江苏省昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版

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《江苏省昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4GrammarFinding your wayPRESENTATIONA dog is lying on the grass.lielyingHe doesnt feel comfortable in a big _.He likes staying in an open area. cageHere is a cat.The dog doesnt look like the cat.Here is a zoo.First the dog will visit the zoo.It is a bridge.It is going across the bridge.The dog

2、is very happy. He sees different kinds of animals.It is a panda.The panda is eating bamboo.It is a monkey.The monkey is eating an apple.It is an elephant.The elephant is walking.1、冠、冠词词是虚是虚词词,本身不能,本身不能单单独使用,也独使用,也没有没有词义词义,它用在名,它用在名词词的前面,帮助指的前面,帮助指明名明名词词的含的含义义。2、冠、冠词词分分为为不定冠不定冠词词a(an)和定冠和定冠词词the两种。不定

3、冠两种。不定冠词词a/an常用来泛指某常用来泛指某人或某物,定冠人或某物,定冠词词the常用来指特定的某常用来指特定的某人或某物。人或某物。冠词:冠词: 1. It is a panda. The panda is eating bamboo.2. It is a monkey. The monkey is eating an apple.3. It is an elephant. The elephant is walking.Discuss in groups(小组讨论小组讨论): How to use “a/an” or “the” 结论结论1: 当我们当我们首次首次提到某人或某物时,提

4、到某人或某物时, 在前面用不定冠词在前面用不定冠词a/an。 当我们当我们再次再次提到某人或某物,提到某人或某物, 我们在前面加定冠词我们在前面加定冠词“the”。DISCUSS IN GROUPS: HOW TO USE “A” OR “AN”a panda an elephanta monkey an applea bridge an open area结论结论结论结论2 2:a a用于用于用于用于辅音音素辅音音素辅音音素辅音音素开头的词前,开头的词前,开头的词前,开头的词前, anan用于用于用于用于元音音素元音音素元音音素元音音素开头的词前。开头的词前。开头的词前。开头的词前。小试身手

5、:用小试身手:用A或或AN填空填空_ lion _bird _orange _“L” _giraffe _ old man _ “u” _umbrella_ interesting book _ hour_ honest boyaaanananananaaan注意:注意:注意:注意:anan是放于是放于是放于是放于元音音素元音音素元音音素元音音素前,而不是元前,而不是元前,而不是元前,而不是元音字母前。音字母前。音字母前。音字母前。an特殊特殊词:a usual boy ; a useful book ; a university ; a one leg dog an uncle ; an u

6、mbrella an honest boy ; an hour ; 字母前用字母前用an “a , e , i , o , f, h , l , m , n , r , s , x ”定冠词定冠词the 的用法的用法口诀: 定冠词用法有规律,防止遗忘很容易。特指双方都熟悉,上文已经被提及。世上无二仅独一,序数词和最高级。山河海岛建筑物,姓氏复数奏乐器。少数形表人一类,方位名词须牢记。普构专有惯用词,试用此诀有效率。不用冠词的情况不用冠词的情况口诀:下列情况不用冠,名词之前代词限;专有名词不可数,球类学科与三餐;复数名词表泛指,节日月份星期前;颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔。 定冠词定冠词 th

7、e的用法的用法 1. 第二次提到第二次提到 This is an apple. The apple is mine.2. 特指特指 The boy in red is my brother. 3. 用在独一无二的名词前用在独一无二的名词前 the sun 太阳太阳 / the moon 月亮月亮 / the earth地球地球4. 用在最高级前用在最高级前 the youngest / the most beautiful 5. 用在序数词前用在序数词前 the first / the second / the third / the fourth6. 用在西洋乐器前用在西洋乐器前 play

8、the piano / the guitar 7. The +姓的复数姓的复数 表示一家人表示一家人 The Smiths / the Greens smith 一家一家 / 格林一家格林一家8. 用在方位名词前用在方位名词前 或习惯用法或习惯用法 in the south / on the right / in the day / in the end特别提醒: 月份月份 ,季,季节,星期,国家,体育运,星期,国家,体育运动,一日三餐,一日三餐,语言言,节日,人、地名日,人、地名,专有名有名词或可数名或可数名词复数前。复数前。名词前不加冠词。一些固定短语中一些固定短语中eg. by plan

9、e, go to school/work, after school, at night, at work小试身手:用适当的冠词填空,为什么?1.We live on _third floor of the tall building.2._Whites are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day.3.My cousin ,Amy,like playing _violin.4._earth goes around _sun.5.I believe you are _best singer .6._rich should try their bes

10、t to help _poor.ThethethethetheThetheThe序数词前序数词前用于姓氏复数形式前,表示某一家人用于姓氏复数形式前,表示某一家人乐器前乐器前世界上独一无二的事物世界上独一无二的事物形容词最高级前形容词最高级前某些形容词前,表示某一类人某些形容词前,表示某一类人PRACTICE:FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH A, AN OR THE.1. - I can see _ kite over there. - Where is _ kite? I cant see it.2.- Is there _ library near here? - Yes.

