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1、理想狀況(Target Condition) 拒收狀況(Reject Condition)SMT零件組裝工藝標準-晶片狀(Chip)零件之對準度 (組件X方向)SMD Assembly workmanship criteria-Chip component alignment( X Axis)1. 晶片狀零件恰能座落在焊 墊的中央且未發生偏出, 所有各金屬封頭都能完全 與焊墊接觸。1.Component is centered on both sides of the land . All the solder terminations shall completely touch pad.

2、1.零件橫向超出焊墊以外,但 尚未大於其零件寬度的50%。(X1/2W)1.The component shifted off the pad and shift length shall less 1/2 chip width1.零件已橫向超出焊墊,大 於零件寬度的50%(MI)。(X1/2W)1.The component shifted off the pad and shift length over 1/2 chip with允收狀況(Accept Condition) X1/2W X1/2W330X1/2W X1/2W註:此標準適用於三面或五面 之晶片狀零件This standar

3、d only be used for 3 or 5 face terminations chip component ww330330理想狀況(Target Condition) 拒收狀況(Reject Condition)1.晶片狀零件恰能座落在焊墊 的中央且未發生偏出,所有 各金屬封頭都能完全與焊墊 接觸。1.Component is centered on both sides of the land . All the solder terminations shall completely touch pad. 1.零件縱向偏移,但焊墊尚保 有其零件寬度的25%以上。(Y1 1/4W

4、)2.零件縱向偏移,但零件端電 極仍蓋住焊墊為其零件寬度 的25%以上。(Y2 1/4W)Component is shifted towards longest part of the chip , but the termiuad end of chip still on the land1.The Pad length not be cover by chip (Y1) shall over 1/4 chip width (W)2.1/4 width of the land for solder fillet to form.1.零件縱向偏移,但焊墊未 保有其零件寬度的25%(MI) 。

5、(Y11/4W)2.零件縱向偏移,但零件端 電極蓋住焊墊小於其零件 寬度的25%。(Y21/4W) 3.Whichever is rejected .允收狀況(Accept Condition)W W 330 330Y2 1/4W330Y1 1/4WY2 1/4WY1 1/4WSMT零件組裝工藝標準-晶片狀(Chip)零件之對準度 (組件Y方向)SMD Assembly workmanship criteria-Chip component alignment( Y Axis)理想狀況(Target Condition)拒收狀況(Reject Condition)SMT零件組裝工藝標準-鷗翼(

6、Gull-Wing)零件腳面之對準度 SMD Assembly workmanship criteria-Gull-Wing footprint alignment1.各接腳都能座落在各焊 墊的中央,而未發生偏 滑。1.All the leads footprint is centered on the lands1.各接腳已發生偏滑,所偏 出焊墊以外的接腳,尚未 超過接腳本身寬度的1/2W 。(X1/2W )2.偏移接腳之邊緣與焊墊外緣之垂直距離5mil (0.13mm)。(S5mil)1.The length of the lead footprint shifted off the la

7、nd(X)shall less 1/2 width of lead2.The clearance(S)between lead shifted off and land shall over 5 mil允收狀況(Accept Condition)W S XX1/2W S S5mil5mil X1/2W S S5mil5mil 1.各接腳已發生偏滑,所偏 出焊墊以外的接腳,已超過接腳本身寬度的1/2W (MI)。(X1/2W )2.偏移接腳之邊緣與焊墊外緣之垂直距離5mil (0.13mm)(MI)。(S5mil)3.Whichever is rejected .理想狀況(Target Cond

8、ition)拒收狀況(Reject Condition)SMT零件組裝工藝標準-鷗翼(Gull-Wing)零件腳趾之對準度SMD Assembly workmanship criteria-Gull-Wing toe alingnment1.各接腳都能座落在各焊 墊的中央,而未發生偏 滑。1.All the leads footprint is centered on the lands1.各接腳已發生偏滑,所偏 出焊墊以外的接腳,尚未 超過焊墊側端外緣。1.The lead had shifted and footprint not over the end of land1.各接腳側端外緣

9、,已 超過焊墊側端外緣(MI)。1.The lead had shifted and footprint had over the end of land(MI)允收狀況(Accept Condition) W W 已超過焊墊側端外緣已超過焊墊側端外緣理想狀況(Target Condition)拒收狀況(Reject Condition)SMT零件組裝工藝標準-鷗翼(Gull-Wing)零件腳跟之對準度 SMD Assembly workmanship criteria-Gull-Wing heel alingnment1.各接腳都能座落在各焊 墊的中央,而未發生偏 滑。1.All the l

