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1、Room Reservation Unit 1高职高专高职高专旅游与酒店管理类课程规划教材旅游与酒店管理类课程规划教材实用酒店英语(第二版)实用酒店英语(第二版)大连理工大学电子音像出版社1http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Room Reservation 客房预订客房预订How to receive room reservations 怎样接待客房预订怎样接待客房预订How to confirm room reservations 怎样确定客房预订怎样确定客房预订How to make a phone call for room reservations 怎样电话客房预订怎样电话客房预订

2、Aims of Studying2http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社ContentDialoguesUseful DrillsTipsExercises 3http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社DialoguesBackground Information 无论在中国还是西方国家,人员出差或出访,常常需要事先预订酒店一般的预订方式有电话预订传真预订网上预订柜台预订等如遇节假日或特殊会议期间, 酒店房源普遍紧张,应尽早预订预订酒店过程主要包括以下内容:(1)请求预订并说明原因;(2)请对方答复并进行确认通常预订后都要进行确认回复,说明是否满足预订要求,如果不能满足要说明原因一 基本常识 4h

3、ttp:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社DialoguesBackground Information客人姓名 Guest Name登记编号 Code联系电话 Telephone Number联系地址 Address入住人数 Number of Guests入住时间 Occupation Time二 预订登记要素客户基本信息客户基本信息客户要求客户要求房间种类 Room Type房间数量 Room Number价格标准 Price折扣优惠 Discount房间要求 Room Demand房间布置 Decorations5http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社DialoguesDialogue 1J

4、: Tiantian Hotel. Room Reservations. Good afternoon.S: Id like to book a single room for Wednesday next week.J: Thats fine, sir. A single room for Wednesday, May 9th, with a front view or rear view?S: Whats the price difference?J: A single room with a front view is RMB380 per night, one with a rear

5、view is RMB330 per night.S: I think Ill take the one with a front view then.J: How long will you be staying?S: Ill be leaving Saturday morning.Receiving Reservations 接待预订接待预订J=Jane (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)Translation6http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社DialoguesDialogue 1J: That will be three nights, s

6、ir. And your name please?S: Its Stephen. S-t-e-p-h-e-n.J: Thank you very much. What time do you expect to arrive, sir?S: Oh, around 3 p.m. I suppose.J: Id like to confirm your reservation. A single room with a front view at RMB380 per night for three nights from Wednesday, May 9th to Saturday, May 1

7、2th. My name is Jane and we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday.S: Good. That has been settled then. Good-bye.J: Good-bye.Translation7http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社DialoguesDialogue 2J:Good afternoon. Welcome to Tiantian Hotel, May I help you?S:I want a double room with a bath. How much a day do you char

8、ge?J:It is one hundred and fifty Yuan a day including heating fee but excluding service charge.S:Its quite reasonable.J:How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?S:For three nights. Reservations for a Friend 代朋友预订代朋友预订J=Jane (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)Translation9http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Dia

9、loguesDialogue 2J:May I see your passport, please?S: Oh, yes, Im going to fill in the registration form right now. Can I book a single room for my friend as he will arrive in Beijing tomorrow morning?J:Sure. Here is the form for reservations. Would you mind filling in this form and paying one hundre

10、d Yuan in advance for him?S:All right. Here is one hundred Yuan.J:Thank you. Here is a receipt for paying in advance. Please keep it.Translation10http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社DialoguesDialogue 3J:Room Reservations. Good morning. May I help you?S:Yes, I have some friends coming to China and they want me to boo

11、k them a triple room for October 9th.J:Just a minute, please. Im sorry, sir. Were fully booked up on that date.S:Oh, thats too bad.J:Im sorry, were rather full at the moment. Can I recommend you to another hotel?S:Yes, thanks.J:OK. I would suggest that you try the Tiandi Grand Hotel.We Are Fully Boo

12、ked 客房已满客房已满J=Jane (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)Translation12http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社DialoguesDialogue 3S: Do you mind telling me what Tiandi Grand Hotel is like?J: Well. It is one of the biggest hotels in this city. It is rated as a four-star hotel. It is as comfortable as ours. And it is also

13、as convenient as ours. Furthermore, you can go shopping near the hotel.S: Thank you. It is very kind of youJ: Its our pleasure.S: And can you tell me the phone number of Tiandi Grand Hotel?J: Of course. The phone number of Tiandi Grand Hotel is 010-68687878.S: I really appreciate your help. See you.

