第五十三页,共145页。Part B- Pair Work R5.15. Mothers increasing labor

84、market participation is posed as a key aspect of a growing trend towards individualization both for ill and for good. In “for ill” versions, mothers employment is regarded as undermining commitment to family relationships and leading to a loss of community. In “for good” versions, family and communi

85、ty relationships become contingent upon values of equality and respect.Pair Work第五十四页,共145页。Part B- Pair Work R5.2Pair Work However, it may not be easy for a family to stay in good order if both husband and wife work outside. No one would willingly clean the dirty floor or wash the dirty clothes. I

86、hope one of the couple can sacrifice for the family especially when they have kids under the age of five.第五十五页,共145页。Before ReadingWatch a video clip from The Simpson and answer the following questions: Does love conflict with family responsibility?Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第五十六页,共1

87、45页。R-A-1.1Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第五十七页,共145页。R-A-1.2Marge: Hmm. I get the feeling theres something you havent told me, Homer.Homer: Huh? Oh. I love you, Marge.Marge: You tell me that all the time.Homer: Oh, good, because I do love you. I dont deserve you as much as a guy with a

88、fat wallet . and a credit card that wont set off that horrible beeping.Marge: I think it does have something to do with your Christmas bonus. I keep asking for it, but Homer: Marge, um, let me be honest with you.Marge: Yes?Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第五十八页,共145页。R-A-1.3Before ReadingD

89、etailed ReadingAfter ReadingHomer: Well, I would I I want to do the Christmas shopping this year.Marge: Uh, sure, okay.第五十九页,共145页。R-B-T1His Politeness Is Her PowerlessnessDeborah Tannen There are many different kinds of evidence that women and men are judged differently even if they talk the same w

90、ay. This tendency makes mischief in discussions of women, men and power. If a linguistic strategy is used by a woman, it is seen as powerless; if it is used by a man, it is seen as powerful. Often, the labeling of “womens language” as “powerless language” reflects the view of womens behavior through

91、 the lens of mens.Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第六十页,共145页。R-B-T2 Because they are not struggling to be one-up, women often find themselves framed as one-down. Any situation is ripe for misinterpretation. This ambiguity accounts for much misinterpretation by experts as well as nonexpert

92、s, by which womens ways of thinking, uttered in a spirit of rapport, are branded powerless. Nowhere is this inherent ambiguity clearer than in a brief comment in a newspaper article in which a couple, both psychologists, were jointly interviewed. The journalist asked them the meaning of “being very

93、polite.” The two experts responded simultaneously, giving different answers. The man said, “Subservience.” The woman said, “Sensitivity.”Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第六十一页,共145页。R-B-T3Both experts were right, but each was describing the view of a different gender. Experts and nonexpert

94、s alike tend to see anything women do as evidence of powerlessness. The same newspaper article quotes another psychologist as saying, “A man might ask a woman, Will you please go to the store? where a woman might say, Gee, I really need a few things from the store, but Im so tired.” The womans style

95、 is called “covert,” a term suggesting negative qualities like being “sneaky” and “underhanded.” The reason offered for this is power. The woman doesnt feel she has the right to ask directly.Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第六十二页,共145页。 Granted, women have lower status than men in our Amer

96、ican society. But this is not necessarily why they prefer not to make outright demands. The explanation for a womans indirectness could just as well be her seeking connection. If you get your way as a result of having demanded it, the payoff is satisfying in terms of status: Youre one-up because oth

97、ers are doing as you told them. But if you get your way because others happened to want the same thing, or because they offered freely, the payoff is rapport. Youre neither one-up nor one-down by being happily connected to others whose wants are the same as yours. R-B-T4Before ReadingDetailed Readin

98、gAfter Reading第六十三页,共145页。R-B-T5Furthermore, if indirectness is understood by both parties, then there is nothing covert about it: That a request is being made is clear. Calling an indirect communication covert reflects the view of someone for whom the direct style seems “natural” and “logical” a vi

99、ew more common among men.Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第六十四页,共145页。 Indirectness itself does not reflect powerlessness. Its easy to think of situations where indirectness is the prerogative of others in power. For example, a wealthy couple who knows that their servants will do their bid

100、ding need not give direct orders, but simply state wishes: The woman of the house says, “Its chilly in here,” and the servant sets about raising the temperature. The man of the house says, “Its dinner time,” and the servant sees about having dinner served. Perhaps the ultimate indirectness is gettin

101、g someone to do something without saying anything at all: The hostess rings a bell and a maid brings the next course; R-B-T6Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第六十五页,共145页。R-B-T7or a parent enters the room where children are misbehaving and stands with hands on hips, and the children immediat

102、ely stop what theyre doing. Entire cultures operate on elaborate systems of indirectness. For example, I discovered in a small research project that most Greeks assumed a wife who asked, “Would you like to go to the party?” was hinting that she wanted to go. They felt that she wouldnt bring it up if

