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1、模块 1 Unit One 单词讲解: 1. experience 1) n. U经历 have experience in sth./ in doing sth. 在某事上/ 做某事上有经历 a teacher with more than 20 years experience in teaching 一位有 20 年教学经历的教师 2)n. C 经历 an unforgettable experience. 一个难忘的经历。 The car accident was a terrible experience to him. 那起交通事故对他来说是一次可怕的经历。 3) vt 体验, 经

2、历 Have you experienced real hunger He experienced the greatest hardship for the first time in his life. 他第一次体验他人生中的最大困苦。 Experiencing pain is as valuable as experiencing pleasure. 体验痛苦跟体验快乐同样珍贵。 Can you tell us something about your experiences in Africa 2. experienced adj. 有经历的 be experienced in sth

3、 在某方面有经历 be experienced in doing sth. 做某事有经历 an experienced doctor 有经历的医生 He is experienced in teaching. 他教书有经历。 3. attend (v.) attend assembly attend a meeting attend a music class attend a wedding attend a lecture attend school (go to school) In China, children attend school at the age of seven. a

4、ttend to sth. 注意,专心于- You must attend to what you are doing. 4. earn v. 挣得,博得 earn respect from the school earn money 赚钱 earn ones living 谋生 The old man earned his living as a fisherman. 这老人以捕鱼为生。 He earns his living by selling vegetables. 5.respect n. U 尊敬, 尊重,重视 1) show/ have respect for sb.对某人尊敬

5、show respect for old people 尊敬老人 2) show/ have respect for sth. 尊重/ 顾虑某事 have respect for the opinions of others 尊重/顾虑他人的意见 3) 在表示“事情的某一点,方面 时用作可数名词。如: She is right in every respect/in many respects. 她各方面都对。 4) respects 作为名词复数使用,相当于 regards 意为“致意,问好,请安。 Give your father my respects. 代我向令尊致意。 He is r

6、espected by everyone. Give my best respects to your family. respect vt. 尊敬, 尊重, 重视 respect sb. 尊重某人 respect oneself 自重,自尊 respect the old 尊重老人 respect sth. 尊重某事 respect the rights of other people 尊重别人的权利 respect sb. for sth. 因为某事而尊重某人 I respect you for your honesty. 由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。 我对你十分敬重。 6. achi

7、eve vt. 完成, 到达 (强调了由于极大的努力,克制困难后到达既定目标。) achieve success The university has achieved all its goals this year. 这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。 achievement n. U 完成 C 成就, 功绩 make achievements 获得成绩,取得成就 make great achievements in sth. 在某方面取得很大成就 The success of the experiment proves that we have made great achieveme

8、nts in the study of rocket. 那个实验的成功证明我们在火箭方面的研究已经取得很大成就。 7. average 1) average adj. 平均的;平常的 the average size for British schools Whats the average age of the girls in your class 2) average n. 平均数,一般水平(通常不用复数形式)。 on (an/the) average above average below average on (an/the) average,there are twenty boy

9、s present every day. 平均说来,每天有二十个男孩出席。 Alices maths is above average in the class. 爱丽丝的数学成绩高于班级平均水平。 3) average vt. 平均到达 如: The rainfall averages 36 inches a year. 8. as 1) As (time): two things happening together As they walked along the street, they looked into the store windows. 他们一边走,一边向商店的橱窗里看。

10、The man fell as he got off the train. 这个人下火车时,摔倒了。 As time went by, I grew more and more anxious. 随着时间的推移,我变得越来越焦急。 2) As (reason): because As I was feeling tired, I went to bed early. As they live near us, we see them quite often. 3) as as (used when we compare two people or things) He doesnt earn

11、as much as me. 9. challenge 1) vt. 挑战 challenge sb. to sth. 或 challenge sb. to do “向挑战 The school challenged us to a game of football. 那学校向我们挑战足球赛。 He challenged me to play another tennis game. 他向我挑战要我跟他再打一场网球 2) n. 挑战 The present world is full of challenges as well as opportunities. 当今社会充满了机遇与挑战。 1

12、0. challenging adj. 引发兴趣的,使人思考的,激发干劲的。 a challenging problem 发人深思的问题 11. improve vt., vi. 增进;改善;改进 This is not good enough. I want to improve it. 这还不够好,我要加以改进。 He has improved his English greatly. The weather is beginning to improve. That country improved relations with France. improve on /upon 对 做出

13、改进 Im unable to improve on his suggestion. 我提不出比他更好的建议了。 improvement n.改进, 进步 12. free adj. 免费的;空闲的; 自由的 a free dinner 免费的午餐 do sth. for free 免费做某事 free time= spare time 空闲时间 13. fun n. U愉快;开心 adj. 有趣的,奇妙的 for fun 寻找乐趣;当作玩笑 do sth. for fun 为娱乐而做某事 have fun (in) doing sth. 在做某事上得到乐趣 He has a lot of f

