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1、SubjectverbagreementSubjectverbagreementTeacher : Muyuzhen Students: Class 6 Senior 3, High School DepartmentThe boy _ diving.They _ diving.Both Jack and Tim _ diving.All of them _ diving.Neither Jack nor Tim _ walking.isareareisareFinish the following exercises:Bob Bob _ a worker.isMike Mike and Bo

2、b _ workers.areBoth Mike and Bob _workers.areNeither Mike nor Bob _a teacher.isBill Neither of them _ (know) how to teach English. knows/knowAll of them _ workers.None of them _ (know) how to teach English.are knows/know Fill in the following blanks and summarize the grammar rules of agreement betwe

3、en subject and verb in groups. The grammar rules can be spoken in Chinese.Group A exercise 1-6Group B exercise 7-12Group C exercise 13-18Discovering grammar rules1. (1) He and I _ (be) both students of this school. areGrammar rule:如果主语指两个或两个以上如果主语指两个或两个以上不同的人不同的人或事物或事物的时候的时候, 谓语动词用复数。谓语动词用复数。 (2) Th

4、e singer and dancer_ (be) going togive us a performance. isGrammar rule:Grammar rule:但主语为如果连接两个以上的名词但主语为如果连接两个以上的名词但主语为如果连接两个以上的名词但主语为如果连接两个以上的名词, ,指的是指的是指的是指的是同一个人或物同一个人或物同一个人或物同一个人或物, , 或者指或者指或者指或者指同一概念同一概念同一概念同一概念的时候的时候的时候的时候, , 谓语谓语谓语谓语要用要用要用要用单数单数单数单数。 2. 2.What he is doingWhat he is doing _(se

5、em) very important. _(seem) very important. Collecting stamps Collecting stamps _ (be) his hobby. _ (be) his hobby. To smoke _ (be) a bad habit. To smoke _ (be) a bad habit. seemsisisGrammar rule:Grammar rule:如果主语是不定式如果主语是不定式如果主语是不定式如果主语是不定式, , 动词动词动词动词inging形式形式形式形式或主语从句的时候或主语从句的时候或主语从句的时候或主语从句的时候,

6、 ,谓语动词用单数。谓语动词用单数。谓语动词用单数。谓语动词用单数。 3. Those who _ (enjoy) singing may join us. Tom, who_(be)your friend, should help you.enjoyisGrammar rule:定语从句的关系代词定语从句的关系代词who,which, that在从句中作主语时,谓语要与先行词的人称和在从句中作主语时,谓语要与先行词的人称和数保持一致。数保持一致。 4. 4.The teacherThe teacher, together with his students,_(be) , together

7、with his students,_(be) planting trees in the street now. planting trees in the street now. These three booksThese three books, as well as that book, _(be) , as well as that book, _(be) bought yesterday.bought yesterday. No oneNo one but your parents _(be) there then. but your parents _(be) there th

8、en.iswerewasGrammar Grammar rule:rule: with, with, as as well well as, as, butbut等等等等连连连连接接接接其其其其他他他他对对对对象象象象和主语连用和主语连用和主语连用和主语连用, , 谓语动词的数随主语的变化而变化。谓语动词的数随主语的变化而变化。谓语动词的数随主语的变化而变化。谓语动词的数随主语的变化而变化。5.Either you or she _ (have) dropped the waste paper here. Either she or you _ (have) dropped the waste

9、 paper here. There _(be) a cup of tea and some apples on the table just now. Not only the students but also the teacher _ (wish) for a holiday. hashavewaswisheseither . or; neither . nor; not only . but also等在句子中连接主语的时等在句子中连接主语的时候或者在候或者在there be句型中句型中,谓语动词要谓语动词要和就近的主语保持一致。和就近的主语保持一致。6.Somebody _ (be