103、 she didnt want to go. Furthermore, they felt, she would not state here preference outright because that would sound like a demand. Indirectness was the appropriate means for communicating her preference.Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第六十六页,共145页。R-B-T8 Japanese culture has developed ind

104、irectness to a fine art. For example, a Japanese anthropologist, Harumi Befu, explains the delicate exchange of tended the invitation, Befu first had to determine whether it was meant literally or just pro forma, much as an American might say, “Well have to have you over for dinner some time” but wo

105、uld not expect you to turn up at the door. Having decided the invitation was meant literally and having accepted, Befu was then asked what he would like to eat. Following custom, he said anything would do, but his friend, also following custom, Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第六十七页,共145页。

106、pressed him to specify. Host and guest repeated this exchange an appropriate number of times, until Befu deemed it polite to answer the question politely by saying tea over rice as the last course of a sumptuous meal. Befu was not surprised by the feast because he knew that protocol required it. Had

107、R-B-T9 Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Readinghe been given what he asked for, he would have been insulted. But protocol also required that he make a great show of being surprised.第六十八页,共145页。R-B-T10 This account of mutual indirectness in a lunch invitation may strike Americans as excessive. But

108、 far more cultures in the world use elaborate systems of indirectness than value directness. Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingOnly modern Western societies place a priority on direct communication, and even for us it is more a value than a practice.第六十九页,共145页。 Evidence from other cultures

109、 also makes it clear that indirectness does not itself reflect low status. Rather, our assumptions about the status of women compel us to interpret anything they do as reflecting low status. Anthropologist Elinor Keenan, for example, found that in a Malagasy-speaking village on the island of Madagas

110、car, it is women who are direct and men who are indirect. And the villagers see the mens indirect way of speaking, using metaphors and proverbs, as the better way. For them, indirectness, like the men who use it, has high status. They regard womens direct style as clumsy and crude, debasing the beau

111、tiful subtlety of mens language. R-B-T11Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第七十页,共145页。R-B-T12Whether women or men are direct or indirect differs; what remains constant is that womens style is negatively valuated seen as lower in status than the mens.Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Readin

112、g第七十一页,共145页。R-B-T1- make mischief make mischief: cause problems or confusion 引起(ynq)麻烦或者混乱She was always making mischief between them.她老是在他们她老是在他们(t men)之间拨弄是非。之间拨弄是非。e.g.第七十二页,共145页。R-B-T2- ambiguity ambiguity: n. presence of more than one meaning 不止一种(y zhn)意思,歧义;模棱两可She was quick to notice the a

113、mbiguity in the article.她很快就察觉出了文中的那些模棱两可她很快就察觉出了文中的那些模棱两可(m lng ling k)的意思。的意思。e.g.第七十三页,共145页。R-B-T2- rapport rapport: n. sympathetic and harmonious relationship 关系(gun x)The actor developed a close rapport with his audience.该演员与观众该演员与观众(gunzhng)建立了密切的关系。建立了密切的关系。e.g.第七十四页,共145页。R-B-T6- set about

114、set about: start doing 开始(kish),着手He was overlooked when they set about choosing a new manager. 选新经理选新经理(jngl)时没有考虑他。时没有考虑他。e.g.第七十五页,共145页。R-B-T3- gee gee: interj. used to express surprise, admiration, etc. 哎呀(iy)Gee, I can hardly wait till its dark.哎呀,我简直等不到哎呀,我简直等不到(b do)天黑了。天黑了。e.g.第七十六页,共145页。R

115、-B-T3- covert covert: a. concealed; not opened; secret 隐蔽的,不公开(gngki)的,秘密的I propose holding a lively face-to-face debate and avoid any covert politics.我我建建议议进进行行活活跃跃的的面面对对面面的的辩辩论论,避避免免(bmin)任任何何隐秘的政治花样。隐秘的政治花样。e.g.第七十七页,共145页。R-B-T3- sneaky sneaky: a. done or acting in a secret or deceptive way 鬼鬼祟祟

116、(gu gu su su)的,偷偷摸摸的I took a sneaky glance at my watch.我偷偷瞄了一眼我偷偷瞄了一眼(y yn)我的手表。我的手表。e.g.第七十八页,共145页。R-B-T7- elaborate elaborate: a. very detailed and complicated 详尽(xingjn)而复杂的What youve told me of your plan sounds most interesting; would you care to elaborate?你给我讲的这个计划你给我讲的这个计划(jhu)很有意思,你能详细地谈一很有意

117、思,你能详细地谈一谈吗?谈吗?e.g.第七十九页,共145页。R-B-T8- literally literally: ad. in a literal manner; exactly 按照字面(zmin)意思;精确地Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language. 习语通常习语通常(tngchng)不能照字面译成另一种语言。不能照字面译成另一种语言。e.g.第八十页,共145页。R-B-T9- deem deem: v. consider 认为(rnwi)He deems it his duty to hel

