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1、Religion-in-the-Religion-in-the-United-StatesUnited-States美国宗教美国宗教nI. What is Religion?nReligion is found in all societies.The eternality ReligionPhilosophyScience Communication with the SupernaturalReligious Experience Common PhenomenonnAbsolute AuthoritynSacred ReadingsnOrganizationnRitualsnLeader

2、s and Believers n nIslamism: Quran 古兰经n nConfucianism: The Analects论语nJudaism: The Torah 教谕nChristianity: The Christian Gospel福音书nHinduism: Vedas 吠陀经nBuddhism: Pali Canon Functions of ReligionnFor many centuries and by many peoples, religion has been used as a control tool, a way of achieving order,

3、 of delegating roles and responsibilities. nToday, however, many ideas of the classic writings of different religions are interpreted as positive in maintaining social stability and building a harmonious society.nFirstly, religion is to provide people with a code of behavior which regulates personal

4、 and social life. nSecondly, religion can function as a source of comfort for the dissatisfaction so as to stabilize the social order. nThird, religions may maintain and promote the advancement of human culture. nScience without religion is lame.Religion without science is blind.- Albert EinsteinnII

5、. The American people are quite religious.5 5美分硬币美分硬币1 1美分美分美美国国总总统统布布什什宣宣誓誓就就职职III. P81-p1n nAmerican mainstream culture-WASP-White Anglo-Saxon Protestant-residents of the first 13 coloniesReligious Libertyn nJohn Locke- social contractn nEnlightenment in Europe-deistsn nThe First Amendment to the

6、Constitution of the United States-freedom of religionn nThe US would have no state-support religion.n nThe government supports all religions and religious groups do not pay taxes in the US.Christianity P81-p2n nEastern Orthodox 东正教n nRoman Catholic 天主教n nProtestant-Baptist 浸礼会 -Methodist 循道宗 -Presby

7、terian 长老派 -Lutheran 路德宗 -Congregationalist 清教后代Protestants in the U.S.n nThe majority of Americans belong to the Protestant church.n nThe Baptists are the largest Protestant group.n nThey believe in adult baptism by immersion symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience.n nThe Baptist

8、s concentrated particularly in the Southern Bible Belt.Bible Belt BaptismFollowers of John Wesley n nNext to the Baptists, the most numerous Protestants are the Methodists. n nMost Methodists are united in the Methodist Church, which has a form of service based on that of the Church of England.Catho

9、licn nMore than of all Americans are now of the Roman Catholics.n nThe majority of the Catholics are descendents of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland.n nThey were concentrated especially in New York and Massachusetts.n nThe first Catholic president-John F. Kennedy.The largest Catholic Church

10、 building in the USAWashington, DCNational Cathedral, Washington D.C.Judaismn nMost Jews in America were of German origin.n nAnti-Semitism prejudicen nSynagogue教堂 n nrabbi教士n nSabbath安息日n nPassover逾越节- MosesThree Faithsn nThree basic faithsn nProtestantn nCatholicn nJewishReligious Diversityn nAmish

11、 in Pennsylvanian nMormons (Salt Lake City, Utah)n nThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints other religions brought by immigrantsn nIslamn nBuddhismn nHinduismAmerican Character of Religionn nDifferent religions live together under the same law. n nThe religious beliefs of Americans continue

12、 to be strong with social progress.n nEvery church is a completely independent organization and concerned with its own finance and its own building.n nLittle concentration on doctrine or religious argument.Biblen nOld Testament -Genesis -Adam and Eve, Eden, the original sin -Exodus-Mosesn nNew Testament -Gospel Pictures of Jesus结束结束



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