10、) waiting for you outside. Nobody _(know) the answer.isknowsGrammar rule:当主语是不定代词当主语是不定代词somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, everything, nothing, something等等时时, 谓语动词用第三人称单数谓语动词用第三人称单数7.None of the money_ left. None of the students _ there. Neither of the two students _ (go) to school by bike. Both

11、 go to school by bus. Neither of the two students _ (go) to school by bike. Each one goes to school by bus. isis/aregogoes代词代词nonenone和和neitherneither做主语时做主语时, ,谓语动词可谓语动词可以是单数以是单数, ,也可以是复数也可以是复数, ,这取决于所指代这取决于所指代的是可数名词或者不可数名词的是可数名词或者不可数名词, , 或根据上或根据上下文判断所强调的是两者或全部还是强调下文判断所强调的是两者或全部还是强调每一个体每一个体. .Gram

12、mar rule8.Three fourths of the 8.Three fourths of the 8.Three fourths of the 8.Three fourths of the students students students students _ (have)_ (have)_ (have)_ (have) finished finished finished finished their composition. their composition. their composition. their composition. 70% of the 70% of t

13、he 70% of the 70% of the moneymoneymoneymoney _(be) spent by Tom. _(be) spent by Tom. _(be) spent by Tom. _(be) spent by Tom. havehaveisis Grammar rule: Grammar rule: Grammar rule: Grammar rule: “分分分分数数或百分或百分或百分或百分数数+of”+of”+of”+of”在句子中加名在句子中加名在句子中加名在句子中加名词词作主作主作主作主语语的的的的时时候候候候, , , ,谓语谓语 动词与动词与ofof

14、ofof后面的名后面的名后面的名后面的名词词保持一致。保持一致。保持一致。保持一致。9.His9.His familyfamily _(be) going out with the Smiths._(be) going out with the Smiths. His His familyfamily _(be) all music lovers._(be) all music lovers. Class 3Class 3 _(be) the winner in the basketball match _(be) the winner in the basketball match yest

15、erday.yesterday. Grammar rule:Grammar rule:Grammar rule:Grammar rule:集合名集合名集合名集合名词词作主作主作主作主语语, , , , 动词动词可用可用可用可用单数单数, , , , 也可以用也可以用也可以用也可以用复数复数。主要由。主要由。主要由。主要由句子的意思句子的意思句子的意思句子的意思决决定。强定。强定。强定。强调调整体整体整体整体谓语动词谓语动词用用用用单数单数;指全体人;指全体人;指全体人;指全体人员时员时, , , , 动词则动词则用用用用复数复数。这这一一一一类类常常常常见见的集合名的集合名的集合名的集合名词词

16、有有有有army, family, class, team, grouparmy, family, class, team, grouparmy, family, class, team, grouparmy, family, class, team, group等。等。等。等。isisarearewas10. The 10. The policepolice _ (be) searching for a thief. _ (be) searching for a thief. The The cattlecattle _ (be) eating grass on the hill. _ (b

17、e) eating grass on the hill. areareGrammar rule:Grammar rule:某些名词如某些名词如某些名词如某些名词如people, police, cattlepeople, police, cattle等等等等, ,形式上是单数形式上是单数形式上是单数形式上是单数, , 但意义上是复数但意义上是复数但意义上是复数但意义上是复数, , 谓语动词应用复数。谓语动词应用复数。谓语动词应用复数。谓语动词应用复数。peoplepeople指指指指“ “民族民族民族民族” ”时是例外。时是例外。时是例外。时是例外。11. Someone _ (be) ask

18、ing for you. Nobody _ (know) the answer. isknowsGrammar rule:复合不定代词作主语复合不定代词作主语, 谓语动词要用单数,谓语动词要用单数,someone ,somebody, something, anybody, anyone, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, no one, nothing。12.Each12.Each man and man and each each woman _ (be) asked to come.woman _ (be) asked

19、to come. Every boy and every girl Every boy and every girl in the class _(be) in the class _(be)hardworking in our class.hardworking in our class. No sound and no voice No sound and no voice _ (be) heard now. _ (be) heard now. isisis Grammar rule: every. and every .; each . and each .; no . and no .

