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1、关于阅读教学的关于阅读教学的几个问题几个问题目的目的 Purpose of reading英语课程标准英语课程标准要求要求 20012001年国家教育部颁布的年国家教育部颁布的英英语课程标准语课程标准指出:指出:“语言技能语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。能力。2Listening Reading理解理解Speaking Writing表达表达3目的目的 Purpose of reading阅读活动:阅读活动:Individual Activity阅读教学:阅读教学:有针对性的在有针对性的在 老师的引导

2、下老师的引导下 的个体活动与的个体活动与 集体活动相结集体活动相结 合的阅读。合的阅读。4 目的目的 Purpose of reading简而言之: 教师通过开展有效的阅读教学活动,培养学生良好的英语阅读习惯,使学生在轻松愉快的环境下对语言的感知感知能力,从而达到全面提高英语能力的目的。 语感语感5培养阅读习惯Familiar to the English items促进读写能力的全面提高促进读写能力的全面提高BuilduptheinterestsofEnglishlanguagelearning6 目的目的 Purpose of reading注意问题:误区:阅读教学活动的目的是检测学生 阅

3、读理解的结果,而不是帮助学生去理解 (testing reading comprehension rather than teaching readers how to comprehend)。以检测阅读理解结果为主导的阅读活 动并不能真正提高学生的阅读技能。7目标目标Goal 按年级(age)和水平(level)单元(篇章、故事)教学目标课堂教学目标根据不同的需求设定阅读目标8最终目标最终目标以读促写 读写结合 自然延伸听说认读写作wordssentencesPicturedwritingPassagesTheme Writing9课程课程 School-based Curriculum u

4、第一课堂(精读/Intensive Reading)开设阅读课 随堂(课)阅读(课文改编,e.g.对话 故事/叙述性的段落)10课程课程 School-based Curriculumu课外阅读(泛读/Extensive Reading) 建立读书角 家庭阅读计划(阅读书目/要求) 网上阅读11材料材料 Reading Materials如何选择阅读材料如何选择阅读材料多样化storys/songs/rhymes/newspaper趣味性 图文并茂 字体适中 贴近学生生活 切忌成人化/纯语法句子 不提倡:中英文对照梯度性 年龄/水平12材料材料 Reading Materials途径p改编、自

5、编p购买 学校/学生p网络13网址:网址:Websiteshttp:/ Environmentl广泛性:随处可见、随手可取营造丰富营造丰富的阅读环的阅读环境境15环境环境 Environmentl展示性l辅助性、补充性l创造性(学生完成)16问题问题 Problems学生总是应付,根本不认真读!学生的负担,老学生的负担,老师家长的法宝!师家长的法宝!孩子根本 不爱阅读17 问题问题 ProblemsReading is fun!以趣取胜 内容吸引:生动形象 形式多样:活动多元 培养兴趣:积极参与 巧妙检测:减轻负担18问题问题 Problems 孩子的词汇量少怎么办?孩子的词汇量少怎么办?分级

6、设定目标分级设定目标准确使用重点掌握基本理解看图猜测看图猜测联系上下文联系上下文猜测与指导结合猜测与指导结合反复训练运用反复训练运用19问题问题 Problems词汇教学策略Phonics构词法联想法(上下文、同类)类比法(以旧带新、归类法)20问题问题 Problems阅读教学的要点是什么?What are the principles behind the teaching of reading?(HowtoTeachEnglish,JeremyHarmer,1998)21What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? Pin

7、ciple1:Reading is not passive skill.Reading is an incredibly active occupation.To do it successfully, we have to understand what the words mean, see the pictures the words are painting, understand the arguments, and work out if we agree with them. If we do not do these things-and if students do not

8、do the then we only just scratch the surface of the text and we quickly forget it.22What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? Princilple2:Studentsneedtobeengagedwithwhattheyarereading.As with everything else in lessons, students who are not engaged with the reading text- not actively i

9、nterested in what they are doing are less likely to benefit from it. 23What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? Principle 3: Students should be encouraged to respondto the content of a reading text, not just to the language.Butthemeaning,themessageofthetext,isjustasimportantandwemustg

10、ivestudentsachancetorespondtothatmessageinsomeway.Itisespeciallyimportantthattheyshouldbeallowedtoexpresstheirfeelingsaboutthetopicthusprovokingpersonalengagementwithitandthelanguage.24What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? Principle4:Predictionisamajorfactorinreading.When we read t

11、exts in our own language, we frequently have a good idea of the content before we actually read. Book covers give us a hint of whats in the book, photographs and headlines hint at what articles are about and reports look like reports before we read a single word.25What are the principles behind the

12、teaching of reading? Principle 5: Match the task to the topic26Principle6:Goodteachersexploitreadingtextstothefull.Good teachers integrate the reading textinto interesting class sequences, using thetopic for discussion and further tasks,using the language for Study and laterActivation.What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? 27What actives shall we have in the classroom?SharedreadingSharedwritingTask-basedwriting(newending/letters/diary)ReadertheatreMakeanewbook28分析一个案例Goldilocks & the three bearsgoldilock and three bears.swfgoldilockJack & the BeanstalkJack and beanstalk293031



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