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1、PEPPEP 小学英语句子大全小学英语句子大全三年级上册三年级上册1. -1. -Whats your nameWhats your name你的你的名字是什么?名字是什么?- My name is Chen Jie.- My name is Chen Jie.是陈洁。是陈洁。2. - This is2. - This isJohn,John, -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。见到你很高兴。3. -How are you3. -How are you你好吗?你好吗? - -ImIm fine,fine, thankthank you.yo

2、u.我很好。谢谢。我很好。谢谢。4. -4. -LetsLetspaint.paint.们一起画画吧。们一起画画吧。-Great.-Great.太好了。太好了。5.5. -Look! I-Look! I have ahave a rabbit.rabbit.我有一只兔子。我有一只兔子。 -Cool. -Cool.真酷!真酷!6. -May I have a look6. -May I have a look能看一下吗?能看一下吗? -Sure. Here you are. -Sure. Here you are.1我的名字我的名字这是约翰。这是约翰。让我让我看!看!我我当然可以,给你。当然可以

3、,给你。7.7. I I likelike hamburgers.hamburgers.我喜欢汉堡包。我喜欢汉堡包。8. -Have some French fries.8. -Have some French fries.吃一些吃一些薯条吧。薯条吧。 -Thank -Can I have some chicken9. -Can I have some chicken些鸡肉吗?些鸡肉吗? - Sure. Here you are. - Sure. Here you are.然可以,给你。然可以,给你。10. -How old are you10. -How o

4、ld are you岁了?岁了? - -ImIm9.9.我我 9 9 岁。岁。11. -How many balloons11. -How many balloons气球?气球? -4. -4.4 4 只只三年级下册三年级下册1. -Where are you from1. -Where are you from里?里?- Im from America.Im from America.自美国。自美国。2. -2. - Whos that womanWhos that woman士是谁?士是谁? - -Shes my mother.Shes my mother.她是我的妈妈。她是我的妈妈。1谢

5、谢。谢谢。我可以吃一我可以吃一当当你几你几有多少只有多少只你来自哪你来自哪我来我来那位女那位女3. -3. - Whos that manWhos that man那那位男士是谁?位男士是谁? - -Hes myHes myfather.father.他是我的爸他是我的爸爸。爸。4. -How many kites can you see4. -How many kites can you see你能看见多少只你能看见多少只风筝?风筝?-I-I cancan seesee 1212我能看见我能看见 1212 只。只。5. -How many crayons do you have5. -How

6、 many crayons do you have -I have -I have16.16.支。支。6. -Do you like peaches6. -Do you like peaches桃子吗?桃子吗? -Yes, I -Yes,我喜欢。我喜欢。7. -Do you like oranges7. -Do you like oranges橘子吗?橘子吗? -No, I -No, Idont.dont.不喜欢。不喜欢。8. -Where is my car8. -Where is my car小汽车在哪里?小汽车在哪里? - -Its under the chair.Its

7、 under the chair.它在椅子下面。它在椅子下面。9. -Look at the elephant!9. -Look at the elephant!只大象。只大象。1你有多少支油画棒?你有多少支油画棒?我有我有 1616你喜欢你喜欢是的,是的,你喜欢你喜欢不,我不,我我的我的看那看那 - - Wow!Wow! ItsIts soso big.big.哇!它好大。哇!它好大。10. It has a long nose and a short tail.10. It has a long nose and a short tail.它有一个长长的鼻子,一条短短的尾巴。它有一个长长的

8、鼻子,一条短短的尾巴。11. It has small eyes and big ears.11. It has small eyes and big ears.它有小小的眼睛,大大的耳朵。它有小小的眼睛,大大的耳朵。四年级上册四年级上册1. -1. -Whats in the classroomWhats in the classroom室里有什么?室里有什么?- A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.- A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. 一块写字板,两盏电灯,很多桌子和椅子。一块写字板,两

9、盏电灯,很多桌子和椅子。2. We have a new classroom.2. We have a new classroom.一个新教室。一个新教室。3.3. -LetsLets cleanclean thethe classroom.classroom.让我们一起打扫新教室。让我们一起打扫新教室。 -Good -Goodidea.idea.好主意。好主意。4. -What color is4. -What color isitit的?的?-Its black andIts black andwhite.white.5. Let me clean the5. Let me clean t

