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1、Loss Control Action Plan In GZ/ZH/FS/HK Region广州广州/珠海珠海/佛山佛山/海口区海口区 损耗控制行动计划损耗控制行动计划20th March 2009Regarding our regional loss situation, we set up this loss control action plan, please each store strictly follow it. 针对我们区损耗状况,我们制定了这项行动针对我们区损耗状况,我们制定了这项行动计划,请各店严格执行。计划,请各店严格执行。WhatWhatActionActionWho

2、WhoWhenWhen1.Backgroud 1.Backgroud check to the check to the staff working at staff working at the high the high sensitive deptsensitive dept高敏感部门人员背高敏感部门人员背景调查景调查1.Organize background check to the staff working at RP/Cashier/RCY by police net system.保安部/收银部/收货区进行公安网上背景调查2.Especially supervise the s

3、uspected cashier and RCY staff when they are working.对可疑的收银员/收货员进行特别监控Store RP Manager店风险防范部经理Before 5th each month每月5日前Loss Control Action Plan 损耗控制行动计划损耗控制行动计划WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen2.High sensitive 2.High sensitive goods and black goods and black list suppliers list suppliers 高敏感商品及黑名单

4、高敏感商品及黑名单供应商供应商1.Update the black list supplier in time and send it to Receiving dept and store RP dept.及时更新黑名单供应商清单并发送给收货部和店风险防范部Store BOM 后台经理Each month每月2.All high sensitive goods and black list suppliers goods must be received in high sensitive cage.所有高敏感商品及黑名单供应商收货必须进入专用收货笼收货Store RP ManagerRCY

5、 Chief店风险防范部经理收货主管When the goods arrive商品到货时WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen2.High sensitive 2.High sensitive goods and black goods and black list suppliers list suppliers 高敏感商品及黑名单高敏感商品及黑名单供应商供应商3.Follow strictly 100% double check.The receiving will be invalid If there is no RP double check.100%进

6、行复点,未经保安复查,收货作废Duty guard at RCY收货区值班保安When the goods arrive商品到货时4.All these goods must be escorted to high sensitive storage by RP blue eagle.蓝鹰必须全程护送这些商品至专用仓库Blue Eagle蓝鹰When the goods arrive商品到货时WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen3.Anti theft 3.Anti theft measures to high measures to high sensitiv

7、e goodssensitive goods高敏感商品防盗措施高敏感商品防盗措施1.Before the goods entering sales area, install the goods with anti theft tag.商品进卖场前,负责给商品安装防盗扣Division Managers各处处长Before goods entering sales area商品进卖场前2.Double check the goods needing to be equipped with anti theft tag.对需安装防盗扣的商品举行复查Blue Eagle蓝鹰Daily每天WhatW

8、hatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen3.Anti theft 3.Anti theft measures to high measures to high sensitive goodssensitive goods高敏感商品防盗措施高敏感商品防盗措施3.Report store manager the application situation of anti-theft device向店长汇报安装防盗扣情况Store RP Manager店风险防范部经理Daily每天4.Audit the situation of installing anti theft tag

9、every two months.每两个月进行一次防盗安装审计Regional RP SuperiorRegional Loss Project Manager区风险防范经理区损耗项目经理Every 2 month每2个月WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen4.Sensitive 4.Sensitive storagestorage敏感仓库敏感仓库1.Reorganised the location of all sensitive storage and the item again重新调整小仓位置,及存放商品的名称Regional RP SuperiorSt

10、ore RP ManagerStore Manager区域风险防范经理店风险防范经理店长Before 1st April4月1日前2.Ensure all storages equipped with camera确保所有小仓有专用摄像头3.Ensure each storage has 2 of locks,one controlled by RP,the orther controlled by commercial dept确保所有小仓有两把锁控制,一把危机预防部门,一把营业部门WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen4.Sensitive storage4.

