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1、Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of NatureText A The Icy Defender公共外语教学部 李异辉 March 29, 2012(春秋)孔子:“士志于道”。(唐)韩愈:“师者,所以传道授业解惑也。”(希腊)苏格拉底:“我不是授人以知识,而是使知识自己产生的产婆。”(德国)第斯多惠:“教育的最高目标就是激发主动性,培养独立性,从 广义上讲这是一切教育的最终目的。” 教与学对立统一的关系,教中学,学中教,教学相长。教学理念教学方法启发式教学法赫尔巴特读者反应批评:“期待视野”、“空白”思想教学目标.扩大和重建学生的期待视野,使学生获得知识和技能的

2、提升.鼓励引导学生积极主动参与课堂,实现教师、文本和学生的良性互动.启发和培养学生辩证思考能力教学重点、难点重点:背景知识 文章阅读与结构分析 语言点讲解难点:预测和把握学生期待视野,设计提问和环节 把握“视野变化”度 时间安排第一课时:引入和背景介绍第二、三课时:文章阅读知识点详解第四课时:学生自主演讲展示、讨论和评价(25) 课后练习讲解(20)教学步骤.(预备)展示近年来发生的各种自然灾害的图片.(提示)课文导入:背景介绍拿破仑与希特勒.(联想)课文阅读、分析与讲解.(总结)课文总结.(应用)作业布置展示近年来发生的各种自然灾害的图片Which is more powerful , hu

3、man or nature?What directly of indirectly causes these disasters?(Human beings exploitation of nature. )Why do human beings have to exploit nature?(Man changes nature in order to live better.)Can we man stop exploiting the nature?(No! Everything evolves including man in terms of Darwinism. )In what

4、way can we live better with nature?Man must also be careful not to disregard the laws of nature . On one hand we exploit nature reasonably , on the other hand we have to protect and renovate nature. Any way , love nature, love ourselves .(引入儒家思想引入儒家思想“天人合一天人合一”、“人定胜人定胜天天”和马克思主义的人与自然观和马克思主义的人与自然观)Ass

5、ignment : write an essay entitled “Protect Nature , Protect Ourselves”.预备预备提示提示联想联想总结总结应用应用唤醒期待视野唤醒期待视野扩大期待视野扩大期待视野重建期待视野重建期待视野空空 白白Who are they ? What did they do?Who do you prefer? Why?Why is Napoleon viewed as a hero , while Hitler a criminal by the world?A comparison between Napoleon & Hitler讨论:

6、讨论:Hitler的纳粹思想、法西斯主义,日本的军国主义的纳粹思想、法西斯主义,日本的军国主义联系新闻热点:联系新闻热点:2012年年2月月20日名古屋市长河村隆之否认南京大屠杀的言日名古屋市长河村隆之否认南京大屠杀的言论。思考:德国的理性传统论。思考:德国的理性传统 VS 日本武士道精神日本武士道精神预备预备提示提示联想联想总结总结应用应用唤醒期待视野唤醒期待视野扩大期待视野扩大期待视野重建期待视野重建期待视野空空 白白拿破仑与希特勒预测学生回答课文阅读、分析与讲解. Literary Type and Text Outline. A Comparative Reading of the T

7、wo Invasions. Language Points. SummaryLanguage PointsSkills: 联想记忆法、裙带记忆法、构词法插入讲述:列宁格勒保卫战 斯大林格勒保卫战Summary.Review the two invasions with a comparison and contrast.What are the major elements do you think that led to the failure of the two invasions?1. Elements of nature, Russias severe winter.2. Advan

8、tageous location for Russian people.3. The battle line was overextended.4. Russian peoples bravery, firmness, strength and unyielding heroism.5. Arrogance of the two invaders.Assignment. Write an essay entitled “Protect Nature, Protect Ourselves”. Deliver a speech in the fourth period of class with PPT presentation entitled “Human and Nature”. .思考:德国的理性传统思考:德国的理性传统 VS 日本武士道精神日本武士道精神Thank you!



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