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1、同等学历研究生英语概述同等学历研究生英语概述授课人:授课人:Leon研究生同等学历串讲课件同等学历研究生英语讲座同等学历研究生英语讲座英语学习2个纲领性问题1、词法 名形动副原则 2、句法 黄金谓语原则 (1)从句(定语从句、状语从句等) (2)非谓语(不定式、动名词、分词) 研究生同等学历串讲课件同等学历研究生英语同等学历研究生英语 分项概述(写作、阅读)一、写作(writing) 中西方语境的差异A.三大黄金原则 a.第一印象原则(First Impression) 例如:think可以替换为 reckon, assume, argue, hold b. 提纲原则 1)first, sec

2、ond, third, last 2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally 3)the first, the second, the third, the last研究生同等学历串讲课件 1)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally 2)to start with, next, in addition, finally 3)first and foremost, besides, last but not least 连词的重要性(承接因果转折递进) 例:枯藤老树昏鸦 Dead vine, old tree, dark

3、 crowC.语言闪光点原则 1).美文句式(6大句式与强悍句型) Nothing can be compared with i)定语从句 (限定性和非限定性)monk ii) 状语从句 (时间,原因,地点,条件,让步等)研究生同等学历串讲课件iii) 分词短语做定语或状语iv) 强调句v) 倒装句vi) 省略句(注:没有把握的句子千万不要乱写) 2).分割结构 Brother Ang is an ugly man Brother Ang is a man who is ugly. Brother Ang,who is ugly ,is a man.研究生同等学历串讲课件Writing peo

4、ple ,persons good bad many some a lot of think thing get many benefits in my opinion more and more helpful very sb take interest in / sb. be interested inindicate, suggest ,fear want. pay attention to remember be against , disagree with sth for example, for instance研究生同等学历串讲课件a.第一印象原第一印象原则;(first im

5、pression)people 、persons goodbad many、some a lot of very want sb take interest in 、sb be interested in search be against 、 disagree with sth think individuals、characters,positive、 favorable、 rosyunfavorable、negativea slice of, quiet a few , severalan army of, an ocean ofexceedingly,extremely, intens

6、ely desiresth appeals to sb、sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sbgooglefrown on sth harbor the idea that, take the attitude that、it is universally acknowledged that研究生同等学历串讲课件b.提纲原则1)first, second, third, last2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally3)the first, the second, the third, the last1)to b

7、egin with, then, furthermore, finally2)to start with, next, in addition, finally3)first and foremost, besides, last but not least Growing cities use more land. Over the years,Los Angeles hasbeen spreading out.The city has also been using land in newways.Much of the land is used for large roads calle

8、d freeways.The freeways connect the many communities that are part of LosAngeles.The city has grown higher.Office buildings, hotels andstores are now taller. Public places, such as sports stadiums,have grown bigger. They must fit the growing number of peoplethat Now live in the city. Today more than

9、7 million people live nLos Angeles. Growing city means more people, too.研究生同等学历串讲课件1)More land 2) Buildings Higher and Bigger 3)More People Malthus calculated that two parents would have four childre. The four children would marry. Each child would have four children. This would go on and on. In our

10、 country, most people Like boy babies. In this way, the population would grow very rapidly. In fact, he thought it would double every twenty-five years, if food was available.研究生同等学历串讲课件高分作文的标准:1. 宏观:结构分数(5-12-5)2.微观:词法(是否多样性、具体性词语) 句法(被动句、插入语、从句等) 3. 美观:书写eg: A well-balanced life A well-balanced li

11、fe is necessary to live in todays world. Without a well-balanced life a person can neither function properly nor develop into a well-rounded individual; without some sort of balance in life people tend to be unfulfilled and unhappy.研究生同等学历串讲课件二、Traditional ReadingA、阅读思维定式(善待真题)B、词汇=阅读能力?!C 、阅读的习惯(先看

12、什么?)D、阅读的分类Reading ComprehensionMethod for ReadingI. 1:4:3II. 阅读是点对点的出题,而不是点对面的出题。III. 如何寻找题点IV. 题型归类。V. 如何寻找文点即十大出题点。VI. 去伪存真。VII. 有理有节,步步为营研究生同等学历串讲课件52. Why do Americans feel humiliated?A) Their economy is plunging B) They cant afford trips to EuropeC) Their currency has slumped. D) They have los

13、t half of their assets. The weak dollar is a source of humiliation(屈辱), for a nations self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency53.How does the current dollar affect the life of ordinary Americans?A)They have to cancel their vacations in New EnglandB)They find it unaffordable to dine

14、in mom-and-pop restaurantsC)They have to spend more money when buying imported goods.D)They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problemsIts also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates研究生同等学历串讲

15、课件54 How do many Europeans feel about the U.S with the devalued dollar?A)They feel contemptuous of itB)They are sympathetic with itC)They regard it as a superpower on the declineD)They think of it as a good tourist destination.Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Americans view M