118、p his needy friends.他认为帮助他认为帮助(bngzh)穷朋友是他的义务。穷朋友是他的义务。e.g.第八十一页,共145页。R-B-T11- crude crude: a. not showing taste or refinement 粗俗(c s)的,粗鲁的Its crude to spit on the ground.随地吐痰这种做法随地吐痰这种做法(zuf)很粗俗。很粗俗。e.g.第八十二页,共145页。R-B-T2- This ambiguity accounts1 This ambiguity accounts for much misinterpretation

119、 by experts as well as nonexperts, by which womens ways of thinking, uttered in a spirit of rapport, are branded powerless. “by which womens ways of thinking, uttered in a spirit of rapport, are branded powerless”是定语从句,是定语从句,用来修饰用来修饰 nonexperts。其中,定语从句的主干部分。其中,定语从句的主干部分(b fen)为为womens ways of thinki

120、ng are branded powerless. 而而“uttered in a spirit of rapport”为过去为过去分词短语,充当分词短语,充当 thinking 的定语,此处为省略了的定的定语,此处为省略了的定语从句。语从句。第八十三页,共145页。R-B-T2- This ambiguity accounts12The ambiguity contributes to the reason why experts as well as non-experts misunderstand womens utterance, whose original purpose is

121、to be in good rapport with the one she talks to, instead of being powerless.Part A第八十四页,共145页。R-B-T2- Nowhere is thisNowhere is this inherent ambiguity clearer than in a brief comment in a newspaper article in which a couple, both psychologists, were jointly interviewed. nowhere 是表示否定的副词(fc)。这里将其提前,

122、使句子使用倒装语序,句子的正常语序应为 This inherent ambiguity is nowhere clearer than .。A brief comment in a newspaper article about an interview conducted to a couple can best describe this inherent ambiguity.第八十五页,共145页。R-B-T8- Having decided the Having decided the invitation was meant literally and having accepted

123、, Befu was then asked what he would like to eat.该句中的该句中的“having decided”和和“having accepted”是现在分词充当状语的情况,这里相当于是现在分词充当状语的情况,这里相当于after引导引导的时间的时间(shjin)状语从句。状语从句。Befu was asked what he would prefer to eat after he found out that it was a real invitation and accepted it.第八十六页,共145页。R-B-T9- Had he been H

124、ad he been given what he asked for, he would have been insulted. 这句话是这句话是 if 引导的条件引导的条件(tiojin)状语从句的倒装句。状语从句的倒装句。正常语序为正常语序为 if he had been given what he asked for, he would have been insulted.He who had been given what he wanted would feel unhappy.第八十七页,共145页。在在“more . than .”中,肯定中,肯定“more”后面的而否后面的而

125、否定定(fudng)“than”后面的,约等于后面的,约等于“是是而不而不是是”,如:,如:1) The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real.2) This book seems to be more a manual than a text.3) Catherine is more diligent than intelligent.4) Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than fri

126、ghtened.R-B-T10- Only modern Western1Only modern Western societies place a priority on direct communication, and even for us it is more a value than a practice.第八十八页,共145页。R-B-T10- Only modern Western2It is only the modern western world that attaches great importance to direct communication, which,

127、even for us, seems to be a value but not a practice.Part A第八十九页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T1他这样说是彬彬有礼,她这样说是低微无能他这样说是彬彬有礼,她这样说是低微无能黛博拉黛博拉塔嫩塔嫩 各种各样的证据表明:即使女性和男性说话方式相同,人们对他们各种各样的证据表明:即使女性和男性说话方式相同,人们对他们的看法还是的看法还是(hi shi)(hi shi)不同。这种倾向导致有关女性、男性和有无能耐的不同。这种倾向导致有关女性、男性和有无能耐的讨论纷争不断。女性说话讲究方式方法被认为是低微无能,而换成男性讨论纷争不断。女性说话讲

128、究方式方法被认为是低微无能,而换成男性则被认为是有能力的表现。视女性的语言为低微无能者的语言常常反映则被认为是有能力的表现。视女性的语言为低微无能者的语言常常反映出男性看女性行为的视觉角度。出男性看女性行为的视觉角度。第九十页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T2 女性不为高人一等而拼搏,往往就被认为是低人一等。在女性不为高人一等而拼搏,往往就被认为是低人一等。在任何情况下都极易发生误会。这也说明了为什么专家和非专家任何情况下都极易发生误会。这也说明了为什么专家和非专家常常把女性以友善语言表述出来的思维方式曲解成低微无能的常常把女性以友善语言表述出来的思维方式曲解成低微无能的表现。没有什么能比一家

