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1、作业指导书作业指导书作业指导书是指为保证过程的质量而制订的程序并规定某项活动如何进行。对某个指定的岗位工作活动的员工应该怎样做作出规定的文件。这些人员应该严格执行这一规定,从而确保此岗位工作活动的质量。作业指导书有时也称为工作指导令或操作规范、操作规程、工作指引等。 作业指导书的作用作业指导书的作用-是质量体系程序文件的支持性文件。-使各项工作或活动有章可循,使过程控制标准化标准化。-确保产品工作活动质量特征的实现。-对内、对外提供文件化的证据。-持续改进质量的基础和依据。作业指导书内容应满足作业指导书内容应满足4 4W1HW1H原则原则任何作业指导书都须用不同的方式表达出:Where:即在哪

2、里使用此作业指导书;Who:什么样的人使用该作业指导书;What:此项作业的名称及内容是什么;Why:此项作业的目的是干什么;How:如何按步骤完成作业。良好的可操作性和良好的综合效果。 作业指导书的批准作业指导书的批准 -作业指导书应按规定的程序批准后才能执行。-作业指导书是受控文件。 -经批准后只能在规定的场合使用。 -按规定的程序进行更改和更新。作业指导书的编制作业指导书的编制作业指导书是控制计划的直接输出,与控制计划紧密联系,例如:作业指导书是控制计划的直接输出,与控制计划紧密联系,例如:工序号、工序说明、检验、测试、过程监控、统计方法和反应计划工序号、工序说明、检验、测试、过程监控、

3、统计方法和反应计划在编制作业指导书时,要明确所工作的方法、工作中需要使用的适宜的设备(如检验或检测仪器等),适宜的工作环境、工作流程和要点、什么样的工作质量才是合格的。在编制作业指导书时,由于受到具体岗位工作活动等的影响,情况繁杂,会涉及到许多方面的内容,所以可采用多样性的表现形式。Ford APQP Ford APQP 程序程序 17 17 作业指导书作业指导书作业指导书由两大部分组成:工序说明和作业说明。作业说明描述了控制和动作的细节,并且保证操作人员能够生产出合格产品。时间选择:工序描述应从FPDS的到 作业说明(操作人员分配和培训)应从到, 并且在前后进行更新。APQPAPQP阶段第阶

4、段第1717项要素的主要任务项要素的主要任务Tasks of No. 17 Element in APQP1.* 制定相应的有制造职责的多功能小组开发作业指导书,内容应包括工厂、制造工程、操作者操作者/ /小组组长小组组长、环境、安全、人类工程学等在内的相应的操作过程指导书。2. Define the manufacturing-responsible cross-functional team for the development of the Operator Process Instructions which includes the plant, manufacturing eng

5、ineering, operators/team leaders, environmental, safety, ergonomics, etc., as applicable.3.2. 确保初部过程要素在初始过程指导书中被详细描述并被文件化,以便在样件制造确认阶段进行应用、操作工培训和过程步骤确认。4. Ensure that initial elements of the process are adequately described and documented in process definition/instructions for use, operator training,

6、 and verification of process steps at the Confirmation Prototype Build Phase.APQPAPQP阶段第阶段第1717项要素的主要任务项要素的主要任务( (续续) )Tasks of No. 17 Element in APQP(Continuous)3. * 为操作工、后备人员和维修人员、区域主管和其他需要的人员开发培训计划培训计划。以保证在样件制造确认开始的每个制造阶对过程,安全项目,测量设备和量具,SPC等正确执行。 Develop a training plan for operators, back-up and

7、 repair, Zone Supervisors, and others as required, to ensure proper execution of process, inverted delta (FMVSS/CMVSS) items, measurement equipment and gauges, SPC, etc. at each build phase, starting with the Confirmation Prototype Build, as appropriate.4. * 运用样件制造中的经验更新更新过程定义/指导书,准备在将来的生产中得以应用。 Use

8、 the lessons learned from the Prototype Build to update the process definitions/instructions, and prepare them for use in the future builds. APQPAPQP阶段第阶段第1717项要素的主要任务项要素的主要任务( (续续) )Tasks of No. 17 Element in APQP(Continuous)5. 试生产准备阶段更新的过程定义应包括特殊操作工在生产过程的分配。 Update the process definitions to inclu

9、de specific operator allocation to the process steps in preparation for the Pre-Launch Builds.6. * 适当时在过程定义中说明重要重要/ /关键特性关键特性。 Specify significant/critical characteristics in the Process Definition, as appropriate.7. * 按在开发作业指导书过程中, 参考近期控制计划控制计划,如检验、测试、过程监控、统计方法和反应计划。 Refer to the current Control Pl

10、ans for inspection, testing, process monitoring, statistical methods, and reaction plans, as appropriate, in the development of the operator process instructions.APQPAPQP阶段第阶段第1717项要素的主要任务项要素的主要任务( (续续) )Tasks of No. 17 Element in APQP(Continuous)8. 在适当的地方,注明产品和过程的接受和拒收标准。 Include acceptance & rejec

11、tion criteria for product and process where appropriate.9. 确保所需的工装和量具有效准规定; 作业准备、工装更改时间间隔也需文件化。 Insure that the required tools and gauges with calibration requirements, job set-up, and tool change intervals are documented. 10.* 确保将鉴别和处理不合格产品不合格产品的过程文件化。 Ensure the identification and handling of non-

12、conforming materials is documented. APQPAPQP阶段第阶段第1717项要素的主要任务项要素的主要任务( (续续) )Tasks of No. 17 Element in APQP(Continuous)11.* 包括作业名称和作业名称和编号编号、零件名称和零件号、修改日期、工程等级和适当的批准。 Include the operation names and numbers, part names and numbers, revision dates, engineering levels, and appropriate approvals.12.*

