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1、Passage 1assage 1Every Oriffice Needs a StoneUnit 2Do you think the following are Do you think the following are good ways of getting rich? good ways of getting rich? ThinkingBefore readingBefore readingBefore readingBefore reading topic discussion2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Or

2、iffice Needs a Stone3 3Every Orifice Needs a Stone 每个每个 小孔小孔 都需要一颗都需要一颗 宝石宝石 Before readingBefore readingBefore readingBefore reading title analysisEvery Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone5 5Text Lead-inDesign questions with the hint of the titlea) What is the story about? b) Who is

3、the hero and what did he do?c) What has he got?d) What is the moral of the story? 2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone6 6TranslationRead this part and then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating 每个

4、小孔都需要一颗宝石每个小孔都需要一颗宝石1 一夜暴富当然不错。但这常常意味着大量财富唾手可得。如果想以此致富的话,我认为希望渺茫。 2 然而,这种想法非常普遍,否则每次彩票抽奖也就不会有数以百万计的美元滚滚而来。1 Getting rich quick is nice if you can do it, but the phrase usually implies acquiring great sums of wealth with very little effort. If that is the method of study, I wouldnt hold your breath.

5、2 However, if that werent a popular notion, millions of dollars wouldnt roll in every time there was a lottery somewhere. 2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone7 7TranslationRead this part and then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingG

6、lobal reading reading and translating 3 3 城里正在巡展古埃及文物,许多有趣的手工艺品让公众大饱眼福。尤其是其中一份古埃及文献,被认为揭示了获取财富的神秘方法。 4 4 在当地的早报上读到这则新闻之后,约翰霍利戴便从邻居家借来了相机,以便拍下这份文献,供日后研究。3 An Egyptian archeological exhibit was touring through town with many interesting artifacts for the public to see. One in particular, was an ancien

7、t document believed to uncover a mysterious formula for acquiring wealth. 4 Having read about this ancient document in the early edition of the local newspaper, John Holiday borrowed his neighbors camera for the purpose of taking a snapshot of the document, so he could study it later. 2024/8/92024/8

8、/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone8 8TranslationRead this part and then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating 5 After getting a very clear image of the document, he went to the library and started reading boo

9、ks on ancient languages that are now dead. Strangely enough, John had a hidden talent for languages. He never developed this or any other talent, because he was lazy. He would always look for the easy way to do everything he had to do in life. However in this case, a shot at sudden wealth was too mu

10、ch of an incentive for him to pass up. 5 5 拍了一张十分清晰的文献照片之后,他便前往图书馆,开始阅读有关现已消亡的古代语言的书籍。奇怪的是,约翰居然在语言上有潜在的天赋。他从来没有开发过自己的语言或者其他的天赋,因为他很懒惰,不管什么事都喜欢走捷径。但是,一夜暴富对他来说极具诱惑,是一次不能放过的机会。2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone9 9TranslationRead this part and then translate it into

11、 ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating 6 In a few hours, he figured out the code of the language and began to decipher the ancient text. It told of a statue, thousands of years old, in the central part of Egypt, hidden in a cave miles from a large py

12、ramid. The text stated that the statue had eight orifices and that the seeker of wealth must place precious gems in each of the holes in the statue. The gems had to be cut in a special way and inserted in a specific manner. 6 6 他花了几小时就弄清楚了这种语言代码,并开始解读这份古文献。这份文献说,埃及中部有一座上千年的雕像,藏在距一座大金字塔几英里的洞穴中,还说这座雕像

13、身上有8个小孔,寻宝者必须把珍贵宝石放进每个小孔中,这些宝石还必须按照特别的方式切割,然后以特定的方式嵌入。2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone1010TranslationRead this part and then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating 7 A clear diamond was to be i

14、nserted into the mouth of the statue, a deep blue sapphire into the right eye socket, a bright red ruby into the left eye socket, a white pearl into the left ear, a rare pink topaz into the right ear, a black onyx into the left nostril, a green emerald into the right nostril, and a purple amethyst i

