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1、备战 2024 中考英语单项选择百题分类训练(中考真题+名校最新模拟题)专题 12 数词 100 题1(2023甘肃白银统考中考真题)Whats thirty and ten?Its _.AfortyBfiftyCseventyDeighty2(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)The number of the fans going to this concert is about three _.And_ of them are girls.Athousand;two thirdBthousands;two thirdCthousand;two thirdsDthousands;two thi

2、rds3(2023湖南怀化统考中考真题)People plant _ trees on Tree-Planting Day every year.AhundredBhundreds ofChundreds4(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)My grandma told me the number“9”stands for“Long lasting”.So I chosethe _ floor to live on.AnineBeighthCninth5(2022辽宁鞍山统考中考真题)Did you watch the second“Tiangong lecture”(天宫课堂)on March

3、 23,2022?Yes,about two _ students in our school watched it.AthousandBthousands ofCmillionDmillions of6(2022山东济南统考中考真题)The couple have two kids.They are happy that theyll have the _ onesoon.AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth7(2022山东东营统考中考真题)Dentist:Madam,twenty-five dollars for pulling your sons tooth,please

4、.Madam:Twenty-five dollars!But you told me five dollars each patient.Dentist:Yes.But your son cried so loud.He scared away(吓跑)_ other patients.AfourBfiveCtwentyDtwenty-five8(2022西藏统考中考真题)The _ day of October is National Day.AoneBtwoCfirstDsecond9(2022青海统考中考真题)Wang Yaping becomes _ female taikonaut t

5、o work in Chinas spacestation.AoneBfirstCthe first10(2022甘肃甘南统考中考真题)On his _ birthday,he got the first gift from his best friend.AeightBeighthCthe eighth11(2023四川凉山校考模拟预测)What do you think of the environment here,Mr.Wang?Wonderful!_ of the land _ covered with trees and grass.ATwo fifths;isBTwo fifth

6、;isCTwo fifths;are12(2023四川泸州统考一模)The CCTV program Chinese Poetry Conference gets attention from _people.Amillions ofBmillion ofCmillionDmillions13(2023天津河西统考二模)Everybody knows that the earth is home to _ animals.AmillionBmillionsCmillion ofDmillions of14(2023四川凉山统考一模)The writer I admire most is Sha

7、kespeare.Abook says that _ of his playswere written in his _.Aone third;fiftiesBone third;fiftyCone thirds;fiftiesDone thirds;fifty15(2023山东菏泽统考三模)_ people went to the cinema to watch the _ movie Hi,Mom.AThousand of;128-minuteBThousands of;128-minutes CTwo thousand;128-minute16(2023湖北武汉武汉西藏中学校联考一模)_

8、 of the teachers in our school are women.They playan important role in our school.ATwo-thirdBSecond-thirdCTwo-thirdsDSecond-thirds17(2023江苏镇江校考二模)According to a survey,four out of five women do housework at home,but only_ of men would do it.Afour-fifthBfour-fifthsCtwo-fifthDtwo-fifths18(2023福建南平统考二模

9、)Qian Xuesen returned to China in his _ and devoted all his life to hismotherland.AfortyBfortiesCfortieth19(2023辽宁丹东统考一模)There are several _ books in my bookcase,and I have read _ ofthem.Ahundreds,60 percentBhundreds,three fifthsChundred,60 percentsDhundred,three fifths20(2023辽宁丹东统考二模)Chinas Mid-Aut

10、umn festival comes in August,the _ month of the year.AfirstBthirdCeighthDninth21(2023广西梧州统考二模)Andy.I heard that you stayed in China for _ days last summer vacation.Yes.I stayed there for two weeks.AsevenBfourteenCtwenty-one22(2023云南丽江统考二模)_ of the students in our school are from the city.AFour fifth

11、BFour fifthsCFour-fifthDFour five23(2023辽宁葫芦岛统考二模)My cousin Lisa is going to get married _ John on New Years Day.Theyre both _ their twenties.Ato;inBwith;inCto;atDon;in24(2023广西南宁校联考二模)TeachersDay comes in the _ month of a year.AnineBninthCtenth25(2023上海浦东新统考三模)“One million four hundred and sixteen”

12、can also be written as“_”.A1,004,016B100,416C1,000,416D1,000,46026(2023湖南邵阳统考二模)Our country is the _ largest land area in the world.It is a beautiful country,about _ of the land is covered with trees and grass.Athree;two fifthBthird;two fifthCthird;two fifths27(2023江苏淮安校联考二模)Thanks for the volunteer

13、shelp._ people were saved during theearthquake.AThousandBThousand ofCThousandsDThousands of28(2023山东滨州统考二模)_ is the population of Guizhou?It has more than _ people.AWhat;thirty-eight millionBWhat;thirty-eight millionsCHow much;thirty-eight millions ofDHow large;thirty-eight millions29(2023山东青岛统考二模)P

14、arents should give their children a _ chance and encourage them to tryagain.Failing doesnt mean anything.AtwoBsecondCtwiceDtwelve30(2023湖北襄阳统考一模)People in our town planted _ trees on Tree Planting Day.Good job!Everyone can do something to make our town greener.Atwo hundredsBtwo hundred ofCtwo hundre

15、ds ofDhundreds of31(2023湖北襄阳统考一模)Its your _ time to visit Baokang,yes?Exactly!But I didnt have fun last time because of bad weather.AfirstBsecondConeDtwo32(2023重庆巴南统考一模)Will you be free this weekend?No,I have to write a _ article.Athree-thousand-wordsBthree-thousands-wordCthree-thousands-wordsDthree

16、-thousand-word33(2023重庆南川统考二模)Its my dads _ birthday and we are going out for dinner to celebrate.AfourteenBfourteenthCfortyDfortieth34(2023山东青岛统考二模)Parents should give their children a _ chance and encourage them to tryagain.AtwoBsecondCtwiceDtwelve35(2023天津河东统考一模)Teahouse has three acts and shows the lives of common people in China from theend of _ century to the middle of _ century.Athe nineteenth,twentiethBthe nineteenth,the twentiethCnineteen,twentyDnineteenth,the twentieth36(2023山东菏泽统考一模)_



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