13、 在产品试生产中检验检验作业指导书以保证作业指导书按预先的计划得以执行。 Verify process instructions during the Production Trial Run to ensure that they can perform as intended.13.包括受操作者/操作影响的任何下游顾客的要求。 Include any downstream customer requirements affected by the operator/operation.APQPAPQP阶段第阶段第1717项要素的主要任务项要素的主要任务( (续续) )Tasks of No

14、. 17 Element in APQP(Continuous)14.* 运用生产的经验教训更新更新过程定义/指导书,并准备在生产中应用。 Use the lessons learned from the previous builds to update the process definitions/instructions, and prepare them for use in production.15.确保在每个制造阶段就最新等级的指导书完成相应的培训计划,包括过程执行、测量设备和量具和SPC等。 Demonstrate compliance to the training pla

15、n at each build phase for the latest level of instructions, including execution of process, measurement equipment and gauges, SPC, etc.16.保证作业指导书在工作现场可以看到并容易得到。 Ensure that process definitions/instructions are accessible and visible in the work station area.APQPAPQP阶段第阶段第1717项要素的主要任务项要素的主要任务( (续续) )

16、Tasks of No. 17 Element in APQP(Continuous)17.* 保证目视辅具目视辅具在工作现场可以看到且易于得到。 Ensure that visual aids (e.g. FMVSS, Emission labels etc.) are visible and accessible in the work station 18.不断维护和更新操作工多功能图表/信息,作业指导书以确保在操作时不同操作人员能够满足作业要求。特别重要的过程应该标注倒三角/政府法规的要求。 Maintain and update operator versatility charts

17、/information, and process definition/instructions, on an ongoing basis to assure that operation requirements can be filled by multiple operators. Particular emphasis should be made on Inverted Delta (FMVSS/CMVSS)/Government Regulatory operations. Q1 Q1 现场审核对作业指导书的要求现场审核对作业指导书的要求Requirements for Oper

18、ator Process Instructions in Q1 On site Assessment (Continuous)I.5.2. 供应商对这些变更进行有效评审并更新其质量支持文件。需要变更的文件包括:FMEAs, 控制计划,操作指导书,检查辅具,和PPAP文件。供应商有过程实施内部和外部供应商(第二级或第三级)建议的变更,不管这些变更是否可能牵涉到福特供应商能够验证就某一变更进行有效沟通。供应商能够运用最近的变更证明这一过程。.5.2. Supplier effectively reviews and updates its quality supporting documentat

19、ion for these changes. Examples of documents that may require changes: FMEAs, Control Plans, Operator Instructions, Visual Aids, and PPAP documentation.Supplier has a process to implement internal and external suppliers (tier 2 or tier 3, etc.) proposed changes, which may or may not involve Ford.Sup

20、plier can demonstrate effective communication of a change.Q1 Q1 现场审核对作业指导书的要求现场审核对作业指导书的要求( (续续) )Requirements for Operator Process Instructions in Q1 On site Assessment (Continuous)II.3.1. 建立标准化的作业指导书(包括控制计划,工作指导书,工作辅具,检查表,作业准备指导书,和解释)并提供给操作员。作业指导书包括所有必须的细节所有必须的细节,包括质量接收准则,过程和产品 控制参数,参照产品图纸发布水平和日期,

21、所需的特殊量具和工具,过程和产品不符合时的反应计划,联系人等。供应商能够证明操作员遵守作业指导书。II.3.1. Standardized operator instructions (including control plans, work instructions, job aids, check sheets, job set-up instructions, and illustrations) are developed and available for operators.Work instructions have all of the necessary details,

22、including quality acceptance criteria, process and product control parameters, reference to product drawing release level and date, specific/special gages and tools required, reaction plan for process and product non-compliance, point of contact, etc.Supplier can demonstrate operator compliance to t

23、he work instructions.Q1 Q1 现场审核对作业指导书的要求现场审核对作业指导书的要求( (续续) )Requirements for Operator Process Instructions in Q1 On site Assessment (Continuous)II.3.2. 标准化的作业指导书清晰,明确,清晰,明确,且受控。在工作地点存放作业指导书并保证得到操作员的遵守。操作员能够解释他们的工作,包括作业准备部署的和报废的零件。 他们理解书面的指导。 如果是多语言的工作团队,作业指导书得到翻译。在工作站有可视的指导书可视的指导书。II.3.2. Standardi

24、zed operator instructions are legible, specific, and controlled. The instructions are available in the area where the work is being performed and are followed by operators as written.Operators are able to explain their work, including disposition of set-up and scrap parts. They understand written in

25、structions. If there is a multi-lingual workforce, work instructions are translated.Visual instructions are present at the workstation.Q1 Q1 现场审核对作业指导书的要求现场审核对作业指导书的要求( (续续) )Requirements for Operator Process Instructions in Q1 On site Assessment (Continuous)II.3.3. 明确规定的反应计划反应计划并且保护福特不受到不合格原料的影响。如果

26、不合格的产品已发运离开供应商的工厂,供应商有过程通知顾客。如果不合格零件通过了体系,供应商有反应计划。如果不合格产品通过了体系,作业指导书明确反应计划。程序和/或反应计划指导操作员或质量活动下一步做什么。II.3.3. Reaction plans are clearly defined and protect Ford from non-conforming materials.Supplier has a process if non-compliant parts get through the system.Work instructions specify a reaction plan if non-compliant parts get through the system.This procedure and/or reaction plan instructs the operator or quality activity on what to do next.



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