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1、英语基础语法英语基础语法英语的特点及基本结构英语的特点及基本结构十大词类名词名词, girl, measurement, woman代词代词, I, him, his, mine, that动词动词, beat, is, can, do, will, call形容词形容词, beautiful, difficult副词副词, very, hard, carefully.限定词(冠词),限定词(冠词),a, an, the连词连词, and, but, because数词数词, one, first.介词介词, on, in, from, of.感叹词感叹词 Wow, oh句子简单句简单句 En

2、glish sometimes made me frustrated并列句并列句 The teacher came into the classroom and said hello to the students.主从复合句主从复合句 Though English sometimes made me frustrated, I gradually find it interesting and rewarding.简单句基本句型(1)My name is Li Ming. My major is Computer Science. I am a freshman in Dalian Nati

3、onalities University. It looks beautiful.主语主语+ (系)动词(系)动词 + 表语表语简单句基本句型(2)I get up at six every day.I study very hard.I do so because.主语主语+动词动词More:I can swim.Ill try.简单句基本句型(3)I read English aloud.I enjoy learning English.We are studying sentence patterns now.I saw him yesterday.主语主语+动词动词+宾语宾语简单句基本

4、句型(4)My friends give me some advice.My friends give some advice to me.He handed me a letter.He handed a letter to meShe sang us a songShe sang a song for us.主语主语+动词动词+宾语宾语+宾语宾语简单句基本句型(5)I graually find it interesting and rewarding.My friends call me Da Ming.主语主语+动词动词+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语More:He found his

5、 new job boring.This placed her in a very difficult position.I saw her chatting with Nancy.Conclusion句子的基本组成成分有:主语,谓语,宾语,定语,补语,表语,同位语,其中主语和谓语部分是必不可少的。简单句的基本句型有五种, 主要取决于动词。Exercise我累了。Im tired.我在学校里很高兴。Im happy in the school.我会梦想成真的。My dreams will come true.太阳正在升起。The sun is rising.你睡的好吗?Did you slee

6、p well?汽车坏了。The car broke down.我认识这些人。I know these people.我无法用英语表达自己的意思。I cant express myself in English.她为我们做了顿饭。She cooked a meal for us.我看到她正和南希聊天。I saw her chatting with Nancy.我问了他们的名字。扩句练习He is running.The noise made him angry.My father bought me a present.He keeps his eyes closed.You will tell

7、 me a story.We keep the room clean.动词类别特点意义举例实义动词vt.vi.及物动词单宾语及物动词须跟一个宾语一起才能表达完整的意思Theteacherlikesus.句型3双宾语及物动词须跟两个宾语一起才能表达完整的意思Hegivemesomeadvice.句型4复杂宾语及物动词须跟一个宾语和补语一起才能表达完整的意思Ifindthecourseinteresting.句型5不及物动词不能直接接宾语能独立作谓语Shealwayscomeslate.句型2系动词link-v跟表语不能独立做谓语,跟表语构成完整意思Iamastudent.句型1助动词aux.v.

8、跟动词原形或分词(无词汇意义)不能独立做谓语,跟实义动词一起构成谓语,表示疑问,否定及各种时态HedoesntspeakChinese.IamwatchingTV.情态动词mod.v跟动词原形(有自己的词汇意思)不能独立做谓语。表示说话人语气、情态,无人称和数的变化Wecandoitbyourselves.Thatwouldbebetter.短语动词 短语动词是由一些动词和其它词构成短语,表达一个完整的意思。其构成方式如下。构成方式举例动词+介词Lookat,lookafter动词+副词Giveup,putinto动词+副词+介词Catchupwith,lookdownupon动词+名词+介词


10、couldflytothemoonsomeday.愿望系动词:系动词:be, look/sound/smell/taste/feel; become/get/turn/appear/seem They are students. She is beautiful. He is here/there/in/out/way. He is in the classroom/on the playground. Her job is teaching English/tiring/exciting. It looks fine. The plan sounds good. Its getting la

11、te. Her hair turned grey. He always seems (to be) sad. He seems to be afraid/ asleep/ awake/alive.(表语形容词) He appeared (to be quite) well prepared. 表语:名词,形容词,介词短语,副词,动词-ing形式Exercise-句型(1)变一般疑问句: Are they students. Is she beautiful. Is he here/there/in/out/way. Is he in the classroom/on the playgroun

12、d. Is her job teaching English/tiring/exciting.Does it look fine.Does the plan sounds good.Is It getting late.Did Her hair turn grey.Does he always seem (to be) sad.Does he seems to be afraid/asleep/awake/alive.(表语形容词)Did he appeared (to be quite) well prepared.变特殊疑问句Who are they.How is she like.Whe