14、J: You are welcome. Thank you for your calling. See you.Translation13http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社DialoguesNew Words and Expressions 单人房a single room背面rear view期待look forward to排除exclude v.推荐recommend v.而且,此外furthermore ad.正面front view确认confirm v.解决settle v.三人房a triple room方便的convenient a.感激appreciate v.15htt

15、p:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Useful Drills(注注:表示此话为客户所说表示此话为客户所说)I How to greet walk-in customer or customers on phone 接待上门预订或接听预订电话接待上门预订或接听预订电话早上好我是订房部的Jane有什么可以帮到您的吗?Good morning. Reservations. Jane speaking. Can I help you?下午好欢迎光临天天酒店!有何吩咐呢?Good afternoon. Welcome to Tiantian Hotel, May I help you?我想要订一间下周三入

16、住的单人房Id like to book a single room for Wednesday next week.我想为我朋友预订一间双人房Id like to book a double room for my friend.16http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Useful DrillsII How to get information from the customers 如何从客户处获取信息如何从客户处获取信息您打算住多久呢?How long will you plan to stay?您打算住多久呢?How long will you be staying?请问您是哪位?Ma

17、y I know who Im talking with? (Making a phone)请问您要哪种房型?What type of room do you require?请问您要订多少间房呢?How many rooms will you require?请问您的名字/电话号码?May I have your name/telephone number, please?如何与您联系呢?May I have the way to contact with you?请问要以谁的名义来订呢? Who is the booking for?17http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Useful

18、DrillsIII How to offer and get room rate 怎样提供和获知房价怎样提供和获知房价一间双人房要多少钱呢?How much does a double room cost?每天收费多少?How much a day do you charge?有优惠/折扣吗?Can I get a discount?每天380元,送早餐RMB380 per night, with breakfast.我们有标准/豪华双人房,每天每间350元We can do a standard /deluxe double room for RMB350 per night.双人对床房,每

19、间每天600元We charge RMB600 for a deluxe twin per night.如果起订5间房,房价可以享受20%的优惠The price/rate for a minimum of 5 rooms is 20 percent off.对不起,我们不提供折扣Im sorry, there is no discount.儿童可以减价Theres a reduction for children.我们已经将价格降至最低限度了 We have already cut the price very fine.18http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Useful DrillsI

20、V Confirm and register确认和登记确认和登记 V Booked up订房已满订房已满 我可以看看您的护照吗?May I see your passport, please?请您填写这张登记表好吗?Would you please complete this registration form?你有身份证吗?Have you got any identification?对不起,我们酒店那一天的客房全部订满了Im afraid our hotel is fully booked on that date.您要的那一日房间已经确认了我们期待为您服务 Your room is c

21、onfirmed for that day. We look forward to serving you.很抱歉,我们没有空房Im sorry, but were booked up.对不起,我们现在没有空房Im sorry, but we have no vacancies at the moment.很抱歉,所有的客房都已经订满了Im sorry, but all rooms are taken.19http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Tips在正式的英语表达里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种:May I .?Could you .?Would you .?Shall I .?1. 四种疑

22、问基本句型四种疑问基本句型只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况1) 服务员自己要做什么事时,就使用May I .?请问尊姓大名?May I have your name, please?请问您的国籍是哪里?May I know your nationality, please?请让我看一下您的护照好吗?May I see your passport, please?请问您什么时候结账离开?May I have your check out time, please?20http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Tips1. 四种疑问基本句型四种疑问基本句型4) 在提供建议协助征求

23、意见时,可使用Shall I .? 或Would you like me to do .? 请您填写这张表格好吗?Could you fill out the form, please?请您写下来好吗?Could you write that down, please?请不要挂电话好吗?Could you hold the line, please?2) 麻烦客人时,可使用Could you .? 3) 询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you .?请问您要订一间双人房吗?Would you like to book a double room?请问您要喝茶还是咖啡?Would y

24、ou like tea or coffee?请问您介意坐在这里吗?Would you mind sitting here?请问要我为您安排预约吗?Shall I make the reservation for you?请问要我为您画一张地图吗?Shall I draw you a map?21http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Tips2. 房间的类型房间的类型按房间的床位数量与大小来分,可以分为以下类型:房型房内床位数每间客人数单人房 (Single)双人房 (Double)双人对床房 (Twin)套房 (Suite)房内分两区:卧室和休息室,卧室内放置一张特大双人床22http:/大连