16、exicoas a cheap place to vacation, shop and party研究生同等学历串讲课件阅读代表题型阅读代表题型一:细节题标志:以5个W,1个H提问的做题的关键:返回原文 根据时间、地点、人物关键词返回 通过出题顺序返回 根据重点词或同义词返回明确迷惑选项的设计方式 A. 偷换概念 b.正反混淆 c.颠倒因果 d.常识判断 e.扩大范围关键解的思考: 答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案。这些语气词有:must, always, never, themost,all, merely, only, haveto, any, no, completely, non

17、e, hardly等研究生同等学历串讲课件55. what is the authors advice to Americans?A.They treat the dollar with a little respectB.They try to win in the weak-dollar gambleC.They vacation at home rather than abroad.D.They treasure their marriages all the more57.Why dose the author say that parengs are the true fighter

18、s in the college-admissions wars?A.They have the final say in which university their children are to attendB.They know best which universities are most suitable for their childrenC.they have to carry out intensive surveys of colleges before children make an application.D.they care more about which c

19、ollege their children go to than the children themselves. 研究生同等学历串讲课件二、词汇题二、词汇题(单词与句子单词与句子)标志标志: 词义/句意题要求考生对词语和句子做出解释。两者都主要侧重于考查考生通过上下文去判断词义、句意的能力 词义题的考查有两种:一是超纲词含义的推断,另一个是熟词生义或是在特定场合的意思。词义/句意题的题干一般含有下列标志性单词或短语:we can infer that the word“” is_; 或问句According to the passage,what is“”?词义题干扰项特点:词义题干扰项特点


21、上肤浅相近的一般不是答案。 3) 利用被考词的修饰、限定成份判断其含义。这种修饰、限定成份的表现形式多样,可以是定语、其他修饰语、特殊标点定语、其他修饰语、特殊标点符号符号(如冒号、破折号、引号如冒号、破折号、引号)后面的内容、甚至该词下属的例子及定义,可以通过这些表达从侧面理解被考单词含义。 4)定冠词the+被考词汇,前句有解。 词汇题词汇题-找词所在句子关系找词所在句子关系 1.转折关系转折关系。例如:英语很难,但是,找转折连词But,Yet,However。 2.并列关系。并列关系。例如:A and B,问A就把B内容填进去。六级六级中中and前后一定是一致的前后一定是一致的。 3.解

22、释关系。解释关系。用because和从句in which等联系。 研究生同等学历串讲课件例如:What might account for this strange phenomenon? There are a few guesses: a) certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills; b) winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity, which increases soccer stamina; c) soccer-mad parents are mo

23、re likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual peak of soccer mania; d) none of the above.(08)22. The word “mania” (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably meansA fun.B craze.C hysteria.D excitement.研究生同等学历串讲课件三、主旨题三、主旨题A).标志标志:mainly about; the main point; the main idea the main topic; the

24、proper subject; the best title 例如:0506What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?A. To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualismB. To examine the trend of young people living alone.C. To stress the rebuilding of personal relationships.D. To review the impact of women becoming high

25、earner.研究生同等学历串讲课件文章每段第一句话:1.As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone2.Europes new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence3.Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those4.The booming economy means people are working harder than ever研究生同等学历串讲课件61.

26、What is the message the author intends to convey?A)Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical oneB)The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.C)The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughsD)People have to give up certain material comforts

27、to stop global warming研究生同等学历串讲课件Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century,A1 Gore calls global warming an inconvenient truth, From 2003 to 2050,the world s population is projected to grow from 6.4 billon to 9.1 billion , No government will adopt rigid restr

28、ictions on economic growth and personal freedom The practical conduction is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology. The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when its really an engineering one. 研究生同等学历串讲课件四、推理题四、推理题标

29、志: infer, imply, suggest, conclude, assume, Key整体思路,建立推论模式。0406We can infer from the passage that_A. banks will have to change their ways of doing businessB. privacy protection laws will soon be enforcedC. consumers privacy will continue to be invaded.D. “free trial” practice will eventually be bann

30、ed研究生同等学历串讲课件五、情感态度题五、情感态度题36. The author had been given to Mr. Mays_(0306)A.doubtful B. critical C. cautious D. supportive25. What is the authors attitude toward the future of autos? (0201)A)enthusiastic B ) optimistic. C) pessimistic. D) cautious46. From the text we can see that the writer seems(2

31、002)A) optimistic B) sensitive. C) gloomyD) scared.21.What is the authors attitude toward high-techcommunications equipment?(0301)A) critical. B) prejudiced C) indifferent. D) positive.研究生同等学历串讲课件作者的态度题 (1)情感态度题中的“三陪选项”(一)必然不会成为正确答案的中性词:必然不会成为正确答案的中性词: indifferent,漠不关心的意思impassive(冷漠的); hesitation;