11、Sensitive storage敏感仓库敏感仓库4.Ensure each storage has stock card,we must record the good in or out situation(RP/commercial dept)确保所有的小仓都有库存卡,所有的商品进出必须登记(风险防范部/营业部门)Store RP Manager店风险防范部经理Immediately立即5.Ramdon check stock card application situation, and sign to confirm it.抽查库存卡的使用情况,并签字确认BOM后台经理Once pe

12、r week每周一次WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen5a.CYC 5a.CYC Control Control (Daily)Daily)周盘控制(每周盘控制(每日)日)1.Print out the Cycle count detail items adjustment report and send to division manager and RP manager.打印出周盘调整清单,并发送给营业部门处长和风险防范部经理Store Cycle Count Team Leader 店周盘小组组长Before 11:30 everyday 每天11:30

13、前2.Confirm the reason for the big adjustment items & sign on the reports 对大的调整单品解释原因 ,并在报告上签名.Store Division Managers 处长Before 15:00 everyday 每天15:00前WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen5a.CYC 5a.CYC ControlControl(Daily(Daily) )周盘控周盘控制(每制(每日)日)3.Confirm the reason for “Lost” & “Stolen” adjustment wit

14、h division manager then sign on the adjustment reports 与处长确认调整原因为”丢失”和”被盗”的单品,并在调整报告上签字.Store RP Manager 店危机预防经理Before 15:00 everyday 每天15:00前4.Combine all the explanation to store manager , ask store manager to sign the report 收集所有的解释给到店长, 并要求店长在解释报告上签字.Store BOM 店后台经理Before 16:00 everyday 每天16:00以

15、前5.Store audit 店内审记Regional BOM 区后台经理Randomly随时WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen5b.CYC 5b.CYC Control(WeeklyControl(Weekly) )周盘控制(每周)周盘控制(每周)1.Put out the cycle count adjustment benchmark on the Web 导出周盘调整数据上传至网上.Loss Project 损耗经理Before 14:00 every Monday 周一14:00前2.Explain the TOP 5 items adjustmen

16、t reason on the Web 在网上对正负调整前5名单品解释原因.Commercial Div. Manager 营业部门处长Before 12:00 Wednesday 周三12:00前3.Report to Store Manager the adjustment reason of TOP items , and ask store manager to sign on the paper of big adjustment 将高调整单品的解释原因报告给店长,并要求店长在调整报告上签字.Store BOM 店后台经理Before 16:00 every Wed. 周三16:00

17、前WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen5b.CYC 5b.CYC Control(WeeklyControl(Weekly) )周盘控制(每周)周盘控制(每周)4.Check the TOP cycle count adjustment reason on the Web then report to Regional Manager 在网上检查周盘高调整单品的解释原因并报告给区经理.Regional BOM 区后台经理Before 17:00 every Wed. 周三17:00前5.Store audit 店内审记Regional BOM 区后台经理Rand

18、omly 随时WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen5c.CYC 5c.CYC Control(MonthlyControl(Monthly) )周盘控制(每月)周盘控制(每月)1.Put out the monthly cycle count benchmark , Top 10 items list for Negative & Positive adjustment on the Web 导出上月周盘正负前10名单品清单上传到网上.Loss Project 损耗经理Before 4th each month 每月4日前2.Analyze on each di

19、vision the reason of Top 10 items on the Web, then make action plan on the web 在网上分析每个处正负前10名单品的调整原因, 并制定行动计划.Store Division Managers 处长Before 7th each month 每月7日前3.Check and explain the adjustment reason to Store Manager and ask Store Manager to sign on the paper if agree 检查并将解释调整原因给到店长,如果店长同意其解释原因

20、并在报告上签字. Store BOM 店后台经理Before 8th each month 每月8日前WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen5c.CYC 5c.CYC Control(MonthlyControl(Monthly) )周盘控制(每月)周盘控制(每月)4.Check the reason & last month action plan effective situation on the Web , report to Regional Manager 检查原因和上月行动计划执行情况, 报告给区经理.Regional BOM 区后台经理Before

21、 9th each month 每月9日前5.Store audit 店内审记Regional BOM 区后台经理Randomly 随时WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen6.Big purchase 6.Big purchase goods deliverygoods delivery大宗出货大宗出货1.All big purchase goods delivery must be checked and confirmed by the guard above RP assistant.所有大宗出货必须有危机预防部助理以上人员检查和确认Store RP Ma

22、nager/Assistant店危机预防经理/助理When big purchase goods delivering大宗出货时2.100% double check all big purchase goods delivery所有大宗出货必须100%复查Store RP Assistant店危机预防助理When big purchase goods delivering大宗出货时WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen7.Return at 7.Return at information information center and RCYcenter and

23、RCY服务中心和收货服务中心和收货区退货区退货1.100% ensure the goodstype,number and name is corresponding. 100%确认所退商品型号,数量,名称是否相符Store RP Assistant店危机预防助理When returning退货时2.Supervise all the return being back to sales area.监督所有退货商品进入卖场Store RP Assistant店危机预防助理When returning退货时3.All refund to supplier must be checked and

