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1、Practical Writing (news report)一、一、应用文写作用文写作(新新闻报道道) 上周六,校学生会上周六,校学生会组织了一次参了一次参观新科新科农业生生态园的活园的活动。假定你是校英。假定你是校英语报记者李者李华,请你写一篇英文你写一篇英文报道,介道,介绍参参观活活动,并,并简要要评价价此次活此次活动。活。活动内容包括:内容包括: 1. 观赏花草;花草; 2. 采摘蔬果;采摘蔬果; 3. 了解了解现代代农业。注意:注意:1. 词数数80左右;左右;题目已目已为你写好;你写好; 2. 可适当增加可适当增加细节,使行文,使行文连贯。体裁:新体裁:新闻报道道语言:言:书面面语

2、,切忌演,切忌演讲稿稿文体:官方正式文体:官方正式第一段:第一段:活活动简要概括(要概括(时间,地点,人,地点,人物,事件)物,事件)+活活动目的(如果有)目的(如果有)第二段:第二段:活活动主要内容展开主要内容展开第三段:第三段:对活活动的的评价价 The 1st paragraph:introduction 上周六,校学生会上周六,校学生会组织了一次参了一次参观新科新科农业生生态园的活园的活动。 Organized by the Students Union, some students paid a visit to Xinke Agricultural Ecological Garde

3、n last Saturday.the Students Union organized a tour toThe 2nd paragraph:details观赏花草、采摘蔬果、了解花草、采摘蔬果、了解现代代农业等。等。 Students were deeply impressed the moment they walked into the garden featuring fragrant flowers and juicy fruits. After admiring the breathtaking beauty of various plants, they went into t

4、he fields to pick fruits and vegetables, which was the highlight of the day. After the visit, they got a better understanding of modern agriculture. On arrival/ On arriving at Apart from/ In addition to doingThanks to/ Owing toThe 3rd paragraph:comments这次活次活动使学生使学生们受益匪浅:开受益匪浅:开阔眼眼界界+提高提高绿色生活的意色生活的意识

5、。 The activity benefited the students a lot. It broadened their horizons and raised their awareness of green life as well. Unquestionably, not only can they broaden their horizons as well as acquire a good knowledge of green life, but enrich the school life through this visit. They all consider it m

6、eaningful and beneficial to participate in such social activities. Students Visit to Xinke Ecological Garden Organized by the Students Union, some students paid a visit to Xinke Ecological Garden last Saturday. Students were deeply impressed the moment they walked into the garden featuring fragrant

7、flowers and juicy fruits. After admiring the breathtaking beauty of various plants, they went into the fields to pick fruits and vegetables, which was the highlight of the day. After the visit, they got a better understanding of modern agriculture. Unquestionably, not only can they broaden their hor

8、izons as well as acquire a good knowledge of green life, but enrich the school life through this visit. They all consider it meaningful and beneficial to participate in such social activities.新新闻报道作文模板道作文模板Title (Time), our school organized an activity called “” in order to/so as to encourage/show /

9、teach us. When arriving there, we were given a warm welcome by. First,Then,After that Unquestionably, . We all consider/think it meaningful and beneficial for us to participate in such activities Assignment 某中学最近某中学最近组织了一次社会了一次社会实践活践活动。假假设你是你是该校英校英语报小小记者,者,请你写一篇短你写一篇短文,文,报道道这次活次活动。内容包括:。内容包括: 1.时间与地点:与地点:7月月10日,日,兰陵陵农场; 2.活活动内容:学内容:学习种菜和除草、听科学种菜和除草、听科学报告、与告、与专家座家座谈等;等; 3.简短短评论。 注意:注意:1. 词数数80字左右;字左右; 2.可适当增加可适当增加细节,以使行文,以使行文连贯。 参考参考词汇:除草:除草do the weeding.



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