10、he户。户。6. -My schoolbag is heavy.6. -My schoolbag is heavy.的书包很重。的书包很重。 - -Whats inWhats initit1教教我们有我们有它是什么颜色它是什么颜色黑色和白色。黑色和白色。我来擦窗我来擦窗我我里面是里面是什么?什么?7. He has short black hair and big eyes.7. He has short black hair and big eyes.他有黑短的头他有黑短的头发,大眼睛。发,大眼睛。8. -8. -Whats his nameWhats his name他叫什么名字?他叫什么

11、名字? -His name is Zhang Peng. -His name is Zhang Peng.他叫他叫张鹏。张鹏。9. -9. -Whats her nameWhats her name她叫什么名字?她叫什么名字? -Her name is -Her name isAmy.Amy.10. She likes10. She -Is this your bedroom11. -Is this your bedroom是你的卧室吗?是你的卧室吗? -Yes, it -Yes,的,它是。的,它是。12. -Is she in th

12、e living room12. -Is she in the living room起居室吗?起居室吗? -No, she -No, sheisnt.isnt.不在。不在。13. Where are the keys13. Where are the keys在哪里?在哪里?14. -Are they on the table14. -Are they on the table们在桌子上吗?们在桌子上吗? -No, they -No, theyarent.arent.1她叫艾米。她叫艾米。她喜欢音乐。她喜欢音乐。这这是是她在她在不,她不,她钥匙钥匙它它不,它们不不,它们不在。在。15. -W

13、hat would you like for dinner15. -What would you like for dinner你晚饭想吃你晚饭想吃什么?什么? - -Id like somId like some fish and vegetables.e fish and vegetables.我想吃我想吃鱼和蔬菜。鱼和蔬菜。16. -How many people are there in your family16. -How many people are there in your family 你们家有几口人?你们家有几口人? -Three. -Three.3 3 口。口。17.

14、17. -Who-Who areare theythey他们是谁?他们是谁? -My parents and me. -My parents and me.我父母和我。我父母和我。18. -18. -Whats your fatherWhats your father你爸爸是做什么的?你爸爸是做什么的? - -Hes aHes生。生。19. -19. -Whats your motherWhats your mother妈妈是做什么的?妈妈是做什么的? - -Shes aShes ateacher.teacher.四年级下册四年级下册1. - Where is

15、the canteen1. - Where is the canteen厅在哪里?厅在哪里?- Its on the firstIts on the firstfloor.floor.楼。楼。2. This is the teachers office.2. This is the teachers office.是教师办公室。是教师办公室。他是医他是医你你她是老师。她是老师。餐餐 它在一它在一这这13. That is my classroom.3. That is my classroom.那那是我的教室。是我的教室。4. -Do you have a library4. -Do you

16、have a library你们有图书馆吗?你们有图书馆吗?-Yes.-Yes.有的。有的。5. This way,5. This way,please.please.6. -Is this the6. -Is this thelibrarylibrary吗?吗? -Yes, it -Yes,是的,它是。是的,它是。7.7. -Is-Is thatthat thethe artart roomroom那是艺术教室吗?那是艺术教室吗? -No, it -No, itisnt.isnt.不是。不是。8. -What time is8. -What time isitit - -I

17、ts nineIts nineoclock.oclock.9. Its time for English class.9. Its time for English class.现在是上英语课的时间了。现在是上英语课的时间了。1010. Its time to go to. Its time to go Breakfast is11. Breakfast isready.ready.1这边请。这边请。这是图书馆这是图书馆几点了?几点了?9 9 点。点。上学的时间到了。上学的时间到了。早餐已经准早餐已经准备好了。备好了。12. Im12. Imready.

18、ready.我准备好了。我准备好了。13. -Is this your13. -Is this yourjacketjacket这是你的夹克衫这是你的夹克衫吗?吗? - -No, itsNo, itsJohns.Johns.是约翰的。是约翰的。14. -What color is14. -What color isitit的?的? -蓝色的。蓝色的。15. -Whose shirt is15. -Whose shirt isthisthis - -Its myIts mybrothers.brothers.弟的。弟的。16. These are your b

19、aby pants.16. These are your baby pants.你婴儿时穿的衣服。你婴儿时穿的衣服。They are so small.They are so small.小啊。小啊。17. -Can I wear my new shirt today17. -Can I wear my new shirt today新衬衫吗?新衬衫吗? -Yes, you -Yes, youcan.can.1不,那不,那它是什么颜色它是什么颜色这是谁的衬衫?这是谁的衬衫?我兄我兄这些是这些是好好今天我可以穿今天我可以穿可以,你可可以,你可以穿。以穿。18. Its warm18. Its w