11、_ library is just next to our classroom.3. I have _ apple. Its in my bag. Can you see _ apple?4. There is _cinema in Green Street. Ill watch _ film in _ cinema.aaanaaThethethetheMillie:Lets go to the Panda House first.Daniel: Here we are. I can see (1)_ panda there. Its lying on the grass.Millie: Ho

12、w cute! I really love pandas. Look! Theres (2)_ baby panda. Its so small.Daniel: Yes. (3)_ baby panda doesnt look like its mother.Millie: Now lets go to see some lions.Daniel: Are (4)_ lions in (5)_ open area?Millie: No, they arent. Theyre in (6) _ very big cage. Daniel: I see.aaThetheanaPractice (

13、Page 47 )(half an hour later)Daniel: Millie, here is (7)_ bridge. What can you see across it?Millie: Oh, (8)_ elephant is standing over there.Daniel: Lets go across (9) _ bridge and see (10)_ elephant. aanthethe一试身手一试身手:用用a, an, the或或“/”填空填空1.-Is there _ post office near your home.-Yes .Its at the e

14、nd of _ road.2.Is _ New York _ capital of _ America?3.Are you going to play _ basketball after school.4.-I can see _ kite just now.-Where is _ kite now?aa/thethethe/在需要的空格内填入冠词在需要的空格内填入冠词a,an或或the:1.Where are _ balls? Are they under _chair?2.-Who is that? -_ girl in _ hat? I dont know.3.I have _ app

15、le. Its in my bag. Can you see _ apple?4.This is _ bag._ bag is under _ desk.5.Look at _ map. Its _ map of _ China.6.Are they _ twins? Yes, they are.thetheTheanaThetheathea/the7. We are in _ same school. But John is _ American boy.8. We must be polite to _ old.9. _ moon goes around _ sun.10. Who is

16、_ first one to come here?11. She goes to school by _ bike, but yesterday. she went here in _ car.12. Its _ useful book. He is _ unhappy boy.13. _ Smiths are having supper at home now.theTheathean/theaThetheanI cant find the dog again.behind the cagein front of the cageinside the cageoutside the cage

17、The toy plane is _ the dog.aboveThe dog is _ the toy plane.belowThe toy plane is _ the dog.overThe dog is _ the toy plane.under强调垂直之上/下oninbehindunderabovenext tobelowinsideoutsidein the middle ofover besideon the lefton the rightin front of方位介词方位介词含义含义注意注意at在在处处指在某一点指在某一点,常用于较小的地常用于较小的地点点in在在处处相对于相

18、对于at,常用于较大的地点常用于较大的地点on在在上上在某一平面上在某一平面上above在在上方上方表示表示“高于某物高于某物”below在在下方下方表示表示“低于某物低于某物”over在在上方上方在垂直正上方在垂直正上方,不接触表面不接触表面under在在下方下方在垂直正下方在垂直正下方,不接触表面不接触表面opposite在在对面对面方位介词方位介词含义含义注意注意in front of在在前面前面在某物外部的前面,注意与在某物外部的前面,注意与in the front of的区别的区别,后者指后者指“在某物内部的前面在某物内部的前面”behind在在后面后面在某物的后面在某物的后面ins

19、ide在在里面里面outside在在外面外面beside在在旁边旁边next to在在旁边旁边相当于相当于besidebetween在在中间中间between表示在两者之间,表示在两者之间,among表示表示“在三者(或以在三者(或以上)之间上)之间”The man is _ the tree.The hills are _the forest.The birds are _the tree .The chair is _the basket and the table.一试身手:用适当的方位介词填空一试身手:用适当的方位介词填空underbehindinbetweenthe doga sig

20、na benchAsk and answerA: What can you see in the park ?B: I can see a / I can see some A: Where is/are the ?B: It is / He is / She is / They are Work in pairsLets help Sandy There is a beautiful lake in the park. Look, two boys are rowing a boat (1)_ the lake. (2)_ the lake theres a football field.

21、Some children are playing football (3)_ it. (4)_ the football field, there are two trees . On the left, a bird is singing (5)_ one tree. On the right, two boys are sitting (6)_ the other tree. (7)_the two trees, three girls are chatting (8)_ the bench.onBeside / Next toonIn front ofinunderBetweenonProductionAn example:There is a TV in our classroom.The TV is above our teachers desk.Useful expressions:There is/are in our classroom.The is/are Talk about things in our classroomalongacrossoverthrougharoundfromupdownto1. Review the grammar part again.2. Write an article about our classroom.



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