129、表现。没有什么能比一家(y ji)(y ji)报社刊登的采访片段更能清报社刊登的采访片段更能清楚地说明这种根深蒂固的歧义。采访对象是一对心理学家夫妇,楚地说明这种根深蒂固的歧义。采访对象是一对心理学家夫妇,当记者问他们当记者问他们“表现得非常有礼貌表现得非常有礼貌”的含义时,这两位专家同的含义时,这两位专家同时给出不同的答案。男性回答说:时给出不同的答案。男性回答说:“服从。服从。”女性回答说:女性回答说:“敏感。敏感。”第九十一页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T3两位专家都是正确的,只不过每个人描述的是不同性别的观点。两位专家都是正确的,只不过每个人描述的是不同性别的观点。 专家和非专家都习

130、惯把女性的任何行为看为低微无能的表现。专家和非专家都习惯把女性的任何行为看为低微无能的表现。以上同一篇报刊文章援引另一位心理学家的话说:以上同一篇报刊文章援引另一位心理学家的话说:“一个一个(y )男男人会这样问一个人会这样问一个(y )女人:女人:请你去一趟商店好吗请你去一趟商店好吗?同样的情同样的情况下女人会说:况下女人会说:哎,我真的需要从商店买点东西,但是我实在太哎,我真的需要从商店买点东西,但是我实在太累了。累了。” 女性的这种表达方式被称为女性的这种表达方式被称为“隐蔽的隐蔽的”,该词含有,该词含有“鬼鬼祟祟”和和“秘密秘密”等贬义,而这样表述的原因归咎于一个等贬义,而这样表述的原

131、因归咎于一个(y )“权权”字,女人觉得她没有权利直接提出要求。字,女人觉得她没有权利直接提出要求。第九十二页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T4 的确,在我们(美国)社会里,女性的地位比男性低,但的确,在我们(美国)社会里,女性的地位比男性低,但这不等于说他们不愿意提出直截了当的要求。女性的这种间接方这不等于说他们不愿意提出直截了当的要求。女性的这种间接方式很可能是因为她们在努力寻找某种关系。如果愿望在自己的要式很可能是因为她们在努力寻找某种关系。如果愿望在自己的要求下得到满足,结果就是社会地位的胜利:你高人一等,因为别求下得到满足,结果就是社会地位的胜利:你高人一等,因为别人按你的意志行事。

132、而如果你的愿望得到满足是因为他人的愿望人按你的意志行事。而如果你的愿望得到满足是因为他人的愿望恰好和你的一致,或者是因为对方心甘情愿,结果就是融洽和谐。恰好和你的一致,或者是因为对方心甘情愿,结果就是融洽和谐。当你和对方需求当你和对方需求(xqi)一致而一拍即合时,你既不高人一等,一致而一拍即合时,你既不高人一等,也不低人一等。也不低人一等。第九十三页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T5而且如果双方都了解这种间接方式,那就根本不存在什么隐蔽:而且如果双方都了解这种间接方式,那就根本不存在什么隐蔽:提出的要求很明确。称间接的沟通方式为隐蔽反映出那些青睐提出的要求很明确。称间接的沟通方式为隐蔽反映出

133、那些青睐(qngli)直接沟通方式的人的观点,即直接的方式才是直接沟通方式的人的观点,即直接的方式才是“自然自然的的”、“合乎逻辑的合乎逻辑的”,这种观点在男性中更普遍。,这种观点在男性中更普遍。第九十四页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T6 间接方式本身并不反映低微无能。我们不难想象出权势者中有特间接方式本身并不反映低微无能。我们不难想象出权势者中有特权的人是怎样使用间接方式的。例如,一对有钱的夫妇用不着直接向权的人是怎样使用间接方式的。例如,一对有钱的夫妇用不着直接向听命于他们听命于他们(t men)的佣人发号施令,而只须简单地说明其愿望,房的佣人发号施令,而只须简单地说明其愿望,房子的女主

134、人说:子的女主人说:“这儿冷,这儿冷,”佣人会去调高室温;房子的男主人说:佣人会去调高室温;房子的男主人说:“是晚饭时间了,是晚饭时间了,”佣人就会摆桌上菜。或许终极的间接是什么都不佣人就会摆桌上菜。或许终极的间接是什么都不用说就能使某人做某事;女主人按一下铃,女仆端上下一道菜;用说就能使某人做某事;女主人按一下铃,女仆端上下一道菜;第九十五页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T7家长走近有孩子正在嬉闹的房间,双手叉腰一站,他们就会戛然而家长走近有孩子正在嬉闹的房间,双手叉腰一站,他们就会戛然而止。止。 所有文化都靠以所有文化都靠以“间接间接”二字所形成的复杂而精巧的体制去运二字所形成的复杂而精巧