13、re Is he.Where Is he.How/What is her job. How does it look like. How does the plan sound like. How is it getting. Whose hair turned grey. How does he always seem to be. How does he seems to be. How did he appeared to be.More exercise (选择填空) 1. My brother _ a teacher. He _ his pupils very much. A. is

14、, like B. is, likes C. are, likes D. are, like 2. A: How many days _ there in a week? B: There _ seven. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is 3. I _ tired last night. A. became B. felt C. looked D. am 4. Her face _ pale(苍白)when she heard the bad news. A. got B. is C. turned D. was 5. You _ pal

15、e. Whats wrong with you? A. turn B. seem C. look D. become 6. The boy _ ill today. A. are B. is C. be D. am 7. Which _ bigger, the sun or the moon? A. are B. is C. be D. 9.I_aworkernextyear.A.amB.willbeC.beD.will10.Hervoice_likemymothers.A.soundsB.soundC.looksD.look11.Itoftenrainsandthecrops_fast.A.


17、willbeI get up at six every day.I study very hard.I do so because.I can swim.Ill try.变一般疑问句 Do you get up at six every day? Do you study very hard? Do you do so because.? Can you swim? Will you try?Exercise-句型(2)-不及物动词变特殊疑问句Igetupatsixeveryday.Istudyveryhard.Idosobecause.Icanswim.Illtry. When do you

18、 get up every day? How do you study? Why do you do so? What can you do? What will you do?Exercise-句型(3)单宾语及物动词I read English aloud.I enjoy learning English.We are studying sentence patterns now.I saw him yesterday.He decided to go alone.宾语: 名称,代词,不定式短语,动名词短语变一般疑问句、特殊疑问句He decided to go alone.Does he

19、 decide to go alone?How does he decide to go?Who decided to go alone?I enjoy learning English. Do you enjoy learning English?Who enjoy learning English?What do you enjoy?变一般疑问句、特殊疑问句We are studying sentence patterns now.Are you studying sentence patterns now?What are you studying now?I saw him yeste

20、rday. Did you see him yesterday?When did you see him?Whom did you see yesterday?Exercise-句型(4)双宾语及物动词My friends gave me some advice.My friends gave some advice to me.He handed me a letter.He handed a letter to meShe sang us a songShe sang a song for us.变一般疑问句、特殊疑问句My friends gave me some advice.Did

21、your friends give you some advice?What did your friends give you?Who gave you some advice?He handed me a letter. Did he hand you a letter?Who handed you a letter?What did he hand you?变一般疑问句、特殊疑问句She sang us a song.She sang a song for us.Did she sing us a song?Who sang us a song?What did she so for u

22、s?Exercise-句型(5)复杂宾语及物动词I gradually find it interesting and rewarding.My friends call me Da Ming.He found his new job boring.This placed her in a very difficult position.I saw her chatting with Nancy.I heard my name called.The teacher told us not to be late.I found him out.I consider it a pity that

23、you didnt take his advice.宾语补足语:名称(短语),形容词(短语),分词短语 (现在分词和过去分词),不定式短语, 介词短语, 副词,句子。注意动词搭配:Ask/require/ sb. to do sth,Help/see/here/watch/notice/make/have/help sb. do sth.Find/keep/make sth + adj. find/make + n. 变一般疑问句、特殊疑问句I gradually find it interesting and rewarding.Do your gradually find it inter

24、esting and rewarding?What do gradually find?How do gradually find it ?My friends call me Da Ming. Do your friends call you Da Ming?Who call you Da Ming?What do your friends call you?exercises1.以她的年龄而言,她看起来很年轻。1.Shelooksveryyoungforherage.2.天色渐黑,咱们回家吧。2.Itsgettingdark.Letsgohome.3.他好象匆忙的样子。3.Heseemst

25、obeinahurry.4.为什么他感到悲伤?4.Whydoeshefeelsad?5.我祖母的头发变白了。5.Mygrandmashairisturninggrey.6.约翰成了一名好学生。6.Johnhasbecomeagoodstudent.我觉得英语很难。I find English difficult.她帮我完成了任务。She helped me finish the task.我听到她抱怨食堂的饭菜差。I heard her complaining about the food in the dinning hall.我注意到她进入教室了。I noticed her enter i

26、nto the classroom.我会让他给我修理自行车的。I will have him repair the bicycle for me.我发现他很幽默。I find him humorous.动词的时态一般时进行时完成时完成进行时一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时现在完成进行时一般过去时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成进行时一般将来时将来进行时将来完成时将来完成进行时一般过去将来时过去将来进行时过去将来完成时过去将来完成进行时一般时态进行时态完成时态完成进行时态现在do/doesam/is/aredoinghave/hasdonehave/hasbeendoing过去didwas/weredoinghaddonehadbeendoing将来shall/willdoshall/willbedoingshall/willhavedoneshall/willhavebeendoing过去将来should/woulddoshould/wouldbedoingshould/wouldhavedoneshould/wouldhavebeendoing



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