24、confirmed by the guard above RP assistant.所有供应商退货必须有危机预防部助理以上人员检查和确认Store RP Manager/Assistant店危机预防经理/助理When returning退货时WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen8.Monthly loss 8.Monthly loss control plancontrol plan月控制损耗计划月控制损耗计划1.Analyze monthly CYC result,list top 5 depts and top 10 items on loss.分析每月盘点

25、结果,列出损耗排名前5名的部门及前10名单品Store RP Manager店风险防范部经理Before 5th every month每月5日前2.Update monthly loss control plan重新更新月控制损耗计划WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen9.CCTV9.CCTV监控中心监控中心1.Increase the recording of CCTV to 15 days at least.CCTV改造,确保录像至少保存15天Store RP Manager店风险防范经理Immediately立即2.Lock the alarm prin

26、ter, only the RP manager or assistant holds the key报警打印记录机上锁,只有保安主管/助理持有打印机锁的钥匙Store RP Manager/Assistant店风险防范经理/助理Immediately立即WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen9.CCTV9.CCTV监控中心监控中心3.a.Report RP manager the alarm record and related info (bypass,fire door activation etc.) daily in time每天及时向主管汇报报警打印记

27、录,和相关信息(旁路,防火门动作等)3.b.Investigate the alarm reason,must have video record.调查报警原因,并有录像保存3.c.Take necessary action accordingly采取相应行动Store RP Assistant店风险防范助理Immediately立即WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhen10.Fitting 10.Fitting roomroom试衣间试衣间1.Strictly follow GZXS store fitting room management rules.严格执

28、行广州新市店试衣间管理规定Store RP Manager店风险防范经理Daily每天2.Record the staff on duty situation and procedure following situation记录员工在岗情况和程序执行情况3.Report store manager the application situation of fitting room向店长汇报试衣间的执行情况(See attached 1)(见附件(见附件1)WhatWhatActionActionWhoWhoWhenWhenMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 其它其它Str

29、ctly follow GZYC store Use electricity safely and control loss rules.All sockets used in our company must be sprayed Carrefour logo to aviod loss.严格执行广州员村店“安全使用电源,损耗控制”的规定,所有公司使用的移动插头必须喷有家乐福标志,以杜绝损耗Store RP Manager店风险防范部经理Before 10th April4月10日前(See attached 2)(见附件(见附件2)Remarks:Remarks:备注备注1.Start t

30、o execute the above loss control plan from the day of notice issued以上损耗计划自发布之时执行2.Store RP Manager is in charge of supervising the execution of this plan店危机预防经理,全面负责监督执行此计划3.Regional RP Manager, Regional Loss Project Manager and Regional BOM revises and updates this action plan according to the loss

31、 result. 区域危机预防经理,区损耗控制经理,区后台经理将根据店内损耗的实际情况,及时调整更新此行动计划 如何才能更好的执行试衣间程序如何才能更好的执行试衣间程序 How to carry out Fitting Room procedure 广州新市店广州新市店 GZXS store 2009.03.04Attached 1: 附件附件1: 为了更好的服务于顾客,体现新市店专业的服务方式为了更好的服务于顾客,体现新市店专业的服务方式, ,新市店在加强试衣间管理方面新市店在加强试衣间管理方面, ,采取了以下措施,从而采取了以下措施,从而降低损耗。降低损耗。 In order to giv

32、e best service to customers ,show the professional service of XS store .We have adopted some measures on enhancing the management of fitting room to reduce the loss.之前状况之前状况 Before有些顾客趁工作人员有些顾客趁工作人员不注意时,直接冲进不注意时,直接冲进试衣间试衣间When the staff did not pay attention to the entrance ,some customers rush into

33、 fitting room directly. 顾客进出试衣间时无顾客进出试衣间时无人检查人检查The customer in/out without checked . 1.无人值班无人值班 No duty staff2. 有时有员工值班,但没有严格执行试衣间程序有时有员工值班,但没有严格执行试衣间程序 Sometimes although the staff were on duty, they didnt follow the fitting room procedure strictly3,我们无法避免重大的损耗在试衣间的产生我们无法避免重大的损耗在试衣间的产生 We cant avo