136、145页。R-B-1.2 T8 日本文化把间接沟通方式发展成精美的艺术。例如,一位名叫别日本文化把间接沟通方式发展成精美的艺术。例如,一位名叫别府春海的日本人类学家这样描述一次简单的午餐邀请所涉及的微妙的府春海的日本人类学家这样描述一次简单的午餐邀请所涉及的微妙的间接交流。当他的朋友发出邀请后,别府首先要弄清楚这个邀请是真间接交流。当他的朋友发出邀请后,别府首先要弄清楚这个邀请是真正的邀请,还是仅仅出于客套,就像美国人说正的邀请,还是仅仅出于客套,就像美国人说“哪天有空请你到我们哪天有空请你到我们家吃晚饭家吃晚饭”而他并不期望你会出现在他的家门口一样。别府在确定而他并不期望你会出现在他的家门口

137、一样。别府在确定(qudng)邀请是真实的并且接受以后,对方就得问他想吃什么;按邀请是真实的并且接受以后,对方就得问他想吃什么;按照习俗,他于是说吃什么都可以,而他的朋友也照例照习俗,他于是说吃什么都可以,而他的朋友也照例第九十七页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T9一定要他说得具体一些,这样的交流在主人和客人之间适当重一定要他说得具体一些,这样的交流在主人和客人之间适当重复了几次,直到别府觉得有礼貌复了几次,直到别府觉得有礼貌(lmo)地作出回答才是谦谦之地作出回答才是谦谦之举,于是说米饭和茶。当他就餐时,招待他的确实有米饭和茶举,于是说米饭和茶。当他就餐时,招待他的确实有米饭和茶只不过这是一

138、顿丰盛午餐的最后一个程序。别府对饭菜之只不过这是一顿丰盛午餐的最后一个程序。别府对饭菜之丰盛并不感到惊讶,因为他知道按礼节就是这样。如果对方按丰盛并不感到惊讶,因为他知道按礼节就是这样。如果对方按照他的提议款待他,他就等于受到了侮辱,当然礼节也要求他照他的提议款待他,他就等于受到了侮辱,当然礼节也要求他做出受宠若惊的样子。做出受宠若惊的样子。第九十八页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T10 以上描述的有关午餐邀请时双方所进行的间接交流在美国以上描述的有关午餐邀请时双方所进行的间接交流在美国人看来是过分了,然而相比直接的沟通方式,世界上更多的文化人看来是过分了,然而相比直接的沟通方式,世界上更多的

139、文化崇尚崇尚(chngshng)细腻的间接沟通方式。唯有现代西方社会推崇细腻的间接沟通方式。唯有现代西方社会推崇直接沟通方式,而且即使对我们(美国人)来讲,这种方式更是直接沟通方式,而且即使对我们(美国人)来讲,这种方式更是一种价值观,而不是实践。一种价值观,而不是实践。第九十九页,共145页。R-B-1.2 T11 其他文化现象也清楚地表明间接本身并不能反映地位低下。在一定其他文化现象也清楚地表明间接本身并不能反映地位低下。在一定程度上,是我们对女性地位的设定使我们把女性的所有行为程度上,是我们对女性地位的设定使我们把女性的所有行为(xngwi)解解释成为地位低下的表现。例如,人类学家埃莉诺


141、R-B-1.2 T12关于男性或女性谁直接谁间接在不同地域有不同情况,不变的关于男性或女性谁直接谁间接在不同地域有不同情况,不变的是女性风格是女性风格(fngg)总遭人贬低,其地位被视为低于男性。总遭人贬低,其地位被视为低于男性。第一百零一页,共145页。R-C-R1Choose the best answer to each question below. 1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Compared with women, men are more eager to achieve the up

142、per hand.B. Compared with men, women are more talkative. C. Men are more independent than women.D. Women are more easily hurt than men.Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第一百零二页,共145页。R-C-R22. What can we learn about women from their indir

143、ect style of speech?A. They do not like to think in terms of closeness and support.B. They formulate their requests as proposals rather than orders.C. They feel manipulated in exchanges with men. D. They are simply powerless.Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetaile

144、d ReadingAfter Reading第一百零三页,共145页。R-C-R33. From the mans answer to the journalists question about the meaning of “being very polite” we can tell that _.A. men live in a hierarchical worldB. men try to seek connectionC. men consider themselves one-upD. men often misinterpretVocabulary DevelopmentRea

145、ding ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第一百零四页,共145页。R-C-R44. Based on what you know about womens conversational style, what do you think a woman means when she says to her husband “Would you like to stop for a coffee?”A. She wants to know if her husband wants to stop

146、 for some coffee.B. She wants to stop for a cup of coffee.C. She is just being polite.D. She is asking the question to get an instant decision.Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第一百零五页,共145页。5. What can we infer from the passage about the

147、 authors idea?A. Communication between women and men is complicated.B. Men and women do not like to exchange ideas because of their different styles of speech.C. It is more difficult to communicate with someone from a different culture than with someone of the opposite sex.D. Directness is more appr