20、 在以上短语中在以上短语中and连接的连接的 单数名词单数名词, 整个短语在句中作主语时整个短语在句中作主语时, 谓语动词常谓语动词常 使用单数。使用单数。 13. A number of new books_ (be) on the desk. The number of students in you class _ (be) 50. A number of people _ (be) out of work. The number of people who are out of work _ (be) large. Grammar rule:以以“a number of+复数名词复数名

21、词” 作主语作主语时时, 谓语动词用复数谓语动词用复数, 表示表示“许多许多, 若干若干”; 以以“ the number of+复数名词复数名词” 作主语时作主语时, 谓语动词用单谓语动词用单数数,表示表示“ 的数量的数量”。areisareis14. More than one student _ (be) late for school this morning. Many a way _ (have) been tried.washasGrammar rule:Grammar rule: many a, more than onemany a, more than one与单数名词组成

22、与单数名词组成与单数名词组成与单数名词组成 的短语的短语的短语的短语, , 谓语用单数。谓语用单数。谓语用单数。谓语用单数。15.15.TwentyTwenty yearsyears _(be) a long time to us. _(be) a long time to us. Two hundred milesTwo hundred miles _(be) not a long distance. _(be) not a long distance. Ten thousand US dollarsTen thousand US dollars _(be) a lot of money.

23、_(be) a lot of money.Grammar rule:Grammar rule:表示时间表示时间表示时间表示时间, ,长度长度长度长度, ,价值等的复数名词做主价值等的复数名词做主价值等的复数名词做主价值等的复数名词做主语时语时语时语时, ,通常将其作为整体看待通常将其作为整体看待通常将其作为整体看待通常将其作为整体看待, ,谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数. .isisis16. Two and ten _ (be) twelve. Three times five _ (be) rule:Gram

24、mar rule:在四则运算中在四则运算中在四则运算中在四则运算中, ,谓语动词用单谓语动词用单谓语动词用单谓语动词用单, ,复数均可复数均可复数均可复数均可. .17.The old _ (be) taken good care of here. The blind usually _ (study) in special school. The true _ (be) to be told from the false. Grammar rule:Grammar rule:定冠词定冠词定冠词定冠词the+the+形容词形容词形容词形容词/ /分词分词分词分词” ”表示一类人做表示一类人做表

25、示一类人做表示一类人做主语时主语时主语时主语时, ,谓语动词通常用复数谓语动词通常用复数谓语动词通常用复数谓语动词通常用复数; ;若表示某一类抽象概念若表示某一类抽象概念若表示某一类抽象概念若表示某一类抽象概念时时时时, ,谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数. .arestudyis18. There _ (be)18. There _ (be) a pair of shoesa pair of shoes in the the box. A pair of new trousersA pair of new trousers _ (be) bought f

26、or _ (be) bought for me by my Mom by my Mom yesterday. iswasGrammar rule:表示成双的东西的名词前有表示成双的东西的名词前有a pair of修饰时,谓语用单数。修饰时,谓语用单数。Here is a Magic box. There are tens of numbers in it. Put up your hands quicky to pick them. They may give surprise to You!3181384191495201510116116217127Magic B

27、ox2122 23 24 25 26 27 28Self evaluationSelf evaluationMagic BoxNumber 1 5 pointsPlease choose the best answer _ of the land in that area _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; areCMagic BoxNumber 10 5 pointsPlease choose the best answerWhe

28、n and where to build the new factory _ yet. A. has not been decidedB. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided AMagic BoxNumber 13 5 pointsPlease choose the best answer Not only I but also Jane and Mary_ tired of having one examination after another. A. is B. are C. am D. beBMagic BoxN

29、umber 19 10 pointsPlease choose the best answerNobody but Jane _ the secret. (MET86)A. know B. knows C. have known D. is knownAll but one _ here just now. (MET87)A. is B. was C. has been D. wereBDMagic BoxNumber 24 5 pointsPlease choose the best answer5.The number of people invited _ fifty, but a nu