15、nto the navel. 7 7 雕像的嘴里要塞入一块透明的钻石,右眼眶要填进一块深蓝色的蓝宝石,左眼眶要放入一块明亮的红宝石,左耳要塞入一颗洁白的珍珠,右耳要放入一颗珍稀的粉色黄宝石,左边的鼻孔要塞进一块黑玛瑙,右边的鼻孔要填入一粒祖母绿,雕像的肚脐要塞入一颗紫水晶。2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone1111TranslationRead this part and then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readin

16、gGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating 8 The meaning was unclear why this was to be done, but John just wanted to become wealthy, so he didnt care. After extensive research, John determined it would cost approximately 1.2 million dollars to acquire the gems and passage to Egypt. It to

17、ok him five years to diligently create a business and generate that large sum of money. 8 8 文献没说为什么要这样做,但是约翰一心想发财,并不在意。经过广泛的研究,约翰计算出买这些宝石加上去埃及的路费大约要花费120万美元。为此,他花了五年时间,努力工作,并开办了一家公司,终于赚足了这么一大笔钱。2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone1212TranslationRead this part and

18、then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating9 Once he had the funds, he purchased the gems and a ticket to the ancient city of Asyut. Once there, he spent months locating the pyramid and the cave that the Egyptian document had alluded

19、 to. Once in the cave, it only took a few minutes to locate the statue that the ancient manuscript had described. 9 9 一有了这笔钱,约翰立刻购买了宝石和去埃及古城艾斯尤特的票。到了那里,他花了好几个月才找到那份古埃及手写本中暗示的金字塔和山洞。进入山洞后,他只用几分钟便找到了那座古代手写本里描绘的雕像。2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone1313TranslationRe

20、ad this part and then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating10 He wasted no time inserting the precious stones into each hole of the statue. Right before his eyes, the eight gems turned to stone, filling the holes, leaving no trace w

21、here the holes used to be. 11 With great disbelief, he stared at his investment of valuable gems, now turned to stones, and wondered what it all meant. Just then, at the foot of the statue, he noticed an inscription, which he could now decipher, which read, “Any fool can create wealth, but only the

22、wise know what to do with it.” 10 10 他迫不及待地把这些宝石塞进雕像的每个孔中。但是,就在他眼皮底下,八颗宝石变成了石头,填满了原来的小孔,小孔在一瞬间消失,一丝痕迹都没留下。 11 11 约翰眼睁睁地看着自己投资买来的宝石变成了石头,他难以置信,百思不得其解。就在这时,他注意到了雕像底座的一行铭文他现在能读懂了,上面写着:愚者亦能创造财富,但唯智者知晓用财之道。2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone1414TranslationRead this pa

23、rt and then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating12 Was that it? John was terribly disappointed and felt he had been on a fools errand for the last five years. He returned home and resumed his business, where he continued to expand

24、the company he founded, originally for the purpose of buying the jewels for the statue. 12 12 难道就是这样吗!约翰感到五年辛苦,白忙一场,失望至极。于是,他回到家中,重整旧业,开始拓展自己当初为了购买雕像所需的宝石而创建的公司。2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone1515TranslationRead this part and then translate it into ChineseGlo

25、bal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading reading and translating13 One night, as he sat in his new apartment in the affluent side of town, he took a look once again at the photograph of the ancient document that had started his quest for wealth and noticed, for the first time, an inscri

26、ption at the bottom that he needed a magnifying glass to read. The inscription read, “If one achieves this quest, they will have transformed their mind by the use of their faith and will from then on have the power to overcome in all things and nothing will be impossible to them.”13 13 一天晚上,他坐在城里富人区

27、的新公寓里,再次看了看那张让他开始寻宝历程的古文献照片,他第一次发现文献最下端有一行要用放大镜才能看清的文字。这些文字是:凡历此功成者,必脱胎换骨,身心俱新,无坚不摧,无所不能。2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone161614 As John looked around his luxury apartment and remembered once having trouble paying his rent just five short years earlier, he real

28、ized that the 1.2 million dollars he shelled out that started this adventure was a really great investment! 14 14 约翰环顾着奢华的公寓,回忆起就在短短五年前他连房租都付不起的情景。他终于意识到,当初为了探险而付出的那120万美元,真是一笔值得的投资!TranslationRead this part and then translate it into ChineseGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading r