148、eciated than indirectness in most countries around the world.R-C-R5Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第一百零六页,共145页。 pro forma A. quality of being delicate prerogativeB. presence of more than one meaning subservience C. sympathetic and har

149、monious relationship subtletyD. concealed; not open; secret ambiguity E. a special right, esp. belonging to a particular person or group rapportF. as a matter of convention covertG. obedience; submissivenessR-C-V1.1A. Match the following expressions used in the passage to their meaning. Put the lett

150、er of your choice in the bracket.Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingF( )E( )G( )A( )B( )C( )D( )第一百零七页,共145页。R-C-V1.2Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading misinterpretationH. exp

151、ensive and splendid sumptuous I. wrong inference metaphor J. a word or phrase used to indicate sth. different from the literal meaningI( )H( )J( )第一百零八页,共145页。R-C-V2.1B. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each of the following sentences.Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslation

152、Before ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading1. Heavy smokers are twenty times more likely to be _ by lung cancer than non-smokers.A. attackedB. grippedC. ravagedD. stricken第一百零九页,共145页。R-C-V2.2Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading2. Most Sta

153、tes emphasized eradication of violence, particularly domestic violence, as a national _ area in national crime prevention strategies.A. prerequisiteB. requirementC. dominanceD. priority第一百一十页,共145页。3. Some activists in the Womens Movement call themselves feminists, while others who resist political

154、activism choose not to _ themselves “feminists” because they feel that the U.S. media often portrays feminists as people who are anti-men.A. rankB. labelC. brandD. claimR-C-V2.3Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第一百一十一页,共145页。R-C-V2.4Voca

155、bulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading4. Women _ 10.5 percent of cabinet, ministerial and sub-ministerial offices in Commonwealth countries.A. accounted forB. made up forC. consisted ofD. comprised of第一百一十二页,共145页。R-C-V2.5Vocabulary DevelopmentR

156、eading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading5. If he still hesitated it was because he didnt want to yield to the other mans pressure, to Alecs gift for _.A. making his wayB. getting his wayC. going his wayD. paying his way第一百一十三页,共145页。R-C-V2.6Vocabulary DevelopmentRea

157、ding ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading6. He had never in the past hesitated to _ if it served his curiosity.A. make believeB. make a show of himselfC. make mischiefD. make fun of himself第一百一十四页,共145页。R-C-V2.7Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefo

158、re ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading7. In court, the accused man claimed that he was innocent, saying that he had been _.A. betrayedB. framedC. deceivedD. defrauded第一百一十五页,共145页。R-C-V2.8Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading8. More and mo

159、re athletes play games just for money. Sport is being _ by commercialism.A. debasedB. debilitatedC. degeneratedD. decayed第一百一十六页,共145页。R-C-V2.9Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading9. Damaging the production machinery is an _ attempt to slow

160、 down our output.A. undermannedB. underminedC. undergroundD. underhanded第一百一十七页,共145页。R-C-V2.10Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading10. With an air of authority, as if every jug and bottle in the place existed to _, the landlord gave Harold

161、 his drink.A. do his biddingB. do his bestC. do his jobD. do his duty第一百一十八页,共145页。这种歧义的存在解释了为什么专家和非专家常常这种歧义的存在解释了为什么专家和非专家常常(chngchng)把女性以友善语言表述出来的思维方式曲解把女性以友善语言表述出来的思维方式曲解为无能的表现。为无能的表现。R-C-T1.1A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 视视“女性的语言女性的语言”为为“低微低微(dwi)无能者的语言无能者的语言”反反映出男性看女性行为的角度。

162、映出男性看女性行为的角度。1. The labeling of “womens language” as “powerless language” reflects the view of womens behavior through the lens of mens.2. This ambiguity accounts for much misinterpretation by experts as well as nonexperts, by which womens ways of thinking, uttered in a spirit of rapport, are brande

163、d powerless.Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第一百一十九页,共145页。R-C-T1.2一篇报刊文章里的简评最能清楚地让我们看到这种固有歧一篇报刊文章里的简评最能清楚地让我们看到这种固有歧义义(qy)的存在。的存在。3. Nowhere is this inherent ambiguity clearer than in a brief comment in a newspaper article.关于关于(guny)男性

164、或女性谁直接谁间接在不同地域有不男性或女性谁直接谁间接在不同地域有不同情况,不变的是女性风格总被人贬低,其地位被视为同情况,不变的是女性风格总被人贬低,其地位被视为低于男性。低于男性。4. Whether women or men are direct or indirect differs; what remains constant is that the womens style is negatively valuated seen as lower in status than the mens.Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionT

165、ranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第一百二十页,共145页。R-C-T2.1Since women often think in terms of closeness and support, they struggle to preserve intimacy.1. 因为女性常常从亲近和支持的角度(jiod)思考,所以她们极力保持亲密关系。(in terms of)B. Translate the following sentences into English.Vocabulary DevelopmentReading