20、armcoldhot today.coldhot today.今天是暖和的今天是暖和的 寒冷的寒冷的 炎热的。炎热的。19. Those are my shoes.19. Those are my shoes.那些那些是我的鞋子。是我的鞋子。20.20. -Where-Where areare theythey它们在哪里?它们在哪里? -They are on your -They are on yourfeet.feet.它们在你的脚上。它们在你的脚上。21. -21. -Whats the weather like in BeijingWhats the weather like in B

21、eijing北京的天气北京的天气怎么样?怎么样? - -ItsItsrainy.rainy.在下雨。在下雨。22. -Is it22. -Is itcoldcold现现在冷吗?在冷吗? - -No, itsNo,不,不不,不冷。冷。23. -Can I help23. -Can I helpyouyou我能帮你做点什我能帮你做点什么?么? -Yes, I want that -Yes, I want thatdress.dress.是的,我想要那条裙子。是的,我想要那条裙子。24. -How much is this dress24. -How much is this

22、 dress这这条裙子多少钱?条裙子多少钱? - -Its ninetyIts ninetyyuan.yuan.9090 元。元。125. -Are they25. -Are theynicenice它们漂亮它们漂亮吗?吗? -Yes, they -Yes, theyare.are.是的,很是的,很漂亮。漂亮。26. -How much are they26. -How much are they它们要多少钱?它们要多少钱? -They are thirty-five -They are thirty-fiveyuan.yuan.27. -What are theythesethose27.

23、-What are theythesethose些些 那些是什么?那些是什么? -They are -They aregoats.goats.山羊。山羊。28. -Are theythesethose sheep28. -Are theythesethose sheep那些事绵羊吗?那些事绵羊吗? -Yes, they -Yes, theyare.are.它们是绵羊。它们是绵羊。29. -How many cows do you have29. -How many cows do you have头牛?头牛? -One -Onehundred.hundred.0000 头。头。30. -How

24、 many horses are there30. -How many horses are there有多少匹马?有多少匹马? -Twelve. -Twelve.1212 匹。匹。13535 元。元。它们它们 这这它们是它们是它们它们 这些这些 是的,是的,你有多少你有多少1 1那边那边五年级上册五年级上册1. -1. -Whos your art teacherWhos your art teacher你的美你的美术老师是谁?术老师是谁?- Mr- MrWu.Wu.胡胡老师。老师。2.2. -WhatsWhats hehe likelike他看起来怎么样?他看起来怎么样? - -Hes v

25、ery kind. Hes short and thin.Hes very kind. Hes short and thin.他很善良。他很善良。他又矮又瘦。他又矮又瘦。3. -Is she3. -Is shestrictstrict她很严她很严格吗?格吗? -Yes, she -Yes,是的,她是的,她很严格。很严格。4. -What day is it today4. -What day is it today今天今天星期几?星期几?-ItsMonday.ItsMonday.今天是星期一。今天是星期一。5. -What do you have on Mondays5.

26、-What do you have on Mondays星期一你们有什星期一你们有什么课?么课? -We have English, science and . -We have English, science and .我们有英语课,科学课和体育我们有英语课,科学课和体育课。课。6. -What do you do on Saturdays6. -What do you do on Saturdays星期六你星期六你做什么?做什么? -I -I oftenoften dodo mymy homework.homework.我通常做作业。我通常做作业。7. -What would you l

27、ike for lunch7. -What would you like for lunch午餐午餐1想吃什么?想吃什么? - -Id like some tomotoes and mutton.Id like some tomotoes and mutton.我想吃一些我想吃一些西红柿和羊肉。西红柿和羊肉。8. -What do you have for lunch today8. -What do you have for lunch today今天的午饭你今天的午饭你吃了什么?吃了什么? -I have eggplant and tomotoes. -I have eggplant an

28、d tomotoes.我吃我吃了茄子和西红柿。了茄子和西红柿。9. -9. -Whats your favourite foodWhats your favourite food最喜欢的食品是什么?最喜欢的食品是什么? - -Fish. ItsFish. Itstasty.tasty.道很好。道很好。10. I dont like grapes. Theyre sour.10. I dont like grapes. Theyre sour.欢葡萄,它们很酸。欢葡萄,它们很酸。11. -Are you helpful at home11. -Are you helpful at home家乐意