10、eads footprint is centered on the lands1.各接腳已發生偏滑,腳跟 剩餘焊墊的寬度,最少保有一個接腳厚度(XT)。1.The lead had shifted the length from lead heel to end of land (X) shall be over the thickness of land (T)1.各接腳己發生偏滑,腳跟剩餘焊墊的寬度,已小於接腳 厚度(XT)(MI)。允收狀況(Accept Condition)T X X T X TT T XT理想狀況(Target Condition)拒收狀況(Reject Condit

11、ion)SMT焊點性工藝標準-鷗翼(Gull-Wing)腳面與腳跟焊點最小量SMD solder joint workmanship criteria-Minimum solder of Gull Wing footprint1.引線腳的側面,腳跟吃錫良好2.引線腳與板子焊墊間呈現凹面 焊錫帶。3.引線腳的輪廓清楚可見。1.side face and footprint have good solder fillet 2.concave fillet between land and lead3.the shape(profile)of lead be clearly visible1.引線腳

12、的底邊與板子焊墊間的 銲錫帶至少涵蓋引線腳長的 2/3L以上。2.腳跟(Heel)焊錫帶涵蓋高度h 大於零件腳1/2厚度。 (h1/2T) 。3.腳跟(Heel)沾錫角需90度。1.Width of solder fillet between lead and land(X) shall over 2/3 lead footprint(L)2.Minimum solder fillet flows up end more than 1/2 thickness of lead on heel3.Wetting angle 90on heel1.引線腳的底邊與板子焊墊間的 銲錫帶不足涵蓋引線腳長的

13、 2/3L。2.腳跟(Heel)焊錫帶涵蓋高 度 h小於零件腳1/2厚度。 (h=2/3LLX2/3Lh1/2TTh1/2TT理想狀況(Target Condition)SMT焊點性工藝標準-鷗翼(Gull-Wing)腳面焊點最大量SMD solder joint workmanship criteria-Maximum solder of Gull Wing footprint 1.引線腳的側面,腳跟吃錫良好。2.引線腳與板子焊墊間呈現凹面 焊錫帶。3.引線腳的輪廓清楚可見。1.side face and footprint have good solder fillet 2.concave

14、 fillet between land and lead3.the shape(profile)of lead be clearly visible1.引線腳與板子焊墊間的焊錫連接很好且呈一凹面焊錫帶。2.引線腳的側端與焊墊間呈現稍 凸的焊錫帶。3.引線腳的輪廓可見。1.Good solder flow up and concave fillet between land and lead2.Concave solder fillet between side face of lead and land3.The shape (profile) of lead (footprint) be

15、clearly visible1.焊錫帶延伸過引線腳的 頂部(MI)。2.引線腳的輪廓模糊不清(MI)。3.Whichever is rejected .1.solder flow cover the end (TIP) of lead2.The shape (profile) of lead not be visible clearly3.Whichever is rejected拒收狀況(Reject Condition)允收狀況(Accept Condition) 理想狀況(Target Condition)拒收狀況(Reject Condition)SMT焊點性工藝標準-鷗翼(Gull

16、-Wing)腳跟焊點最大量SMD solder joint workmanship criteria-Minimum solder of Gull Wing Heel1.腳跟的焊錫帶延伸到引線上彎 曲處底部(B)與下彎曲處頂部(C)間的中心點。註:引線上彎頂部:引線上彎底部:引線下彎頂部:引線下彎底部1.Solder flow up to the center between B,C point on the heel of lead1.腳跟的焊錫帶已延伸到引線上彎曲處的底部(B)。1.solder flow up to B point on the heel1.腳跟的焊錫帶延伸到引線上 彎曲

17、處的底部(B),延伸過 高,且沾錫角超過90度,才 拒收(MI)。1.Solder flow up over(cross) B point and the wetting angle over 90 degree允收狀況(Accept Condition) 沾錫角超過沾錫角超過90度度 ABDC理想狀況(Target Condition)拒收狀況(Reject Condition)SMT焊點性工藝標準-晶片狀(Chip)零件之最小焊點(三面或五面焊點)SMD solder joint workmanship criteria-Minimum solder fillet of chip comp

18、onent( 3 or 5 face terminations)1.焊錫帶延伸到晶片端電極高度的25%以上。 (h1/4T)2.焊錫帶從晶片外端向外延伸到焊墊的距離為晶片高度的25%以上。(X1/4H)1.1/4 component height be fillet by solder at least2.Solder flow spread on the land shall 1/4 width of component height at least , (Count from tip of component)1.焊錫帶延伸到晶片端電極高度的25%以下(MI)。(h1/4T)2.焊錫帶從