34、id the serious loss happen in the fitting room目前状况目前状况 Now :Now :1. 合理利用现有监控系统合理利用现有监控系统,要求监控人员随时对试衣间进行录像监控。要求监控人员随时对试衣间进行录像监控。 By using CCTV equipment, Ask the CCTV guard check the fitting room and note it down everyday .2.当试衣间无值班人员时,监控人员立即拨打电话通知处长当试衣间无值班人员时,监控人员立即拨打电话通知处长,直到值直到值 班人员到岗班人员到岗. when t

35、here is nobody on duty, the CCTV guard will call the division manager until the duty staff is back.3.在试衣间的保警器上加装了为你服务的信息牌在试衣间的保警器上加装了为你服务的信息牌,以避免顾客随意进出试衣间。以避免顾客随意进出试衣间。 Add a information board written with service for you avoid customers in/out fitting room at their will.4.试衣间的值班员工负责信息牌管理试衣间的值班员工负责信

36、息牌管理,合理控制顾客进出试衣间。合理控制顾客进出试衣间。 The fitting room duty staff is in change of the information board management to control the customers in/out fitting room.目前状况目前状况 Now :Now :5.严格执行试衣间程序,顾客进入试衣间时严格执行试衣间程序,顾客进入试衣间时,必须发放与他携带数量一致的试衣牌,必须发放与他携带数量一致的试衣牌, 每次试衣数量不得超过三件每次试衣数量不得超过三件,同时也加装了一个关于此类信息的温馨信息牌。同时也加装了一个关

37、于此类信息的温馨信息牌。 Follow the fitting room procedure strictly, give them the tags when customers entering the fitting room, the tags quantity must match with clothing brought, and the quantity cant be more than 3 each time, meanwhile, we put a information board about this rules in the fitting room6.顾客出来时检

38、查号码牌与商品是否一致。顾客出来时检查号码牌与商品是否一致。 When the customer go out fitting room ,we will check the anti-thief equipments and merchandise .目前状况目前状况 Now :Now :目前状况目前状况 Now:Now:加装防盗扣Add the anti-thief tag7.为了更好的服务于顾客,降低损耗,在每个试衣室放置加装了防盗扣的拖鞋为了更好的服务于顾客,降低损耗,在每个试衣室放置加装了防盗扣的拖鞋 供顾客使用。供顾客使用。 In order to give best servic

39、e to customer , reduce the loss, we have put anti-thief tag on the slipper at every fitting room .GZYC StoreGZYC Store广州员村店广州员村店2009.3.102009.3.10 安全使用电源安全使用电源,损耗控制损耗控制 Use electricity safely and control loss. Use electricity safely and control loss.Attached 2: 附件附件2: 1.1.电源隐患电源隐患电源隐患电源隐患 Power supp

40、ly with riskPower supply with risk 一个插座接多个电源一个插座接多个电源一个插座接多个电源一个插座接多个电源 One outlet with several plugsOne outlet with several plugs之前问之前问之前问之前问 题题题题: : Problems Before:Problems Before:2.2.损耗损耗损耗损耗 LossLoss 资产与商品无法区分易产生损耗资产与商品无法区分易产生损耗资产与商品无法区分易产生损耗资产与商品无法区分易产生损耗Loss will be caused because there is no

41、 difference between assets and merchandise.Loss will be caused because there is no difference between assets and merchandise. 如何解决如何解决如何解决如何解决? ? How to solve these problems?How to solve these problems? 1.1.规范电源插座使用规范电源插座使用规范电源插座使用规范电源插座使用 Standardize the use of power socketStandardize the use of po

42、wer socket 只能使用五眼插座只能使用五眼插座只能使用五眼插座只能使用五眼插座, ,防止超负荷防止超负荷防止超负荷防止超负荷, ,确保用电安全确保用电安全确保用电安全确保用电安全 Only socket with five eyes can be allowed to use to aviod overload.Only socket with five eyes can be allowed to use to aviod overload.资产有资产有资产有资产有 R.P LOGOR.P LOGO标明标明标明标明Asset with R.P. LogoAsset with R.P.