29、帮忙吗?家乐意帮忙吗? -Sure.Yes. -Sure.Yes.当然当然 是的。是的。12. -What can you do12. -What can you do你会做什么?你会做什么? -I can sweep the -I can sweep thefloor.floor.13. Mother goat is13. Mother goat isill.ill.14. This is my new bedroom.14. This is my new bedroom.我的新卧室。我的新卧室。15. -Can you do housework15. -Can you do housewo

30、rk家务吗?家务吗? -No, I -No, I1你你鱼。味鱼。味我不喜我不喜你在你在我会拖地板。我会拖地板。山羊妈妈病了。山羊妈妈病了。这是这是你会做你会做cant.cant.不,我不会做。不,我不会做。16. There is a big closet and a new air-conditioner.16. There is a big closet and a new air-conditioner.这里有一个大衣橱和一台新空调。这里有一个大衣橱和一台新空调。17. Therere blue curtains.17. Therere blue curtains.有蓝色的窗帘。有蓝色的

31、窗帘。18. I love my new room very much.18. I love my new room very much.我非常喜欢我的新房间。我非常喜欢我的新房间。19. The computer is on the desk.19. The computer is on the desk.电脑在桌子上面。电脑在桌子上面。 The trash bin is behind the door. The trash bin is behind the door.垃圾桶在门后面。垃圾桶在门后面。 The closet is near the table. The closet is

32、near the table.衣橱在桌子旁边。衣橱在桌子旁边。20. -20. -Whats your room likeWhats your room like你你的房间时怎么样的?的房间时怎么样的? - -Theres a bed, a closet and a desk.Theres a bed, a closet and a desk.有一张床,一个衣橱和一张桌子。有一张床,一个衣橱和一张桌子。21. -Is there a river in the park21. -Is there a river in the park公公园里有小河嘛?园里有小河嘛? -Yes, there -Y

33、es,是的,那是的,那里有。里有。22. I like my village.22. I like my village.我喜欢我的村庄。我喜欢我的村庄。23. -Are there any bridges in your village23. -Are there any bridges in your village你的村庄里有你的村庄里有桥吗?桥吗? -No, there -No, therea不,那里没不,那里没有。有。24. The water is clean. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. T

34、he clouds24. The water is clean. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The cloudsare white.are white.水很清澈,空气很清新,天是蓝色的,云朵是白色的。水很清澈,空气很清新,天是蓝色的,云朵是白色的。五年级下册五年级下册1. -When do you get up1. -When do you get up你你1通常什么时候起床?通常什么时候起床?- I usually get up at 6:30.- I usually get up at 6:30.我通常在我通常在 6 6:3030 起床。起床。2

35、. - What do you do on the weekend2. - What do you do on the weekend你周末都做你周末都做什么?什么? -I often go -I often我经常购我经常购物。物。 -How about you What about you -How about you What about you你呢你怎你呢你怎么样?么样? -I often play -I often我经常踢我经常踢足球。足球。3. -W3. -Whats your favorite

36、seasonhats your favorite season你你最喜欢哪个季节?最喜欢哪个季节? -Winter, I like -Winter, I likewinter.winter.冬天。我喜冬天。我喜欢冬欢冬4. -Which season do you like best4. -Which season do you like best你最你最喜欢哪个季节?喜欢哪个季节?-Spring. I like spring best. I can fly kites.-Spring. I like spring best. I can fly kites.春天。我最喜欢春天。我可以放风筝。

37、春天。我最喜欢春天。我可以放风筝。5. -Why do you like summer5. -Why do you like summer你你为什么喜欢夏天?为什么喜欢夏天? -Because I can -Because I canswim.swim.因为我可以游因为我可以游泳。泳。6.6. -When-When isis youryour birthdaybirthday你的生日是什么时候?你的生日是什么时候?1 - -Its MayIts May4th.4th.5 5 月月 4 4 日。日。7. -7. -Whats theWhats thedatedate今天是几今天是几月几号?月几号

38、? - -Its OctoberIts October1st.1st.是是 1010 月月 1 1 号。号。8. -Is her birthday in8. -Is her birthday inJuneJune -Yes. -Yes.是的。是的。9. -What are you9. -What are youdoingdoing - -Im reading aIm reading书。书。10.10. -What-What isis youryour fatherfather doingdoing你爸爸正在做什么?你爸爸正在做什么? - -Hes writing anH