19、晶片外端向外延伸到焊墊端的距離為晶片高度的25%以下(MI)。(X1/4T)3.Whichever is rejected .允收狀況(Accept Condition) T h1/4 T X1/4 T h1/4 T X10mil。(D,L10mil)(MI)且 10mil 不易被剝除者不易被剝除者L 10mil 不易被剝除者不易被剝除者L 10mil理想狀況(Target Condition)拒收狀況(Reject Condition)允收狀況(Accept Condition) X0X0 X0 YYTTYTX1.各接腳都能座落在各焊 墊的中央,而未發生偏 滑。1.The footprint

20、 of every lead be centered on the land1.各接腳已發生偏滑,引線 腳的側面仍保留在焊墊 上(X0),2.各接腳已發生偏滑,腳跟剩餘焊墊的寬度,最少保有一個接腳厚度(YT)。Footprint had shifted1.Side face still on the land (X0)2.The space from end of land to heel shall over the thickness of lead 1.各接腳己發生偏滑,引線腳 的側面已超出焊墊(X0)。2.各接腳已發生偏滑,腳跟 剩餘焊墊的寬度,小於一個 接腳厚度(YT)。SMT零件組

21、裝工藝標準-功率晶體(Mosfet)零件之對準度SMD Assembly workmanship criteria-Mosfet component alignment L拒收狀況(Reject Condition)DIP零件組裝工藝標準-板彎、板翹、板扭(平面度)DIP component Assembly workmanship criteria-board wrapage中心線D1.板彎,板翹,板扭計算方式: W=(D*100)/L W=彎(翹)度或扭度(%) D=半成品板材變形之最大距離 L=半成品板材之長邊2.零件組裝後產生之板彎,板翹,板扭程度趨近於0%。1.零件組裝後產生之板彎,

22、板翹,板扭程度 W0.75%。允收狀況(Accept Condition)1.零件組裝後產生之板彎,板翹,板扭程度 W0.75%(MA)。W=(D*100)/L 0.75%W=(D*100)/L 0.75%理想狀況(Target Condition)W=(D*100)/L 0%D拒收狀況(Reject Condition)DIP焊錫性工藝標準-焊錫性問題(錫橋、短路、錫裂)DIP soldering workmanship -soldering issue ( Bridge , short , crack )錫短路、錫橋 :1.兩導體或兩零件腳有錫短路、 錫橋(MA)。錫裂:1.因不適當之外力

23、或不銳利之修 整工具,造成零件腳與焊錫面 產生裂紋,其長度超過零件腳 外徑1/2圈,不影響功能(MI)。拒收狀況(Reject Condition)拒收狀況(Reject Condition)錫短路、錫橋 :1.兩導體或兩零件腳有錫短路、 錫橋(MA)。 拒收狀況(Reject Condition)DIP焊錫性工藝標準-焊錫性問題(空焊、錫珠、錫渣、錫尖)DIP soldering workmanship -soldering issue ( missing solder , solder ball , solder dross , solder peak )1.錫珠與錫渣可被剝除者或不易被剝

24、奪者,直徑D或長度L 10 10 mil且1/2W)(MI)。3.Whichever is rejected . 拒收狀況(Reject Condition)拒收狀況(Reject Condition)空焊:焊錫面零件腳與PCB焊錫不良超過焊點之50%以上(超過孔環之半圈)(MA)。DL1/2WLPin寬度寬度=W理想狀況(Target Condition)金手指工藝標準-沾錫、沾漆、沾膠、刮傷翹起Gold finger workmanship拒收狀況(Reject Condition)允收狀況(Accept Condition)沾錫長度16 mil單面金手指沾錫點數3點1.金手指表面無任何沾

25、錫、沾漆、沾膠現象。2.金手指無任何刮傷現象 。1.同一機板單面之金手指沾錫點 數3點,或其中一點長度16 mil(MA)。2.金手指翹起(MA)。3.金手指刮傷可見鎳層或底材(MA)。4.金手指沾漆、沾膠或其它有影響信賴度之污染物(MA)。5.Whichever is rejected。1.同一機板單面之金手指沾錫點數3點,一根金手指只能允許1點,且每點長度10mil.2.金手指無任何翹起。3.金手指輕微刮傷未見鎳層或底材。4.A區=錫點直徑須,0.25mm,同一PAD不可超過一點,同一面不得超過3點含A區及B區.單面金手指沾錫點數3點且沾錫長度10milL1/3L1/3L1/3LB區A區接觸區非接觸區



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