166、 ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingDont let her make mischief between you she is only jealous.2. 别让她在你们之间挑拨她就是(jish)太忌妒了。(make mischief)第一百二十一页,共145页。There is a considerable measure of opposition both locally and in the media against the governments plan to build ano

167、ther nuclear power plant. But the government will get its way in the end.R-C-T2.2Sexual harassment is an issue that frequently arises in the U.S. and that may strike you as peculiar, in part because your country may not have similar laws.3. 在美国,性骚扰是一个频繁出现、或许是让你觉得特别的问题,部分原因是由于在你的国家可能(knng)没有类似的法律。(st

168、rike)4. 地方和媒体都大力反对政府修建另一座核电厂的计划。不过政府最终会达到(d do)它的目的。(get ones way)Vocabulary DevelopmentReading ComprehensionTranslationBefore ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading第一百二十二页,共145页。W-A-I Tables, bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts are the most common devices for representing statistical information

169、in visual ways. To extract information from them, you should answer the following three questions:Writing SkillsIntroductionHow to Write about GraphsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百二十三页,共145页。W-A-I1.11. What is this table or graph about? To find out what a table or graph represen

170、ts, read the title. It will usually tell you the subject and the kinds of information contained in the table or graph. In many cases, the period of time covered by the table or graph will appear in its title; if this information is not there, it will certainly appear in the notes below the graph. Th

171、e notes also let you know where the numbers come from. When you see a table or graph, look at the “labels” on the horizontal and vertical lines these areWriting SkillsIntroductionWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百二十四页,共145页。W-A-I1.2Writing SkillsIntroductionWriting Practicecalled t

172、he X axis and Y axis respectively. They will tell you what categories of information are being compared (X axis) and what measure is being used to compare them (Y axis). Next, look for the “legend” it tells you what the various colors, patterns, or symbols in the graph represent. Once you figure out

173、 the above, you are ready for written description. The following expressions are good starters for the first paragraph of your graph description:The table/chart/diagram/graph shows (that) TableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百二十五页,共145页。W-A-I1.3IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeThe table shows

174、 the changes in the number of . over the period from . to . The bar chart illustrates .The graph features The graph provides some interesting data regarding . This is a line graph, which describes the trend of .TableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百二十六页,共145页。2. What does this table or graph say? Answ

175、ering this question is the first step in extracting useful information from a table or graph. Examine the information contained in the table or graph, and then summarize in a sentence or two the history or trend reflected in that information. For example, if a table contains Qingdao tourism figures

176、over a 10-year period, you can compare the annual figures and quickly see whether tourism has been increasing, remaining stable, or dropping. Words and expressions commonly used at this stage of description include:W-A-I2.1IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一

177、百二十七页,共145页。W-A-I2.2IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting Practiceaccording to the table/chart/diagram/graphas (is) shown in the table/chart/diagram/graphas can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph描述上升的词描述上升的词increase/raise/rise/goup/climb/boom/reachapeak/pickup描述下降的词描述下降的词decrease/godown/drop/fal

178、l/decline/slump/dip描述变化的词描述变化的词fluctuate/rebound/undulate/wave描述不变的词描述不变的词remain/stable/flat/constant/steadyTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百二十八页,共145页。W-A-I2.3IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting Practice描描述述变变化化大大的的程度形容词程度形容词substantial/steep/enormous/huge/sharp/dramatic/marked/significant/conside

179、rable描描述述变变化化速速度度的形容词的形容词slow/gradual/steady/sudden/swift/quick/rapid描描述述变变化化小小的的程度形容词程度形容词minimal/small/slight/moderateTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百二十九页,共145页。3. What does this table or graph mean? Make a judgment about the information contained in the table or graph. For instance, does the

180、information help you determine whether Qingdao is becoming more or less popular as a tourist destination? You can use the following expressions to begin your conclusive paragraph: We can see from the figures/statistics that It is clear from the figures/statistics that It is apparent from the figures

181、/statistics that From this graph, it can be generalized that Therefore, it can be concluded that W-A-I3IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十页,共145页。W-A-E1.1Example 1 Table A table is used to display a lot of significant numbers. Information is arranged in v

182、ertical columns and horizontal rows.Income Sources of College StudentsIntroductionTableWriting SkillsWriting PracticeExamineesAmericanStudentsChineseStudentsParents50%90%Part-timeJobs35%5%Scholarships15%5%Bar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十一页,共145页。 This table shows income sources of college students

183、in the United States and China. The figures are in percentage. As you can see from the table, the income of the American and the Chinese students mainly comes from three channels: parents, part-time jobs and scholarships. However, the percentage of each is quite different. Half of the American stude