39、es writing anE-mail.E-mail.件。件。11. -What is she11. -What is shedoingdoing么?么? -She is -She issinging.singing.她正在唱歌。她正在唱歌。今天今天她的生日在她的生日在 6 6 月吗?月吗?你正在干什么?你正在干什么?我正在看我正在看他正在写一封电子邮他正在写一封电子邮她正在干什她正在干什112. -What is it12. -What is itdoingdoing它正在干它正在干什么?什么? - -ItsItsrunning.running.它正在跑步。它正在跑步。13. -What a

40、re they13. -What are theydoingdoing - -Theyre drinTheyre drinkingkingwater.water.14. -Are they catching butterflies14. -Are they catching butterflies他们正在捉蝴蝶吗?他们正在捉蝴蝶吗? -Yes, they -Yes, theyare.are.的,他们正在捉。的,他们正在捉。15. -Are you eating15. -Are you eatinglunchlunch -No, we -No, wearent.arent.不,我们没有。不,我们

41、没有。16. -Is he taking16. -Is he takingpicturespictures吗?吗? -Yes, he -Yes,是的,他正在拍。是的,他正在拍。17.17. -Is-Is sheshe writingwriting a a reportreport她正在写一个报告吗?她正在写一个报告吗? -No, she -No, she1他们正在干什么?他们正在干什么?他们正在喝水。他们正在喝水。是是你们正在吃午饭吗?你们正在吃午饭吗?他正在拍照他正在拍照isnt.isnt.不,她没有。不,她没有。六年级上册六年级上册1. - How do you go t

42、o school1. - How do you go to school你你怎么去上学?怎么去上学?- I go to school on- I go to school onfoot.foot. 我步行去上我步行去上学。学。2.2. MyMy homehome isis near.near.我我家很近。家很近。3. We can go to the bus stop on foot. Then we go to the park by3. We can go to the bus stop on foot. Then we go to the park bybus.bus.我们可以先步行到车

43、站,我们可以先步行到车站,然后坐车到公园。然后坐车到公园。4. See you then. See you at 2 oclock. 那再见了,我们两点见。4. See you then. See you at 2 oclock. 那再见了,我们两点见。5. -Can I go on5. -Can I go onfootfoot我可以步行我可以步行去吗?去吗?- Sure,if you like. Its not far.Sure,if you like. Its not far.如果你愿意的话,当然可以,如果你愿意的话,当然可以,并不远的。并不远的。6. -Excuse me. Where

44、is the library6. -Excuse me. Where is the library打扰一下,请问一下图书馆在哪里?打扰一下,请问一下图书馆在哪里? - - Its near the postIts near the在邮局附近。在邮局附近。7. -Is it far from7. -Is it far fromherehere离这里远吗?离这里远吗? - -No, its notNo, its notfar.far.不远不远的。的。8. -How can I go to the hospital8. -How can I go to the

45、hospital我怎我怎1么能到医院?么能到医院? -You can go by the bus. Ger off at the cinema. Then walk straight -You can go by the bus. Ger off at the cinema. Then walk straightfor three minutes. The hospital is on the left.for three minutes. The hospital is on the left.你可以坐你可以坐 301301 路车过去。在电影院下车,然后笔直走路车过去。在电影院下车,然后笔直

46、走 3 3 分钟就到了。分钟就到了。医院在左边。医院在左边。9. -How can I go to the mesume9. -How can I go to the mesume我怎么我怎么能到博物馆?能到博物馆?-Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left.-Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left.笔直走笔直走 5 5 分钟,然后向左拐。分钟,然后向左拐。10. -Where is the post offfice10. -Where is the post offfice邮邮局在哪里?局在哪里

47、?- Its east of the cinema.Its east of the cinema.在电影院的东边。在电影院的东边。11. -What are you going to do this evening11. -What are you going to do this evening今天晚上你将做今天晚上你将做什么?什么?-ImIm going to the cinema.going to the cinema.我我去看电影。去看电影。12. -When are you going12. -When are you going你什么时候去?你什么时候去?- This- Thise

48、vening.evening.今今天下午。天下午。13. I want to be a science teacher one day.13. I want to be a science teacher one day.长大后我想做一名科学长大后我想做一名科学老师。老师。14. -14. -Whats yourWhats yourhobbyhobby你的爱好是什么?你的爱好是什么? -I like collecting -I like collectingstamps.stamps.我喜欢集邮。我喜欢集邮。15. There is a stamp show Sunday.15. There