29、eading and translatingTheme Part I (Paras. 1-2)Conclusion Part III (Paras. 13-14)BodyPart II (Paras. 3-12) Text organizationGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal readingGlobal reading text organizationPart I Dictating and imitating Getting rich quick is nice if you can do it, but the phrase usually imp

30、lies . If that is the method of study, I wouldnt hold your breath. However, , millions of dollars wouldnt roll in every time there was a lottery somewhere. ThemeDont expect to get rich quick. acquiring great sums of wealth with very little effortif that werent a popularnotionDetailed readingDetailed

31、 readingDetailed readingDetailed reading Part IPart II Answering questions What started Johns quest for wealth?How did John feel when the eight gems that he had inserted into each of the holes in the statue turned to stone?How did John prepare for his adventurous quest for wealth?What did the ancien

32、t text say the seeker of wealth should do about the eight orifices?Detailed readingDetailed readingDetailed readingDetailed reading Part IIWhat started Johns quest for wealth?It was an ancient document in an Egyptian archaeological exhibit believed to uncover a mysterious formula for acquiring wealt

33、h.Part II Para.3Detailed readingDetailed readingDetailed readingDetailed reading Part IIWhat did the ancient text say the seeker of wealth should do about the eight orifices?The text stated that the seeker of wealth must place precious gems in each of the holes in the statue. The gems had to be cut

34、in a special way and inserted in a specific manner.Part II Para.3Detailed readingDetailed readingDetailed readingDetailed reading Part IIPart II Paras.4-9How did John prepare for his adventurous quest for wealth?cameracameralibrarylibrarylanguagelanguageancient textancient textbusinessbusinessgems a

35、nd ticketgems and ticketPyramidPyramid,cave and the statue cave and the statue Detailed readingDetailed readingDetailed readingDetailed reading Part IIPart II Paras.11-12How did John feel when the eight gems that he had inserted into each of the holes in the statue turned to stone? John was terribly

36、 disappointed and felt he had been on a fools errand for the last 5 years.Any Any fool fool can can create create wealth, wealth, but but only only the the wise wise know know what what to do to do with it.with it.Detailed readingDetailed readingDetailed readingDetailed reading Part IIPart III Trans

37、lating the sentenceAs John looked around his luxury apartment and remembered once having trouble paying his rent just 5 short years earlier, he realized that the 1.2 million dollars he shelled out that started this adventure was a really great investment! 约翰环顾着奢华的公寓,回忆起约翰环顾着奢华的公寓,回忆起就在短短五年前就在短短五年前他他

38、连房租连房租都付不起都付不起的情景。他终于意识到,当初为了探险而的情景。他终于意识到,当初为了探险而付出的付出的那那120120万美元,真是一笔值得的投资!万美元,真是一笔值得的投资!Detailed readingDetailed readingDetailed readingDetailed reading Part IIIConclusion Wealth is acquired by hard work.Part III SummarizingIf one achieves this quest, If one achieves this quest, they will have t

39、ransformed they will have transformed their mind by the use of their their mind by the use of their faith and will from then on faith and will from then on have the power to overcome have the power to overcome in all things and nothing will in all things and nothing will b e i m p o s s i b l e t o

40、t h e m .b e i m p o s s i b l e t o t h e m .Detailed readingDetailed readingDetailed readingDetailed reading Part IIInewspapernewspapercameracameralibrarylibrarylanguagelanguageancient textancient textbusinessbusinessgems and ticketgems and ticketPyramidPyramid, cave and the statue cave and the st

41、atue gemsgemsstonesstonesdisappointmentdisappointmentgreat investmentgreat investmentExhibitionExhibitionAfter readingAfter readingAfter readingAfter reading retelling task1.Review Part 1;2.Workbook: Unit 2Reading practice on Pages 19-20&31-34;3.Be ready for the unit test.AssignmentAssignmentAssignmentAssignment2024/8/92024/8/9Every Oriffice Needs a StoneEvery Oriffice Needs a Stone2727



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