25、理工大学电子音像出版社Tips2. 房间的类型房间的类型按房内装修程度来分,可以分为以下类型:标准单人房 Standard single标准双人房 Standard double标准双人对床房Standard twin高档单人房 Superior single高档双人房Superior double高档双人对床房Superior twin豪华单人房 Deluxe single豪华双人房Deluxe double豪华双人对床房 Deluxe twin套房Suite 23http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Tips3. 酒店的星级划分酒店的星级划分 一星宾馆one-star (economy)

26、hotel二星宾馆two-star(some comfort) hotel三星宾馆three-star (average) hotel四星宾馆four-star (high comfort) hotel五星宾馆five-star (deluxe) hotel24http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社Tips4. 接待有保证的预订接待有保证的预订接待有保证的客房预订(Receiving a Guaranteed Reservation)是通过以下方式来完成的:1) 预收款 (Prepayment) 保证预订:客人提前支付足额房费2) 信用卡 (Credit Card) 保证预订:记下客人的信用卡

27、号码,如果客人没有按预订要 求来酒店使用客房,酒店可以向持卡人收取费用这是一种最常见的预订方式3) 押金 (Advanced Deposit) 保证预订:客人提前支付一天的房费4) 合同/协议 (Contract or Agreement) 保证预订:酒店与公司有协议在先,无论公司 预订客房是否被使用,房费由公司承担25http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社ExercisesExercise I: Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brakets and then read it in roles.J=Jan

28、e (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)J: (早上好,我是订房部的简,有什么可以帮到你吗?)S: This is Stephen Nobel calling from America. (我想要订一间房)J: (好的,诺贝尔先生您打算住多久呢?)S: Four nights, please.J: (你要订哪天的房呢?)S: From August 10th to 13th.Good morning. Reservation. Jane speaking. Can I help you? _Id like to reserve/book a room.

29、_Yes, Mr. Nobel. How long will you be staying in this hotel? _For when? _26http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社ExercisesExercise I: Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brakets and then read it in roles.J: For four nights. (您打算要哪种房型,) Mr. Nobel? S:Id like to book a double room for myself and m

30、y wife. Whats the rate?J: (标准双人间每天320元,豪华双人间每天360元) (您要哪一种?)S: Ill take a standard double room. It is about 40 US dollars per night, isnt it?J:Yes, Mr. Nobel, a standard double room, (时间是从八月10日至13日)Am I correct?S: Yes, you are right.What kind of room would you like _Its RMB320 for a standard double

31、and RMB360 for a deluxe double. _Which one do you like? _from August the 10th to August 13th. _27http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社ExercisesExercise I: Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brakets and then read it in roles.J: 你们几点钟到酒店呢?S: 大约下午5点J:Yes, Mr. Nobel. We will pick you up at the ai

32、rport. (我们要怎样联系你呢?)S:You can call my friends number, 13913813713. He will also greet me at the airport that day. So you can find me.J: (感谢您的来电,)Mr. Nobel. (期待您的光临) Goodbye.S: Thats fine. Thank you. Goodbye.What time will you be arriving? _Around 5 p.m. _How can we contact you? _Thank you for calling

33、 _We are looking forward to your coming. _28http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社ExercisesExercises II: Make up a dialogue based on the following situation and role-play it to the class.1. 假设你是北京天天酒店的预订员简接到了一位客户从大连打来的电话,他将一个人 驾车来北京休闲旅游(leisure travel),要预订一间豪华单人间,并先用信用卡保证预订 (credit card guaranteed reservation)请你和你的同学模

34、拟对话中的角色,准备对话, 然后在班上进行口头表演Answer29http:/大连理工大学电子音像出版社ExercisesExercises II: Make up a dialogue based on the following situation and role-play it to the class.2. 假如你是一家电器公司的经理,你们公司打算在12月22日在北京举办庆祝公司成立 十周年的会议,会后打算下榻北京天天酒店,先致电天天酒店预订部,要求订50间标准 双人房,10间豪华双人房,2间套房,时间从12月22日至25日,共4天请你和你的同学 模拟对话中的角色,准备对话,然后在班上进行口头表演 Answer30高职高专高职高专旅游与酒店管理类课程规划教材旅游与酒店管理类课程规划教材大连理工大学电子音像出版社34



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