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1、book6-unit3book6-unit3知识点解读知识点解读复习旧知识复习旧知识1._轻松;不紧张轻松;不紧张2._用完用完3._由由构成构成4._尤其,特别尤其,特别5._测试,试验测试,试验6._发出,泄露;放走发出,泄露;放走7._对对挑剔挑剔/讲究讲究8._认真对待某事认真对待某事9._取笑某人取笑某人10._把把变成变成11._作为交换作为交换take it easy run out of be made up of in particular try out let out be particular about /over take sth. seriously tease

2、sb. about transform into in exchange for 预习新知识预习新知识1._由于由于2._在压力下在压力下3._强调强调4._对对上瘾上瘾;5._习惯于习惯于6._对对作出作出7._想要做某事想要做某事8._对对极度渴望极度渴望9._不管不管;不顾不顾;尽管尽管10._为为感到惭愧感到惭愧11._冒险冒险12._依据依据来判断来判断13._处境危险处境危险14._禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事15._使人失望的是使人失望的是16._停止做某事停止做某事due to under stress put/lay stress on be addicted tobe ac

3、customed to decide on feel like doing be desperate for in spite of be/feel ashamed of take risks/a risk judging by/from at risk ban sb. from doing to ones disappointment quit doing sth. 1.abusen.&vt.滥用;滥用;虐待虐待1)n. government officials abuse of power 政府官员_职权2) vt. abuse children _; abuse ones positio

4、n _; abuse alcohol _ 2.stress1)n.压力;紧张压力;紧张beunderstress=sufferfromstress在压力下在压力下Faced with the challenge ,_. 面对挑战,我压力很大。put/laystressonsth.=stresssth.强调强调The English teacher lays great stress on writing and reading again and agian.英语老师反复强调写作和阅读。英语老师反复强调写作和阅读。滥用滥用虐待儿童虐待儿童滥用职权滥用职权酗酒酗酒I was under grea

5、t stress2)v.强调;使紧张强调;使紧张*stressout很紧张很紧张Hestressedtheimportanceofkindness,dutyandorderinsociety._3)stressed(out)adj.紧张的;焦虑的紧张的;焦虑的when driving in the big city , I got stressed out.期末考试前,我总是很焦虑。_他强调了仁爱、责任和秩序在社会中的重要性。他强调了仁爱、责任和秩序在社会中的重要性。I am always stressed out before final exam.3.ban1)n.禁令禁令a ban on

6、 smoking 禁烟令2)vt.(banned;banned)禁止;取缔禁止;取缔Smoking _ _ in the building. 楼内禁止吸烟。bansb.fromdoingsth.禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事My friend has been banned from driving for a year due to drunken driving_。isbanned由于酒驾,我的朋友被禁止开车一年。由于酒驾,我的朋友被禁止开车一年。4.dueadj.1) ( 欠款 ) 到期的The bank loan is due this month. _.2)(时间)预定;预期*bedu

7、etodosth.预定做某事预定做某事The plane _.3)应给予,应支付_dueto由于;因为由于;因为Your headaches _ stress. 你的头痛是紧张造成的。同义词组:同义词组:becauseof;asaresultof;onaccountof;thanksto;owingto;银行贷款这个月到期银行贷款这个月到期 isduetoarrivein15minutesaredueto应该给他们的钱付给他们了吗?应该给他们的钱付给他们了吗?5.addictedadj.(人)入了迷的;上了瘾的(人)入了迷的;上了瘾的beaddictedto对对上瘾上瘾;迷上迷上His fat

8、her _buying shares. 他的父亲迷上了买股票.The student _(玩电脑游戏上瘾) dropped out eventually.addictionn.成瘾成瘾drugaddiction_*addictiveadj.(物)使人上瘾的(物)使人上瘾的What makes us worried is that the number of the people _ to drugs is _. A. addicted; increased B. addicting; increased C. addicted ; increasing D. addictive; increa

9、singisaddictedtoaddictedtocomputergames毒瘾毒瘾6.accustomvt.使习惯于使习惯于;accustomed adj.惯常的; 习惯了的accustomoneselfto(doing)sth.习惯于习惯于(做做)某事某事=beaccustomedto(doing)sth.习惯于习惯于(做做)某事某事=_eg: I _.= I_. 我已经习惯于熬夜。7.quitvt.(quit,quit;quitted,quitted)停止;停止;离开离开*quit school _; quit ones job _*quitdoingsth.停止做某事停止做某事eg:

10、 I wish youd _. 我希望你们别抱怨了。beusedtodoingaccustommyselftostayingupamaccustomedtostayingup辍学辍学辞职辞职quitcomplaining 8.strengthenvt.加强;巩固;使坚强加强;巩固;使坚强_n._adj.Eg: strengthen friendship _; strengthen the ties between the two countries _; 9.decideon对对作出决定作出决定Finally, they decided on a date for their wedding.

11、_。_决定做某事决定做某事加深友谊加深友谊加强两国间的关系(纽带)加强两国间的关系(纽带)最后他们定了婚期最后他们定了婚期strengthstrongdecide to do sth.10. feel like (doing) sth. (1) 想要(做)Do you feel like _(have) a walk with me.Would you like _(have) a walk with me.(2) 感到像;摸起来像They made me feel like one of the family._(3)好像是/要It feels like rain._havingto hav

12、e他们使我感到我像是这个家中的一员。他们使我感到我像是这个家中的一员。11. desperate adj. 绝望的;拼命的 desperately adv.Eg: She was desperate to sell flowers for money to support a large family. _。His failure made him desperate. _。be desperate for 对极度渴望I was exhausted due to overwork., so I was desperate for a holiday. _。她拼命的卖花挣钱来养活她拼命的卖花挣钱