30、mber of them _ absent for different reasons. (NMET96) A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; wereCMagic BoxNumber 2 10 pointsPlease fill in the blanksAlthough my family _(be) small, my family_ (be) model workers.isareMagic BoxNumber 4 5 pointsPlease fill in the blank She is one of the few gi

31、rls who _well paid in the kindergarten.她是幼儿园待遇较好的少数女孩之一她是幼儿园待遇较好的少数女孩之一 areMagic BoxNumber 11 5 pointsPlease fill in the blank Each of the students, working hard at his or herlessons, _(hope) to go to university.hopesMagic BoxNumber 16 5 pointsPlease choose the best answer to fill in the blankNo one

32、 except my parents _ (know, knows)anything about this.knowsMagic BoxNumber 17 5 pointsPlease fill in the blank Half of the apple _rotten. 半个苹果都烂了。半个苹果都烂了。isMagic BoxNumber 3 5 pointsMistakes-correctingHere are a new pair of shoes for you.are-isMagic BoxNumber 9 5 pointsMistakes-correctingThere are m

33、ore than one answer to your questionsare-isMagic BoxNumber 22 5 pointsMistakes-correctingMary, as well as two boys, were punishedfor having breaking the rule.were-wasMagic BoxNumber 26 5 pointsMistakes-correctingMr. Smiths family are rather large, witha total of twelve people in all.are-isMagic BoxN

34、umber 14 5 pointsMistakes-correctingThe teacher, and some of her students, is going to attend our BoxNumber 6 10 pointsPlease translate the sentence into English.我和他对数学都不感兴趣我和他对数学都不感兴趣.Neither he nor I am interested in maths.Or:Neither I nor he is interested in maths.Magic Box

35、Number 7 10 pointsPlease translate the sentence into English.今天早上今天早上,不是你就是她迟到了不是你就是她迟到了.Either you or she was late this morning.Or:Either she or you were late this morning.Magic BoxNumber 20 10 pointsPlease translate the sentence into English.这个既是教师又是作家的人是她的朋友这个既是教师又是作家的人是她的朋友.The teacher and write

36、r is her friend.Or:The writer and teacher is her friend.Magic BoxNumber 21 10 pointsPlease translate the sentence into Chinese.This book, as well as the other three books, is borrowed from our school library.这本书同另外三本书一样这本书同另外三本书一样, 都是从学校图书馆都是从学校图书馆借来的借来的.Magic BoxNumber 23 10 pointsPlease translate

37、the sentence into Chinese.The Great Wall is one of the eight wonders which were built thousands of years ago.长城是几千年前修建的八大奇观之一长城是几千年前修建的八大奇观之一.Magic BoxNumber 5 15 pointsPlease speak at least one sentence according tothe picture, using grammar rules we learnedtoday. Magic BoxNumber 12 15 pointsPlease

38、 speak at least one sentence according tothe picture, using grammar rules we learnedtoday. Magic BoxNumber 27 20 pointsPlease speak at least two sentences according tothe picture, using grammar rules we learnedtoday. Number 8Magic BoxYou are lucky. You dont have to answer any questions. You can get

39、5 points!Number 18Magic BoxYou are lucky. You dont have to answer any questions. You can get 5 points!Number 28Magic BoxYou are lucky. You dont have to answer any questions. You can get 5 points!Number 15Magic BoxYou are lucky. You dont have to answer any questions. You can get 5 points!Number 25Mag

40、ic BoxYou are lucky. You dont have to answer any questions. You can get 5 points!Are you familiar with grammar rules Are you familiar with grammar rules of agreement between subject and of agreement between subject and verb now?verb now?Are you careful this class ?Are you careful this class ?Are you active this class ?Are you active this class ?Who is the most active student this Who is the most active student this class ?class ?backback结束结束



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