14、un in playing cards. make fun of sb. 捉弄某人 I felt unhappy whenever I was made fun of. 无论何时被人嘲笑,总让我不好受。 funny adj. 好笑的,滑稽的 14. prepare v.准备, 预备 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 prepare sth. 准备某事 prepare for sth. 为某事做准备 preparefor prepare some food for the dinner 为宴会准备一些食物 Will you help me prepare for the get-

15、together of the old classmates 你能否帮我为这次老同学聚会做好准备工作 The teacher is preparing the reviewing exercises, and the students are preparing for the final examination. preparation n. 准备, 预备 make preparations for Preparations for the top government officers visit are almost complete. 迎接政府高级官员来访的准备工作差不多已全部完成。

16、15. drop v. 1) 放弃;断绝 往来 ;滴下, 落下 n. 滴;点 He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。 A drop of ink 一滴墨水 16. miss “错过 后面可接名词,动名词。 The thief missed being caught. 17. indoor adj. 室内的 outdoor adj. 室外的 indoor sports/clothes outdoor life/sports indoors adv. 在室内,进入室内 outdoors 在室外,进入室外 We we

17、nt indoors. We stayed indoors. Its cold outdoors. 18. regret n.& v. 遗憾,懊悔 regret doing 做了某事而懊悔 regret to do sth. 遗憾地去做某事 I regret to tell you that you fail in the exam. I regret having said that. 19. inform vt. 通知,告知 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 20. approve vt., vi. 1) 赞成, 同意常与 of 连用 approve of sth./ s

18、b. approve of (sb./ ones) doing sth. I dont approve of wasting time. 我不赞成浪费时间。 I dont approve of smoking. 我不赞成抽烟。 My parents dont approve of me / my smoking cigarettes. 我的父母不同意我吸烟。 2) 批准;认可;通过 The mayoress approved the new building plans. 女市长批准了新建筑方案。 21. continue vi., vt. 继续;使继续;连续;使连续;延伸 The fight

19、ing continued for a week. 这场战斗持续了一星期。 continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. 22. whether 不管还是;无论还是 I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home. 不管你来还是留在家中,我都要去。 Whether we help him or not, he will fail. 不管我们帮助他与否, 他都将失败。 词组讲解: 1. be happy with= be pleased with=be satisfied with 对满意。 Im p

20、leased with his new house. They are happy with the result of the exam. 2. be happy to do sth 乐于做某事 如: I shall be happy to accept your invitation. 3. mean doing sth 意味着做某事 If you miss this train, that will mean waiting for another 30 minutes. 如果你错过了这班火车,那就意味着你还要等 30 分钟。 4. mean to do sth 打算做某事 如: He

21、meant to cause trouble. 他是存心惹麻烦。 5. join in sth/doing sth 参加某活动 =take part in I often attend meetings and sometimes I take part in its discussion. join sb. in sth./doing sth. 6. used to 过去常常做,后跟动词原形。 be/get used to sth. 习惯于/开场习惯于某事 be/get used to doing sth. 习惯于/开场习惯于做某事 be used to do sth. =be used f

22、or doing sth. 被用来做某事 there used to be 某地过去有某物 There used to be a swimming pool in our town. 我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。 7. a bit 和 a little 1) a bit 和 a little 二者都可以修饰形容词或副词的原级或比拟级。如: Its a bit/a little cold today. 今天有点冷。 He feels a bit/a little more tired today than yesterday. 他今天觉得比昨天要更累一点。 She is driving a bit

23、/a little faster. 她现在开得稍快了一点。 2) not a bit 意为 “一点也不 , 相当于 not at all He is not a bit surprised. 他一点不吃惊。 = He is not surprised at all. not a little则意为 “非常 ,表达肯定的意思。 He was not a little surprised. 他非常吃惊。 = He was very surprised. 3) a little 可直接加不可数名词,而 a bit 须加 of 后才能加不可数名词 a little bread = a bit of b

24、read 一点儿面包 a little wood = a bit of wood 一点儿木柴 a few bits of wood 几片木片 8. as well as 在句子的主语后面时,谓语动词的单复数形式由前面的主语决定 I as well as you am a League member. Mr Black as well as his wife and the three children is coming soon. as well 句末,too. 9. more than 不仅仅, 不只是 Mr. Robert is more than our teacher. He is

25、a friend. 10. the other day 几天前 I saw the professor in the library the other day. 11. be available for 用于 Science labs are available for different experiments. 12. upon doing sth. Upon finishing his studies, David started travelling in China. 13. be based on sth. 根据, 以-为依据 The film is based on a tru

26、e story. Based on a true story , the film is very moving. 课文词组: be happy with get up an hour later than usual sit next to sb. achieve high grades experience this different way of life encourage sb. to do sth. test your ability first of all at the weekend on weekdays surf the Internet an appointment with sb. during break time in my fathers study please sb. order a copy



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