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1、写作话题:写作话题:Legends and stories (传说与故事)Unit6AgirlcalledCinderella(灰姑娘灰姑娘)1. 能掌握故事的结构特点并能用一般过去时准确地描述自己所熟悉的故事。 2. 学生能从所描述的故事中体会故事所蕴含的哲理。1 1Unit topic languages(单元元话题语言)言) 以以连线、标序号等形式列序号等形式列举本本单元与本元与本话题写作相关写作相关的的词块、句子。、句子。Language box(语言工具箱)言工具箱)名名词/动名名词词块: magic stick Fairy Godmother, an invitation to t

2、he palace(1)Chunks(词块)(1)Chunks(词块)动词词块:spend time doing, turn into, fall in love with,treat sb. badly, leave the poor girl alone,warm sb. to do, get married, look for,介介词词块:in a hurry, once upon a time ,with ones helpall over the country, (1)Chunks(词块)Quiz: Read aloud the chunks above and try to ma

3、tch the meaning by numbering.名名词/动名名词词块: ( )仙女( )魔法棒( )去皇宫的邀请动词词块:( )寻找找( )留下可怜的女孩一人留下可怜的女孩一人( )爱上,喜上,喜欢上上( )变成成( )警告某人做某事警告某人做某事( )结婚婚( )对待某人很差待某人很差 ( )花花时间做某事做某事 介介词词块:( )匆忙匆忙( )在某人的帮助下在某人的帮助下( )全国范全国范围内地内地( )从前从前(2)Patterns(句型)(句型)Once upon a time, there wascalledCinderella had to spend all day d

4、oing ; As soon asCinderella left in such a hurry that;She turned intoThe fairy warned her to.With the help of as much as she could; Even though.; Because2.Extensivelanguages(拓展性语言)(拓展性语言)Famoussaying,proverbs,aphorismsandClassicalsamplesentences(名言、谚语、警句与经典(名言、谚语、警句与经典例句)例句)(1)Therosesinherhand,thef

5、lavorinmine.赠人玫瑰,手有余香。赠人玫瑰,手有余香。(2)Godhelpsthosewhohelpothers.助人者天助也助人者天助也.(3) Wherethereislove,therearealwayswishes.哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。(4)Romewasntbuiltinoneday.伟业非一日建成。伟业非一日建成。(5)Nothingisimpossibletoawillingheart.心之所愿,无事不成。心之所愿,无事不成。Task1.If you have, can you try to answer the following ques

6、tions?(1) When do you think it happened?(2) Why did Cinderella have to do so much housework?(3) How did the fairy help Cinderella?(4) What happened in the end?一、使用更多的形容词。一、使用更多的形容词。二、分三部分讲:开局、经过、结局。二、分三部分讲:开局、经过、结局。三、开头和结尾使用特殊的词句。如三、开头和结尾使用特殊的词句。如onceuponatime,longlongago等。等。 灰姑娘是一个闻名世界的童话故事。主要描述她的继

7、母由于嫉妒她的美丽而想置她于死地。以A girl called Cinderella 为题,写一篇不少于80词的文章。内容包括: 1. 故事发生的原因。继母嫉妒她的美丽,让她天天做家务而不让她参加舞会。 2. 故事的经过。仙女使用魔法为她变出了马车、漂亮衣服和水晶鞋。 3. 故事的结局。和王子结婚,过上幸福的生活。 要求:语言规范、意思连贯、表达完整; 提示的内容要全部用上。 Step1 Think and Fill(想一想,填一填)(想一想,填一填)审题审题体裁:体裁:_人称:人称:_时态:时态:_第一人称第一人称 一般过去时一般过去时记叙文记叙文以以“AgirlcalledCinderel

8、la”为题为题1.故事的起因故事的起因2.故事的经过故事的经过3.故事的结局故事的结局beginningEndingStep2 Structurize (列一列(列一列 )BodyStep3 Write(写一写)(写一写)用词方面用词方面:代词主格代词主格,宾格;宾格;名词单复数;名词单复数;动词搭配;副词位置动词搭配;副词位置句子方面句子方面:篇章方面篇章方面:细节方面细节方面:句子完整;主谓一致;动词时态;句子完整;主谓一致;动词时态;连词使用连词使用内容完整;要点齐全;布局合理内容完整;要点齐全;布局合理单词拼写;标点符号;大小写单词拼写;标点符号;大小写Step 4-Check(查一查

