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1、Unit-3-What-do-we-eat-Unit-3-What-do-we-eat-todaytodayRevisionGame: Word-GuessingRules: Two of each group will come to the front to play the game. One will describe the items of food shown on the screen in simple English to the other one who is back against the screen. The group with highest score w

2、ill win. RevisionGame: Word-GuessingDrinksMeatFruit & VegetablesStaple FoodSnacksDrinks Wine WaterMilkJuiceCoffeeMeat FishBeefChickenMuttonPorkFruit & VegetablesWatermelonBananaCarrotPeachGrapesStaple FoodRiceNoodlesDumplingsBread HamburgerSnacksChocolateIce creamFrench friesCakeBiscuitsRevisionDrin

3、ks Wine WaterMilkJuiceCoffeeGame: Word-GuessingRevisionMeat FishBeefChickenMuttonPorkGame: Word-GuessingRevision Fruit & VegetablesWatermelonBananaCarrotPeachGrapesGame: Word-GuessingRevisionStaple FoodRiceNoodlesDumplingsBread HamburgerGame: Word-GuessingRevisionSnacksChocolateIce creamFrench fries

4、CakeBiscuitsGame: Word-GuessingLead inWe have a lot of experience in eating out. Q: Where do you often go if you eat out with your family or friends? Q: Do you know how to take and give orders in a restaurant in simple English? Well learn this in this period.Listening1. Before listening, finish Acti

5、vity 5.2. Listen to the conversation twice and try to finish Activity 6&7. 3. Listen to the dialogue for the last time and try to fill in the missing words . W: Are you ready to _1_, sir? G: HmmI dont know. Whats the _2_ today? W: Our _3_ is very nice. G: OK, Ill have the _4_. W: _5_ you _6_ a start

6、er? G: The potato salad, then. W: Anything to drink? G: Just water. W: And for _7_? We have some excellent apple pie today. G: _8_. W: All right. Thats a _, a potato salad and a glass of water. G: Yes. Thanks.Key: 1. order 2. special 3. steak 4. steak 5. would 6. like 7. dessert 8. No, thank you 9.

7、steakExercises Read the menu carefully and finish Activity 8 on page42. Sentence patternsFor waiters: This is restaurant. What can I do for you? / May I help you?Im sorry, but this table is reserved. 抱歉,这张桌子已被预定。Would you like to sit at this table? / How about this table? Here is the menu.Todays spe

8、cial is Its delicious/ tasty/nice/very good.Can I take your order now?What would you like to eat/ drink?Please enjoy your meal. 祝您用餐愉快。Here is your bill/ check. 您的账单。Here is your changes and receipt. 这是您的零钱和收据。Hope to see you again. 欢迎您再次光临。Sentence patterns For guests:I want a table for three. 我们三个

9、人用餐。Can we take the table by the window? 我能坐靠窗户的桌子吗?Could I have the menu?What do you have today?What is the special for today?Id like I have I wantWaiter/ Waitress, the bill, please. 服务员,请结账。May I use my credit card? 可以用信用卡吗? (1). Western food menu and Chinese food menu. Look at the menu on page 41

10、. It is a simple western food menu, usually including Starters, Main courses, Drinks, Desserts. While for a simple Chinese food menu, we often have Cold Dishes and Hot Dishes.Making a menuMaking a menu (2). Now youre supposed to make a menu according to the menu given on page41. You have three minut

11、es to discuss and make a menu which is clearly classified with prices on it. More expressions of food are shown on the screen that may help you. Western FoodGreen salad 生菜沙拉 Fried chicken 炸鸡Onion soup 洋葱汤 Apple Pie苹果派 Potato salad 土豆沙拉 Roast Chicken 烤鸡 Beef steak 牛排 Tomato soup 番茄浓汤 Roast mutton leg

12、 烤羊腿Seafood pizza 海鲜披萨Chinese Food西红柿鸡蛋汤 Tomato and Egg Soup 北京烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu海鲜汤面 Noodle Soup with Seafood叫化鸡 Beggars Chicken (Baked Chicken)洋葱煮鱼 Boiled Fish with Onion 什锦炒饭 Fried Rice with Meat and VegetablesMaking a menu &Making up dialogues (3). Make up dialogues. Each group

13、will make a conversation according to the given menu with the help of the sentence patterns. You will have 5 minutes for your discussions.(4). Groups will come to the front to act out your conversations. Have a discussionDiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of eating out and eating at home.Advan

14、tages disadvantagesEating outEating at homeHave a discussionAdvantages DisadvantagesEating out1. convenient2. various food3. nice atmosphere1. not very clean2. expensive3. not so healthyEating at home 1. too much preparation work2. a lot of time on cooking3. a lot of washing and cleaning work 1. cle

15、an 2. cheap 3. healthySummary and Homework Considering our health, wed better often eat at home, and eating out once in a while (偶尔)is ok. Healthy food is important to our life. We should pay attention to our food. Do you know how the French women keep healthy in their daily life? And what do they e

16、at? Well learn about this in the next period. Please preview the passage in this unit on page43. From Renee进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老少,个个手持乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论





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