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1、ExersiseIdioms:1. very easy(informal); things that is easy to do.2. be skillful in gardening.3. very easy; as easy as ABC4.点石成金5. (informal)be very clumsy;笨手笨脚6. be interested in and very goot at discovering (sth. esp. facts or news).2021/6/71 Unit 3Refugee2021/6/72吉尔吉斯难民返家吉尔吉斯难民返家吉尔吉斯难民返家吉尔吉斯难民返家20

2、21/6/732021/6/742021/6/752021/6/762021/6/77RefugeeRefugee:A refugee is a person who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of their nationality, and is unable to o

3、r, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail him/herself of the protection of that country.2021/6/78The make up of refugeesThe make up of refugees1. refugees displaced-person across border2. internally-displaced persons: those who have a refuge status but dont cross an international border3. asylum-

4、seekers asking protection from the government of host country2021/6/79UNHCRUNHCR档案档案档案档案全名:全名:United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees生日:生日:December 14, 1950 总部:总部:Geneva, Switzerland成就:成就:Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1954 and 1981工作范围:工作范围:It protects and supports refugees at the request o

5、f a government or the United Nations and assists in their return or resettlement.服务对象:服务对象:All refugees in the world are under the UNHCR mandate except Palestinian Arabs .2021/6/710家庭背景:家庭背景: It succeeded the earlier International Refugee Organization and the even earlier United Nations Relief and R

6、ehabilitation Administration (which itself succeeded the League of Nations Commissions for Refugees). 工作目标:工作目标:It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle

7、 in a third country. 2021/6/711WORD PRETEST2021/6/7121. C 1. C repatriationn. 遣送回国, 归国imprisonmentn. 监禁,关押;坐牢;下狱 2021/6/7132. C 2. C fester v.(动词)(动词)fes.tered, fes.ter.ing, fes.tersv.intr.(不及物动词)(不及物动词)1. To generate pus; suppurate.产生脓;化脓2. To undergo decay; rot.腐烂;腐败3. To be subject to or exist in

8、 a condition of decline:使衰败:成为衰落的对象或处于衰败的状态下:v.tr.(及物动词)(及物动词)To infect, inflame, or corrupt.使感染、发炎或腐烂2021/6/7143. C3. Casylum n.(名词)(名词)(c) 避难所:提供保护及安全的场所;庇护庇护所:以前为罪犯或债务人准备的不可 侵犯的地方,如教堂(U)庇护:一国政府对他国政治难民提供的保护和豁免2021/6/7154. C4. Cexilen.(名词)(名词)1. 流放:被强迫离开自己的国家2. 自我流放:自愿的离开本国3. 流亡期间:在自己国家之外生活的情况或时间4.

9、 离乡者:被驱逐或因为自愿而居住在自己的祖国之外v.tr.(及物动词)(及物动词)流放;把驱逐出境2021/6/7165. A 5. A accommodatev.tr.(及物动词)(及物动词) 容纳,提供空间:宽绰而不拥挤 使适应 解决;和解v.intr.(不及物动词)(不及物动词)适应,调节2021/6/7176. B 6. B token n.(名词)(名词) 标志:用于指示,证明或表示其它事物的东西; 象征:显示或表明权力,有效性或身份的东西 badge n. 徽章;标记;证章 vt. 授给徽章2021/6/7187. B 7. B Impedimentn.(名词)(名词)妨碍物;阻碍

10、block n. 块;街区;障碍物;大厦vt. 阻塞;阻止;限制2021/6/7198. C8. CRehabilitatev.tr.(及物动词)(及物动词)康复修复恢复名誉 恢复职位2021/6/720Structural ReadingStructural Reading1. Paragraph 12. Paragraph 2 3. Paragraph 34. Paragraph 4-55. Paragraph 62021/6/721Paragrapg One Paragrapg One 1. What is UNHCR ?2. Problem3. Effort 2021/6/722Str

11、uctural ReadingStructural Reading1. Paragraph 1 problem-solution2. Paragraph 2 Africa3. Paragraph 3 Europe4. Paragraph 4-5 Asia5. Paragraph 6 America2021/6/723Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 1.What is the controlling idea?2. How many examples are mentioned to amplify the controlling idea2021/6/724Paragraph

12、3Paragraph 31. How many European parts are mentioned in this paragraph?2. What is the controlling idea in each paragraph?2021/6/725Paragraph 4-5Paragraph 4-51. How many Asian parts are mentioned in these two paragraphs?2. What happened in each part?2021/6/7265. Paragraph 65. Paragraph 61. How many A

13、merican parts are mentioned in this paragraph?2. What happened in each part?2021/6/7271. The humanitarian crisis, provoked by the flight continued to fester. (1st line) A humanitarian crisis (or humanitarian disaster) is an event or series of events which represents a critical threat to the health,

14、safety, security or wellbeing of a community or other large group of people, usually over a wide area. Armed conflicts, epidemics, famine, natural disasters and other major emergencies may all involve or lead to a humanitarian crisis.2021/6/7282. be of concern (to sb) (line 2): if sth is of concern

15、to you, it is important to you and you feel worried about itEg. The rise of unemployment is of great concern to the government.2021/6/7293. displaced person(line 6): sb who has been forced to leave their country because of war or cruel treatment; refugee4. repatriate (line 8): (vt) to send sb back t

16、o their own country: 2021/6/7305. asylum(line 17): (u) protection given to sb by a government because they have escaped from fighting or political trouble in their own country political asylum2021/6/7316. ebb and flow (line 68)a situation or state in which sth increases and decreases in a kind of pa

17、ttern7. 迁徙到公海上的海地人的苦难被解决了(line 71)plight:(usually singular) a bad, serious or sad condition or situation2021/6/732SOLUTIONS TO REFUGEE POPULATIONVideo2021/6/733Solutions to refugee population in HongkongSolutions to refugee population in Hongkong The durable solutions to refugee populations are: a. voluntary repatriation to the country of origin; b. local integration into the country of asylum; and C. resettlement to a third country.2021/6/7342021/6/735部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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