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1、单元基础知识过关六单元基础知识过关六Unit6MoviesandTheatre单元基础知识过关六基础知识清单基础知识迁移Unit6MoviesandTheatre基基础础知知识识清清单单单元基础知识过关六重点单词 1导演;院长;校长;主任 _ 2导演;指导;指示 _ 3背景;背景资料 _ 4任务;工作 _5几个人(事物);两个人(事物) _6妻子 _directordirectbackgroundtaskcouplewife7无论什么;不管什么 _8灰色(的) _9结婚;嫁;娶 _ 10我们的(名词性物主代词) _11海岸;海滨 _ 12手提包 _ 13在中间;被所围绕 _ 14卫兵;看守 _

2、 whatevergreymarryourscoasthandbagamongguard单元基础知识过关六15女王;王后 _16为服务 _17疯的;发怒的 _ 18好看的;英俊的 _19女演员 _ 20行动;活动;作用(n.) _(v.) _ madactressqueenservehandsomeactionact单元基础知识过关六重点短语 1从事;继续做 _ 2照看;照顾 _ 3分配;划分;分割 _ 4对有影响 _5在制造 _6过着贫穷的生活 _7拉出 _work ontake care ofdivide uphaveeffect onbe made inlead a poor lifep

3、ull out单元基础知识过关六8打开 _9从跳出来 _ 10立刻;马上 _11 (灯)熄灭;停止运转 _ 12迫不及待做某事 _ 13为了,以便 _ 14上演 _15对予以关注 _ open upjump out ofat once/right nowgo offcant wait to do sth.in order toput onfocus on单元基础知识过关六重点句型 1今天咱们来谈谈电影和戏剧。 Today lets _ _ movies and plays.2但是你曾经参与过拍电影或戏剧吗? but _ you ever _ _ _ making a movie or a pl

4、ay? talkaboutbeenhaveinvolved单元基础知识过关六in3你认为制作一部电影或戏剧需要什么? What _ _ _ is _ to make a movie or a play?4一个好的剧本需要被写出来。 A good script _ _ _ _.doyouthinkneededneedstobewritten单元基础知识过关六7我和我的妻子过着贫穷的生活。 My wife and I _ a poor _8它说它能够给我所希望得到的一切。 It said it could give me _ I _ _.9你能让我的妻子成为一个贵妇人吗? Could you pl

5、ease _ _ _ _ _ _?leadlifewhateverwishedformymakewife单元基础知识过关六arichlady10立刻去,否则我要惩罚你! Go _ _, _ I will punish you! 11我迫不及待地想看到它们。 I _ _ to see them. 12为了制作这部话剧,我们做了一些调查。 Some research was done _ _ _ make the play.rightnoworcantorderwaitinto单元基础知识过关六13但是在北京我们的确有一家老舍茶馆。 But we _ _ a Lao She Teahouse in

6、 Beijing.14像大多数人一样,我总是对男演员或女演员予以关注。 Like most people, I always _ _ the actors or actresses.15在背景里能够听到海浪声。 Waves _ _ _ in the background.dohavefocusedonbecanheard单元基础知识过关六单词回顾 根据句意及所给提示完成句子1Do you know the _ (direct) of this movie? Yes, its Ang Lee.2Is the man single or _ (marry)? Sorry, I dont know.

7、 基基础础知知识识迁移迁移directormarried单元基础知识过关六3We should take _ (act) to help these poor children.4I _ (prefer) comedies in the past.5Bens and Tonys _ (wife) are classmates when they were at university.6What time is the tea _ (serve), sir?actionpreferredwivesserved单元基础知识过关六 7Are these books _ (我们的)? No, they

8、re Tommys. 8He is standing _ (在中间) his workers. 9The city is famous for its beautiful _ (海岸) 10She said she could give us _(无论什么) we want.amongcoastours单元基础知识过关六whatever短语运用 . 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空put on, in order to, why not, be involved in, a couple of 1A new play will _ in this theatre next month.2_ jo

9、in us and share the delicious food, Ted? It sounds good.be put onWhy not单元基础知识过关六3My parents will come back from the countryside in _ days.4He raised his voice _ make himself heard.5His cousin _ a fight the day before yesterday.a couple ofin order towas involved 单元基础知识过关六. 根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子1The f

10、ilm has _ _ (上演上演) for fifteen minutes.2Dont worry about him. He is old enough to _ _ _ (照看照看) himself.3Who do you often _ _ (请求请求) help when you are in trouble?been ontake ofcareaskfor单元基础知识过关六4He _ tragedies _ comedies. (更喜欢更喜欢)5The little girl is _ _ (环顾环顾) her new bedroom excitedly.prefers to lo

11、oking around单元基础知识过关六句型突破I. 按要求完成下列各题1My grandma cleans the room every day. (改为被动语态) The room _ _ by my grandma every day.2If you dont hurry, youll be late. (改为同义句) Hurry up, _ youll be late.iscleanedor单元基础知识过关六3A Canadian invented basketball over 100 years ago. (改为被动语 态) Basketball _ _ by a Canadia

12、n over 100 years ago.4Its very useful information. (改为叹句) _ _ the information is!5I often see him play football after school. (改为被动语态) He is often _ _ play football after school. wasinventedHowusefulseento单元基础知识过关六. 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1除非人们立刻采取行动,否则环境将会更糟糕。除非人们立刻采取行动,否则环境将会更糟糕。 Unless people _ _ at

13、 once, or the environment will be even worse.2这项工程很快就会完成。这项工程很快就会完成。 The project _ _ _ soon.3很多著名的英文著作都是他写的。很多著名的英文著作都是他写的。 Many famous works in English _ _ by him.takewillactionfinishedbewerewritten单元基础知识过关六4请你给这位老人让点儿地方好吗?请你给这位老人让点儿地方好吗? _ _ _ make some space for the old man?5这位男演员真英俊啊!这位男演员真英俊啊! _ _ _ _ he is!CouldyoupleaseWhathandsomea单元基础知识过关六actor



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