184、nts income is from their parents, thirty-five percent from part-time jobs, and fifteen percent from scholarships. Chinese students, however, get ninety percent of their income from their parents. Only five percent comes from part-time jobs and scholarships respectively.W-A-E1.2IntroductionWriting Sk

185、illsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十二页,共145页。W-A-E1.3 Obviously, American students are more independent than Chinese students as they are taught to be independent at a very early age. Chinese students, on the other hand, are overprotected by their parents. They have been given

186、too much care and love, which prevents them from reaching out for themselves.IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十三页,共145页。W-A-E2.1Example 2 Bar Graph A bar graph is used to show relationships between groups. The two items being compared do not need to affe

187、ct each other. Its a fast way to show big differences.MPA Student Sources in SPA of Renmin University (20012003:GS)IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十四页,共145页。W-A-E2.2 This bar graph shows the number of government-sponsored MPA students in the School of P

188、ublic Administration of Renmin University over the last three years from 2001 to 2003. As you can see, MPA students sponsored by government are from three regions, namely, Henan, Shandong and Shanxi. Registered students from Henan were 49 in 2001, 50 in 2002 and 47 in 2003. So changes are small with

189、 regard to this group over the last three years. Turning to students from Shandong, we find the figure 34 in 2001, and in 2002, the number was almost doubled to settle around 67. In 2003, it fell to 42. The last group isIntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十

190、五页,共145页。W-A-E2.3students from Shanxi. As you can see, the number was cut down by half in 2003 compared with the number in 2001. It is clear that more persuasive work is necessary on Shanxi local government to promote in-house training for public servants.IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTa

191、bleBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十六页,共145页。W-A-E3.1Example 3 Line Graph A line graph is used to show continuing data; how one thing is affected by another. Its clear to see how things are going by the rises and falls a line graph shows.IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeSales Review of Prod

192、uct GETTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十七页,共145页。 This line graph shows the sales performance of product GET over the last six years. The product was launched in 1998 and as you can see, it reached its peak in 1999 to reach 440,000. Sales increased by 100,000 during the first year. The followin

193、g two years, it leveled off at around 410,000. Then in 2002 and 2003 it decreased to a figure of 330,000 by the end of 2003. Finally last year it fell to only 250,000 units. As you can see, sales performance of product GET keeps dropping. Perhaps it is time to launch a special promotion campaign or

194、figure out a new product development plan.W-A-E3.2IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十八页,共145页。W-A-E4.1Example 4 Pie Graph A pie (circle) graph is used to show how a part of something relates to the whole. This kind of graph is needed to show percentages e

195、ffectively.IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeHow People Find JobsTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百三十九页,共145页。W-A-E4.2 This is a pie graph showing how people in the United States find jobs. Each part of the circle represents the percentage of workers who find jobs using a certain source of

196、 information. The largest section is 63%. For every 100 jobs that people find, more than 60 come through information from people they know or by direct contact with employers. Moving to the right, in clockwise order, we find 14% of people find their jobs with the help of agencies. And an equal perce

197、ntage of people find jobs by answering want ads. The small section below is 9%. Nine percent of people find jobs using other approaches.IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百四十页,共145页。W-A-E4.3 The information contained in the graph is very useful to people who

198、 are looking or thinking about looking for a job. They should consider using personal contacts or contacting employers directly as people who use these two approaches are most successful in getting a job.IntroductionWriting SkillsWriting PracticeTableBar GraphLine GraphPie Graph第一百四十一页,共145页。W-B-1Ca

199、n you see a relationship between earning and learning? Between the salaries of women and men? Take a look at the median earnings of full-time workers aged 25 and older.Writing SkillsWriting Practice第一百四十二页,共145页。W-B-2Learning and EarningWriting SkillsWriting PracticeWomenMenHighschooldiploma$18,648$

200、26,766Associatedegree$24,849$32,349Bachelorsdegree$29,284$40,381Mastersdegree$35,018$47,260Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census第一百四十三页,共145页。W-B-3 This table features the relationship between learning and earning as well as salary differences between men and women belonging to the f

201、our categories listed in the table. First, for women who have a high school diploma, their average income is $18,648 a year while men with the same learning earn $26,766 a year. Next, women who graduate with an associate degree earn $24,849 a year on average while men with the same degree earn $32,3

202、49 a year. Then, women with a bachelors degree earn $29,284 a year and men with a bachelors degree earn $40,381 a year. Last, Writing SkillsWriting Practice第一百四十四页,共145页。W-B-4Writing SkillsWriting Practicewomen with a masters degree earn $35,018 a year while men with the same degree earn more: $47,2

203、60 a year on average. As we can see here, the more one learns, the more one earns. And this accounts for the fact that students all over the world are working hard for higher degrees. Another fact that cannot be ignored is sex discrimination in pay. With the same educational background, women are earning 30% less than men on average, which is a discouraging statistic.第一百四十五页,共145页。



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