43、 Logo 商品无商品无商品无商品无 R.P LOGOR.P LOGOMerchandise without R.P. LogoMerchandise without R.P. Logo 2.2.资产与商品用资产与商品用资产与商品用资产与商品用R.P LOGOR.P LOGO区分控制损耗区分控制损耗区分控制损耗区分控制损耗 Distinguish asset and merchandise ,and control loss by using Distinguish asset and merchandise ,and control loss by using R.P.logoR.P.log

44、o . .2.2.维修部检查是否合格维修部检查是否合格维修部检查是否合格维修部检查是否合格.( .(提供合格证提供合格证提供合格证提供合格证 明明明明或提供家乐福购买凭证或提供家乐福购买凭证或提供家乐福购买凭证或提供家乐福购买凭证) ) Maintenance are responsible for checking the Maintenance are responsible for checking the equipment quality. equipment quality. (supply (supply qualitiedqualitied ganrantee or Carre

45、four receipt ) ganrantee or Carrefour receipt ) 1.1.部门部门部门部门, ,供应商验试样机和供应商验试样机和供应商验试样机和供应商验试样机和电源插座电源插座电源插座电源插座 申报申报申报申报R.PR.P DivisonsDivisons and suppliers apply to R.P. Department and suppliers apply to R.P. Department for using samples and sockets in store. for using samples and sockets in store

46、.4.4.喷上喷上喷上喷上R.P LOGO R.P LOGO ( (资产与商品区分控制损耗资产与商品区分控制损耗资产与商品区分控制损耗资产与商品区分控制损耗) )All sockets are allowed used only after All sockets are allowed used only after confrimed by RP department and then confrimed by RP department and then spray safety logo for control loss.spray safety logo for control lo

47、ss.3.3.维修维修维修维修部确认合格在部确认合格在部确认合格在部确认合格在R.PR.P登记登记登记登记 ( (供应商资产进出店登记表供应商资产进出店登记表供应商资产进出店登记表供应商资产进出店登记表) ) After get approval of Maintenance ,the After get approval of Maintenance ,the applicant registers in Supplier Assets applicant registers in Supplier Assets Flow Form at R.P.office. Flow Form at R

48、.P.office.操作布骤操作布骤操作布骤操作布骤: :StepsSteps1.1.将将将将R.P. LOGOR.P. LOGO需喷漆的部位镂空需喷漆的部位镂空需喷漆的部位镂空需喷漆的部位镂空. . Cut out where the logo need to be sprayedCut out where the logo need to be sprayed2.2.镂空部分粘贴定位在电源插座上镂空部分粘贴定位在电源插座上镂空部分粘贴定位在电源插座上镂空部分粘贴定位在电源插座上. . Stick R.P. Logo on sockets.Stick R.P. Logo on sockets

49、.3.3.喷漆喷漆喷漆喷漆 Spray paintSpray paint4.4.使用使用使用使用 Use Use蓝蓝蓝蓝鹰每日进行跟踪检查鹰每日进行跟踪检查鹰每日进行跟踪检查鹰每日进行跟踪检查, ,如发现未按照规定执行对如发现未按照规定执行对如发现未按照规定执行对如发现未按照规定执行对其部门其部门其部门其部门 负责人负责人负责人负责人和相关人员给予二级违纪和三级违纪警告和相关人员给予二级违纪和三级违纪警告和相关人员给予二级违纪和三级违纪警告和相关人员给予二级违纪和三级违纪警告. .Blue eagle will check daily, person in charge and related

50、 person will Blue eagle will check daily, person in charge and related person will receive level 2 and last warning who doesnt following this regulations.receive level 2 and last warning who doesnt following this regulations.55.字漏空Cut out words蓝色区域漏空Cut out blue area红色区域漏空Cut out red area风险防范部标识制作风险

51、防范部标识制作风险防范部标识制作风险防范部标识制作方式方式方式方式 R.P. LOGOR.P. LOGO Making MeasureMaking Measure宽Width2.0CM高High1.8CM规格规格specification优优优优 势势势势AdvantageAdvantage 1.1.操作简单操作简单操作简单操作简单, ,便宜便宜便宜便宜. . It is cheap and simple to operate. It is cheap and simple to operate.2.Logo2.Logo保持时间较长保持时间较长保持时间较长保持时间较长, ,不易脱离不易脱离不易

52、脱离不易脱离 Logo can be kept for long time, It is not easy to be separatedLogo can be kept for long time, It is not easy to be separated3.3.规范安全用电规范安全用电规范安全用电规范安全用电, ,控制损耗控制损耗控制损耗控制损耗 Standardize the use of electricity, benefit loss controlStandardize the use of electricity, benefit loss control4.4.使用范围较广使用范围较广使用范围较广使用范围较广( (电源插座电源插座电源插座电源插座, ,试验样机等试验样机等试验样机等试验样机等) ) Application is extended (sockets, samples etc. ) Application is extended (sockets, samples etc. )



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