32、vague; unclear suspicion,怀疑的意思,它的形容词是suspicious, questioned, questionable, puzzled, puzzling, gloomy; neutral,中立的意思,议论文的论点必须有倾向性,必须鲜明,因此不选。 (二)必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词 sensitive,敏感的意思,这个词汇是万能选项,它的相近词汇有:concerned; biased,有偏见的意思,如果这个词是正确答案的话,也就是说命题者任何作者的观点是有偏见,prejudice scared,害怕的意思,如果作者对于

33、他自己谈论的话题很害怕他怎么会邮寄到报社去发表呢?相近词汇有afraid, fear;研究生同等学历串讲课件(三)可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词objective,客观的意思,impartial,公正的、没有偏袒的意思,解释同上。critical,批评的意思,作者在写议论文的时候完全批评一个事物;(中性词)(四)可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词approve,同意的意思,它的反意词是:disapprove;positive,积极的意思,它的反意词是:passive =negative;optimistic,乐观的意思,它的反意词是:pessimis

34、tic;研究生同等学历串讲课件情感态度题解题步骤: 如果该对象与伦理道德观念相吻合吻合,那么应该选择含有可以成为正确答案的褒义词的选项;比如尊师重道; 如果该对象与伦理道德观念不相吻合不相吻合,那么应该选择含有可以成为正确答案的贬义词的选项;比如作奸犯科; 如果该对象与伦理道德观念没有关系没有关系,那么一般应该选择可以成为正确答案的褒义词;比如经济的增长或衰弱; 如果该对象与伦理道德的的关系还没有形成定论没有形成定论,那么应该选择可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词;研究生同等学历串讲课件白痴题白痴题32.It is not advisable to use the general, all

35、-covering apology because_. A) it gets one into the habit of making empty promises B) it may make the other person feel guilty C) it is vague and ineffective D) it is hurtful and insulting 48.In Japans preschool education, the focus is on _.A) preparing children academically B) developing childrens

36、artistic interestsC) tapping childrens potential D) shaping childrens character研究生同等学历串讲课件本末倒置 在分析原因和解释现象的阅读题中,命题者常常将概念的主次关系颠倒主次关系颠倒,也就是说把次要原因和主要原因混在一起把直接原因和间接原因混在一起直接原因和间接原因混在一起,考生就需要仔细区分。 以偏概全 0255bcd有时命题者故意改动文中结论,以局部代替全部,以部分以局部代替全部,以部分代替整体,以一种情形代替所有情形代替整体,以一种情形代替所有情形,这就是“以偏概全”过犹不及0255d归纳所给材料的主旨或对

37、总结其中一段的大意也是阅读理解题所要考查的一项基本能力。命题者在这里时常设置的陷阱是添枝加叶,用超过文章范围的结论来迷惑考生。添枝加叶,用超过文章范围的结论来迷惑考生。 跨段选项0252cd利用考生对阅读文章的理解模模糊糊,设计跨段选项迷惑考生,即使它无比的正确,也使不选的。研究生同等学历串讲课件阴险恶毒的阅读陷阱阴险恶毒的阅读陷阱偷梁换柱0247a 0249d 0260c 同一律要求在同一思维过程中,概念必须保持同一,原来在什么意义上使用某概念,就应该一直按这个意义使用这一概念,不能任意变换。所谓偷梁换柱,就是在同一思维过程中,用内涵、外延不同的另一概念去代替内涵和外延已经确定的内涵、外延不

38、同的另一概念去代替内涵和外延已经确定的概念概念。即命题者采用原文中的句子结构和大部分的词汇,但不经意间换上几个词,造成曲解原意。这种干扰手法主要是利用考生因解题时间紧或者粗枝大叶而没有细细品读全部选择项的心理弱点。由于干扰项与原文极为相似,有时甚至只差一个词,对考生的干扰性特别强。 张冠李戴0262a 张冠李戴的手法就是混淆两种不同的事物,问的是问的是“此物此物”,却用,却用“彼物彼物”设置为选择项,设置为选择项,以图干扰考生,引人入彀。有时题干是主语,选项是谓语,考生就要留心题干的主语和选项的谓语构成的主谓结构是否张冠李戴。研究生同等学历串讲课件58.Why do parents urge

39、their children to apply to more school than ever?A.they want to increase their children chances of entering a prestigious college.B.they hope their children can enter a university that offers attractive scholarshipsC.Their children will have a wider choice of which college to go toD.Elite universities now enroll fewer student than they used to无中生有0254d 0259c无中生有是指命题者根据原文内容有意捏造事实,编造信息捏造事实,编造信息组成干扰项,并且这一推断并不能从原文任何一处找到相关依据。 研究生同等学历串讲课件The End研究生同等学历串讲课件



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