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1、第三章第三章 句句 型型 家有学霸家有学霸 曹老师曹老师 在英语中,根据句子用途的不同,可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句四类。此外,there be句型作为一种特殊而重要的句型,在小学阶段也应注意掌握。知识梳理知识梳理一、陈述句的概念陈述句是用来陈述事实或者说话人的看法的句子。它包括肯定句和否定句两种。在书写时句末用句点,在朗读时用降调。如:This is a nice book. ( ) Susan likes maths very much. ( ) My father doesnt go to work on weekends. ( ) They arent going to cl

2、imb the mountain this Saturday. ( )第一节第一节 陈述句陈述句 二、肯定句变否定句的基本方法1. 句中有be动词的句子:变为否定句时只需在be动词后加not。如:(1)I am in Grade Six this year. Im not(I am not) in Grade Six this year.(2)Mike is going to play football this afternoon. Mike isnt(is not) going to play football this afternoon. (3) These are red apple

3、s. These arent(are not) red apples. (4) It was a fine day yesterday. It wasnt(was not) a fine day yesterday. (5) We were happy at that time. We werent(were not) happy at that time. 2. 句中含有情态动词的句子:变为否定句时只需在情态动词后加 not。 如:(1) Peter can fly. Peter cant(can not) fly. (2) You should stop smoking now. You

4、shouldnt(should not) stop smoking now. 3. 实义动词的否定句:谓语动词为行为动词的句子变为否定句时,要根据时态选用do的相应形式(do, does, did),并在其后加 not。 如:(1)I like listening to music. I dont like listening to music. (2)My father likes playing sports. My father doesnt like playing sports. (3) Grandma does housework every day. Grandma doesnt

5、 do housework every day. (4) He did his homework last night. He didnt do his homework last night.【注】加do not, does not或did not改为否定句以后,要把原句的动词改为动词原形,特别是当原句中的谓语动词是第三人称单数形式does或过去式did时,改为否定句一定要记得在doesnt或didnt之后加上do。 4. 几种特殊形式的否定句 (1) 肯定句中含有every的合成词时,变为否定句时将其改为no的合成词。 如:Everything is ready Nothing is re

6、ady (2) 肯定句中含有always,usually或ever时,变为否定句时将其改为never。 如:He is always late for school He is never late for school I usually go to the park on foot. I never go to the park on foot. (3) 肯定句中含有many或much时,变为否定句时将其改为few或little。 如:Many students know him Few students know him There is much milk in the bottle.

7、 There is little milk in the bottle. (4) 肯定句中含有both,both and 或all时,变为否定句时将其改为neither,neither nor 或none,并注意谓语动词要相应变化。 如:Both of us are students Neither of us is a student Both you and I are right. Neither you nor I am right. All the students are in the classroom. None of the students is in the classr

8、oom. (5)“I think ”句式变为否定句时,只要在think之前加 dont 即可。 如:I think you are right. I dont think you are right.考点精析考点精析考点考点1 考查陈述句基础句型的运用能力考查陈述句基础句型的运用能力【例1】根据图片将句子补充完整,每空一词。 1.This ruler is _.2.They _ _ _ . 解析:本题考查学生对陈述句基本句型的运用能力。第1小题的句子形式是:主语+系动词+表语。因此,横线上需要填上一个单词或短语对主语进行修饰或限定。第2题只给出了主语They,只要能根据图片内容写出符合图意的句

9、子,并保证句子语句通顺和语法正确就可以了。答案:1. long2. like playing football / are playing football 举一反三 1. 改错,选出错误项的字母编号并改正在后面的横线上。 ( )(1)My brother is playing piano. A B C ( )(2)Some boys comes in happily. A B C ( )(3)Its going to warm tomorrow. A B C CBBplaying the pianocome inbe warm 2. 用括号内所给动词的适当填空。 (1) There _ so

10、me bags in the room. The black one _ mine. (be) (2) A horse _ run, but it _ fly. (can) (3) David always _ his homework at 7:00 p. m.(do) (4) Look, the fish _ in the water. They are so cute.(swim)areiscancantdoesare swimming考点2 考查陈述句的句式转换考查陈述句的句式转换【例2】按要求转换句型。1. Today is a rainy day. (改为否定句)2. He doe

11、s sports three times a week. (改为否定句)解析:本题考查肯定句和否定句的转换,要注意转换规则。第1小题中有be动词 is,则只需要在is之后加上not 即可;第2小题中没有be 动词,而是行为动词do的三单形式does,在改写否定句的时候,要先加上doesnt, 然后再将原来的does 还原为do,放在does之后,这种题是最容易出错的。答案: 1. Today isnt a rainy day. 2. He doesnt do sports three times a week.举一反三根据括号内动词的提示,将下列句子改为否定句。1.Sarah_ (can)sw

12、im.2.I _ (do) want to eat more candies.3.A tiger _ (can) fly,but it can jump.4.You _ (should) put on your jacket.5.You_ (must) smoke here.6.It_ (was)rainy yesterday.cantdontcantshouldntmustntwasnt过关检测过关检测1. 单项填空。( )1. My father_ like apples. A isnt B. doesnt C dont( )2. I _ like pop music. A isnt B.

13、 doesnt C dont( )3. I _go to school yesterday. A do B dont C didnt( )4. Whats this? _ a book. AThat is B Its C This ( )5. I _ many birthday presents. Aam B has ChaveBCCBC( )6. My mother _ badminton well. Ais play Bplay Cplays( )7. I _ free last Sunday. Aam B did Cwas( )8. The girl reads _. Aloud B l

14、oudly Cloudy( )9. My mother would like _ some meat. Abuy B buying Cto buy( )10. Here is a card _ your father. Ain B from CtoCCBCB二、将下列句子改为否定句,每空一词。1. This is a desk. This _ a desk. 2. My sister can draw pictures. My sister _ draw pictures.3. We do morning exercises every day We _ _ morning exercises

15、 every day4. Mike does his homework after dinner. Mike _ _his homework after dinner. 5. My grandparents did sports in the garden yesterday. My grandparents _ _ sports in the garden yesterday.isntcantdontdodoesntdodidntdo6 There is something wrong with my bike There _ _ / _ _ wrong with my bike7 Both

16、 Joan and I are in Class One. _ Joan _ I _ in Class One8 All of us can swim _ _ _ can swim9 You can play basketball here. You _ play basketball here10 I think it is going to rain tomorrow I _ _ _ going to rain tomorrowisntanythingisnothingNeithernoramNoneofuscantdont thinkits三、按要求改写下列句子。 1.This is a

17、 banana.(改为复数形式) _ 2.There are some apples on the desk.(改为否定句) _ 3.I feel bad last night.(改为同义句) _ 4.Im going to Beijing next week.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ _These are bananas.There arent any apples on the desk.I didnt feel well last night.Are you going to Beijing next week?Yes, I am.四、连词成句。 1. sisters,my,

18、shorter,hair,is,mine,than (.) _ 2. should,you,read,loudly,English (.) _ 3. there,some,noodles,are,the,an,egg,and, on,plate (.) _ 4. yesterday,feel,didnt,well,I (.) _ 5. in,at,the,six,I,up,morning,usually,get (.) _My sisters hair is shorter than mine. You should read English loudly.There are some noodles and an egg on the plate.I didnt feel well yesterday.I usually get up at six in the morning.



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