13、来养活/维持一个人的家庭维持一个人的家庭他的失败使他很绝望他的失败使他很绝望由于工作过累,我筋疲力尽,所以我很渴望假期由于工作过累,我筋疲力尽,所以我很渴望假期12. disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的 disappointing adj. 令人失望的;令人沮丧的be disappointed with / in sb.; be disappointed at sth.The teacher was disappointed with the disappointing student._.Eg: I feel disappointed at the news. _。_and

14、everyone dropped his head.结果令人失望,每个人都低下了头。disappointment n. 失望;沮丧* _使某人失望的是老师对这个令人失望的学生很失望老师对这个令人失望的学生很失望我对这个消息很失望我对这个消息很失望The result was disappointingto ones disappointment13. ashamed adj.(人) 感到惭愧的或羞耻的be / feel ashamed of 为感到惭愧Eg: He was ashamed of his bad manners at the dinner party. I _ in public

15、. 我为当众被取笑而羞愧。shamefuladj.(事或行为事或行为)可耻的;丢脸的可耻的;丢脸的shamefulbehaviorEg. _to tell a lie!说谎是多么可耻的事啊!*shamen.羞愧羞愧;羞耻羞耻;惭愧惭愧*Itsashame(that)/whatashame!真遗憾真遗憾!Its a shame you have to leave so soon. _。wasashamedofbeingteasedHowshamefulitis13.inspiteof=despite不管不管;不顾不顾;尽管尽管Eg:We went out in spite of the rain

16、. .尽管下雨,我们还是出去了。_, we enjoyed our holiday. 尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快。Despite / In spite of the bad weather14.takerisks(arisk)冒险冒险You have no right to take risks with other peoples lives._。atrisk处境危险;遭受危险处境危险;遭受危险Eg:The firms reputation_.公司的名誉有受损的危险。riskvt.冒冒风险;风险;riskdoingsth.冒险做某事冒险做某事He risked _(lose) hi

17、s job to see me off.15.getinto陷入;染上(坏习惯)陷入;染上(坏习惯)Eg: Now many young people getintothehabitof smoking ._。*getintotrouble_getintodebt_你无权用别人的生命来冒险is at the risk of being destroyed 现在许多年轻人染上了吸烟的习惯陷入困境 欠债 losing16. _ n. 幸存 If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small._ v. 幸免于;艰难度过,经历而活下

18、来,挺过, 比活的长(1)Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm had it not been for TV._(2)Oliver believes that with a million pound band note a man could survive a month in London._(3) She survived her sons _n. 幸存者survival如果你患了艾滋病,那么你存活的几率就很小。如果你患了艾滋病,那么你存活的几率就很小。survive没有电视,没有电视,Nicholas也许就不会再暴风雪中生存下

19、来。也许就不会再暴风雪中生存下来。Oliver 认为,一个人靠一张百万英镑的钞票在伦敦能活认为,一个人靠一张百万英镑的钞票在伦敦能活一个月一个月她比她儿子活的长。她比她儿子活的长。survivor17.judgementn.看法;看法;判决;判断判决;判断*judgevt.判断;判定;评判判断;判定;评判n.法官法官;裁判裁判*judgesb./sth.bysth.根据根据判断判断Dont judge a person by his appearance. _.Judgingby/from根据根据来判断来判断 _, he must have failed. 从他的失望的表情来看,他一定失败了。

20、不要以貌取人不要以貌取人Judgingby/fromhisdisappointedlook18.embarrassedadj.尴尬的;尴尬的;陷入困境的陷入困境的embarrassingadj.令人尴尬的;令人尴尬的;使人难堪的使人难堪的an _smile / expression 尴尬的笑/表情an_ situation / occasion 尴尬的处境/ 时刻 * embarrass vt 使尴尬;使窘迫 embarrassment 尴尬;窘迫embarrassed embarrassingGrammar:theusagesof“it”一、一、it做形式主语做形式主语it代替从句、动词不定

21、式、动名词作主语,而把从句、动词不定式、动名词置于句尾。(1)Itbeadj.(forsb.)todosth.此处adj. 通常为描述事件的形容词:easy,difficult, necessary等。 It is important for us to protect the environment.(2)Itbeadj.ofsb.todosth.此处adj. 通常为描述人的形容词:kind,nice,rude,cruel,等。Its kind of you to help me with the problem.(3)Itsnogood/usedoingIts no use complai

22、ning.(4)Itisadj.+that/wh-Itisclear(obvious,true,possible,certain)that. It is clear that hes a reliable person. Its unclear whether he will support our program.(5)Itisv-edthatItissaid(reported/believed/thought/well-known)that.“据说(据报道,据认为)据说(据报道,据认为)”。It is said that he has come to Beijing.It is repor

23、ted that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.(6)Itis+n.+从句从句Itisapity(ashame/anhonor/apleasure/afact/asurprise/.)that.It is a pity that such a thing (should) happen in your class. 二、二、it作形式宾语作形式宾语常接常接it做形式宾语的动词有做形式宾语的动词有think,believe,make,find,consider,feel等。等。I found it very interesting

24、 to study English.He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject.三、用于强调句型中三、用于强调句型中Itis/was+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who.Itisnotuntil+被强调部分被强调部分+that.It was yesterday that I met Tom in the park.It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.四、四、It常用的固定搭配常用的固定搭配1.makeit(1)表示:)表示:“成功;及时赶上成功;及时赶上/到达到达”Itshardtomakeittothetopinshowbusiness.(2)表示)表示“约定好时间约定好时间”例如:例如:Shallwemeetnextweek?OK.WejustmakeitnextSaturday.2.takeit/thingseasy3.Italldepends/thatalldepends“看情况而定看情况而定”4.Itsuptosb.“由由决定,取决于决定,取决于”结束结束



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