Unit1 第二课时 reading and language points

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《Unit1 第二课时 reading and language points》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1 第二课时 reading and language points(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Second Period: Reading and Language points一、根据首字母和英文释义,完成下面单词填写。一、根据首字母和英文释义,完成下面单词填写。1. s about or related to science 2. c the end or final part of something3. c to come or bring to an end4. a to examine or think about something carefully.Check the answers to homework.同步诠案同步诠案P8 P8 “自主训练自主训练”ci

2、entificonclusiononcludenalyse二、翻译下列句子。1. 从事实中得出结论很重要。 _2. 他们提出了许多建议。 _It is important to draw a conclusion from the facts. They put forward a number of suggestions. 3. 领导能力和诚实是一位优秀管理人员的 典型特征。 _4. 她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话。 _ Leadership and honesty are the characteristics of a good manager.She concluded her talk

3、 with a funny story. Part I Reading阅读课文后,按发生的先后顺序排列下列事件。 _ John Snow began to test two theories. _ An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854. _ John Snow marked the deaths on the map.214 _ He announced that the water carried the disease. _ John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was ve

4、ry severe. _ King Cholera was defeated. _ He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump. _ He had the handle removed from the water pump.73865篇章导读: 这篇文章介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察、 分析、 探究的科学方法, 发现并控制 “霍乱” 这种传染病的。文章的首段简单介绍了John Snow和他当时所发现并思考的问题。He knew that cholera would never be controlled u

5、ntil its cause was found. (Find a problem)第二段首句: He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people. 进入了科学实验的第二阶段。(Make up a question)第三、第三、 四、四、 五段讲述他所使用的科学方五段讲述他所使用的科学方法和收集资料、法和收集资料、 进行分析的步骤。进行分析的步骤。(Think of a method(Think of a method, collect results collect r

6、esults and analyse the results)and analyse the results)第六段自然过渡到科学实验的第五个步骤。第六段自然过渡到科学实验的第五个步骤。(Repeat if necessary)(Repeat if necessary)最后一段结论部分。最后一段结论部分。由此可见,由此可见, 文章是遵循做科学实验的步骤文章是遵循做科学实验的步骤而展开的,而展开的, 条理分明。通过阅读这篇文条理分明。通过阅读这篇文章,章, 我们可以很清楚地知道科学实验应我们可以很清楚地知道科学实验应该遵循的步骤。该遵循的步骤。阅读课文并完成下列表格。(同步诠案P12篇章理解)P

7、aragraphStages in an experimentExample in this investigation1What causes cholera?2Find a problemMake up a questionWhich theory is correct?3-4Collect data on those who were ill or dead and where they got their water. Plot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.Think of a me

8、thod and collect results56Find other evidence to confirm the conclusion.7Analyze resultsFind out where they got their water. Analyze the water to see if it is the cause of the death.Find supporting evidenceMake a conclusionIt was certain that polluted water carried the disease. The source of all dri

9、nking water should be examined to make sure it is safe.按课文内容填空。(同步诠案P13随堂练习二) John Snow was a famous doctor in London. There was the most deadly 1. called King Cholera of his day. Every time there was an 2. , many people died of the disease. John Snow wanted to use his knowledge to help solve this p

10、roblem. He knew it would never be 3. until its cause was found. disease outbreak controlled At that time, there were two theories about cholera. The first suggested that cholera 4. in the air. The second suggested that people 5. this disease into their bodies with their meals. John Snow was determin

11、ed to find out why. He suspected the second theory was correct but needed evidence. So he 6. data to test the two theories. multiplied absorbed collected He 7. on a map where all the dead people had lived and the map gave a 8. clue about the cause of the disease. It seemed that the water was to 9. .