49、is a stamp show Sunday.星期天有一个邮星期天有一个邮1展。展。16. Her father works in a school.16. Her father works in a school.她爸爸在她爸爸在一所学校工作。一所学校工作。17. -Does your pen pal live in Shanghai17. -Does your pen pal live in Shanghai你的笔友住在你的笔友住在上海吗?上海吗? - -No, he doesnt. He lives in Beijing.No, he doesnt. He lives in Beijin

50、g.不,不,他住在北京。他住在北京。18. -What does your father do18. -What does your father do你爸你爸爸是做什么的?爸是做什么的?- Hes aHes ateacher.teacher.他是老他是老师。师。19. How19. Howexciting!exciting!太令太令人激动了人激动了! !20. -How does he go to work20. -How does he go to work他怎他怎么去上班?么去上班? -He goes to work by -He goes to work他骑自

51、行车去上班。他骑自行车去上班。21. -Where does the rain come from21. -Where does the rain come from雨是从哪里来雨是从哪里来的?的? -It comes from the clouds. -It comes from the clouds.来自云。来自云。22. -First, put the seeds in the soil. Water them. In several days,22. -First, put the seeds in the soil. Water them. In several days,you c

52、an see the can see the sprout.首先把种子放在泥土里。给它们浇水。几天之后你就可以看见新芽。首先把种子放在泥土里。给它们浇水。几天之后你就可以看见新芽。六年级下册六年级下册1. -1. -Im 11 years old.Im 11 years old.我我 1111岁。岁。1- Im 12. Im one year older than you.Im 12. Im one year older than you.我我 1212 岁,比你大一岁。岁,比你大一岁。2. Youre taller2. Youre taller than your br

53、other.than your brother.你比你的弟弟高。你比你的弟弟高。3. Im 160 cm tall. Hes 159 cm tall.3. Im 160 cm tall. Hes 159 cm tall.我身高我身高 160160 厘米,厘米,他身高他身高 159159 厘米。厘米。4. -Which m do you like4. -Which m do you like你喜欢哪只猴子?你喜欢哪只猴子?- I like the yellow one.- I like the yellow one.我喜欢黄我喜欢黄色的那只猴子。色的那只猴子。5. -Which m is str

54、onger5. -Which m is stronger哪只猴子更强壮?哪只猴子更强壮? -The brown m is stronger. -The brown m is stronger.棕色的那只。棕色的那只。6. I think the little m is only 40cm tall.6. I think the little m is only 40cm tall.我想那只小猴子只有我想那只小猴子只有 4040 厘厘米高。米高。7. His tail is7. His tail islonger.longer.它的尾巴更长。它的尾巴更长。8. -8. -Whats the ma

55、tter, MikeWhats the matter, Mike迈克,你怎迈克,你怎么了?么了? -I feel sick. I have a fever. -I feel sick. I have a fever.我生病我生病了,我有点发烧。了,我有点发烧。9. -How do you feel9. -How do you feel你感觉你感觉怎么样?怎么样? -I feel -I feelsick.sick.我感觉生我感觉生病了。病了。10. -How does Amy feel10. -How does Amy feel艾米感觉怎么艾米感觉怎么样?样? - -ShesShestired.

56、tired.她感觉很疲她感觉很疲劳。劳。11. I am excited.11. I am excited.我太我太激动了。激动了。112. I failed the math test.12. I failed the math test.我数学考我数学考试不及格。试不及格。13. Im sorry to hear that.13. Im sorry to hear that.听到那件听到那件事我很难过。事我很难过。14. -What did you do last weekend14. -What did you do last weekend上周末你做了什么?上周末你做了什么? - -

57、I I playedplayed我踢足球了。我踢足球了。- Did you read books- Did you read books- Yes,Yes, I I did.did.是的,我看了。是的,我看了。15. -Where did you go on your holiday15. -Where did you go on your holiday -I went to -I went toXinjiang .Xinjiang .-How did you go there-How did you go there那里的?那里的? -I went by -I went bytrain.train.1你看书了吗?你看书了吗?你假期去了哪里?你假期去了哪里?我去了新疆。我去了新疆。你怎样去你怎样去我坐火车去的。我坐火车去的。



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