9、)(查一查)Appreciating & Evaluating 欣赏与评价欣赏与评价请交换习作互相欣赏,用请交换习作互相欣赏,用红笔红笔划出对方划出对方的亮点的亮点,并对并对 不足的地方进行适当修改。不足的地方进行适当修改。你能给同学什么建议,使得对方的习作你能给同学什么建议,使得对方的习作更好呢?更好呢?根据根据worksheet上的评分标准,给同伴上的评分标准,给同伴的习作打分。的习作打分。请和同伴交和同伴交换习作,依据以上提示和下列作,依据以上提示和下列评价表,价表,相互欣相互欣赏与修改与修改习作,然后作,然后给对方的方的习作打分。作打分。Step5Step5 同伴互赏同伴互赏我欣赏,我

10、快乐!我欣赏,我快乐!修改修改习作作时可使用可使用这些符号:些符号:优美句子;美句子;漏漏词;错处:;删除;除;语法法错误G;人称人称错误P;时态错误T;拼写拼写错误Sp项目项目标准标准自我评价自我评价 同伴评价同伴评价教师评价教师评价结构结构(3分)分)段落合理段落合理 (2 分)分)衔接自然衔接自然 (1分分)内容内容(8分)分)要点要点1:故事的起因(故事的起因(2分)分)要点要点2:故事的经过(故事的经过(2分)分)要点要点3:故事的结局(:故事的结局(2分)分)拓展合理拓展合理 (2分分)语言语言(3分)分)词汇丰富词汇丰富 (1分分)句法正确句法正确 ,语言优美,语言优美( 2分分

11、)卷面卷面(1分)分)书写工整(书写工整( 1分)分)评分表评分表优秀作文分享优秀作文分享优秀作文分享优秀作文分享 Cinderella Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters who were jealous of her. She had to spend all day doing work around the house. One day an invitation to the palace arrived from

12、 the prince. Although Cinderella helped her stepmother and stepsisters make beautiful dresses for the party, they went to the party and left the poor girl alone on the night. She was very sad, but suddenly her Fairy Godmother appeared. She turned Cinderellas old clothes into a beautiful dress with h

13、er magic stick. Cinderella became very beautiful. As soon as the prince saw Cinderella, he fell in love with her. But she had to leave the party in a hurry and left one of her glass shoes in the palace. Where there is love, there are always wishes. The prince found the glass shoe and finally found C

14、inderella. They got married and lived happily ever after.用简洁的语言交代了故事的起因,即主人公灰姑娘和她的悲惨遭遇。开头部分运用了“once upon a time”展开故事,是经典故事的开头引用了引用了Extensivelanguage中中的名言的名言“Wherethereislove,therearealwayswishes.”给给故事一个美好的结局。故事一个美好的结局。全文运用一般过去时态,合理运用了“turn into; magic stick; fall in love with”等本单元的重点词语,文章长短句结合,运用了as

15、 soon as 和 because ”等引导的状语从句,体现了非常强的语言运用能力。 Cinderella Long long ago, there was a kind and happy girl called Cinderella. Even though her stepmother and stepsisters treated her very badly because they were jealous of her, Cinderella lived happily and helped small animal friends as much as she could.

16、One day an invitation to the palace arrived from the prince. Cinderella wanted to go to the party but she had to help her stepmother and stepsisters make beautiful dresses and on the night they left the poor girl alone at home. She was very sad, but suddenly her Fairy Godmother appeared. With the he

17、lp of the fairy and her animal friends, Cinderella went to the party like a princess. As soon as the prince saw her, he fell in love with her. But Cinderella left in such a hurry that she left one of her glass shoes in the palace at midnight. God helps those who help others. The prince found the gla

18、ss shoe and looked for Cinderella all over the country. Eventually they got married and lived happily forever.开头部分介绍了灰姑娘的生活背景,以及她的乐观和乐于助人,为故事的发展埋下伏笔,故事引人入胜。文章主体运用了“Even though、 because、but、as soon as”等使文章衔接过渡自然,故事流畅。同事还使用了“left the poor girl alone at home; turn into; fall in love with; as soon as”等句型,准确运用了本单元的重点新短语,使语言丰富。引用了Extensive language 中的名言“God helps those who help others.”突出了文章的主题助人者天助也。整篇故事细节描写到位,人物性格突出,读来生动,语言具有渲染力。本文思路清晰,结构完整,主题鲜明。Summary1.Howtowriteastory.2.Learnsomeofthewritingskills.Therosesinherhand,theflavorinmine.赠人玫瑰,手有余香。赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 Rewrite your article.



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