12、 Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these streets. With enough evidence, he announced with 10. that polluted water carried the virus. marked valuable blame certainty 再次阅读课文后,回答下列问题。1. John Snow believed Idea 2 was right. How did he finally prove it? John Snow finally proved his

13、idea because he found an outbreak that was clearly related to cholera, collected information and was able to tie cases outside the area to the polluted water.2. Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem without the map? Give a reason.No. The map helped John Snow organize his ideas. He wa

14、s able to identify those households that had had many deaths and check their water-drinking habits. The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.3. Cholera was a 19th century disease. What disease do you think is similar to cholera today? SARS, AIDS, bird flu and Influenza A (H

15、1N1)1.继续阅读课文,注意新词汇和语言点;2.组内讨论并完成 教材 P3 Comprehending 的3、4题。Post- class Homework建设,修建建设,修建 污染,弄脏污染,弄脏打败,战胜,打败,战胜,使受挫使受挫 使曝光,暴使曝光,暴露露 吸收,吸引,吸收,吸引,使专心使专心 用用(泵泵)抽抽(水水) 柄,把手;柄,把手;处理处理 命令,命令, 指示,指示,教导教导 Part II Language points 英汉互译construct pollute defeat expose absorb pump handle instruct 预见,预预见,预知知 除除之之

16、外,此外,此外外 contribute challenge attend cure apart from 捐献,贡献,捐助 foresee挑战,向挑战照顾, 护理; 出席, 参加 治愈,痊愈; 治愈,治疗 severe blame announce suspect link. to. 严重的, 严厉的, 剧烈的 责备, 谴责; 过失, 责备 宣布, 通告 怀疑; 被怀疑者; 嫌疑犯 将和联系或连接起来 请学习同步诠案P9的词语释义,并划出相关例句。 1. Judith lay on the sofa, in her book. 2. His secretary was to cancel al

17、l his engagements.3. Potatoes turn green when to light. 即时训练即时训练用blame,expose,absorb,instruct,handle的 适当形式填空。instructedabsorbedexposed 4. Computers can huge amounts of data. 5. Officials believe that more than one person may be to for the fire. blamehandle请学习同步诠案P9的词语释义,并划出相关例句。即时训练即时训练根据首字母完成下面句子。1

18、. He accepted his friends c to swim across the river. 2. They had p all the water out of the well. hallenge umped3. Everybody c a pound towards Janes present. 4. The river has been p by chemicals. 5. The bridge was c of metal and concrete. ontributed olluted onstructed 请学习同步诠案P9的词语释义,并划出相关例句。即时训练即时训

19、练根据括号中的汉语提示完成下面句子。1. Some birth defects are (与有关) to smoking during pregnancy. 2. Who could have (预测) such problems in 1938?3. At first, we (怀疑) that he went missing. linkedforeseensuspected请学习同步诠案P9的词语释义,并划出相关例句。即时训练即时训练选词填空。( )1. I often the meeting and sometimes I its discussion.A. join, attendB.

20、 attend, take part inC. join in, accessD. take part, attendB( )2.The result of the election will be soon. A. declared B. announced C. told D. released( )3. The doctor her headache with a new medicine, but didnt her. A. cured, treat B. cure, treated C. treated, cureD. treated, treat AC( )4. They were

21、 in the football match. A. won B. defeated C. beat D. strokenB选择合适的单词或短语并用其正确的形式填空。attend, inspire, expose, cure, control, suspect, absorb, severe, value, blame, foresee, link to, announce, instruct1. Adding a little oil into the mechanism is one of the best for a noisy engine. 2. The police corrupt

22、ion in this case. 3. Since 1997, participating countries annual meetings to decide on the rules for trade. curessuspecthave been attending4. Half an hours from an experienced horse-rider is much better than anything you can learn from a book. 5. “How did you know the answer to that? ” “I didnt. It w

23、as just an guess.” 6. This is closely their passivity: it does not occur to them that they could make changes in their world. instructioninspiredlinked to7. The animal opened its mouth, rows of sharp white teeth. 8. A 47-year-old married man with two teenage children became depressed after losing hi

24、s job as an advertising executive. 9. He was having trouble the heavy truck on the slippery road surface. 10. Everyone was silent as he the winner of the competition. exposingseverelycontrollingannounced11. A new baby has an enormous capacity for new information.12. The driver was not to for the accident.13. Real friendship is more than money.14. I have put your name on the list, and I dont any problems.absorbingblamevaluableforesee完成同步诠案P13自主训练 -完形填空。Post- class Homework



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